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File: 46 KB, 1000x403, philosophy1small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8279112 No.8279112 [Reply] [Original]

I have a question that I hope people here that are more knowledgeable than I, can answer.

What is the point of life.

>> No.8279158

To git gud, nob...

But really- there is no point- which means you are free to give it a point. Isn't that nice?

>> No.8279159
File: 46 KB, 331x500, To learn how to live, see the manual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the point of life.

To live. <\thread>

>> No.8279171

There is no actual purpose other than to survive long enough to breed. So, basically, you get your life for free. Try to think long term, follow your passions, and make it enjoyable. In society you will always be competing for resources, so there will be some struggling.

>> No.8279269

How to live 101 with anon
1st step: Come out of a vagina (or stomach if things don't go 100% with the pus)
2nd step: Breed with a partner of the opposite sex.
3rd step: Care for the child you produce until they leave you to make their own little beings.
4th step: Die.

>> No.8279288

There has to be more to it than that

>> No.8279290

Brings me back to the good ol' reading of L'Étranger in highschool.

>> No.8279321
File: 40 KB, 250x154, tumblr_nbnxqo1D4m1tq9bh9o1_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be thankful that you get the ability to realize it's meaningless and you weren't one of the trillions of babies that died before sanitation became a thing. And that you were not born retarded. And that you aren't stuck in ethiopia with flies crawling on your eyeballs.

But yeah, there's nothing else to it. Blame philiosophers for being wrong about that.

Shit sucks but what can ya do

>> No.8279330

So why shouldn't I just kill myself.

>> No.8279340

git 'er duhhhhn

>> No.8279343


>> No.8279346

The subject matter of this thread isn't appropriate for that board, what are you talking about?

>> No.8279349

Improvement of self
Read nichomachean ethics, faggot

>> No.8279351

There's no assurance you can make thing better for others; you can certainly avoid making things worse. Among other things, no one needs to be cleaning up your mess.

>> No.8279361

Don't call me that

>> No.8279398

There doesn't seem to be one.

We have no choice but to be led by our instincts. Chief among them being the survival instinct. We know with a good amount of certainty that all life in the universe will one day be extinguished. However, we can't say with almost any amount of certainty that this fate cannot be avoided through some kind of action on the part of intelligent life. We have a lot of time until then.

So I would say the point of life is to try to find out whether or not this fate can be avoided.

>> No.8279406 [DELETED] 

I neglected to mention that, even if this should turn out to be possible, life will remain as pointless as before, except now it will be eternally pointless.

I suspect that if some future incarnation of intelligent life should have the ability to essentially control the universe, it will also likely have complete control over its own nature. Meaning that we will probably have the ability to induce ourselves into an eternal contentment with the meaninglessness of our existence.

The point of remaining alive today is to be a living stepping stone toward this end.

>> No.8279408

I neglected to mention that, even if this should turn out to be possible, life will remain as pointless as before, except then it will be eternally pointless.

I suspect that if some future incarnation of intelligent life should have the ability to essentially control the universe, it will also likely have complete control over its own nature. Meaning that we will probably have the ability to induce ourselves into an eternal contentment with the meaninglessness of our existence.

The point of remaining alive today is to be a living stepping stone toward this end.

>> No.8279413


This is a philosophical question not a science question. Therefore anon suggests /his/ as they deal more with philosophy.

>> No.8279416

/his/ isn't suited for philosophical questions though. /his/ deals in "fact". /lit/ would be more appropriate

>> No.8279423
File: 20 KB, 236x305, 1531234951734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no point.

But browsing dank memes is the far more pleasurable experience compared to capitulating to the nothingness of death. [death being a dreamless slumber as Socrates put it].

Put simply: life is worth living, observe/enjoy the world around you.

Classical music, anime, pretentious art films, traveling, Italian food, and working in the space industry make me enjoy living.

The sunrise in the morning has no complex meaning but I still enjoy it none the less.

>> No.8279427

Thank you for really making me think

>> No.8279432

>What is the point of life?
To figure out a way to live for an eternity and keep the universe going for an eternity. Then do what you do now, enjoy it.

>> No.8279434

Because you won the fucking lottery by being born at an amazing point in human history. If you won the actual lottery, would you immediately burn it all?

Spend it wisely. Do something that feels good. Just straight up be a hedonist if you can't find pleasure in anything beyond your base urges.

>> No.8279442

There isnt one unless you make one up, which is exactly as disappointing as it sounds

>> No.8279465


This is the /his/ rules thread;

>This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

>> No.8279471

oh I get it


>> No.8279486

There is no inherent point to life, that has to found through interpersonal relationships with friends and family, hobbies, meaningful work, and culture.

>> No.8279499

"I am not abhorred by the emptiness of life, but what people fill it with."

>> No.8279525

The point of life is to fuck the shit out of of the opposite sex without a condom on so you can make more life happen. Gotta really grind that seed in deep.