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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8260443 No.8260443 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, newfag here. Im starting an intro to comp sci course here in a couple weeks. Im really nervous. It is focused on java and object oriented programming. Anything i should be doing now to get ready? Also, anyone have a digital copy of Big Java: Early Objects (6th ed)? shits expensive. Thanks for the help guys!!

>> No.8260457
File: 210 KB, 1024x768, Jshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is focused on java

Drop the course.

>> No.8260460

Just pirate it.

>> No.8260464

I tried, only found the 5th edition, need the 6th. You thinkt hey are the same??

>> No.8260466

whats wrong with java?

>> No.8260468

>It is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to Java: as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration.
>The use of Java cripples the mind; its teaching should, therefore, be regarded as a criminal offense
>~ Edsger Dijkstra

>> No.8260472


>> No.8260476

No, truth.

>> No.8260478

Oh shit man, that scares me. Is java that different from other languages??

>> No.8260481
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>> No.8260483

>"Don't believe every quote you read on the internet, because I totally didn't say that."
>~ Albert Einstein


>> No.8260486


thanks man, that makes me feel better..

>> No.8260487


Java doesn't even support unsigned numbers because apparently the designer thinks "nobody really understands" why after 11 o'clock it's 00 o'clock.

>> No.8260490

Don't listen to these autists, they're either baiting or trying to talk you into using their own favorite language in order to validate their own opinions.


>> No.8260491

int main(){
std::cout<<"Hello World\n";

class Greeting {
void greet(Named target) {
System.out.println("Hello, " + target.getName() + "!");
catch(exception e){}

interface Named {
String getName();

class World implements Named {
String getName() {
return "World";
catch(exception e){}

class Main {
public static void main( String[] args ) {
Greeting greeting = new Greeting();
catch(exception e){}
greeting.greet(new World());
catch(exception e){}

>> No.8260493

Nothing. Java is fine. Just study and do your programs. Make news ones, and play with the ones your instructor goes over. You'll do fine as long as you keep up with it.

>> No.8260495
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Stop trolling him.

>> No.8260496

>thinks the rest of his life has to be in the first language he learns
It's fine for learning on. Stop acting like a /b/tard. Once you get the hang of a language learning a different one is fairly easy to do.

>> No.8260501

It's a steaming mess to learn on. It's way simpler to learn with C++14 or Phython. There is no use case where java is a good language especially for /sci/ users.

>> No.8260503

Nice bait

>> No.8260505

Python is literally Java under an uglier syntax. C++ is superior

>> No.8260507

Just leave now, don't take CS advice from /sci/. They will fuck up your life.

>> No.8260509

It's not like he has a choice in the language he gets to learn in class. Sure, there are better languages, but learning Java isn't going to fuck you up later in life. It's pretty simple to learn, and isn't "scary". He'll be fine if he just studies. Stop being an elitist faggot.

>> No.8260517
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>There is no use case where java is a good language

You forgot the use cases where you copy n paste all your CS assignments since you can't easily fingerprint Java code and write tons of mindless boilerplate to get enough partial credit to pass exams. Remember D's and C's get degrees!

CS majors just love Java. They wouldn't have graduated otherwise.

>> No.8260522

Java is an intentionally feature light language that is actually computationally heavy to appeal to businesses hiring programmers that are only java developers.

>> No.8260543

Your fucking stupid Java and Python couldn't be farther apart. I recommend starting to learn Python now OP.

>> No.8260556

People are meming you idiot.
Java is almost identical to c++ for someone who is beginning coding.
Obviously you will get tired of java's "simplifications" (read: limitations) after you know what you're doing, but its a great language to start with.
I prefer python as a starting language, but java is pretty good. It's just not great for someone doing advanced and crazy projects.
Lemme just say though, transferring from java to c++ is literally one of the easiest possible tasks you can imagine.

>> No.8260591

SICP is the best introduction to computer science.

>> No.8260592

>It's not like he has a choice in the language he gets to learn in class

He could take the intro to programming course in the EE/CpE department which is in C/C++.

>> No.8260595

>Java is almost identical to c++ for someone who is beginning coding.

Java forces you to use classes for everything. With C++ you can go half the course before seeing classes at all.

>> No.8261769

But still: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/EWD/OtherDocs/To%20the%20Budget%20Council%20concerning%20Haskell.pdf

"Haskell, though not perfect, is of a quality that is several orders of magnitude higher than Java, which is a mess (and needed an extensive advertizing campaign and aggressive salesmanship for its commercial acceptance)."

>> No.8261793

Should I bother learning C? I'm already somewhat proficient in C++. Are there things you can do in C that you can't in C++?

>> No.8261797

>Are there things you can do in C that you can't in C++?
You could have just googled this exact sentence. What do you expect people to tell you that you can't find by comparing the standards?

>> No.8261863

>Java and Python couldn't be farther apart.
Python is literally dynamically typed java with some added syntax sugar.

>> No.8261867

If you're not functionally retarded (as a LOT of programmers and CS guys are) you can learn using whatever language you want.

I started on Visual Basic, which based on the logic of the people upthread should have reamed my mind's asshole and ruined me forever, but I moved onto C and onward just fine.

Just like learning anything, you need the aptitude to understand what you're doing to be a good programmer.

>> No.8261883

How does /sci/ feel about Ruby?

>> No.8261886


Using classes for everything is retarded. If you want students to learn object oriented coding just tell them they're limited to those features

>> No.8261900

She should not have taken her love to town

>> No.8262201

>Are there things you can do in C that you can't in C++?

ABIs, 99.95% of the time you won't care about them.

>Should I bother learning C

Not much to learn after knowing C++.


>> No.8262208

We don't do web-monkeying on /sci/
