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File: 468 KB, 1600x1200, homeworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8275192 No.8275192 [Reply] [Original]

--Flat earthers BTFO--


>> No.8275196

I wonder when will NASA fix that fisheye lens. It confuses people into thinking the earth is somehow curved.

>> No.8275200
File: 35 KB, 638x413, oi_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hurt durr muh flat earth
>I have excuses prepared for anything.
You're in denial

>> No.8275202

Every single evidence points to a flat earth. Sorry m8y

>> No.8275205

except the evidence in OP, because thats doctored imagery - right?

>> No.8275206

What are physics?
What are magnetic fields?
What are day and night cycles?
How did no one find the edge of the earth yet? Its [current year] for fucks sake
Why don't flat earthers build a rocket and go to space?
Why not launch a satellite and see for yourself?

IMO you only believe in a flat earth to get a feeling of thrill and being on top of the game with the government lying to you or something, you want there to be a plot but there really isn't.
There's no reason for anyone to lie about the earth's geometrical shape.

>> No.8275207

It's just a fisheye lens. Are you retarded ?

>> No.8275211

No, are you?

>> No.8275215

Absolute fucking moron, probably a nigger as well?

>> No.8275216

Flat earthers have repeatedly proven that the earth is flat with sending cameras kilometers up in the sky and recording that theres no curvature. They ran lazer experiments from coasts to coasts and reported that they found no curvature where as they should have detected on sea level.

Sorry but you're just not fooling anyone. I'm wondering if you've ran any experiments yourself or you're just parroting what they told you.

>> No.8275219

Where is the edge of the earth? Why is earth the only flat planet? Where is your fucking brain cunt.

>> No.8275220

All I've hear was: we did some diy experiments, totally flawless.

build a satellite and launch it into orbit then start talking.

Which bring another point
How are there satellites orbiting earth if its flat?

>> No.8275233
File: 396 KB, 543x543, Flat_earth[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are the edges.

Satellites draw circles above the earth

>> No.8275247
File: 2.21 MB, 1920x1080, Black hole skimming.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astronomers agree that the universe is flat. That doesn't mean that object in space can't be round, though.

>> No.8275248

>Why is earth the only flat planet?
Earth is special

it's also the only place with life

>> No.8275249
File: 104 KB, 500x375, 1455102671171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's keeping them afloat?
Why don't we have legit edge of earth footage?
How do you explain the sun's position does it spin around like satellite do?

>> No.8275253

Literally worst explanation ever.
Please stop posting you're a shame to flat earthers.

>> No.8275257

the fact that people actually believe this shit is fucking depressing, just shows how stupid humanity can be.

>> No.8275275

Sun rotates on the flat earth disc, creating day/night cycle. It's a very easy concept to understand anon...

>> No.8275283

why are there seasons?
why does a lunar eclipse happen?

>> No.8275285

Seasons happen due to consecutive heat fluctuations on the earth.
Lunar eclipse happens because the moon is located below the sun and rarely their trajectories cross over.

>> No.8275289

How come I can catch a flight from Sydney to Dubai then Italy BUT ALSO catch a flight from Sydney to LA then Italy??? If the earth is flat doesn't that mean it would I would have flown off the edge when going to America? Or at least the trip would of taken a lot longer and I would of had to of made more stops since after america it would have to travel a very far distance to get to Italy in one go? YOU ARE ALL FUCKING IDIOTS

>> No.8275290

Back to your containment board.

>> No.8275295

If the sun is above Canada why can I not see it from Japan or Australia?
What's blocking the sun?
Where does the sun go?
Why is it going down the horizon
Oh no does that mean the earth is round?
Dang it the government is at it again.

>> No.8275296

i said lunar eclipse not solar eclipse

>> No.8275298

Back to your ebola infested cesspool hypocrite.

>> No.8275304

>If the sun is above Canada why can I not see it from Japan or Australia?
Why would you see it ?
>What's blocking the sun?
geologic height variances, mountains, buildings,etc...
>Where does the sun go?
rotates around and comes back
>Why is it going down the horizon
it appears that way, sun rotates back
>Oh no does that mean the earth is round?
Demonstrably not
>Dang it the government is at it again.
It's called scientific evidence.

sorry, they change trajectories.

>> No.8275313


>> No.8275327

There's no talking sense into you.

You say the sun is circling the surface of the earth but is not visible literally from another country. While its so high in the sky that mountains block it as you say which is impossible.
Flat earthers made a demonstration of this and it makes as much sense as yours which is 0 BTW.
For some reason the sun is in a fixed height and circles around, what's making it do that?
Why haven't we seen other solar systems with a star so small orbit a circular surface?
You should be sent straight back to the dark ages mate.
Also why are you dodging the edge of the earth question?
What's keeping the atmosphere together on your flat earth and why haven't the vacuum of space sucked it yet?

>> No.8275336

You seem in denial of clearly stated facts due to your indoctrination. If science can't help you, nobody can.

>> No.8275345
File: 20 KB, 500x281, ndpoYdD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you give me footage of a plane hovering over the edge of the earth I'll do whatever you want on stream.

>> No.8275346

>plane hovering over the edge of the earth
This is very retarded

>> No.8275350

Like I said, debunked.
If you can't show me the supposed edge of the earth is I won't believe your shenanigans

>> No.8275352

Currently 51 countries have bases in Antarctica by virtue of the Antarctic Treaty System, look it up. Which declares the entirety of the continent a "scientific preserve", free from all laws and with all "military activity" banned. This is all unprecedented and what it really means is that you or I can't go anywhere near Antarctica at all, for any reason.

>> No.8275353

>oh shit I don't have ANY footage of the edge of the earth

>"T-t-that's retarded! F-flying near the edge of the earth??? Silly!"

>> No.8275357

And that proves the earth is flat by the solid proof that Antarctica is a no fly zone?
What about the oceans which are fucking everywhere, why can't you go via that route?

>> No.8275361

>you can get near the edge

>> No.8275363

>Oh shit I don't have any proof let's go the you can't do that route.
What are you my mom?

>> No.8275366

see : >>8275352

Why are you so desperate to cling on to your indoctrination if you know the edges are protected from the people, you haven't seen them and you have zero evidence of your own to show for a round earth ?
Is accepting that you were thought something wrong really that difficult ?

>> No.8275373

Protected by who? This is literally foolish.
The fact that I can't see the sun above Canada from Russia proves me right.

>> No.8275374

You cant go near the "edge". There is no footage of a plane "hovering" over the "edge". Show me footage of a plane hovering in the eaths core to prove that it is spherical!

>> No.8275398

>Protected by who?
By international laws called the Antarctic Treaty System

>> No.8275404

You went full retard mode buddy

So you're implying that Antarctic is a ring around the edges huh?
What about the north pole?
Why is it freezing?

>> No.8275418

>You went full retard mode buddy
Nice namecalling. But I think you already went full retarded with your question about hovering planes over the "edge"

>> No.8275420

>It's a "anon plays double's advocate" thread

>> No.8275428

Yet again can't provide proof of the edge existing

>> No.8275429

Because you cant get near the edge. You are running in circles

>> No.8275433

What's stopping a a person from going there?
Who's going to stop someone from jumping off the edge?
Are there literally guards patrolling the edge to prevent everyone from seeing the truth?

>> No.8275436
File: 113 KB, 950x783, flat-earth-horizon-flat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8275439

this was already answered

>> No.8275440

The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into a round-Earther, but at the bottom of the glass flat Earth is waiting for you.

>> No.8275441

You just bullshitted some law, and laws are made to be broken.
Why haven't anyone gone to the edge yet?

>> No.8275448

It would be extremely expensive and if you somehow manage to not get caught, the conditions there will kill you

>> No.8275454

If its day in northern America why can't I see the sun from Russia?

Why didn't any of the people in camps there go to the edge and leak pictures of the edge?
Its legal for them to go right?
The edge of the earth that the governments hide from us, I knew it the juice are at it again.

>> No.8275459

I dont know why. I dont know these people. It is probably because they chose people that wouldnt try to go there and, oh, yeah because they would die even going near the "edge"

>> No.8275464

Whats would be the cause of death exactly?
And don't tell me its because of the weather and low heat, if 2 britbongs and a camera set from top gear went to the north pole without dying a special forces unit properly equipped can.

>> No.8275468
File: 34 KB, 769x733, 1467303841642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arctica is not Antactica and when the conditions are harsh enough, people die.

>> No.8275470

>It would be extremely expensive
What if they were great explorers?

>> No.8275471

>be 2016.
>no edge of earth discovered.
>no flat earthers rocket ship
You guys are a joke tbqh no offence BTW.

>> No.8275474


>> No.8275476

It is discovered

>> No.8275477


>> No.8275478

Not to mention TV shows jumping on the ship of "journey to the edge of the earth"

>> No.8275479

I already explained why nobody of the general pubilc can get this

>> No.8275480

If you can't prove your own claim......

>> No.8275482

Oh sure, they spend so much effort on spreading dis-info and just release footage of edge exploration

>> No.8275483

I wonder why no deniers bothered to adress that or any other experiment that shows the earth is flat via skycams and are publicly available.

>> No.8275488
File: 313 KB, 951x592, ends-of-the-earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

edgy enough?

>> No.8275490
File: 67 KB, 400x400, incestman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the edge of the earth
>earth doesn't end there
anal kek

>> No.8275491

Despite anon saying its physical impossible earlier.
Where does the earth meet space?
I can post pictures of cliffs all day and call it edge of the earth.

>> No.8275492
File: 37 KB, 749x499, plane7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8275494
File: 440 KB, 1052x736, thanksNASAfortheclone-stamped-earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8275497

>not taking pictures from the other window

>> No.8275498

>earth doesn't end there
>Where does the earth meet space?


>anon saying its physical impossible earlier.

nice reading comprehension

>> No.8275500

All I saw was "dodgy" pictures of frozen cliffs, not where the edge of the earth is looking out towards space.

>> No.8275503

Yeah, nice reading comprhension again mate. Please check thread for the posts explaining, why you wont get these pictures.

>> No.8275506 [DELETED] 
File: 250 KB, 1242x1620, edge of the earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can actually see the land end there and the stars are visible where the edge ends.
It's not that apparent due to under-exposure and intense sunlight but if you use gamma correction on the image you can see the stars.
This plane went over the edge and this shot is taken right where the plane was returning inside the disc.

>> No.8275510

>dat featureless, evr extending ice wall
>no curvature at all
That sums it up pretty well

>> No.8275514
File: 243 KB, 1242x1620, edge of the earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can actually see the land end there and the stars are visible where the edge ends.
It's not that apparent due to under-exposure and intense sunlight but if you use gamma correction on the image you can see the stars.
This plane went over the edge and this shot is taken right where the plane was returning inside the disc.

>> No.8275517

>this thread
>on /sci/
I thought this shit was limited to /x/
all the flat earthers saying 'look at muh experiments, weve done so many' without actually giving links to any and parroting shit that every other flat earther says without providing any kind of citation; all the pseudo-intellectuals saying 'look at muh scientific evidence' without actually providing any substantial example or demonstration of the concepts they shout, because how dare someone question the all powerful science done by other people.

It's people like you, that have no real understanding of scientific principles and the scientific method that create people like the flat earthers, and allow their critical analysis to stop when they beat dumbasses like you, and they think they've won the world fucking championship.

>> No.8275518

Are there any other pictures with possible a better angle?

>> No.8275522

You dont really understand this shit. It is 90% people playing devils advocate to challenge your preconceived knowledge and to make people think about how/why they know stuff

>> No.8275524

You are legit retarded right?
A fucking image where land clearly ends and below is a void.

>> No.8275531

Please check thread for the posts explaining, why you wont get these pictures.

>> No.8275537

Because earth isn't flat?

>> No.8275540


>> No.8275546



>> No.8275553

But they all say I can't because I said so.
If we landed probes or what ever on meteors we can get to the edge of the earth.

>> No.8275559

>If we landed probes or what ever on meteors
Yeah, and if my grandma had wheels she would be a bicycle

>> No.8275574

good to know NASA put all that government funding to good use on cgi animation

>> No.8275590

Fortunately, Musk is going to take some photos from Mars.

>> No.8275599


>> No.8277348

>Take a flight from Chile to Australia.
>Reach destination going on a straight line over the sea and not take more than a whole fucking day flying.
>Flat earthers map crumbles.

>> No.8277352

This is a nice solid independant evidence for flat earth.

>> No.8277356
File: 91 KB, 1024x231, PHO-10Sep30-256212[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this look round to you ?

>> No.8277703
File: 105 KB, 1024x231, 1471423332256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks pretty fucking flat to me f a m.

>> No.8278076

Or like, photos of the round planet earth, taken from space. Oh wait, those exist already.

>> No.8278599

It's generally inadvisable to just drink things you find lying around in a lab, Anon. No wonder they become flat-Earthers

>> No.8278607

are you two fucking kidding me? you can see the blur on the ice edge where he masked in stars on Photoshop. the black area is water, you fucking mongs.

>> No.8278610

>what is a panoramic shot
>Different pictures at different times
>The clouds all move in the same direction . . .almost as if by . . .WIND

>> No.8278613


But, it's not flat. you can clearly see it curving to the left and the right.

>> No.8278635

We debunked flat earth shit already.
1. Because of time zones there is no moment when it is night on the whole Earth.
2. At the same time we can see the sun go down. We can see the sun go down even on planes. Planes usually fly higher than any mountain => if the earth is flat then between you and sun can be no earth obstacle. But you still can see the sun go down. So the only possibility is that sun goes below flat "earth disc". Oops. Contradiction with 1.

>> No.8278638

>1. Because of time zones there is no moment when it is night on the whole Earth.
>2. At the same time we can see the sun go down. We can see the sun go down even on planes. Planes usually fly higher than any mountain => if the earth is flat and the sun is strictly above it then between the sun and you on a plane can be no earth obstacle. But you still can see the sun go down. So if the earth is flat then the only possibility is that sun goes below flat "earth disc". Oops. Contradiction with 1.

Quick fix

>> No.8278982

Have they tried charting a boat or plane to fly in a straight line and see if they return to their starting point before?

>> No.8278986

Jet fuel cant orbit a flat disk