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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 198 KB, 610x668, ccmath1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8250699 No.8250699 [Reply] [Original]

Stupid teacher thread?

>In high school bio class
>teacher introducing some basic chemistry
>multiple choice question: What is the smallest form of matter?
>A: a cell
>B: an Atom
>C: an electron
>D: a proton
>Answer proton because it's literally the smallest possible atom.
>Later on she says that this is wrong.
>"Well yes, technically it's the smallest, but it's more important to just understand the concept."

>> No.8250707

Bumping for interest.

>> No.8250708

it's electron you fucking dolt.

>> No.8250710 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 2800x400, 18mp9c9duseiojpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb fuck its electron

>> No.8250711

fuck off underage b&

>> No.8250715

good idea for a thread with a piss poor OP

>he thought a proton was smaller than an electron

>> No.8250719
File: 43 KB, 604x483, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Answer proton because it's literally the smallest possible atom.
[citation needed]
Does your atom have an electron to go with that proton? (It's called Hydrogen)
Is your electron bigger than your proton?
Just curious

>> No.8250737

On the original quiz electron wasn't an answer. I only remember what I put down, atom, and the other two were filler that I just put in for the sake of having four answers. I didn't even realize that electron would have been more correct.

>what is the past.

>> No.8250747

>I only remember what I put down, atom, and the other two were filler that I just put in for the sake of having four answers.
edit for sake of clairity.
I only remembered proton, atom, and two filler answers that I filled in for the sake of clarity.

>> No.8250758
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>I didn't even realize that electron would have been more correct.
The hole is deep enough

>> No.8250774
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1411091931224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>highschool physics test
>Which has more rotational inertia?
>a full soda can or an empty soda can.

>answer empty because obviously an empty soda can will have less inertia.

>teacher scolds me for getting this wrong
>"Anon remember our experiment? The empty can took longer to roll down the ramp then the full one."
>Try to explain that the experiment would only apply if the cans had the same mass, which they wouldn't if these were standard soda cans.
>Even then acceleration while rolling down a ramp only relates to the moment of inertia rather than the actual inertia.
>Still doesn't buy it and tanks my class participation grade because she thinks I misunderstood the material.

>> No.8250784

I can't fathom what you think is wrong with that statement.

>> No.8250979

>Which has more rotational inertia?
>picks the one that >>will have less inertia


>> No.8251067
File: 7 KB, 800x600, fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 8th grade
> physics
> teacher draws pic related
> claims that this is the relative vertical displacement of the center of a wheel when going over a bump
> point out that graph asymptotically approaches a value not equal to zero meaning the wheel is now stuck, "did the springs break or what?"
> teacher doesn't know wtf I'm talking about, it goes up and down what do you want
> everyone laughing about my stupidity
> dad is vehicle mechatronics engineer, teaches mechanics and stuff
> happens to have distance sensor at work
> they literally use it to see if the springs / dampers are working correctly by attaching the sensor above the axle, then driving over a bump or just pushing down on the car
> school holidays
> go to dad's work
> we do the entire experiment
> printout of axle displacement over time confirms that my thought was correct, and the displacement returns to 0 after the impulse (hurr durr)
> bring printout to teacher
> derp hurr that's what I drew
No it fucking wasn't you stupid fuck.
He was fired a couple years later because he was a kiddy fiddler. Meanwhile I'm becoming an engineer.

>> No.8251077

the array IS wrong

>> No.8251079

Bad thread.

So far it's just the anons posting the stories that are retarded

>> No.8251090

>Meanwhile I'm becoming an engineer.
My condoleances

>> No.8251091

Wow, how did that detail escape me for so many years? What the fuck? I am shocked

>> No.8251092

It's not too bad, you just have to stay on your toes, or rather knees, and keep up with the cock sucking exercises.

>> No.8251110

At least some children suffered in this dumb story

>> No.8251183

>10th grade algebra II
>Asked to show my work
>I just do a simple proof
>"that's not how we want you to show your work, anon"
>explain my proof, not mad, just trying to show what I was thinking
>"hm yes that would be right but again, it's not what I was looking for"


>> No.8251242


>> No.8251259

> High school
> Teacher says skydiver goes up when the parachute opens
> Everyone acknowledge but my friend
> Friend says it's physically impossible
> Teacher goes mad, says that we must respect his authority (yes, like Cartman) and his knowledge
> After everyone left, my friend talked to the teacher, explaining why the skydiver can't go up and would probably die if he did
> The day after, same teacher, class divided in two groups at different times
> Teacher profusely apologizes to my friend, twice (once per group).
> All is forgiven (seriously, it was a nice apology, and we respected him more from then).

>> No.8251265

>Teacher comes into class really late every day
>Like literally 5-10 minutes late.
>Eventually all the students start to take advantage of this and come in 5-10 minutes after class is supposed to start.
>Somehow the teacher starts getting 10 minutes late after the new unofficial start time for the class.
>Once again the students pick up on this, teacher once again comes in even later.
>By the end of the term. Class is only about 20 minutes long instead of the intended hour.
>This wasn't even a public school, private.
>I start getting annoyed with the 40 minutes of waiting between classes and the incredibly short lectures which end up being rambling and incomplete.
>Eventually I just give up and skip class one day.
>After that everyone starts leaving class to go have a free period.
>No one cares. Teacher stops showing up.
>Term ends, Senior year so no finals.
>Every student gets an A.
>Teacher retires.
>We all got away with it.

It's a shame since English is usually a really fun class that takes no effort anyway.

>> No.8251272

What I did not appriciate, as some seem to have related with their stories, were the teachers who couldn't acknowledge that they were wrong. Seemed like such a stupid thing to not do just to assert your power and supperiority, which i assumed they otherwise would feel be undermined. Don't have a specific science class example our teacher in religion (yes we have that here) in religion made a statement about the history of christianity or something that was factually wrong, and when i pointed it out in a non-dick way he hade a semi huge fit. Didn't take the agurment because it was abviously important to him that his authority wasn't undermined eventhough he probably knew he was wrong or got insecure.

>> No.8251415

I once had a teacher that said the Philippines was a member of the Soviet Union.

She was a nice teacher but sometimes she says things like this and we just keep quiet and smile.

>> No.8251444

what? how the fuck did they want you to show your work then?

>> No.8251446

It was, briefly

She was right and you are ignorant

>> No.8251479

>we just keep quiet and smile

>> No.8251492

It's sideways :^)

>> No.8251551

quite a few stories:

> Be 17, kick out of school because noise bomb (joke got out of hand)
> Had to be at a crappy place for the rest of the last school year.
> "Physics" teacher is discussing inertia.
> Suddenly starts claiming that to bodies accelerate at different rate.
> I am "the fuck?", "Sorry prof, but Galileo showed that that's not true"
> The idiot laughs. "You know, a rock hits you harder than a rubber ball"
> "You are confusing how hard is an object with how fast it hits you"
> Starts laughing "I am an engineer, you know."

Yeah, you are an engineer, that has to give physics classes in a shitty school. The idiot even complained to the Principal, who called me. I had to explain who fucking Galileo was!

>> No.8251567

if you want more stories, just ask

>> No.8251574

but an electron isn't matter, matter mus have Protens and ElEcTrOnS, maybe even sum neutraltons as too.

>> No.8251732

Idiot, Protons are what make big muscles mass, and E equals m c ■ so photons are what I post on Instagram

>> No.8253796

actually nothing has mass because everything is made of quarks which are point particles :^)))

>> No.8254038

>Dumb physics teacher
>doing an experiment on heat with thermometers
>she puts a lighter right under a lobg lab thermometer
>places it in cold water inmeadtly after
>the poor thing completely shatters
>Mercury spilled all over the floor

Shes just that dumb. I have more stories about her

>> No.8255075

>be me in lit
>""""disecting"""" poems
>I go up to the board to underline "they tortured the poem" so show that it's personification
>hamplanet goes and erases it and says that it's not a personification
>I explain that since you're torturing a poem, you're describing it as living therefore it is personification
>she says no and basically says something along the lines of "who has a master's degree in English?"
>whole class laughs
>I fucking hate normies

>> No.8255110
File: 488 KB, 687x518, Look at this loser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teacher thought you listened when he explained what you were supposed to do.
Teacher thought you were watching as he made several examples on the blackboard.
Teacher thought you understood when he asked if there were any questions and you said nothing.

He was right in not bothering to explain it once more at that point.

>> No.8255118


>> No.8255156

>they tortured the poem

That is a metaphor. Nigga, I am studying mathematics and I don't even respect literature and yet I know more than you about it,

>> No.8255167

You guys may not believe this but my physics teacher in high school was basically autistic, she asked me and my friend how to cross multiply the time dilation equation. Any type of physics question you asked her she would avoid it then ramble on about something else. Still the worst teacher i have had to this day.

>> No.8255179

>11 or 12 years old
>learning about the solar system
>"fuck yea this is my shit I read all the astronomy books"
>teacher asks us to draw the earth, moon and sun and their relative orbits and axis of spin
>I draw the moon orbiting the earth while spinning on its axis
>teacher says no that is wrong
> I offer to prove it with a simple physical experiment with a tennis and basketball
>She wont have it and just continues to tell me I am wrong and respect her teaching in front of the whole class

Fuck I hated that cunt.

>> No.8255190

This sounds like you modeled the moon to spin on it's own axis when the moon is tidally locked.

>> No.8255193
File: 334 KB, 600x973, tumblr_nip33hfZxp1tqoiwuo10_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chem class in prep year, private school with german as a language
>chem teacher and does literally nothing but shout at us the entire class because of one idiot
>i have all those cool ideas i wanted to discuss
>she makes me lab supervisor when she isn't in class or late, because of my experience in lab
>she's late to class, just sitting on her chair with a labcoat, letting the class have fun
>she comes in late, the experiments begin
>the class knows im responsible, so one nigger just spills some muriatic acid to ground
>after class, i also have to clean the tubes and the petri dishes
>teacher notices muriatic acid on ground
>scolds me for 10 minutes
>never get to discuss ideas, be her lab slave for the year and do the paperwork she doesn't do
>she even cuts my class participation
at least biology class was cool

>> No.8255196

It still spins on its axis though doesn't it?

>> No.8255201

No, it's stuck always showing the same side to the earth. It does not spin at all.

>> No.8255203

Yes, it spins almost in sync with its trip around the earth, which makes it seem like the moon is not spinning.

>> No.8255207

if it didnt spin then we would see all sides of the moon you moron.
Its rotational period is the same as its orbit around the Earth which is why we only see one side. An object which spins at the same speed as its orbit is tidally locked but it still spins on its axis.

>> No.8255222


>> No.8255236
File: 1.85 MB, 4000x4000, moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its ok, here have a moon.

>> No.8255247

Since the earth is flat, is the moon flat as well ?

>> No.8255250

It's electron, dunceton

>> No.8255266

it's a hologram bro

>> No.8255281

Holy fuck that image triggers me.
You can tell the stupid bitch is just looking at the solutions manual, and has no fucking clue how to do basic math. The pink ink is fucking obnoxious.

>> No.8255286

but is it a 2D hologram ?

>> No.8255295
File: 97 KB, 779x635, 1459310955787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking calc 2
>professor gives a convergence problem on an exam
>always try the P test on convergence problems
>it works
>get back the exam
>no points for that question
>ask him why
>tells me the p test doesn't work here
>tell him it does
>he asks me to come to office hours
>he spends 40 minutes doing some crazy fucking proof on his board and eventually concludes that it does indeed converge and that the p method is a valid approach for this
>maybe next time anon you should use more rigor
>only gave me partial credit after all that

I want to point out that he was actually a great professor but I'm just still mad as a fuck about this.

>> No.8255360

Doesn't matter when you are some of the few with cash on hand in the age of poor

>> No.8255377

This isn't real, it's far too stupid

>> No.8255384

You're partially correct and you're teacher is terrible for not explaining that

>> No.8255535

Bro you were totally cucked by your teacher

>> No.8255549

Do tell

>> No.8255568

ITT: highschoolers do dumb shit that they feel they were right about.

>no specification on mass of can when empty or full

>> No.8255585

>Biology class
>teacher asks for the cause of muscle fever (aka Delayed onset muscle soreness)
>give answer of microtrauma and inflammation effects
>gives me a confused look
>claims I'm wrong and goes on about hurrdurr lactate
>tell him I've read the research and that's really outdated BS
>he insists he's right anyway

>> No.8255602

what this guy said>>8255156
It would only be a personification if the poem was torturing somebody, because you are giving him human abilities or 'personificating' it

>> No.8255627

Fuck off m8, people like you are the reason everyone thinks engies are only in it for the money.
I love my field, I love implementing existing shit into new systems and coming up with workarounds when, not if, nothing works. I love inventing new stuff.
And I sure as hell enjoy sucking cock.

>> No.8255637

An electron is not matter since it doesn't have a volume.

>> No.8255643

>"who has a master's degree in English?
obviously you hadnt. you were wrong

>> No.8255792

>always try the P test on convergence problems
P test?

>> No.8255850

Stick your penis in it.

>> No.8255911

>be in entry level college biology class
>professor is talking about the "theory" of evolution
>"It is important to note that in science, the word theory means something different.... blah blah blah evolution is basically a known fact"
>raise my hand
>"Yes anon?"
>"I'd just like to point out - if evolution were true, why haven't any other species evolved the ability to talk?"
>"W-what do you mean?"
>"Well, it seems that if this 'theory' were true, there would be countless other species by now which evolved high intelligence and the ability to communicate"
>"I'm sorry anon, I don't think you fully understand how evolution works."
>"No, I think it's YOU who doesn't understand how flawed this 'theory' is."

Needless to say the professor was flabbergasted. I dropped that class the next day. I find it hard to believe any biologist knows what the fuck they're talking about - particularly given the quality of their professors.

>> No.8255919

I bet you felt euphoric after that moment. Not because of some phony scientist's shared knowledge. But because you are enlightened by your intelligence.

>> No.8255958

nice b8 m8

>> No.8256003

Quality post.

>> No.8256016
File: 49 KB, 512x512, CONNOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be bait.

>> No.8256025

You're an idiot. Electrons are much smaller than protons.

>> No.8256027


>> No.8256031

>Electrons have no volume
>We approximate electrons as point particles because their volume is insignificant error.

I bet you think gases actually obey the Ideal gas law too.

>> No.8256588

your teacher most definitley has a master's in english, but has no business being a teacher, because that is a completley understandable mistake that should've been explained to you

>> No.8256716

>7th grade
>fractions quiz
>given fraction, have to represent as picture
>decide to be smartass
>represent 3/4 as a circle with a quarter shaded in
>write below it "3/4 of the circle is white"
>repeat for the rest of quiz
>dispute, told i should have done it "the way it was taught"

>> No.8256755

How were you supposed to represent it?

>> No.8256757

Why didn't you just tell the fuck to clean it or be reported? It's not like he knows what your position entails exactly.

>> No.8256763

>I bet you think gases actually obey the Ideal gas law too.

t. Goodell

>> No.8256771

I guess shading the 3/4, not the other way

>> No.8256869

By high school I had already learned that all those answers are wrong.

What the fuck is with your education system?

>> No.8256885

only teaching people "what they need to know" and then making them unlearn it as soon as they have interest in the subject and want to continue it

>> No.8256894

this is bait because >"w-what do you mean?"

however this is related and an interesting watch

tl;dr people who receive hardcore private religious schooling in US don't simply ignore everything thats in science books. They receive special 'science' books that contain misinformation. Their entire lives they are never confronted with people that have a different viewpoint. Only in the moment that they appear on the bill o'reilley show they for the first time hear somebody say something that doesn't fit their world view, and are convinced that the entirely of the scientific community has young earth creationists in every country that all purport that the earth is 6000 years old. Which is why 'your facts aren't true go read books' doesn't work on them since they believe the books support them.

>> No.8256942


Classical Mechanics - Undergraduate
>lecture on Dampened SHM
>shows us an example of a damped SHM differential equation
>professor tells us to write down the derivation given some conditions
>says to verify by taking first and second derivatives and plugging them into d.e.
>he runs off
>starts moving lab equipment
>screeching tables
>this method is fucking stupid
>use the characteristic equation
>TA walks around
"you're not doing it right"
>yeah I am
"you need to take first and second derivatives"
>no sorry, I think my method is correct
"Please come to the discussion sessions."
>show prof later
"yes yes you're absolutely correct , would you like a special assignment anon?
>get really excited, nod in approval
>he starts walking to the auditorium building
>people are setting up chairs for some event.
"these kinds of projects help build character anon"
>walks away, ask volunteer how I can help.
>set up chairs for about 40 min
>think about what prof said

I'm not stupid... He's stupid

>> No.8256980

>in advanced algorithms and complexity class
>had been skipping class for several weeks because it's too easy
>decide to come one day
>teacher presents the P=NP problem
>raise my hand and say the solutions are P=0 or N=1
>awkward silence
>teacher tells me to leave the room
I ended up failing his class because he was too pretentious to admit I was right. Ego has no place in the classroom.

>> No.8256985


>> No.8256998
File: 39 KB, 344x326, comment_lRXqjQrrhaACdqWsjjhQYGDjMPvW44ux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high school physics
>teacher says some Chemical compounds doesn't have all 3 states of matter
>sounds like bullshit, so I ask for example
>alcohol never freezes, she says

>> No.8257000

This is why it disgusts me that my university offers both science degrees and teaching degrees.

The equivalent for my mathematics degree at the education faculty takes the equivalent of calculus one in the 5th semester. It is truly a disgrace.

However, I am not surprised. There is obviously a cancerous culture that pretends like teaching is easy and anyone can do it well, which is why staff is barely ever fired for bullshit like what you describe.

>> No.8257005

This is some top tier bait. Good job anon.

>> No.8257014

>religious people
>acknowledge they were wrong
top kek m8

>> No.8257023

>Every story sounds like bullshit and ends with the teacher speaking out an appeal to authority
Sounds like some people ITT are salty they never finished their own degree

>> No.8257027

>not leaving right then and there
lol cuck

>> No.8257080


>> No.8257082

>>set up chairs for about 40 min
lol your a fucking loser

>> No.8257093
File: 68 KB, 530x600, 1450076342339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say no more

>> No.8257176

> Exam of microeconomics, get full marks
> after the teacher has confirmed my mark i say: "Excuse me, can I ask for an explanation?"
> – Yeah, sure –
> "Why is [math]P_0-\Delta P[/math] in [math](P_0-\Delta P)(Q_0+\Delta Q)[/math] considered the new price if the price must go down and the quantity increase?"
> – Anon, I'm not following you –
> "Pardon, I'll write it down: if the price at the time zero is 60 $ and the one at time one is 50 $ using this method you get this result
[eqn]P_0-\Delta P=10[/eqn]
[eqn]60-\Delta P=10[/eqn]
[eqn]10=\Delta P[/eqn]
> "This method doesn't give us the true new price so it's incorrect"
> – Anon, I'm not following you –
> others attempts to explain the problem to him
> – Look, I've just decided that [math]\Delta P=P_0-P_1[/math], but yes, the method that you showed me it's more correct. But why did you have to go to such lengths for this? –
> I make some jokes trying to restrain myself from telling him that in the same equation the delta has two opposite meaning and that is bullshit
Mind you, he is a good teacher and a nice person to talk to, but he really sucks at maths.

>> No.8257191

I bet you don't even know what the graphic represents.
>duh yes I do, it's the literal movement of the wheel going up and down
You were born, that's stupid.

ITT: We pretend to outsmart our high school teachers by going full Texas mode om them.

>> No.8257243

A full soda can is so many times more massive than an empty one that you don't need mass to be specified to answer the question.
The problem is that the teacher was stupid enough to think mass wasn't a part of rotational inertia.

>> No.8257246

If this is bait it's fucking hilarious.

>> No.8257285

uwutmut? The moment of inertia for a solid cylinder or shell is off by a factor of a 1/2, assuming the empty soda can mass remains the same in both cases. Whether the filled soda can attains the greater moment of inertia or no then depends on the added mass, which is unspecified.

Kek. Got what you deserved for being a pretentious cunt who misses the point of the assignment.

>> No.8257445

You were wrong though.

>going full Texas mode

>> No.8257483

>teacher pronounces larynx and pharynx as larnyx and pharnyx

>> No.8257522

Oh boy.
> be me
> in physics class
> teacher (who we call Big W), has a smug look on his face
> he connects his Macbook to the projector and opens up a video of free energy machines
> he asks the class 'how do they do that'
> he just plays the entire 10 fucking minute video

another time we are in class
> he tells the class that the distance to the moon is 3 000 000 km
> and then in the next sentence that it takes light 8 minutes to get from the Sun to the Earth.

He's a good bloke desu.

>> No.8257539

but that's wrong. it should be -10

>> No.8257552

>> and then in the next sentence that it takes light 8 minutes to get from the Sun to the Earth.
Isn't that true, though? Did you think he was using "light minutes" as a unit of time? Because that's not necessarily the case.

>> No.8257556

it's inconsistent with the previous sentence

>> No.8257560

Who literally gives a shit.

>> No.8257562

it's wrong, and it's in the "teachers say wrong things" thread

>> No.8257566

I don't think the moon is that far away...

>> No.8257570

that's exactly the point
he said two things which clearly contradict each other and didn't notice
that's it. it's not an interesting post

>> No.8257571

I know but everyone knows that Americucks can't pronounce shit neither can they spell.

>> No.8257573

amazing string of posts, A++++ board contribution

>> No.8257609

I worked with a teacher a couple of years ago that insisted on teaching the tongue map claiming it was real, even after I told her it was rubbish that has been long debunked.

>> No.8257638

Maybe all these anons went on to become teachers.

>> No.8257644


>> No.8257683

All personification could also be described as metaphor. An inanimate object is incapable of suffering, which is why the likening of a poem to something capable of suffering (person) is personification.

>> No.8257690

You are saying the moon doesn't rotate, but only relative to the earth's orientation.
By that logic, neither does the earth, but surly that's not your intended implication

>> No.8257760

My bad, I've written the equation wrong, it was [math]60-\Delta P=50[/math] or, in a general way, [math]P_0-\Delta P=P_1[/math].
The point was that he changed the interpretation of delta twice in an equation.

>> No.8257772

Knew a history teacher who didnt know that the USSR fought Nazi Germany in WW2. She had read about them invading Poland and thought they were an axis power the entire war. Looked blank when I asked about the Eastern Front or who captured Berlin.

>> No.8257958

I don't think so m8

>> No.8257959

I'm thinking you phrased this wrong right? While the distance to the moon is off by a factor of 10, I don't see how the next sentence reveals the inconsistency. I'd understand if it was something along the lines as
>teacher says moon to earth distance is 3M km
>says it takes 1 second for light reflected off its surface to reach earth
However, the way you phrase it says nothing at alll.

>> No.8257969
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>> No.8258012

I had to dissect that same gay ass """"""""poem""""""". Had a cool teacher though

>> No.8258027

>>We approximate electrons as point particles because their volume is insignificant error.
We approximate electrons as point particles because there is no measurement which indicates they aren't point particles [when localized].

>> No.8258037

>take mineralogy course
>get to the section about crystallography
>professor rushes through the subject, basically throws all the info at us in two classes and expects the labs to pick up the slack
>everyone is so confused, the professor promises us that crystallography won't be covered on the final
>obviously nobody studies it
>the final has two questions on crystallography
I don't know if he was senile or just an asshole.

>> No.8258044

>They receive special 'science' books that contain misinformation.
All the science books used in the HS I went to were all big publishers and I never saw anything about god, but I also didn't see much content-wise like with everything else.

>> No.8258046

Are both you and your teacher too stupid to know it was an electron out of those awnsers.

>> No.8258051

>lit class
>fat autist who always asks stupid questions asks the difference between objective and subjective
>teacher says subjective is what you think of yourself objective is what other people think of you
>half the class goes OHHHHH now I get it
>I don't bother

>physics class
>teacher talks about how there should be turbines in water tower
>I explain you have to pump the water up so its not efficient
>he says how you have to pump it up anyway
>I explain the pressure is needed for the water to get to homes
>he starts telling me they can just make it higher tells me to research it more then prove it and then scolds me for being arrogant.

>> No.8258055

>freshman year in highschool
>earth science teacher was this young girl right out of college
>she had a huge rack
>wore a tight low cut top every day
>spent every class just staring at her breasts the whole hour
>didn't learn a single thing
>she gave me an award at the end of the year for being such a good student

I enjoyed that class.

>> No.8258097

Sounds like you didn't go to a hardcore religious private school like the people described in the post you're responding to. Consider yourself normal.

>> No.8258164

Can someone explain what this t. Stuff means

>> No.8258217

Fuck you

>> No.8258331

t. newfag

Get it?

>> No.8258362

>biology class
>teacher doesn't believe in evolution

>> No.8258373

The image you used makes me unbelievably angry, I can tell...

>> No.8258392

>pronounces analogous as anna locust

>> No.8258436

>TA's are all japs, chinese, indians, or pakis
>every single one has a near incomprehensible accent
>not a single white, latino, or black TA in any of the problem sections
Is it really too much to ask for your TA's to speak the native language with a comprehensible accent.

Not a stupid teacher story, but fuck I'm mad.

>> No.8258443
File: 389 KB, 1065x870, 1466111777832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calc II
>Sequences and Series time
>in recitation
>doing workshop with various complex series and sequences
>get to certain problem, figure out it does converge using the ratio test
>Big, fat, nasty Russian woman is the TA
>Her accent is thicker than her waist
>Sees what I'm doing
>"Why are you use ratio test? You see is wrong method"
>The ratio test worked fine mathematically
>"You need do integral test, why not you take your integral?"
>tell her ratio test works fine, even show her the work
>she ignores it and proceeds to yell about intetgrals
>"Are you going to do your integral?? How are you in this class?"
>her english is so broken it makes me wanna giggle
>I smirk slightly
>"what is funny of integral to you? huh? Is not hard, so do your integral."
>Ignore her
>end up with a 96 on the final and an A in the class.

>> No.8258457

That screenshot triggers me.
>Sorry you deviated in the most minute way from our retarded curriculum, -1
What are our children going to end up like with this iteration of public education?

>> No.8258479

>chemistry teacher in high school is also cheerleading coach and XC asst coach
>complete ditz but super sexy, also total slut, been married 3 times in 4 years
>knows I am smart asks me privately if she did a titration correct for the lab.
>I say yes, From then on every time she set up a lab she asked me to check the her work
>we get comfy, see her in sports bra and spanks every day at XC practice and hug almost every day
>stay in touch after I graduate, randomly see her at a bar, we take shots together, she is divorced again
> I get really handzy, she loves the attention, get her number, she texts me about basic chem questions and got remarried a month later.
This is why we shouldn't have young female teachers!

>> No.8258570

>High school
>Somehow our biology teacher giving us a lesson about astronomy
>"Sir if the Universe is expanding then how large is it?"
>"The observable Universe is 13.7 billion light years in radius, that's how much space has expanded since the Big Bang"
>"Oh okay, thanks"

Jesus Christ... Why bother if you're not sure?

>> No.8258581

Texas was one of the first states to try to inforce creationism inside public schools.

>> No.8258598

Five response? I'd say that warrants at least a 5/10 my friend.

>> No.8258720

Not all multiplication is commutative. Not a bad idea to think of 3*5 and 5*3 of different things that give the same result.

>> No.8258772

This post deserves a screenshot.

>> No.8258846

Let A be a set equipped with a binary operation [math]/circ[\math]. This operation could be commutative, or maybe it's not. However...

Let Z be the set of integers and * be one fo the binary operations that exist within this set, multiplication. This is the place where the question in the picture lies, not in some place like A.

>> No.8258866

I understand its usage but what does the t. stand for?

>> No.8258882

Obviously multiplication of integers is commutative. But thinking of 3*5 and 5*3 (for example) as the "same thing" leads to problems for a lot of students in later courses.

It is easy to find sets with binary operations that aren't commutative. Matrix multiplication is an example. The cross product is an example. The fact that so many students struggle with these operations not being commutative is a suggestion that maybe multiplication should be taught differently at the lower level.

Now maybe that teacher shouldn't have marked that problem wrong. But I don't think it is a bad idea to teach that 3*5 and 5*3 are different things that turn out to be equivalent.

>> No.8258884

Meant for

>> No.8258903

it's finnish
it's short for terveisin which apparently means something like regards

>> No.8258973

>D: a proton

Since it was a biology test, perhaps the teacher meant to write "a protein" but misspelled it? In that case, "atom" would have been the intended correct answer (given that the "electron" option was not actually there).

>> No.8258993

>Answer proton because it's literally the smallest possible atom.

Ironic because you don't know what you're talking about. A proton (with an electron is hydrogen), but a proton by itself is H+, which is an ion, not an atom.

Also electrons are smaller.

>> No.8259075
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, 1381599121311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated post and she knew btw

>> No.8259096

On the off chance that this isn't bait, you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.8259264

Oh she definitely knew. She caught me staring while helping me set up a lab once.

>> No.8259766

>students who have a superiority complex think they are always right
>get proven wrong in this thread

I lol'd.

>> No.8260583


>> No.8261394


>> No.8262171

just another day in the life of a chemist

>> No.8262233

>gcse biology
>learning about ATP
>I ask what ATP stands for
>"it's not in the syllabus"

>same biology teacher
>says that protease is released in the stomach
>mucus protects the stomach lining
>it's also a protein
>I ask if it gets digested

she had a fucking PhD as well

>> No.8262244

>He was fired a couple years later because he was a kiddy fiddler. Meanwhile I'm becoming an engineer.
oh, so you'll be seeing him again soon.

>> No.8262760

It's like Finnish or something for something similar to "your's truly" or "greetings from"

>> No.8263085

>always try the P test on convergence problems
If you are talking about the test for p-series, then that works if your series is a p-series. It sounds like the series on your exam wasn't a p-series and you don't understand anything.

>> No.8263092

The p-series test can also prove convergence for a series whose terms each have a magnitude less than or equal to the corresponding terms of a convergent p-series.

>> No.8263102

I believe you're describing the comparison test. Of course p-series test can be used in conjunction with other tests. But you have to actually use those tests, and clearly state what you're doing.

>> No.8263105

>he had a phd teach him at gcse.

Nigga this should have given it away that she was fucking useless.

>> No.8263976

This, its a product of targeting the the bottom 30% of kids to make sure "everyone has an opportunity"

>> No.8263992


>> No.8264036

There's no measurement that says protons aren't point particles either. Matter isn't made of particles, it's made of little gaussians. Your body isn't made of particles either; it has a wavelength. Electrons are matter.

>> No.8264053
File: 6 KB, 275x255, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be high school senior
>taking AP Bio because fuck gen ed requirements in college
>dumbshit wife of football coach is teaching it
>teacher tells us that the likelihood of having a male child decreases every time you have another male child

>mfw I have a basic understanding of probability

>> No.8264073

It's real. I work in a computational chemistry lab at a good research university; our group publishes in JACS and nature a few times a year. I'm an undergrad, and the grad student assigned to mentor me got into an argument with me over this same concept. A chemistry PhD candidate! He thought heavier objects fell faster with no wind resistance, and I had to prove it to him.

It happens

>> No.8264079

Find it weird that teachers do nothing about it, same thing for me when i was in High school. Except, the teacher had a huge nice bubble ass, everyone in my class would stare at it, she caught people staring at it. Remember her wearing a tight sun dress, like what the fuck student obviously stared at her, and she knew it, but then she decides to wear something nicer to give her students diamonds wtf?

>> No.8264110

Lol, a ln electron is 2000 time smaller than a protein you are wrong.
+ in high school I doubt you Fulkerson talk about proton and electron in a meaningfull biological way. She perhaps Misworded the question but you got it wrong pal

>> No.8264170

>I bet you don't even know what the graphic represents.
The vertical displacement of the wheel axis relative to its starting position, over time. I literally said that. Please tell me how you know more about an assignment I literally had in front of me.

>> No.8264177

Am gonna need some source on that.
I would honestly say that I would vé said the same thing.

>> No.8264187

Ding ding ding we got a tard over here. Electrons are fermions, they qualify as matter. Sorry for the immature joke but how else are you going to learn

>> No.8264194

What would someone lie on the Internet to impress a bunch of know-it-all Virgin ?
I swear my dream in life is to witness this type of autism,

>> No.8264803


>missing the entire point

the problem is actually because educational institutions exist to prepare people for the workforce to be wage-slaves. notice how so many US college students literally have no interest in the actual subject matter and only do it for the money. e.g. students that build computers and play games going to uni for com sci, but they hate math.

the math curriculum in the US is also a perfect example of what im talking about. the focus is on formulaic procedure and mindless memorization instead of the conceptual nature of math that has to be shown to you. students need teachers that show them the beauty of math, to instill passion. but those teachers were fucked from the start due to problems in their time, so they dont see the beauty either.

fucking edgelord

>> No.8264821

this was meant for


>> No.8265119

>prof setup a pendulum with a bowling ball
>asks for a volunteer to put their face right next to the starting point of the pendulum
>everyone's too scared, I know what's going to happen so I volunteer
>let go of the ball, it comes back and hits me in the face pretty hard
>I accidentally pushed the ball a bit and leaned forward a tiny bit, turns out.

How to get laughed at 101

>> No.8266297

I guess she is just comfortable and confident in her body. Or maybe she gets off on freshman boys creaming their pants over her. I sure did.

>> No.8266403

Do TA's count?

>homework question is to prove statement A
>easy proof, turn it in and forget about it
>next week, I get it back and there are points taken off, no explanation
>go to the office hours of the TA who graded it to request an explanation
>him: "well, the method you used can't be right, because you could use that method to prove statement B, which we know to be false"
>me: "how would this method prove statement B???"
>him: (and this quote is exact) "how would it not???"
>completely speechless, this is a math grad student at a pretty good school who doesn't understand how burden of proof is supposed to work
>ask him him after a few moments to point out a concrete step in my proof which was flawed
>him: "well, I don't think this function which you've called a step function is actually a step function"
>it's clearly a step function
>we argue for 30 minutes about whether or not it is
>finally convince him to look in the textbook, where my function clearly satisfies the given definition
>he had just never looked in the book

In the end, I got my points back, but this guy hated me for the rest of the year, and I actually think he took of points for my answers unfairly for the questions he graded on the midterm and final, though I can't prove this.

>> No.8266487
File: 1.36 MB, 1912x1536, evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8266497

fuck off to reddit retards, integer multiplication is not defined as commutative, that's just a theorem and the little retarded girl got her repeated summation the wrong way around

>> No.8266513

But the observable universe is 90billion light years across.

>> No.8266525

Please explain.

Was the professor just being a dick, or does this have something subtley to do with mechanics

>> No.8266532

Who's rating?

>> No.8266550
File: 50 KB, 700x504, 1446785066874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8266562

But it is. It has a lower mass and hense a more spread out wavefunction you moron. Protons and electrons arent actually little balls you know

>> No.8266565


Can someone post the one about how he stands up to the professor who fumbles his chalk while sweating profusely or something?

>> No.8266614


>> No.8266787

>distance from Earth to the Moon = 3M km
>takes 8 min for the light to get from the Sun to the Earth

i dont see any contradictions

>> No.8266789


>> No.8266790


maybe anon went to highschool a long time ago

>> No.8266805

Stop using literally to show your outrage, you fucking millennial fuck.

>> No.8266812

are you literally retarded?

>> No.8266906


>> No.8266921

I got a detention in High School for arguing with my Bio teacher because I insisted that a mile is longer than a kilometer.

>> No.8266948

Kek. RE is the most bullshit subject in existence. Literally 85% of what you learn is a factually incorrect platitude trying to simplify a historical event or a belief to the point where it's useless anyway, and the rest is the opinion of the teacher.

>> No.8266986

Had an incredibly dumb anatomy teacher senior year. She thought she knew everything.

>always has off topic class discussions
>one day discussing health
>she talks about how Mcdonald's is the devil and makes you fat
>raise my hand
>she calls on me, whole class stares at me
>say weight loss is dependent on caloric balance and not food quality
>whole class thinks I'm dumb because she has a biology degree

She did two years at a CC followed by 2 years at temple. I gurantee you she got straight C's and forgot everything she learned as soon as she graduated. I have another story about her if anybody cares.

>> No.8266994

Electron. It is physical and has mass. Electron is the smallest form of matter.

>> No.8267055

he must have confused light years and years, because the universe is supposedly 13.7 billion years old.

>> No.8267056

>In AP bio, teacher passing back worksheet
>notice I get marked down for saying viruses sometimes have membranes
>hey teacher viruses DO sometimes have membranes
>"no they don't anon"
>how about HIV, Ebola, influenza, and pretty much every important human virus other than polio
>"I'm teaching you the curriculum"
>shouldn't the curriculum be correct
>"go back to your seat"

Lost all respect for her that day

>> No.8267066

>Treating biology (not a science) like science.
Found your problem, anon-kun.

>> No.8267075
File: 653 KB, 2240x1344, 20160812_235726[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be in math class
>going over vectors test
>one question was pic related (sorry for potato camera)
>since both forces had two significant figures, round my answer to two sigfigs
>get test back, ask teacher why I got points off for this, explain why i should use significant figures instead of rounding to 3 decimal places my calculator gave me
>"i'm not a science teacher, i'm a math teacher, and in this class we round CORRECTLY"
inb4 underage b&, I like to keep my tests and notes for classes after I'm done with them so I can look back if I ever forget something.

>> No.8267076

What is a science anon-kun?

>> No.8267081


lol'd at would probably die if he did. Can't believe people accepted that

>> No.8267085

is english really a fun class that takes no effort anyway? Deciphering edgar allen poe is some hard fucking shit

>> No.8267088

This gave me dysphoria

>> No.8267090

that is actually retarded if he put units and not sig figs

>> No.8267091

I don't understand why people are saying this guy is wrong?

>> No.8267100

lmfao, so many of these kids are discovering they were actually wrong

I'm sorry dude but that's funny

>> No.8267106

Holy fuck no it does spin even though it's locked, this is right

I'm dumb>>8255196

>> No.8267128
File: 32 KB, 230x230, pepe weed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of those has 1 sig fig, so both of you are wrong

>> No.8267130

Can someone explain this?

>> No.8267133

lmfao, this country is dumb by choice and nobody cares

>> No.8267141

I really have no idea what's so special about this post

>> No.8267146

A math teacher would give the exact value instead of sig figs.

>> No.8267147
File: 52 KB, 604x604, EKyAwSI.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea seriously dude 0/10

>> No.8267148

shutup you would have stayed

>> No.8267149

>muh pokemon shit is more than just a theory (a guess)

>> No.8267152

Shit that ain't real? I was pretty certain I only tasted salty food on edges and tip of my tongue

>> No.8267155

Do you still have nightmares about him telling you "you're wrong"?

>> No.8267168

This thread is making me feel stupid, am I having a stroke or do 90% of these posts make no sense

>teacher talks about how there should be turbines in water tower
>I explain you have to pump the water up so its not efficient
>he says how you have to pump it up anyway
>I explain the pressure is needed for the water to get to homes

Dude what the fuck is going on, I'm not comprehending any of these posts it's not just this one

>> No.8267171

>in high school physics
>learning about the forces of nature
>teacher says that gravity is the strongest force
>try to tell her its by far the weakest
>teacher asks why the sun can keep the planets in orbit if its so weak
>I ask why a tiny magnet can beat all of Earth's gravity
>people look at me like I'm a dumbass

>> No.8267176

>this is a math grad student at a pretty good school who doesn't understand how burden of proof is supposed to work
>burden of proof

Are you brain damaged? Burden of proof is a meme used by retards who can't into formal logic. I'm not saying your proof was wrong nor am I saying it was right but citing burden of proof as your reasoning in mathematics is grounds enough to fail you out of the class.

That said, if a proof method can be used to prove something false then it formally means that either one of your assumptions was false or there is a problem in the proof. Usually if it sounds reasonable in the context of something else you know is true, then it means that there is some subtle confusing detail that requires further scrutiny (maybe the technique doesn't actually support the false proof on a technicality or maybe the technique is slightly flawed and needs to be tightened up). Understanding the problem with the technique will often be far more enlightening than just finding an alternative technique. Cherish these moments.

And don't ever fucking try to use another "fallacy" meme in the context of mathematics.

>> No.8267178

>Conducting academic sabotage in front of an audience.

Well done.

>> No.8267183

> bio not a science
You are probably a salty engicuck made because it s legit not a science lmao kys

>> No.8267186


>> No.8267192

We you a douche bag, did any other student have the same issue. Honestly I think that teacher did not like you, any way technically that wrong because on the image you were not given that many sign fig either him or you were a cunt, my money is on you tho ;)

>> No.8267207

>Chem 1
>first day
>professor is a 60 year old russian lady
>She earned all of her qualifications in the USSR
>first slide
>big bang
>"big bang happened in one place and expanded outward into the universe."
>Only in that class, I am a nervous wreck having to study under her

>One day, she decides to do a lab review at my station
>have panic attack
>leave room
>review is over
>she comes up to me
>"I thought you were my best student, but my best students are not afraid of me."
>fuck, shes right

>> No.8267208

Out of all these stories that one seemed the most likely.

>> No.8267209

Were you expecting people to think in the micro scale. You should've compare the value of K vs G but honestly in high school it's simply not worth it
Knowing the American high school system I does not surprise me, but you could've word your objection tho.

>> No.8267212

>get really excited, nod in approval
>set up chairs for about 40 min

Something tells me you were being a pretentious dick. + 1 good laugh.

>> No.8267220

>fucks up the story of Diogenes and Plato

You fail

>> No.8267222

The post you replied to was 0/10 but this is -2/10.
All books issued in private schools are the same content quality as regular school books and have to be approved of my the state.

>> No.8267236

>Be me, Freshman year
>On a test:
>A bowling ball has a mass of 1kg, and has a force of 10N. What is its acceleration?
>Answer 1/A since its acceleration is undefined(F = MA is missing a variable)
>Get marked down
>fucking hate that class

>> No.8267244


I think my "matter" a biology teacher would be more inclined to assume a chemist's interpretation - atoms are the smallest kind of "chemically interesting" matter.

Stupid, but not all scientists or science teachers are physicists.

>> No.8267251
File: 18 KB, 500x500, 1471027507956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> 10N = 1kg * A
> A = 10N/kg


>> No.8267264
File: 562 KB, 2525x1652, 1465026226232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is bait, but this really does happen. I'm a Bio professor, and I have literally had students tell me I am going to hell in class during my lecture for teaching evolution and for not subscribing to a faith. I have had so many students willing to argue about evolution it's rather depressing.

>> No.8267265

No F = MA

A = M/A

I only had two variables iirc.

>> No.8267267

If you couldn't do this hopefully you're an art major now

>> No.8267272

> chemically interesting
Nigga, 7/8's of chemistry is trackin electrons.

>> No.8267273

You made a logical error in your argument, but I'm not going to tell you where. :^)

>> No.8267276

What are unit tests for 800

>> No.8267281


Because I'm fucking pissed...

F = 10N (a force of 10N)
M = 1kg (a mass of 1kg)
A = (What is the acceleration?)

Plug n' chug m8

>> No.8267287


Good point. I'm really too fucking old to be posting here...

>> No.8267298
File: 491 KB, 150x132, 1470262887228.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wait, electrons are massless.

Oh well.

>> No.8267300


Anyone try to sell you on aliens yet?

>> No.8267311

>electrons are massless
Where did this meme come from?

>> No.8267314

No, never had a student express any belief in aliens. I teach in the Southern US, people are pretty devoted to their faith here.

>> No.8267315

Here one for ya
>cell biology
>HBIC of Bio is prof.
>we just took the 2nd test and it's the next class period
>Tuesday Thursday class
>one student named Kevin skips the three days after the test
>HBIC asks people where he is and nobody knows
>he wanders in after day four and takes his seat
>HBIC needs to earn her title so she tries to drag him in front of the class.
>"if you don't attend every lecture you won't pass the tests!", "where were you?", and "what was more important than my class?"
Side note: her tests were open answer and did have questions that were not in the book or slides. Also her lecture answers overruled the book and slides answers.
>Kevin looks her dead in the eyes and says
>"well after test 2 I have a grade of 104 in this class and have spent your last three classes sleeping, playing LOL and studying for test three. I didn't need to be here"
>HBIC replies with" well, your grade can change very quickly"
>Kevin "do you think it's a good idea to threaten someone when over half the class is recording you?"
>HBIC "lets just get back to the material"
The very next day she had a sign posted "no audio or video recording allowed" and she added it to the syllabus for her later classes.

>> No.8267320
File: 218 KB, 2250x2250, 1471015377475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel for you. Truly.

An astonishing number of those somehow earn themselves positions in the laboratories in my home state.

>> No.8267321


When the joy of teaching fades away (and it fades quickly), all that remains is a shriveled ego.

>> No.8267344
File: 136 KB, 900x680, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are y'all really gonna tell me that with how vast space is that you don't think aliens exist?
Maybe not >>>/x/ tier where they go around enforcing the intergalactic poophole-loophole but on some level alien life exists.

>> No.8267347

the image is not even wrong.
5x3 is "five times three" not "three times five"
dumbass kid

>> No.8267349


A + B = B + A



t. bilology student

>> No.8267391

>>8267349 So she was still right.
t. Nigger

>> No.8267404

It's time to stop shitposting and learn some elementary algebra, senpai.

>> No.8267406

arrays don't have commutative properties

>> No.8267455

>>Answer proton because it's literally the smallest possible atom.
uh, hydrogen ion

>> No.8267457
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, fgsfds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[math]AB = BA[/math]
Let [math]A = \binom{1 \; 2}{3 \; 4}[/math] and [math]B = \binom{5 \; 6}{7 \; 8}[/math].
AB &= \begin{pmatrix} 19 & 22 \\ 43 & 50 \end{pmatrix} \\
BA &= \begin{pmatrix} 23 & 34 \\ 31 & 46 \end{pmatrix}

>> No.8267577

Kek same here my lad

>> No.8267583


>> No.8267595


>> No.8267612

It's finnish for "regards".

t. a finn

>> No.8267632

It's terveiset m8, not terveisin.

>> No.8267636

OT af but how tf do i post on here (sci) my own topic? can't find it..

>> No.8267692
File: 38 KB, 545x510, sci chairsboy btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8267712

You're not wrong. Everyone thinks that the human qualities are all on the torturer, so none need be imparted onto the poem for the phrase to work. However, the poem has to have the capacity for pain or it can't be tortured. I agree with you.

>> No.8267735

actually, even that line of reasoning isn't correct, the ability to feel pain isn't an exclusive human quality....animals and other living things feel pain (or what *looks* like pain) too.

>> No.8267736

But electrons have a mass four orders of magnitude smaller

>> No.8267741

>aged 14ish
>reading Lord Of The Flies in class
>at the back of our copies was a little analysis of each chapter that nobody except me had noticed
>decide to seem really smart by basically reading off the analysis at the back of the book
>teacher tells me i'm wrong and everyone laughs at me
>want to tell them theyre fucking retards, but cant without revealing i was cheating


this still makes me mad 5 years later

>> No.8267759

But it's not said if count of rows or columns cones first

>> No.8267767

>accused of plagiarism only once
>on the last assignment i had to turn in to complete high school

fuck me

>> No.8267783

stay mad fuccboiii xD

>> No.8267820

The purpose of a water tower is to pressurize the water distribution network. If you put a water turbine in it, you reduce the pressure coming out of the tower, defeating the purpose.

>I have no idea what's going on
Youre not smart enough for this board.
Try >>>/pol/ or >>>/x/

>> No.8267829

Nice meme

>> No.8267910

>Burden of proof is a meme used by retards who can't into formal logic

Don't you mean a quasi legal term?

>> No.8267918

Yea, I get that idiot, I'm not completely sure if I get this

>I explain you have to pump the water up so its not efficient
>he says how you have to pump it up anyway

Maybe it's just confusing me because what that teacher said is retarded. Btw, go back to your containment boards don't pretend like you belong here. I don't think I've ever been on /x/ and /pol/ only once because others talked of it. You on the other hand enjoy those boards on a regular basis since you seem to be suggesting them, please stop projecting

>> No.8267933

it's a reddit thing you wouldn't understand

>> No.8267999

You sound like the kind of students I hate having, who thinks he's smarter than all of his instructors. Look, it can be very hard to pinpoint exactly where a proof goes wrong. A common strategy is to check to see if you've proven something absurdly strong or known to be false, in which case your proof is almost certainly wrong.

>> No.8268155
File: 65 KB, 900x900, 1429663779568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>junior year of high school
>electrical engineering class, exam time
>"solve for voltage on some component in an RLC circuit"
>perform norton-thevenin transformation to ease the calculation
>solve the problem, the result was a beautiful round number
>get exam back, the whole problem crossed out, marked as incorrect
>check neighbor's exam, the exact same result, check mark next to it
>ask teacher what was wrong with my solution
>"hurr durr, you can't just transform like that!"
>"but i got the exact same result as Anon, to the last decimal place"
>"that was merely a coincidence"
>exact same result after 10 mathematical operations

>> No.8268194

You can totally get a correct result by applying improper logic and reasoning. You know you aren't supposed to learn final answers, but methods of thinking and why/when they are valid?

>> No.8268213

This is going to be my friend when she starts teaching.

>be me, not very confident when giving answers but will try to point out why I think something is wrong
>friend stubborn when it comes to science
>discussing homework problems with her and a classmate
>classmate and I agree answer is A while friend claims it's B
>"no guys it has to be B because (insert accusatory reasoning)"
>I politely explain why A is correct without mentioning anything about her reasoning for B
>friend just changes her answer on the homework and says nothing else

She's very intelligent but cannot handle it if she's proven wrong. She's unfortunately going to be that teacher many students don't like because she won't admit her faults.

>> No.8268233

Is this teacher a woman by chance?

>> No.8268269

what do you think would be the most comfortable profession for someone like that?

>> No.8268294

what are electrons made up of fampai?

>> No.8268320

>(I wrote this talk for a high school. I never actually gave it, because the school authorities vetoed the plan to invite me.)

>> No.8268328

>By that logic, neither does the earth
Moon side facing earth is always the same, this is not the case with earth

>> No.8268367


>> No.8268563

A profession for someone intelligent but can't handle criticism?

Probably something where they work alone and don't depend on the feedback of others for improvement. Maybe research since if their hypothesis is proven unsupported they'll have concrete evidence as to why. Or maybe publication if they don't kind writing?

>> No.8268626

Seems reasonable. Thanks.

>> No.8268672

because theyre idiots

hes not wrong

>> No.8268673

>Physic teacher thinks WiFi makes plants die faster
>Physic teacher thinks magnets could errase CDs

>> No.8268725

shiet you're right that is only one sigfig
but if I had tried to round that to 50, I would definitely understand why I got points off.

And no, I wasn't rude. I was a little bit salty at her not understanding what I was saying about how to round correctly but she just wouldn't listen.
And she definitely didn't dislike, I was one of her favorites. She was just pigheaded.

>> No.8268777

Good luck anon and be sure to explore some career paths before actually deciding on one. Just because something looks good on paper doesn't mean it's the best fit for you (and vice versa).

>> No.8268832


This happens because Americans just aren't good enough to be grad students. My dad was telling me that the math department admitted fourteen foreigners and two Americans this year.

>> No.8268931

You're both wrong, but you more than her. https://vimeo.com/127401963

>> No.8268952
File: 1.63 MB, 360x270, 1456181012012.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top tier kek, belongs in a rekt thread

>> No.8268970

My chemistry teacher said that Democritus was persecuted by the Catholic church....

>> No.8268971

P=NP is a problem in comp sci which basically attempts to ascertain whether solutions which can be verified computationally can also be solved computationally (in any practical length of time).

So basically it is a short description of a problem rather than a mathematical formula (where P = Polynomial and NP = Non-polynomial). Consequently solving it using basic algebra is about as productive as scrying for answers in a toilet bowl.

>> No.8269134
File: 167 KB, 396x385, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7/8's of chemistry is trackin electrons

I scrolled to the bottom then realized what you did you sneaky fuck

>> No.8269216

>electrons are massless.

>> No.8269987

To make the comparison MORE stark, I argue like so
>>How strong would a magnet the size of earth be?
>>What would happen to a ball bearing stuck half way between earth, and a ferrous magnet moon?

>> No.8269990


>> No.8271476

>be me
>HS teacher
>mfw this thread

Right, imma assume yall not underage b&s, so you're out of school already, and thus I am not undermining your teachers' authority...
but lemme tell you, some teacher are really stupid. Like, walking "blonde moments". And some of us agree with you on that.

We just can't tell you while you're still our students.

>> No.8271985

They need to increase the pay and requirements to become teachers

>> No.8272016

>Nigga, 7/8's of chemistry is trackin electrons.
that is only if you are doing meme chemistry and not material science

although it is about 2/5ths of material science as well

>> No.8272019

Currently working on teaching degree in canada, finished my first year

Any words of advice?

>> No.8272139

The car also moves forward. Hence, the wheel is moving forward from its initial position. So of course it doesn't return to zero. It returns to zero vertical plus some horizontal. The y-axis is absolute displacement.

>> No.8272143


Teacher: Why are radio waves waves, and not a straight line?

6th Graders: ...

Teacher: So that they can travel around the Earth.

Crusty old fucker was a great teacher the rest of the time, I think he was just off his rocker that day.

>> No.8272564

>second last year of highschool
>about to do a maths exam
>we open the paper
>answers are written on the paper
>whole hall of 100+ people bursts into applause
>we have to sit there for another 40 minutes while they print a new exam
>people write down the multiple choice answers
>results have to be discounted because they're wacky as fuck since the people who were better at the subject were less likely to cheat

>> No.8273542

Well, yeah, but a lot of literary devices are dependent on structure, and the wording of the phrase makes it so it can't be personification. It is a pretty neat idea, though, and the teacher should have commended him for thinking outside the box before saying it wasn't quite right.

>> No.8273597

Every math teacher I had pushed for exact values, sig figs was Chem/Physics exclusive

>> No.8273619

>7th Grade English
>developed certain level of expectancy from attending a private school myself
>teach in a public school in a poor socioeconomic city

Trying to teach a room of Apes and Dindus basic sentence structure is the purest form of suffering.

>> No.8273983

The trick I discovered to English classes is to just throw out 'deep' interpretations cause no one can tell you it's technically wrong.