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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8249883 No.8249883 [Reply] [Original]

Annunaki are in a magnetically charged Planetoid circling the Sun, monitoring our internet communications and in debate whether or not to destroy Earth. Are we a threat? Are we not?

If you are one of the Red Haired Giants, then please contact me and let me have my say. I have a right to take part in this debate, I am a living sovereign and loving sentient being.

>> No.8249885

Answers no buddy we dont consider the opinions of insects

>> No.8249887

>monitoring our internet communications and in debate whether or not to destroy Earth.
If they saw 4chan they wouldn't be debating any more. Therefore your hypothesis is bullshit. Q.E.D >>>/x/

>> No.8249890

I understand that science is held far above 'spirituality' to your kind. This means that humanity has a road to explore you have chosen not to. This makes us worth observing and not destroying. What if we are able to discover something that your are not?

If any threat exists, it is only to ourselves through a financial system that is destined to fail. But the new generation, hold the health of the planet in a much higher regard and are already beginning their work.

>> No.8249896

I said no bitch

>> No.8249913

Ok troll.
Message will still get out there, if they come to 4chan they will check sci first.

>> No.8249924

there was a cosmic war
we lost
we are still on probation

>> No.8249927

We come here for shits and giggles and occasionally to troll people like you. There is nothing at all you can say or do to have any impact whatsoever on what is coming. Sleep tight

>> No.8249933

I am not afraid of death.
We have been genetically altered as a species, Stone wall carvings have communicated that we are nothing more than glorified miners. But we have grown much more than that in a short 3600 years, haven't we. Damn that crossbreeding.

>> No.8249935

Death? Oh my sweet summer child...

>> No.8249938

What do you want?

>> No.8249941
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Mass open communication. And this to be seen by everyone.

>> No.8249944


Anything else I can debate with you?

>> No.8249945

Ok they are not here right now by the looks. Question for you /sci/, what would happen to the Earth if there was a full polar reversal over a 60 day period.

>> No.8249948

Well you are just a terrible debater.

>> No.8249953

He asked for things I cannot give. His request was not debatable.

>> No.8249955

What could be debated?

>> No.8249958

Well, we have a lot of fun with /pol/.

This cowardly "social justice" movement, and the way you pervert actual scientific advancement and knowledge with "political correctness" has convinced us that we should let you destroy yourselves.

Who do you think will win, Trump or Hillary?

>> No.8249963

That is a very depressing question to ask.
I am happy to live in Australia, unhappy we have the same inane political dilemma here.
As part of a Global movement we hope to change this to a money-free system which can only come from changing the way people view themselves and others mixed with some very smart social systems that propel our motion.

Social justice is just pure angst and is frustrating. There is a lot of pleasure though in speaking truth to those that don't want to hear it and seeing them absorb it.

>> No.8249967

>a money-free system which can only come from changing the way people view themselves

You will NEVER have it as long as you have to trust humans to rule it. All of you are too selfish.

>> No.8249971

Exactly the point of what we are doing.
Selfishness comes from perspective of fear/survival in which we are geared to use when surrounded by harsh winters or isolated. Thrive/Love is the mode that we should all be in now, and if we are not... we create pockets (At first) of self sustaining abundant communities and bring people out of their selfish states.

We want to work a lot with kids, especially street kids who have been one step short of hardwired to always be in survival mode and turn to drugs and bad company.

Right now we are opening up room for 100 families to build their homes and plant their food forests. If all goes well, this area will have its first community up and running in 6 months with electricity, shelter, food, water, and facilities.

>> No.8249974
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You didn't come up with this, and you obviously didn't see why the people peddling this bullshit were wrong.
So you ended up going down the "Rabbit Hole" and can't get out because you've "Anchored" yourself in [Google: Anchoring Heuristic] and will now biases and fallacies to keep on course.

Either start using Analytical Deduction now, which rejects lack of proof and looks for counter-positive examples, or keep cycling in bias forever.

>> No.8249979

What the hell is this thread...?

OP go back to >>>/x/

>> No.8249980

You are a very smart guy, thank you for sharing.
I doubt you shared it to help me but to rather feed your own ego. That doesn't mean that it isn't good information however.

>> No.8249984

>You are a very smart guy
For you.

>> No.8249987

>what we are doing.
You're doing it wrong.

> fear/survival

Greed is normal. It actually helps you continue to enjoy your journey through life. You SHOULD raise your kids to be greedy. It qualifies as a dominant survival trait.

You just can't trust anyone to a leadership role, and as long as humans can usurp those leadership roles, you can't have what you want.

>> No.8249988

Just because I'm against other's egos doesn't mean that I'm for me having an ego.
That would be a false dilemma and a false equivalency.
I'm against all egos, presumptions, etc...
I only believe in methods, and the only methods that have a positive reputation are analytical deduction and empirical [scientific] method.
Good luck.

>> No.8249990

Please don't respond to messages that are not for you, and please do not insult people just because you feel like being a smartass douche.

That guy:
Wasn't me.

This is my response:

I apologize for him, stupid people on 4chan often think they can reply for others because they're delusional.

>> No.8249993

The scientific method is a powerful tool, but it does have its limitations. These limitations are based on the fact that a hypothesis must be testable and falsifiable and that experiments and observations be repeatable. This places certain topics beyond the reach of the scientific method.

>> No.8249994

Ah, sorry. I dropped my name to post on /pol/.

Anyway, I've got to go. Maybe I'll talk to you again.

>> No.8249996

Yeah cya round Tall hairy red guy from deep space

>> No.8249998

If you can not test, you have no reason to believe.
Belief itself is more flawed than the scientific method.
This has been objectively tested and proven.
Otherwise all beliefs are equally true, and therefore everything and nothing is true, and everything and nothing exists.
Objectively, this is not the case.
Therefore testing is all we have.
Conjecture without analysis is meaningless.

>> No.8250009

You have a Quantum computer in your head, it works shit out and passes it to the conscious mind as intuition. Listening to it has lead me on a pathway of success most of my life and its telling me right now despite sounding like lunacy, that this is legitimately a reality.

I am a college graduate, full-time employed, not an imbecile or basement dweller. I would like to call myself even skeptical. You are telling me nothing I don't already know hey.

>> No.8250018

>You have a Quantum computer in your head
This is called "quantum woo" and has been debunked.
Quantum mechanics have zero effect on "choice" or "intelligence", and neither Neurologists nor Quantum physicists support that conjecture.

>Listening to it
That's called "introspective conjecture", otherwise known as "imagination bias".

> lead me on a pathway of success most of my life
That's called "confirmation bias" and "magical thinking"

>I am a college graduate, full-time employed, not an imbecile or basement dweller.
Appeal to authority or appeal to non-idiot doesn't determine if your *argument* is sound. Geniuses have proposed incorrect arguments from time to time.
The only thing that proves an argument is proof itself; empirical or deductive.

>You are telling me nothing I don't already know hey.

Apparently you're anchored in and already using biases and fallacies you're not familiar with in order to stay anchored.

Suggested research:


>> No.8250021

So act like you have to act, help each other by not restrictin, even I can blast off this planet by one photon torpedo, and they dont need a somebody to serve golden ball and they obviously cant help us in our retardness, I am trying to learn them to be selective.

>> No.8250034

>if they come to 4chan they will check sci first.
Nah, probably /mu/, then /o/, and so on in that fashion.

>> No.8250043
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>Annunaki are in a magnetically charged Planetoid circling the Sun
[citation needed]
Pretty simple

>We have been genetically altered as a species
[citation needed]

>what would happen to the Earth if there was a full polar reversal over a 60 day period
Birds would get confused.

>OP go back to >>>/x/
No! Please!
We already have one of these.

>> No.8250048

>This is called "quantum woo" and has been debunked.
It's been ridiculed because the idea is usually presented by idiots, (like the anon you're replying to) but there's no "debunking" evidence to show that QM doesn't play a role in the human mind.

>> No.8250055
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Yeah, and better!
is the same OP.


>> No.8250067

Birds would get confused, pigs wouldnt handle.

>> No.8250220

>but there's no "debunking" evidence to show that QM doesn't play a role in the human mind.
There's no evidence that quantum effects play any role in brains other than by providing chemistry. There's also no known mechanism by which the brain can detect events occurring on that scale.