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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 79 KB, 800x450, Male-Muslim-Refugees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8253554 No.8253554[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the scientific explanation for why violent, primitive behavior and stupidity in general tend to increase with the darkness of the average skin tone of a people?

>> No.8253555


Typo, I meant to write decrease.

>> No.8253560

lmao this meme again oh lordy!

>> No.8253564

Because of the G1bM3DAt gene cluster which is linked to testosterone and serotonin production is also linked with melanin formation.

>> No.8253567

No, no. I think you were right the first time :^)

>> No.8253570

go back to /pol/ where a lack of evidence or any logic doesnt matter

>> No.8253571

Because at the time, the ones who got sick of their primitive violent ape shit left Africa to discover the world and live in better places, and the ones that didn't stayed there as Africans ;)

>> No.8253576

Do you have any evidence for that or are you projecting again ?

>> No.8253578

Confirmation bias and selective memory from the altright.

There. Explained.

>> No.8253589

ssshhh keep your head down rapefugee

>> No.8253636

You misunderstand who has the burden.

>> No.8253642

>i don'tneed to have evidence
thought so

>> No.8253662

poverty correlation

most poors ive seen are white, therefore whites have the poverty gene

>> No.8253666

Elimination of most major components of female sexual selection.

>> No.8253667

Yet they aren't the ones stealing your flatscreens ;)

>> No.8253706

poverty and lack of scientific education

>> No.8253713

I'd like someone on the side of it being strictly environmental to respond to this.

>> No.8253722

There are many uneducated white poor people in the northern hemisphere, yet their numbers do not correlate to the violent crimes of equatorial people.

>> No.8253749
File: 169 KB, 1525x921, homicid rate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we just going to ignore Western Europe?

>> No.8253753

Russians are subhumans

>> No.8253754

Eastern, my bad. ESL

>> No.8253757

We'll chalk it up to historical proximity to Islamic influence.

>> No.8253760
File: 498 KB, 1450x1390, foreign_citizens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw the high homicide rate starts east of Poland

>> No.8253764

which numbers?

I have a number of reasons not to believe such a vague statement

this is a science board, cite or gtfo

>> No.8253769

Everyone with a sociopolitical agenda ignores facts.

>> No.8253772

what are your baseless reasons ?

>> No.8253775

Are they stupid though? How does Nigeria fare against Finland in standardized education tests? How many Nobel prize winners per head does Russia have compared to Syria?

>> No.8253776

they are in numbers
what are yours?

>> No.8253790

numbers of what ? what are those solid numbers that make you believe it ?

>> No.8253805


shit, sorry

>> No.8253823
File: 31 KB, 402x295, Chisala-8 GCSE test in the UK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe me, West African students are considerably better at science than your average European/American HS student. I've actually just scanned a Togolese friend's HS tests a couple of minutes ago, I can dump them if someone wants to. It's in French though.
Pic related shows in 2011 African students in the UK did better at the GCSEs than your average British person, despite some of them being non-native speakers. It's from the "Key stage 4 attainment by pupil characteristics, in England" yearly studies

>> No.8253829

Yuh, Ive met a few west Africans in school and they're really hard workers and are quite intelligent.

>> No.8253832
File: 65 KB, 730x692, The intelligence gap varies greatly depending on the generation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another picture showing black people in Bermuda are slightly smarter than white people. The intelligence gap is mostly an issue in the US, where racism is institutionalized.

>> No.8253855
File: 47 KB, 477x320, There is an lq gap in the US but not in Bermuda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one showing they're only slighly dumber. I think it's from the same study, not sure though. Either way it shows the intelligence gap is essentially due to environmental factors, so OP has his answer.
If he wants to know more about it he can probably fuck off to >>>/his/

>> No.8253866

No, it's an issue globally. Why are you trying to present results from immigrants who were wealthy enough to migrate to Britain and educated in white school systems as results representative of their whole people?

>> No.8253880
File: 15 KB, 849x514, GSH2013_Homicide_count_and_rate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8253Because they don't

>> No.8253893
File: 535 KB, 1024x726, World-Murder-Rate-Geocurrents-Map-1024x726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8253913

thats not a typo. Thats flatout swapping opposites. I dont think you misclicked buttons on your keyboard there, rather you have a lower developed brain, like a woman or a child. They often do that too.

>> No.8253925

If that anon wrote instead "regardless of that, I suck cocks" would you think he's OP?

>> No.8253927

he isnt.
he is showing, that there is no clear connection between skin color and IQ

>> No.8253941

>immigrants who were wealthy enough to migrate to Britain and educated in white school systems as results representative of their whole people
Can't you read? It's in Bermuda, black people there used to be slaves.

>> No.8253942

I want to say no, but having reread those posts I cant be sure anymore.
I liked my OP better

>> No.8253947

No, he said
>West African students are considerably better at science than your average European/American HS student
based on tests from the British education system from immigrants in the UK and an island with the population of 60,000 people.

>> No.8253956

Yes, and it has a white education system, right? Also those numbers aren't representative of any whole people. What makes you think that a handful of Bermudians are more relevant than millions of them in USA and a billion in Africa for whom there are no such results?

>> No.8253961
File: 48 KB, 560x251, Elevated blood lead levels nationwide US.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Northern People have drinking tap water, amongst others.

>> No.8253968

the fucking retard that did the coloring or the bin range selection for that image should be shot or something

>> No.8253986

Basically we're talking about niggers here aren't we?

It's said that niggers are niggers and the rest of the world's population is descended from a handful of escapee niggers.

What if the only way the escapee niggers were able to survive was through empathy and co-operation (it's possible that a lot more niggers escaped but those without the empathy gene died out).

So to not be a nigger you have to be intrinsically empathetic and thus less able to be violent. If you're a nigger you're not going to be empathetic and thus able to inflict violence on others without a second thought.

Or in other words - niggers gonna nig.

>> No.8254012

I just saw the picture.
The claim there is less defensible, but he indicated it was anecdotal so wth

on another note: interesting to see that sentence:

>Believe me, West African students are considerably better at science than your average European/American HS student. I've actually just scanned a Togolese friend's HS tests a couple of minutes ago, I can dump them if someone wants to. It's in French though.

BELIEVE ME, I have one piece of anecdotal evidence. Also Im french.

>> No.8254028

>it has a white education system
Yes, what is your point? Rich African families going to Bermuda to benefit from the education system isn't a thing.
>also those numbers aren't representative of any whole people
This is true for literally every study. I chose Bermuda because I thought as a multiracial society it'd be interesting to compare it with the situation in the US. The single fact 30k "randomly selected" black people managed to succeed just as much as 30k random white people is enough to show the whole black population can do so.
Africa has very different stakes to be taken to account and there's not so many African studies on this topic. But if there's no such results for Africans, why assume they're more stupid in the first place, and what does it have to do with /sci/?

>> No.8254035
File: 258 KB, 1525x921, 1423695022555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the original map

>> No.8254042

No such results doesn't mean no results at all but results proving the opposite in regard to intelligence. In regard to academic performance you didn't post anything about students from West Africa but from some island.

>> No.8254047

>believe me, I have papers proving 40% of west-african people are able to do tests that not even 10% of Americans can do
Okay I got the "10%" out of nowhere, but how is that an anecdotal evidence?

>> No.8254056


Except it throws a wrench in op's premise. It's like saying there's a increase in sophisticated behavior and intelligence the more northern you go population wise.

But then you get to populations like the Tungus and Altai who have IQs similar to sub-sahara africa or you get Eskimos who have IQs closer to europeans but have nothing scientifically to show for.

>> No.8254061

>test 30 or so illiterate malnourished children from the neighboring country in a language they're not familiar with and guess all the rest while throwing away high scores because they don't fit your narrative.
>slap your name on it and declare victory
Is that the one study you're talking about? More seriously, Africans are sadly not included in PISA rankings, so it'd be hard to measure their academic performance. But then again you could just look at their high school tests and passing rates.

>> No.8254068

The premise was average skin tone. Eskimos and steppe chinks aren't white.

>> No.8254073
File: 94 KB, 625x289, world_literacy_map_unhd_2007_2008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that the one study you're talking about?
I don't know which one that is but my name is on no study.
>But then again you could just look at their high school tests and passing rates.
No you couldn't, which is also the reason for why academic degrees from there have to be approved in Europe and probably USA before someone from there can work as a doctor or something. You can however look at illiteracy quotes.

>> No.8254078


But they are considerably more lighter skin than those of sub-sahara and aboriginal australia correct?

>> No.8254084

Yes, and it would surprise me to hear of Eskimo rape gangs or Tungus populations collapsing from inability to sustain themselves.

>> No.8254123
File: 41 KB, 640x480, 1466628039223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw murder rates increase in the summer, not due to the climate, but because everyone's getting a tan.

>> No.8254135
File: 100 KB, 379x439, 1465850438860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do Africans raised in western countries also have an average literacy rate of 50%?

>> No.8254137

So you're telling me you don't have the common sense to unofficially compare the difficulty of two tests? It doesn't have to be 100% accurate. Anyway, it's still anecdotal but many French universities (well, french CPGE actually) do take the fact African schools tend to be harder into account before selecting students.
>you can however look at illiteracy quotes.
Which has to do with the school enrollment rather than intelligence. That's why I was talking about African students and not Africans in general. If you're saying the intelligence gap is mostly due to genetics, you can't use this map either.

>> No.8254144

>no response to this truth

>> No.8254163
File: 113 KB, 750x633, 4.2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8254212

>malaysia: 50%
>indonesia: 75%
>singapore: 10%
Are the three ethnic distributions so different?

>> No.8254213

>Here's another picture showing black people in Bermuda are slightly smarter than white people. The intelligence gap is mostly an issue in the US, where racism is institutionalized.

Racism isn't institutionalized. There are too many handouts via affirmative action for blacks for any "institutionalization" of racism. If anything blacks are racist against whites. If you're so fond of anecdotes, just read any teacher's views on black attitudes about schooling. Their apathy and proactive shaming of "acting white" (i.e. being smart) shows that they are the cause of their own stupidity.

>> No.8254227
File: 23 KB, 500x327, The United States really doesn't like black people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racism isn't institutionalized
At least it was not so long ago.
>any teacher's views on black attitudes about schooling
See, this is why affirmative action could be justified.

>> No.8254228

You tell me

>> No.8254242

so it's 100% cultural, got it

>> No.8254248

Funny, I'm talking about liberal teachers who want to fix the problem black's have in inner city schools. Turns out blacks don't give a shit, just like they don't give a shit about the mother of their children, their kids, other people's property, verbs, etc. And it's been almost 50 years since segregation ended, and it never existed in the majority of Africa, yet who leads the world in science? Isn't the nig nogs.

>> No.8254265

>no proper argument
your bias is showing anon

>> No.8254274

Blacks not developing science and any of the modern world is not an argument? Yet here you are throwing out some BS test scores that are not representative of the contribution they've made to humanity. Define smart for me. Maybe we're arguing different things.