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8247210 No.8247210 [Reply] [Original]

Can an anatomist debunk the claims made by evolutionists that we have "vestigial" traits present in and on our bodies?

>> No.8247212

You have a fucking tail bone you dipshit.

>> No.8247223
File: 65 KB, 638x479, museo-arqueolgico-nacional-de-madrid-3-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't notice the rhetoric used in the statement.
He's an anatomist, not an evolutionary biologist or a paleoanthropologist.

>> No.8247227

I have a vestigial nipple if that counts for anything.

>> No.8247240

As a result of his title he gets to ignore scientific findings from other fields? Additionally, why is the input of an anatomist even considered in the discussion? Their focus is to catalogue the biological structures within the body, not study their functions or origins.

Are you just advertising a YouTube video--are you the person who uploaded this or something? The OP is formatted like a clickbait subtitle. How about you contribute some substance before asking others to watch your yet-to-be-deemed-relevant video.

>> No.8247242
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I was merely trying to show the incompetence on the creationists' part. I'm pointing out the fact that they don't have a single paleontologist to their name, and instead try to use an anatomist to try and prove their point. They're amatuers.

>> No.8247251

As an anatomist, he should be well aware of the fact that we have a tail bone, and that it is vestigal compared to pretty much any other mammalian species on the planet (by also studying their anatomy).

>> No.8247273
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He is, but since he is also a creationist, he doesn't care. Then he'd conflate vestigial with "useless" and try to say that we were meant to have that.

I think this sums up their views on the subject.

>> No.8247278
File: 2.72 MB, 500x5655, 1466723184917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a more complete version of that section.

>> No.8247299

I'm not a creationist but evolution makes absolutely no sense & nor there is evidence to prove a single claim of evolutionists

>> No.8247309

Why does this guy think that vestigial means "without function"?

>> No.8247312

but thats bait, faggot

>> No.8247317

Sorry kid, there is no evidence for evolution.
I'm touched by your powerful faith though. ;)

>> No.8247320

>I'm not a creationist
>but I'm a creationist
fuckoff fgt pls

>> No.8247322

We either evolved or had a very unimaginative creator

>> No.8247668

Evolution is the best explanation for the current state of genetics (Molecular clock in particular since you can reconstruct a phylogenetic tree quite handily with BLAST sequencing and some other techniques/programs if you want to), the fossil record and currently extant species.

There's also evidence for it which I'm going to present in a disjointed and incomplete fashion.

The core assumptions of evolution:
Traits of organisms are genetically heritable to various degrees in a particulate system.
New traits can be introduced and are heritable (Mutation).
Traits can be selected for by pressures of different source(Selection).
The genetic makeup in a finite population can change through various random factors(Drift).

Times where these effects are visible:
Virus populations overcoming immunity.
Bacteria populations overcoming antibiotics.
Richard Lenski's E.Coli experiment.

Speciation, that one species can become another species:
Ring Species.
Current examples of speciation.
The ability to fuck with organisms to show that differentiation has occured in the past(Birds with teeth, fucking with axolotls developmentally so they develop like Salamanders).

>> No.8247678

>popsci bullshit
>bad pseudoscience bullshit

Fuck you OP. Get this shit off /sci/.

>> No.8247885

OP has vestigial reproductive organs.

>> No.8247893


Jesus christ dude, learn basic reading comprehension. OP is not in agreement with the video he posted.

>> No.8247905
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I can safely say that you have a vestigial brain, from what I saw. It's a really positive evolutionary trait, not needing a brain. Keep on the good work.

>> No.8248080

eventually, the penis will be a vestigial organ

>> No.8248722
File: 51 KB, 462x900, australopithecus-africanus-skeleton-mauricio-anton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8248978

Because the word is nearly worthless otherwise, and that was a large component of its origins to begin with.

>> No.8249747

creationfag detected

>> No.8250380

Drosophila melanogaster too, that is observable evolution.