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File: 199 KB, 923x460, phelps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8272355 No.8272355 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any actual negative effects of marijuana or is it just another weak meme ?

>> No.8272358

why does michael phelps' face look cut and pasted onto his neck?

>> No.8272382

He had to get a new body after his last one was ruined by marijuana use.

>> No.8272393


Fuck off druggie.

>> No.8272394

Shit facial genes.

Win some, lose some.

>> No.8272395

If you have mental health issues it can make them worse, plus most of the effects of smoking cigarettes are also associated with weed. Thats about it

>> No.8272398

What if he's got an aerodynamic face that gives him and advantage when he swims

>> No.8272404


>most of the effects of smoking cigarettes are also associated with weed.

[citation needed]

>> No.8272416

it kills brain cells and makes you lazy

other than that no

>> No.8272429

listening to loud music also kills braincells
holding your breath also kills braincells
getting exposed to traffic smog also kills braincells
wrong diets also kills braincells
everything else also kills braincells

>> No.8272431

Does inhaling burning plant matter sound healthy to you?

>> No.8272435


>> No.8272438

The sun gives you cancer.
Might as well go swim in a reactor pool for shits.

>> No.8272442

Dude, there are filters.... Imagine bong that goes 10 times trought the water...

>> No.8272452

Congratulations. Now you're inhaling burning plant matter and water.
Now what?

>> No.8272475

I hope you have a protective suit to keep you away from all the cancerous sunlight.

>> No.8272477


>> No.8272509

Its not good for you unless you use it as a pain reliever but its not like it will ruin your life like say heroin or meth.

Negative effects: Less addictive than alcohol but more than LSD.
Damage to lungs (not cigarette tier but inhaling burning anything causes damage).
Some neural damage and aome studies found links with psychosis but its not certain and only in extreme cases.

So like I said, its not that bad but lets not pretend its good for you.

>> No.8272531

In elicit and in some cases exacerbate symptoms of predisposed schizophrenia. However, it can not cause it.

>> No.8272563

Messes with metabolism, respiration rate, cognition, among other things, it's interesting how people tout a substance that interacts with a profound receptor systems as being benign, a lot of people probably think weed is magic.

>> No.8272612

No weed is 100% good for you, do it always and there will be no negative side effects it makes you superhuman at everything you do.

It's an intoxicant, so it can be addictive. It's probably carcinogenic to a minor degree. It affects some memory faculties. It can be schizophrenogenic.

>> No.8272695

this fagget again

>> No.8272732

I just wish there was more research on how to mitigate harmful side effects of common recreational drugs. It seems like a pertinent question but you'll probably get shut down by regulatory agencies for encouraging drug use or some stupid shit.

>> No.8272733
File: 41 KB, 468x310, article-0-117420B5000005DC-947_468x310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ad has a point, it does indeed make you lazier. Sure, you have exceptions like Phelps, but generally speaking you can be doing something productive or you can be smoking pot and just chilling, doing nothing.

Don't get me wrong, I love it and I think that it's positives outweight its negatives; that's why I take it and MDMA, which has even more drawbacks. However, it's irresponsible to pretend like it has no side-effects.

>> No.8272742

I'm not sure if Marijuana makes you stupid, or the people who do it are stupid already. In high school maybe 5 or 10% of people in first track smoked compared to a majority of second track and pretty much all of third track. You are already in those tracks but 7th grade, but most people who smoked didn't start until 8th or 9th grade.

>> No.8272746

Apparently its the first one. My friend said that weed makes him feel stupider, so he avoids smoking it during term-time.

>> No.8272776


It's called hydrodynamic, shitlord!

>> No.8272782

You keep your head above the water when swimming fuckface. Didn't you ever watch olympics swim ?

>> No.8272792

Literally all weeders are lazy and stupid so yeah. Idiots don't feel stress so they do stupid shit and fuck up their life. They are too stupid to realize that and they will just ignore it because weed is cool in every american TV show.

>> No.8272795

I can't hear you over the clinging noises of the medals won by the druggie

>> No.8272798

Yeah and Maradona liked cocaine, just like Gascoigne, your point? Don't let it interrupt your Seth Rogen marathon.

>> No.8272804

it means weed makes you a lazy loser is a meme as it is disproven countless times by globally known successfull smokers.

>> No.8272827
File: 218 KB, 1440x1703, IMG_20160815_092413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your body has an endocannabinoid system - it makes compounds very similar to those found in cannabis. Dosed properly, cannabinoids are some of the healthiest chemicals one could consume having been shown to reduce inflammation, protect brain cells and fight cancer.

The problems are:
1) Few people dose properly or even know how to.
2) Money, greed and racism mean there's no serious research on the plant and it remains illegal.

Some safety points:
1) Don't use it if your brain is still developing (true for all drugs). Adults only.
2) Use caution if you have any mental issues.
3) Don't rip bowls daily.
4) Vaporize instead of burn.

>> No.8272834

>4) Vaporize instead of burn.
Would it not be better to make some kind of tincture or extract and consume orally?

>> No.8272860


What is a "proper" dose?

>> No.8272868

I had a pothead room mate with schizophrenia and he was scary when he smoked. One night he told me he was looking around the living room for things to murder me with. My door didn't lock to my bedroom so I ended up sleeping with a machete for a few months.

>> No.8272871


I'm already lazy. If I started doing the devil's lettuce now, what will happen to me?

>> No.8272873

That picture. You don't have to practice, you just need to smoke weed and then you will be the next Phelps...

>> No.8272902

Phelp is lazy, he retired and later came back.
If he didn't take weed he had never retired and would have won more medals.

Succes despite weed

>> No.8272915
File: 51 KB, 500x459, retarded party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys, your body has a system which allows it to be affected by drugs you guys
>that means drugs must be natural
>all natural things are good

Druggie logic, ladies and gents.

>> No.8272982


Depends on what you are trying to accomplish, but in general yes.

Eg. If you are trying to treat diseases like epilepsy or promote tumor regression, you need doses that are difficult, if not impossible, to achieve with inhalation, so one would use the oil. If you're alleviated anxiety, for example, vaporizing is a good method and very cost effective.

>> No.8272988


>Knows nothing about the endocannabinoid system
>Hasn't read the scientific literature demonstrating the immune modulating abilities of endo- and exo- cannabinoids.
>Clearly doesn't do their own research as evidenced by their comments.

Ignorant, anti-science douchebag logic, ladies and gents.

>> No.8272993

At least cannabinoids don't really lead to excitotoxicity like stimulants /shrug/

>> No.8272996


>Evidence suggests that endocannabinoids may function as both neuromodulators and immunomodulators in the immune system. Here, they seem to serve an autoprotective role to ameliorate muscle spasms, inflammation, and other symptoms of multiple sclerosisand skeletal muscle spasms.Functionally, the activation of cannabinoid receptors has been demonstrated to play a role in the activation ofGTPasesinmacrophages,neutrophils, and BM cells. These receptors have also been implicated in the proper migration ofB cells into themarginal zone(MZ) and the regulation of healthyIgMlevels. Interestingly, some disorders seem to trigger anupregulationof cannabinoid receptors selectively in cells or tissues related to symptom relief and inhibition of disease progression, such as in that rodent neuropathic pain model, where receptors are increased in the spinal cord microglia, dorsal root ganglion, and thalamic neurons.

>> No.8273012

It seems like it would be nice if you got the right amount.

Every time I have smoked (admittedly, not a ton), it makes me not want to do shit except I guess talk or watch a movie. There is no way I could do homework or exercise or think critically while high.

But maybe if you're just a little high or have higher tolerance it would be better.

>> No.8273028

its because you have subtle schizo genes. if you have subtle schizoness in you (not schizophrenia or schizoid) you'll get lazy, paranoid, socially anxious sometimes all three

source? none, that's just my observation. It affects me like that, thats why i dont smoke weed anymore

>> No.8273033

Have you ever been a competitive swimmer? I have, you CANNOT be lazy and a competitive swimmer at the same time. 3 hours of swimming laps non-stop every day, and thats for highschool level competition. I dont even know how olympic swimmers make time for eating and sleeping with all the training they do.

>> No.8273042

>Have you ever been a competitive swimmer?
well actually.....

>> No.8273105

>it's not weed fault, it's your genes fault
>Just like it's your gene's faults that Komodo Dragon's poison can kill you, if you had the right genes it would be medicine.

>> No.8273109

Keep smoking pot, maybe you'll become a competitive swimmer too.

>> No.8273132


>can open windows and help see everyday problems or lifelong issues from another perspective, which can help a lot
>you get to kill like 2 hours just lying on a couch flattened just wandering in thoughts until you decide to put some cool music or a good video game you like to play
>smoking with friends can be cool and a lot of fun, in this aspect it does remind me of being very drunk, you simply feel fine next morning


>Affects your cognition (like being drunk kinda) in a way that recent thoughts or shit people are saying can be difficult to grasp or keep in short term memory
>It is very addictive and with the previous con it can lead you to being a zombie having a very hard time communicating, but still keep a good mood.

I'm fighting hard right to at least reduce my tolerance a little bit by quitting for a week or so but I don't think I'll make it, I just love that shit

>> No.8273142


the ganj is good m8

after a long day of study i need to hit that shit

little to zero effect the next day, unless super early class maybe a bit groggy


>> No.8273147

Sorry, but the water is actually extremely effective at shielding radiation. You just proved the point that only fuck wits think marijuana is bad.

>> No.8273148

Maybe you should study punctuation and capitalization.

>> No.8273164

It actually may have medicinal purposes outside of relieving pain. Tobacco is perfectly healthy, you just can't use concentrated, factory produced tobacco products riddled with additives. Most of the anti marijuana sentiment came from the film Reefer Madness. Reefer Madness was created to profit off of the hysteria of the sin tax put on marijuana that made it have taxes similar to alcohol.

>> No.8273176
File: 56 KB, 532x598, medical cannabis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marijuana use deposits tar and small amounts of resin into the lungs, but the THC is a broncho-dilator which allows for more oxygen to reach the bloodstream. And with more oxygen passing through and a moderate controlled use of marijuana the tar will not build up to anything more than living in china for a month. it passes out of your lungs as long as you're getting good exercise.

>im not an expert
>but im not retarded

>> No.8273179

you might become unlazy, if you want to. but if you're a lazy faggot with no motivation NOW you probably will remain as such.

>> No.8273183

>Tobacco is perfectly healthy
>Carcinogens are healthy
>Coating your lungs in burnt carbon is healthy
>Becoming chemically addicted through nicotine is healthy

Stop. Even if pot doesn't have nicotine, you still have to address the eventuality of coating your lungs in burnt plant matter, which is never good. Are there some benefits to pot? Sure, but do not claim it is this magical medicinal plant that somehow cures everything when it does not and at the same time introduces foreign material to your lungs

>> No.8273185


fucking kek

weed thread dude getting salty over punctuation

ReLaX /ScI/

>> No.8273194

I think stoners have a repulsive lifestyle it's bad enough to be associated with that

>> No.8273217

i think people that smoke weed and have active healthy lifestyles and a steady job are just utterly repulsive.

>> No.8273240

There are quite a few. Chronic smoking causes all kinds of problems in the long run. That's why Phelps quit smoking (and drinking).

Potheads are just in denial about their dependency, and overly sensitive and defensive when people call them out on it. Their notion that smoking has no negative side effects and/or that it is beneficial is just their wishful thinking.

>> No.8273241

>I've observed the genes of others and, more importantly, have isolated those responsible for what I've coined 'schizoness.'
Maybe stick to passing the bong with your bros and not claiming to understand science/math.

>> No.8273249

That simply is not the norm. Chronic smokers are affected by their habit to a point that they become incapable of leading anything like a healthy lifestyle. I'm talking about people in their 30s and older, who have smoked daily or more than once a week since they were teens. Sure, maybe there are a handful of high-functioning addicts that age, but they're outliers.

>> No.8273262

I've never tried weed and never will. Inhaling anything that is smoke is obviously bad for you. It also alters the chemicals in your brain, making you more lazy. Overall weed is for people who don't give a fuck about their future.

>> No.8273266

Yeah so we agree

>> No.8273280

you're not michael phelps you dumb cunt so you don't get to do that

>> No.8273318

Anecdotes aren't great but the people I know that smoke weed are all lazy as fuck. Whether they're like that because of weed or whether they sit around smoking weed all day because they were lazy to begin with I don't know but it sure as shit hasn't gotten them off their ass.

Also one guy had scizophrenia raising its head which apparently had something to do with weed.

>> No.8273322
File: 194 KB, 600x400, AnonsChristmas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sure, maybe there are a handful of high-functioning addicts that age, but they're outliers.
[citation needed]
And oh yeah...
>high-functioning addicts

>> No.8273332

>A functioning addict can be defined as someone who is able to hide the excesses of their alcohol or drug use. An example of this would be the functioning alcoholic who may have a good job, a secure home life, and be respected in the community despite drinking an excessive amount of alcohol most day. To an outsider this individual will be functioning at a high level, but this may be hiding the reality that internally their life is falling apart.

>> No.8273341

>Messes with metabolism

>> No.8273342


>It also alters the chemicals in your brain, making you more lazy.

That largely depends on the person, strain, set and setting. Sure, there's a lot of lazy users (as with any drug), and then you have high functioning users. Silicon Valley is full of them. You'd be surprised how many programmers use it all day long and write code and work at productive rates.

>Overall weed is for people who don't give a fuck about their future.

That just a stupid comment in general. It's overgeneralized nonsense. There have been highly successful people who have used it, like most all recent presidents.

Oh captcha: "Select all images of grass."

>> No.8273358

Google smoke inhalation you fucking mong.

>> No.8273377
File: 20 KB, 456x456, 1456447572777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, that makes no sense at all, look it up.
Swimming in a nuclear reactor pool is safe as fuck, you'll get less radiation than if you'd stand around outside.


I'll quote:

"But just to be sure, I got in touch with a friend of mine who works at a research reactor, and asked him what he thought would happen to you if you tried to swim in their radiation containment pool.
“In our reactor?” He thought about it for a moment. “You’d die pretty quickly, before reaching the water, from gunshot wounds.”"

>> No.8274038

Weak meme. Only mentally ill people might have a problem with it, but in some cases it is known to help people's mental illness. Also it can treat a slew of diseases and is anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory, therefore it is anti-cancer.

>> No.8274047

>there are successful people who use thing, therefore it is perfectly harmless and probably good for you

I use all kinds of drugs in my free time but at least I'm not a delusional faggot who has to pretend it's not harmless or good for me. god I fucking hate stoners like you

>> No.8274058

Prohibitionist spotted

>tobacco is perfectly healthy

No one here will believe this, but I appreciate that you said it because it's true.

>> No.8274072

It's hard to pinpoint who can justify using it when there's numerous individuals who smoke it in your face because it's 'hip' and let's face it, the agenda on pot is stronger than ever eventually it'll pour out to places it hasn't been to before. Then again, it makes me angry I can't go outside without hearing "ayy weed lmao" when they're already lazy, it makes the drug look bad especially stupid dealers dealing it wrong too with their dumb ass attitude. In the end the idiots speak louder than the smarter people who use it, that's obvious. I have no problem with using it and have done so before, it's great for thinking, watching movies or autistically listening to music it's a good drug for anyone who has a brain, just my two cents.

>> No.8274098

Yes, people can and do develop a dependency on weed. Did Dude, Where's My Car? teach you otherwise?

>> No.8274102

Use your head, and do some research.

>> No.8274129


Weed has no permanent side effects and has zero connection to any of the pathologies of cigarette smoking. However, the longest study conducted says that there can be effects on the brain if marijuana is used abusively before the age of about 18. Marijuana use, even extremely abusive use, after the age of 18 will not have any permanent effects. It is harmless in the long term. In the short term, because it feels good and provides stress relief, it can be habit forming. However it has no biologically addicting component and is easy to quit for people with even a little bit of willpower. It is generally found to lower response time, hurt short term memory, and focus when under the influence.

tl;dr it is completely harmless if you start use as an adult, but habit forming. It should not be used abusively before the brain has finished developing.

>> No.8274149

Heavy brain development continues into your mid twenties.

>> No.8274153


Just saying what the study found.


>> No.8274154

>not harmless

Why do people believe it is harmful to begin with? All of the negative science is phatmaceutically funded. All of the positives aren't well known or fully discovered yet because only one university in the US is allowed to study weed.

>> No.8274164


Because Reagan era scaremongering worked on a lot of the populace and they don't have critical thinking skills.

>> No.8274177

>smoke inhalation

Does nothing.


You must think that since smoke is a foreign or outside object being inhaled by the lungs that it's somehow bad for you.

>> No.8274430

>You must think that since smoke is a foreign or outside object being inhaled by the lungs that it's somehow bad for you.
Well really it's because you're inhaling the products of a violent combustion of organic matter. While probably not as bad as inhaling plastic fumes, they're both bad for similar reasons.

>> No.8274438

>One study
Good that it's twins, but nonetheless I'd tend towards suggesting caution. Human physiology varies, and the body is a complex machine; anything else is poor risk assessment. Unfortunately I'm one of the few people I've ever met who takes the same approach with food as well.

As long as they're not 4/20 blazing it all day erry' day, it's probably fine.

>> No.8274445

Marijuana makes you feel stupid because you have the chance to feel really happy just to be alive (other effects may be discussed later if needed) and everything is funny, so you feel stupid after laughing at your terrible dexterity.

>> No.8274449

No. Weed either makes you feel stupid via dopamine depletion, histamine upregulation, or simply interference with cell signalling.

I've never been so burnt and braindead than after getting real high. I've done amphetamine to the point where I was a zombie and my motor functions were sloppy and scrambled, and it still didn't compare to just how stupid.

>> No.8274464

>phelps smoke some pot
>that makes it ok for me to smoke it!

keep it up honey

>> No.8274467

That's why I said, "there is a chance" when I was explaining why marijuana makes you stupid. Everyone reacts to it differently and in those groups of reactions, different strains make you feel even more different. You may be really fucking brain-dead after smoking a few bowls, but people like me get happy and/or go into deep self-reflection after a few bowls.

>> No.8274470

I meant I was braindead the day after. I become burnt for 2-3 days.

Otherwise weed separates me from the stream of my thoughts and I become capable of only watching them go by. It also makes me prone to mental regressions and leaves me stuck in memories I don't want as people I don't want to be again. Then it just leaves me there. Been years since I smoked, so I don't know if that would still be true.

I liked the slow motion moonwalking sensation though.

>> No.8274483
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>> No.8274488
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x1080, a30582367eec4b3d01eeca8762b7e126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3) Don't rip bowls daily.
Agree to disagree... I am almost done a Master's in physics and start a doctorate, and I smoke weed every day. Most of my best ideas come to me after a toke.

Just take ibuprofen before toking and it negates the short-term memory loss effects.

>> No.8274495

>It also makes me prone to mental regressions and leaves me stuck in memories I don't want as people I don't want to be again.

>> No.8274518

>"Carcinogenicity studies of inhaled cigarette smoke in laboratory animals: old and new"
>S.S. Hecht, Carcinogenesis 2005 26(9):1488
>[p.1489]...The animals were exposed for 5 months, then allowed a 4 month recovery period.... The increases in tumor multiplicity were generally small, from ~1 tumor per mouse to ~2.8, following exposure to 50-170 mg/m3 of total suspended particulates. The increase in tumor multiplicity observed in this model was due to a component of the gas phase of tobacco smoke....The 4-month recovery period is absolutely necessary for observation of increased lung tumor multiplicity, but the reason for this is not clear.
>[p.1492] Note added in proof: A recent study (W. Stinn et al. 2005) indicated that the recovery period in the A/J mouse smoke inhalation model is necessary to overcome stress induced inhibition of lung tumorigenesis, and that the lack of weight gain during the smoke inhalation period was unrelated to the final tumor multiplicity.
>Well, there it is -- increased lung tumors were observed (in A/J mice, a specially bred cancer-mice which gets lung tumors spontaneously), attributed of course to inhalation of tobacco smoke, but somehow, for the smoking to "cause" these lung tumors, the mice has to quit smoking, then it has go through the perversely named "recovery period" (non-smoking) of similar duration as previous smoking, and only then "smoking" will somehow cause increase in tumors. But had they continued smoking instead of ostensibly "recovering" from the ravages of smoking, smoking would not have caused increase in tumors (and it would have even extended their lifespan well beyond that of the non-smoking mice). Orwell was an amateur for these newspeak magicians.

>> No.8274522

"Another experimental paper (G.M. Curtin et al, 2004) explains the "recovery period" somewhat more bluntly:"
>[p. 26] Demonstration of increased tumor formation required that the standardized 20-week exposure period be followed by a 16-week recovery period, during which mice were provided filtered air. Bogen and Witschi (2002) provided justification for the recovery period; more specifically, it was suggested that tobacco smoke exposure suppresses the growth of premalignant foci, and that smoke induced lung tumor risk occurs predominantly via a genotoxic mechanism. Consequently, the recovery period allows tobacco smoke-induced genetic damage to progress to tumors.

>> No.8274541

Basically what I'm trying to say with the greentext is that smoking actually does not do what you're suggesting, and I like how you took a picture of a snippet of a study without providing who funded it (Pfizer by any chance? Some other gigantic pharmaceutical company?) or any other context.

>> No.8274683


>> No.8274712

im convinced smoking weed at an early age stunts intellectual growth into adult hood

>> No.8274909



>> No.8275254

But you can actually do that. How do you think they do repairs down there?

>> No.8275785

>No. Weed either makes you feel stupid via dopamine depletion, histamine upregulation, or simply interference with cell signalling.
>I've never been so burnt and braindead than after getting real high.

So you're basing this off your own experience?

>> No.8276650
File: 50 KB, 456x637, 5174000_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you have mental health issues it can make them worse
it can make them better, like how it helps reduce my depression symptoms about as well as any of the 4 ssri meds i have tried

>> No.8276737

Messed with your dopamine reward chemistry, apparently

>> No.8276800

Yes, but not entirely.

>> No.8276948

So smoking prevents tumors?

>> No.8276986


>> No.8276991

I've heard this claim about so many things that it's stopped meaning anything to me. Sans the scientific jargon, it essentially means it's fun but not productive, which I'm sure we all already knew.

>> No.8277010

No. There have been several studies on this. All of them show the same result. They even compared it against alcohol's effects. While even alcoholics can recover their reward centers once they stop drinking, chronic marijuana smokers cannot. The damage is permanent. It's not about merely not being productive while you're high. It irreversibly impairs your ability to function day-to-day.

>> No.8277041

Post the studies please.

>> No.8277045

2 to max 6 weeks in brain rats where they used huge amounts of THC and dopamine system reversed to normal after cessation of "abuse"


>> No.8277080

Quit talking shit, it clearly has a role in cancer prevention in many cases.

>> No.8277145

Nah. Go ahead and use yourself as a human guinea pig. It's just your life. (Honestly, I don't care what you do to yourself.)

>> No.8277151

completely rekts adolescent brain development

>> No.8277420
File: 65 KB, 640x480, Michael_Phelps_DUI_2077240001_8592204_ver1.0_640_480[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not pro-marijuana (I'll get to that in a moment), but I hate how the booze-sponsored media focused on him hitting a bong, but not so much on his two DUI incidents, that he's in rehab for alcohol abuse, but he's still young, a lot of young guys can drink, party and juggle a very physically demanding lifestyle. If he keeps going down that path and not sober up though he's going to end up failing hard at everything.

I quit smoking weed years ago but I have friends that still do it (and weed today is not like what it was in the early 2000's, it's no longer "reg" weed, the potent shit is everywhere). I see the lack of motivation from potheads in their goofy red eyes, I see depression, a looming dissatisfaction with life slowly settling in. I just don't foresee a possible, enriching future for my friends. I hear all their dreams about shit they're going to do, but weed gives them ADD I think. It's as if they can't ever finish whatever ambitious goals they envision. Marijuana has never really been my thing anyway, thank goodness. All that DUDE WEED LMAO MUNCHIES ZZZZ life ain't for me, breh.

>> No.8277423

>arrested for speeding

>> No.8277426

He's Australian

>> No.8278303

dem nipz doa

>> No.8278320

weak meme.

>> No.8278325

smokers are jokers

All the potheeds I know seem like a weak meme to me. Haven't met a successful potheed yet.

>> No.8278335

I can't hear you from the sound of all the dangling medals Phelps won.

>> No.8278339

everyone i know that smokes pot is a complete loser
thats all the proof i need

>> No.8278346
File: 18 KB, 120x120, 94f03e8e72647373f93d5271ee594cfb[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone who's against weed that I know are coward faggots raised by single mommies and have sheltered brainwashed lives. They are all virgins, they don't smoke or do anything fun in their lives. They just live in fear without experiencing anything and die lmao.

>> No.8278352

I can't figure out why weedmen get so defensive about their habit. You invite people to troll you into getting even more agitated.

Just smoke. Why do you have to blather so much about it?

>> No.8278358 [DELETED] 

Bothe my personal experience and statistics tell me that he is probably just an outlier. Every trend will have outliers. The existence of any outliers does not nullify a trend.

>> No.8278363

Maybe some can make it and use drugs responsible, but alot of people can't stop at moderate use and then the problems start.

>> No.8278366

>personal experience
Nice evidence sissyboy ;)
All the basketball players, movie directors, actors, actresses, politicians, artists, and rich people do drugs and some do even hard stuff.

You won't enjoy life if you are not open to life.

>> No.8278367

Both my personal experience and statistics tell me that he is probably just an outlier. Every trend will have outliers. The existence of any outliers does not nullify a trend.

>> No.8278369

You stopped reading at "personal experience". Nowhere did I suggest that I think this constitutes anything more than anecdotal evidence. If you had continued reading you would have found that statistics also support this view. But what can you expect from a burnout with a non-existent attention span.

>> No.8278372

Also, this. He was probably more of a casual smoker than a chronic smoker. All the zombies are chronic smokers. And they are clearly dependent. Some of them try to quit, but can't go without it for longer than a few weeks. Clear sign of addiction.

>> No.8278376

but what you said instead was that he has a good point and made some additional point on the mechanism of the damaging

>> No.8278381

youre not adding value

>> No.8278383


I have used "hard stuff" and I can tell you that it will get you hooked pretty damn fast.
Bought a bag pf amphetamine when I was drunk. Kept it and used it a couple of times when partying.
After a couple of times of using it when partying I found myself sniffing the bag on weekdays just to get the smell of the shit and get nostalgia from how awesome the weekend before was.
I don't get addicted to stuff very easy so I realized pretty quick what slippery slope I was going down, resulting in that I flushed the shit down the toilet.
Gave me a totally new perspective on addiction.
>inb4 not you personal blog
>Also new to this thread.

>> No.8278386

something fucked you up though

>> No.8278387

its /sci/, but its still 4chan

>> No.8278389

>Just take ibuprofen before toking and it negates the short-term memory loss effects.
Source? What the fuck does ibuprofen have to do with memory?

>> No.8278402

hell even getting older kills braincells...

what? for real? because for me memory loss was the main reason to tone it down a lot.

daily alcohol is WAY worse tho

>> No.8278417

the problem with your claim is that either you made that experience yourself which means YOU don't function properly either and your statement can't be trusted.

or you didn't make the experience and by refusing to post scientific sources are just reciting some BS opinion of someone else.

either way this is a science board and by not posting studies to back your claim you're just embarassing yourself.

>> No.8278589

>depression, a looming dissatisfaction with life slowly settling in
yes this is true for me and I give into those thoughts because I somehow like melancholic heartache once in a while, it's what helps me be a good person though, because on weed you can imagine other people feeling like this as well and you can comfort them with their flaws.

But matter of fact is, that I've been like that before smoking weed too but I couldn't make sense of those thoughts and just repressed them.
Now one can live a happy life by repressing bad thoughts but if your life takes a hit all those things will come at once and that can be very dangerous imho, more dangerous than carrying a little sadness with you every other day.

>> No.8278878

Pretty sure it works like this:
if you smoke but you don't get high enough you get depressed/anxious/schizo. If you do get high enough you'll be all right.

>> No.8278903


"Chen and his team discovered that Δ9-THC treatment caused an increase in levels of an enzyme called cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in the mouse hippocampus, a brain region involved in learning and memory. Drugs or genetic techniques that reduced COX-2 levels in mice prevented memory problems and neuronal abnormalities caused by repeated Δ9-THC exposure. Because COX-2 is inhibited by over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen, the findings suggest an easy strategy to prevent the side effects of marijuana."

The paper:


Take an ibuprofen, toke up, and do some science.

>> No.8278912

Well, that's fairly neato.

>> No.8278939

Ibuprofen is generally not good for the rest of your body. You should not take it if you don't have to.

>> No.8278944

> problems with ibuprofen
Are you thinking of acetaminophen?

>> No.8278946

Maybe if you megadose (as a stoner may be wont to do), but up to 1200mg per day is considered perfectly fine afaik.

>> No.8278949

>smoke inhalation does nothing.
This I cannot believe.

It's probably the main reason weed is seen as at least as bad as smoking tobacco.

>> No.8278962

Edibles and vaporizing. Edibles have their own drawbacks, and the safety of vaporizing is still being researched (early results don't look promising so far).

>> No.8278983

Anecdotally, vaping triggers my asthma every time I do it, while smoking weed never does. So I believe it.

>> No.8279125

Just because the concept of breaking smoke into your lungs sounds bad doesn't mean it is.

>> No.8279132

Just because it hasn't yet been shown it is bad does not mean it isn't bad.

>> No.8279134

Now we're going in circles but the burden of proof is on all the Orwellian scientists that claimed it was bad to begin with and used no evidence aside from showmanship correlations to reach their fabricated conclusions.

>> No.8279137

Inhaling ash and smoke isn't good for your lungs, long term.

Source: too much of it too quickly literally kills you

inb4 comments about phelp's lung capacity as an olympic swimmer, olympians used to smoke cigarettes in the 90's and perform just fine

inb4 citing the chemicals as the negative part of cigarettes, china study and other actual dietary science shows a large causative link between consuming burned products and cancer (like the char on grilled meat giving you gut cancer, and probably not the meat itself), theres more preponderance of evidence to suggest burned shit is bad for you than not

>> No.8279148

>it means weed makes you a lazy loser is a meme as it is disproven countless times by globally known successfull smokers.
> disproven countless times by globally known successfull smokers.

Someone is not familiar with the concept of statistical outliers.

Sure, there are many successful people who smoke weed occasionally to unwind. There are even some successful stoners who smoke daily. But take ALL the stoners/daily smokers in the world and compare them to the success/productivity of non-smokers/drug users. See which group is more successful and tell me smoking pot every day has nothing to do with it.

>> No.8279167

>Implying correlation = causation

I'd say it's the opposite actually, lazy people have more free time and therefore are more inclined to waste their time away on drugs.

>> No.8279196

I see your point in terms of correlation =/= causation - but I totally disagree. I believe there are many, many cases of otherwise productive individuals who became lazy stoners because they trued weed and fell in love with it. I've seen it happen to people firsthand throughout my life, and it happened to me - until I quit.

A lot of it has to do with the age at which you start. Studies have shown that people who never smoke until about age 25 almost never have a problem with it - that goes with alcohol as well. The younger they start, however, the more likely they are to have problems with it in the future.

It's not simply a case of "every lazy stoner was lazy in the first place." To believe that is frankly ridiculous and shows a severe lack of insight into the nature of the effect of intoxicants on the brain.

>> No.8279582


I almost got arrested for speeding, but I was going over double the speed limit.

>> No.8279672

that's fucking autist, you pedant piece of asshole

>> No.8279748

I want to know this too.

>> No.8279977

it can trigger psychosis in some people.
