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8244407 No.8244407 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for a good, thorough, textbook on neuroscience. Something more focused on the low level. eg, voltage dependent calcium channels, pyramidal cells encoding their outputs, feedback loops and rate limiters for neurotransmitter synthesis, etc. Something a bit more functional than a more anatomically oriented perspective.

I'm aware of the stickied link, but would like some more firsthand opinions.

>> No.8244414

Theoretical Neuroscience: Computational and Mathematical Modeling of Neural Systems

>> No.8244428

I'll look into this, thanks. From the sound of some of the reviews it might be close to what I'm looking for. Something that doesn't dick around and try to hold your hand, creating an unnecessary metaphorical and abstraction overhead.

It's a machine. Material that clearly lays out what we think it is, what we think it does, and how, seems rare. Greater meaning is then rendered implicit.

>> No.8244518

Google Scholar
Best place to find information that is not 90% opinionated bullshit.

>> No.8244655
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>> No.8244663

s-so enlightened

>> No.8244685

Don't be lazy.
Do your own research.

>> No.8244724
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Another bump.

>> No.8244890
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Yet another bump.

>> No.8245060

Master courses at my uni use Purves which seems rather extensive, but I haven't read it myself.

>> No.8245065

Neuroscience: exploring the brain
And then...
Intro to computational neuroscience

>> No.8245097

I'll look into these, thanks.

I'm tired of only understanding ion channel and receptor function on a higher abstract level. It works well enough, but it works better with the underlying mechanics too.

>> No.8245253

post more, op

>> No.8245258
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>> No.8245259
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>> No.8245262
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>> No.8245264
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>> No.8245265
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>> No.8245267
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>> No.8245271
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>> No.8245273
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>> No.8245275
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>> No.8245277
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>> No.8245278
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>> No.8245279
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>> No.8245280
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>> No.8245281
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>> No.8245289
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Kirr yourserves.

>> No.8245293

Who is this Spermatozoon Centrifuge?

>> No.8245296 [DELETED] 

boy or girl? if former source?

>> No.8245297


>> No.8245301
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>> No.8245303
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>> No.8245307

She looks pretty. Is she available?

>> No.8245309

Don't know.

>> No.8245314

Damn. I was considering marrying her and bringing her to the west. She's Russian apparently.

>> No.8245332
File: 84 KB, 596x758, YUeXUDMD7kY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian and Ukrainian women seem to be among the most attractive to me. A branch of my family on my mother's side passed through Siberia, eastern Europe, and eventually to France where they changed their name. Went to Britain, then to the US, where they changed the "eux" suffix to "o".

Either way, I'd like to see unraveled the underlying mechanics behind how a given individual is biased towards certain traits. Some of these attractive traits appear relatively universal, others are not.

Not sure how to respond otherwise. It's not as though you'd just have to get her mailed to you.

>> No.8245342

>It's not as though you'd just have to get her mailed to you.

Lol, it's so far-fetched as you would imagine.

It's an intriguing question you pose. I mean the differences in facial structures are barely noticeable. They are so subtle, yet they make all the difference in the world.

>> No.8245363

I know, that's what I was referencing.

A lot of it is attraction to people that from colder and rougher climates, though. Climates where nature did not readily provide what was needed. In a historical sense, in such places, the spectrum of delusion or sloppiness you were able to get away with was much smaller. Whether this carries over more in a genetic sense, or a cultural one, I'm not sure. But regardless there's a visually obvious appearance of a certain manner of mental presence, and agency. The vibe is what I pick up on. If a woman also doesn't wander around in the middle of winter with inadequate clothing, having faith that there'll be somewhere to get warm, or their vehicle won't break down, it's even better. A lot of people outright disappear the moment winter comes around.

Anyway, looks like I won't be getting any more recommendations. Unfortunately rather than being able to sleep I have stuff to do, and'll probably resort to more caffeine consumption to do so.

>> No.8245701

and the author please?

>> No.8246008
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I have returned.


>> No.8246026


Just read some philosophy instead :DD

>> No.8246037
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I'm already largely capable of doing all my philosophizing myself, and have done so consistently. I likely will not meaningfully engage with any of the great works of the past for many more years, and will at most harvest the general gist of it in a superficial sense and move on.

That's not to say it's not worthwhile. I just don't really need it, and it has the potential to create massive overhead for me that I will need to sort through.

>> No.8246275

Jesus Christ that tummy. I thought you were going to bump with more pic of this goddess?

>> No.8246408

From Molecules to Networks, 3rd Edition
Byrne, Heidelberger & Waxham

THE BEST advanced undergraduate to graduate level text.

What is this computational shit - when did the OP specify he wanted to focus on computational neuroscience?!

>> No.8246422

I think we need to make anorganic computers more explained as a communication channel, before we start an organic.

I dont trust so much in science forum that doesnt have hashtags atleast, doesnt have enought hosting for texts space trought hyperlink so much, I could give you mine old. Even name of it.

Try to find Sir Banksy

>> No.8247117
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Been awake for a long time. It's at the stage where still objects look like they're moving, pictures look like they're moving or breathing, symbols change into other patterns etc. Hearing voices talking back and forth in my head. Interestingly, thin lines with sharp delineation from their background are flashing. Etc.

I'm also feeling some pretty terrible things, psychologically. Things I have not felt in years. Things I haven't thought about being felt. I guess that's it for me.

As you go back in this woman's posts, the further you go, the more you begin to feel like it's a sort of intrusion. A disjointed idea. Obvious nonetheless.

Shit's getting a bit weird otherwise. Not sure if that means I should sleep, or not sleep. Either way, it means I should go.

>> No.8247387
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Man, why are you staying awake?
The books are Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain (Google the name for the authors, I don't remember) and Theoretical Neuroscience (Peter Dayman).
The latter explains neurosci processes in enormous detail, often using advanced math models.

>> No.8248966
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I had (have) a lot of stuff to do.

Thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.8249060

It's called an acute manic episode with psychotic features. At least you manifest most of the symptoms.

>> No.8249087


>> No.8249111
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I did used to have hypomanic episodes with what could be framed as psychotic features, as a child. Changed more to mixed states and panic attacks in high school. Probably if I sought out an opinion, I would have been diagnosed some subset of bipolar, or schizoaffective.

Rarely get any depressive or manic phases anymore. I can intentionally will a sort of mania though, which is easier with certain drugs. I have come to prefer avoiding this.

Which frequency band is that again?

>> No.8249130

Go to a doctor so that he would prescribe you Lithium/Depakine/Lamotrigene or some other mood stabilizer.

>> No.8249138
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I'm alright.

>> No.8249167

Anosognosia (or whatever the correct spelling is) is a symptom

>> No.8249183
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The underlying basis of this phenomena is multifaceted and I don't really buy the models that include cumulative structural damage as a causative agent. If anything it would be a result of "learning" and iteration, or something better viewed in a strictly mechanical sense.

At such a point we could all be doing crazy things in crazy ways all the time yet each individually lack the means to realize it. Either way, I don't really see anything that needs treating.

>> No.8250096

You haven't slept for a while and see things that aren't there. This is enough to seek help. Plus, if you have a manic episode you usually only lose insight into your illness during acute episodes (which is probably the case here).

>> No.8250111

What is QT Ray?

When it comes to drugs... Its you need to have medkid and chilled out relations to it... ;) Doctors dont prescribe good ones, good ones cannot be patented;

What country do your problems with medicine live in?

>> No.8250125

I am looking for more photos of that girl in that image you posted, she is really cute.

>> No.8250152

One needs to go to a doctor for any prescriptions of psychotropic drugs, esp mood stabilizers and other bipolar drugs. Get the dosage wrong or miss some lab tests and blood level controls, and you're fucked.

>> No.8250154

aleksandra gayer

>> No.8250170

Dude, they took my blood 2 weeks before medication administred, do you think I can have some plasma levels on different food?

I can tell you on cheese, cola and chips I cant have plasma levels of white bread from toaster...

>> No.8250171

Is it you or you just overuse her picture?

>> No.8250172

Are you talking about an MAOI, or?

>> No.8250200

Blue screened haldol Ive been given when I told them they need to do square root of -1 exponenting by 4...

Molecule of stupidity that its flour shines so much as stupid its administration is...

It is said to affect sugar very much, the haloperidol...

>> No.8250332

No. Even standard mood stabilizers (Lithium/Depakine) require close blood monitoring in most cases.

>> No.8250352

How can mood be diagnosed bipolar? :D Thats like having two sides of one hypercube tresereseracted.

>> No.8250391

It isn't the mood that is called bipolar, but the underlying disorder.
For example, if someone has manic episodes at all, or depressions and hypomanic episodes, they're bipolar (assuming other medical disorders and drug-induced psychosis are all excluded).

>> No.8250407

But that is bipolar, can you explain it atleast graph dispersion, or you just pretend somebody is sick so you can have controll like domina marrying a trap and cuting his cock?

>> No.8251133
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Somehow I missed your post earlier.

Thanks for the recommendation.

Far as I'm aware, most people have mild hallucinations when they're sleep deprived. Could also have something to do with having visual snow.

I retain a degree of awareness during manic phases and am aware of their nature, but indeed, certain aspects of a finer ability, and to an extent desire, to modulate behavior relative to self awareness and awareness of others, are inhibited. The way this all pans out and is functionally arranged makes it not really matter too much, ultimately.

It's rarely a factor these days anyway unless deliberately potentiated. I know the potential triggers and their conditions, the why, the what, and the how, as far as counterbalancing or ignoring.

>> No.8252214
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it's me ;)

>> No.8252333

Write it yourself

>> No.8252669
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name of the skeleton holding the spoopy?
