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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 43 KB, 852x480, tetsuo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8231234 No.8231234 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any debatable evidence of any kind of psychic ability.

Such as clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis, remote viewing.. etc..

>> No.8231237

I occasionally have dreams of future "scenes" I will witness.

>> No.8231240

nothing comfirmed, just a load of wackos talking shit who cant stand up to proper scrutiny or any decent James Randi style grilling.

>> No.8231244


deja vu (or deja reve, whichever) is just the brain fucking up and not properly timestamping a memory

you think you've seen/dreamed it before. you havent. it's fresh, and your brain is just fucking you.

>> No.8231245
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Okay, but is there any scientific evidence, data, recording, or anything that might hint that we have existential consciousness may effect the universe?

>> No.8231246

take your hebephile animations back to >>>/wsg/

>> No.8231252

how is that 'hebephile' you fucking jew?

>> No.8231253


It's movie related to the topic faggot.

Answer the question, or use proper discourse. If you don't have any of that, then LEAVE.

>> No.8231256

>Are psychic abilities real?
>Use proper discourse
fuck off, you stupid ass pansy. asking such a retarded question on a board saying "Science and Math" is bound to get your ass roasted

>> No.8231267

Lurk more, dumbfucks.

To answer your question OP,
our thoughts and experiences are bursts of electrical signals that spread across areas of our brains and activate neurons in patterns.

If you think that can exercise any kind of non-negligible force on the physical world, you need to go back to physics 101.

>> No.8231273


>Remote viewing was popularized in the 1990s upon the declassification of certain documents related to the Stargate Project, a $20 million research program that had started in 1975 and was sponsored by the U.S. government, in an attempt to determine any potential military application of psychic phenomena. The program was terminated in 1995 after it failed to produce any useful intelligence information.

>20 million in 75'

>$20000000 in 1975 has the same purchasing power as $96,314,718.16 in 2016.
The total inflation rate from 1975 to 2016 is 381.57359%.
The average inflation rate from 1975 to 2016 is 3.90832%.
Well they saw some kind of promise in it. holy fuck thats a lot of money.

>> No.8231276

>ask dumb /x/ tier question
>get buttblasted when people shitpost in your bad thread

>> No.8231285
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>dumb tier question.

>literally had both the soviets and the US spend millions into it and took the question deadly serious.

Yeah, no m8. You're kind of a narrow minded faggot.

I hope you're really not in the science field.

>> No.8231290

It's not our fault that politicians have always been retards.

>> No.8231293


>> No.8231296
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then they wasted millions.

why not throw a few million bucks into seeing if you can turn invisible with 'the power of prayer' while you're at it??

you /x/fags fuck me right off, seriously.

>> No.8231298



>being this naive

Eat a dick faggot.

>> No.8231311

>15 years of data on RNGs, scouring them for apparent structure that may correlate to traumatic global events or other such things that may illicit widespread emotional reaction of similar type
>not showing in any way that there may be a link between human thought and emotion and random number generators of any form
yeah OK reliable source you've got there

>> No.8231312


>researched by stanford, oxford, princeton, berkeley, the USAF, CIA, KGB, Mi6,... and so on.

But you know everything, right?

Why are you so willfully stupid?

>> No.8231316


just stop embarrassing yourself already

>> No.8231321
File: 190 KB, 552x310, do-you-even-lift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, fuck you cunt
and stop posting /x/fag shitlinks!

This is /sci/ you dumb motherfucker! if you dont have proper PEER REVIEWED sources you can get right the fuck out my /sci/!!


>> No.8231323
File: 983 KB, 250x141, 1445888841159.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>stop asking questions that I don't fully understand


feel free to leave faggot.

>> No.8231326
File: 2 KB, 126x97, picard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as if any of those places would waste their fucking time with your shite.

sources or GTFO

>> No.8231327

psychich abilities aren't real, god said so. god is real.

>> No.8231328


>only I can decide what fits in the parameters of /sci/

jeezus you're fucking embarrassingly immature.

>> No.8231329
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>feel free to leave faggot.

right back atcha, cocksucker

>> No.8231330

not peer reviewed, not science

>> No.8231334
File: 13 KB, 453x342, picard3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jeezus you're fucking embarrassingly immature.
oh really?

you come to my /sci/ posting your dumb /x/fag shit with NO FUCKING EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER and actually expect a positive response?

you best be trolling, nigger

>> No.8231338


I've actually written some of them down, and had them occur to every detail. Only ever happened about 3 times though.

>> No.8231339


It's like you I have to force feed you like a kindergarten.

Do some leg work mouth breather.


>> No.8231341
File: 19 KB, 678x400, picard4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

win the lottery then.

oh wait, you cant, coz you're lying/MASSIVELY_exaggerating

>> No.8231344

I don't play the lottery. It's too rare to bet on anyway.

>> No.8231345


look it up yourself


While you're educating yourself though.

I'm going to continue answering OP's question.

Yes there are documents and research done on it by renowned sources.

The conclusion was plausible.

>> No.8231346

...the fuck is this??

alright, lets try an easy one - fucking actually prove that the CIA wasted money on this shit.

I dont believe they ever did, you're just some fucking /x/fag troll/liar

>> No.8231349


>> No.8231350
File: 18 KB, 606x448, picard5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not rare at all if you think you can write down accurate predictions of the future.
as you said in >>8231338

should be easy for you then.

>> No.8231356
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>> No.8231376
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>> No.8231380
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People took this shit seriously.

>> No.8231390


>> No.8231421

even if your sources are legit, it proves nothing otehr than that certain dumb overspending organisations wasted their time on bullshit


>> No.8231434


If you read it, it's been proven that there is affect. Just not totally efficient enough for military, or general use.

So does that mean it isn't completely possible?


>> No.8231448

not proven. minor correlations arnt proof.
theres correlation on a graph between number of drownings per year, and films Nicholas cage appeared in that year.
doesnt mean he's causing it.

if there was actually proof, mainstream media would have a field day.

they've got nothing.

>> No.8231458
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I think we should research it again. If we are anymore.

I mean consciousness is something we don't clearly understand yet.

But, now we know much more about our quantum world.

>> No.8231467

I didn't say I have control over what the dreams contain. If I had a dream in which I won the lottery, then sure, I'd blow a dollar on a ticket.

I'm not seer, the phenomena is most likely coincidence, or a result of some unknown physical phenomena.

>> No.8231470



>> No.8231474


>> No.8231499
File: 1.86 MB, 300x164, 1457756469932.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some subtle psychic visions. It's not much, but I have predicted near happening events that wouldn't be possible to know.

>> No.8231525



>> No.8231634

Girls can make my dick move by stareing at me

>> No.8231656

i like the part in this about the chinese kids teleporting insects

>> No.8231658

You can use science to decode the thoughts in someones brain. Also able to use probabilities to determine future actions.

>> No.8231684

Almost every human alive is capable of causing ideas to form in other peoples heads simply by vibrating the air

>> No.8231690

How can our thought be real if out ears aren't real?

>> No.8231697

I have the ability to spot faggots simply through internet posts.

What's that? It's working now! It seems you are a faggot!

>> No.8231705


>> No.8231743

We know that any abilities present are too unreliable for practical purposes, and we don't have a scientific model of any mechanisms for it.

If some new development occurs, don't worry, it'll probably be spammed all over /sci/.

>> No.8232280
File: 419 KB, 605x715, 1453968331452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What if simple thought and deduction through reason, is this psychic ability. We are just matter after all, ran by electrical impulses that activate muscles in an organized pattern.

But, I see people in this thread are very narrow minded, and can't conceived their simple myoptic selfish human perception.

This is why /sci/ is pretty much useless to even ask this question.

>> No.8232648

What the fuck are you even talking about. Are you okay?

>> No.8232661
File: 9 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the late 90's Sony announced they had been researching ESP and found it to be real. They claimed they had verifiable proof of it's existence.

>> No.8232669

Some interesting talks on the subject.




I've an open mind on the subject, considering how heavily the deterministic view of reality has been shaken up in recent years.

>> No.8232675

While it's not scientific, I found Ingo Swann's book about remote viewing, "Penetration: to be fascinating and so fucked up as to be not entirely unfeasible.

>> No.8232684

That doesn't mean anything.
People and governments waste millions on a lot of things that are proven to be bogus.

Just look at fucking homeopathic medicine of all things.

>> No.8232691

>19 posters
>half the thread is OP defending himself

thread stinks of samefagging on autistic levels

>> No.8232694

Was only effective at reading minds if you didn't switch the port you plug your controller into.

>> No.8232696

I (and most men) can move my penie without touching it :D

Actually, girls can make my peeny move without touching it too :)

>> No.8232710


>> No.8232715


I think you mean credible, and the answer is no.

Everything is debatable. See the flat earth trolls, or the cigarette faggot.

>> No.8233280


Exactly what I'm talking about.

>> No.8233288


I don't think the US government ever spent anything on homeopathic drugs.

Thats something nazi's would do while they were in occultism.

>> No.8233297
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>what is discussion.

>hurr debating about a subject and receiving other perspectives on the matter is same-fagging.

feel free to leave mouth breather.

>> No.8233687
File: 63 KB, 797x443, 1467726171864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Research on psi is till going on.

>> No.8234653


I've yet to see any refutation of these studies.

>> No.8234663

Hes not immature. Just autistic.

>> No.8234750

I didn't specify which government. I'm refering to the indian government in this case which supports it quite heavily. And various other governments support it over public health care systems.
For the USA in particular the FDA avoids labeling homeopathic medicine as irredeemable garbage for whatever reason.
You can probably find more bullshit concerning how much a money sink homeopathy is if you look.

People and governments waste lots of money on things that are actually proven to be grossly ineffective while they continue to waste money.

>> No.8234818

The Sony corporation actually ran a research lab on psychic phenomenon between 1990 and 1998 called ESPer Labs.

They claimed PSI existed at some extent.

neat stuff.


Does anyone have a subscription to this? would like to see their publications.

>> No.8234928

Other people will think you're making this up, but I've done the same thing twice.

I personally am highly skeptical of it though.

>> No.8234946

>deja vu (or deja reve, whichever) is just the brain fucking up and not properly timestamping a memory

Most of the time, anyway.

>> No.8234948

You dream very often and most things in life are pretty predictable.
Just random chance.

>> No.8235516 [DELETED] 

>It's movie related to the topic
So's this

>> No.8235535
File: 118 KB, 800x602, The-Men-Who-Stare-At-Goats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's movie related to the topic
So's this

>> No.8235670

>occasionally have dreams of future "scenes" I will witness.

Its called psychosis

>> No.8236163


Was this real?

>> No.8236211

Do we even know what consciousness is?

>> No.8236419


>> No.8236448

Quantum computers actually work.

Not only that but breakthrough after breakthrough is happening in the field just in the last two months.

>> No.8236462

tl;dr - parallel worlds are real.

>> No.8236472

>No group of men have ever started a goat

>> No.8236479

Kind of. There's a book that details the actual "Psychic Studies" undertaken by the military and a few military contractors, and it's called 'The Men Who Stare at Goats" as well, but the movie just took the non-fiction narrative and made it into a fictional adventure romp. Both are pretty good, but both are making fun of a number of failed experiments that wasted millions, if not more, of gov't money on what basically amounted to uneducated whims and poorly-panned high jinks.

As for OP's question, no: the only people who take this seriously are more /x/ than /sci/ - parapsychology has taken off in it's own, self-indulgent direction, but no one has offered any shred of evidence, let a lone published a peer-reviewed scientific article, that proposes a human being's ability to use any kind of telepathic link or telekinetic force.

I'd keep watching to see if the BBC posts some shit article one day, saying "Is this Science Fictions?!" because an EKG machine can measure something new, though, but nothing crazy.

>> No.8236617

Shit like this make me want to suicide just to check what happens.

>> No.8236973


holy shit, it actually happened.

what the hell sony? was this some sort of viral advertising campaign?


There is something so enticing about this.

>> No.8237006

there is literally 0% evidence of the many-worlds interpretation

>> No.8237008

>for an interpretation
you might not understand what an interpretation is

>> No.8237056


I doubt he understands much in life.

>> No.8237149

Same. I met a woman in my dream that I did not recognise and 2 days later I drove past her walking in the street

>> No.8237165

You drove past her before, subconsciously saved that image and dreamt of her, while later you saw her again and your brain made the connection to the dream.

>> No.8237195

Quantum tunneling.

I once dreamed vividly going in a cab and taking a specific path and observing some structures on that path.

When I woke up - I kept thinking about that dream, because it was strangely vivid - keeping it with me in my awareness - then I actually took a cab and felt intense deja vu as the scenario matched the dream.

But sincerely that's like the only odd event I can attribute some genuineness everything else I've experienced could be delusions.

>> No.8237206

They should've used those abilities to foresee their corporate decline then.

>> No.8237208

Sure it's an interpretation, what exists is multiple worlds, now we need a mathematical model to explain them, until now people did not take it seriously, because they didn't even expect quantum computers to work.

>> No.8237209



>> No.8237306

Are brainwaves an actual energy?

>> No.8237501

Like you said, I'm a major skeptic as well but have had this happen before. (I wrote it down prior to the event and everything). It happens a couple times a year where it will be exactly like I wrote from my dream.
Weird stuff. Honestly can't tell if I'm just crazy at this point. I believe that it might just be things that are likely to happen, and they actually happen. The only weird thing is it's always the same people and location as when I wrote it down.

>> No.8238052

You don't need to use your senses for your senses to be working. We tune out noise to hear things in particular. What do you think happens when tune into things in particular if nothing is tuned out? Noise.

>> No.8238182

I've experienced the same thing, and they are random bits and pieces of events; there's no control of what you see.

>> No.8238215

ESP is real

>> No.8238237

If you believe God exists he is also real then - for you.

>> No.8238250
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see pic, accurate predictions 12 years into the future
you can share your thoughts with someone on the other side of the earth with the phone in your pocket
RC toys, IoT
>remote vieving
teleskopes, webcams, FPV cams on drones

>> No.8238379


Your perception of it all, is completely right.

>> No.8238442

but that's what he's asking for

>> No.8238469
File: 109 KB, 600x600, tmp_19175-RETRO_emalimuki_Muumipeikko_6416114945122_1_-1526042203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should compare the number of times your noted predictions came true, and the number of times when they didn't.
Simply stating the number of times your experiment succeeded without acknowledging fails is done middle age science bruh

>> No.8239100


Pretty much this.

We know there are controlled experiments and their publications out there. It's just hard to find.

>> No.8239746

When I was young, still a child, I was tested for clairvoyance. Of Course that's not what they said they were doing. they monitored me for a couple of years. I remember a white van unmarked with a man staring at where we lived with binoculars and a radio.

strange times.

>> No.8240799
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I just got done watching stranger things on netflix.

This would be awesome if we can find a way for it to exist.

>> No.8240807

One time I dreamed that I was in a dark stone tunnel that would suddenly fill with deafening noise.

When I woke up I had magically found myself in a subway, hungover.

Heady stuff, maybe there is a spirit world...

>> No.8240827



>> No.8240892

Biology and causality say no.

>> No.8242003


What about consciousness?

There have documented tests shown that consciousness causes and effect.

If your consciousness effects a random order into pattern. Does this constitute as evidence of somehow our own thought externalizes with the world. If this effect is so small, it is insignificant, I believe it's easy to overlook it.

I think people scoff at the idea of this too quickly, simply because it's been sensationalize by media, and there hasn't been enough to interweave our consciousness with the physical universe.

>> No.8242415

How would the double slit experiment explain psi?

>> No.8242419

>There have documented tests shown that consciousness causes and effect.
let me scoff audibly

>> No.8242443

Who knows. The universe is some weird shit.

>> No.8244265

Nice profile pic avatarfag.

>> No.8244717

the double slit is proves that we live in a hologram.

observation creates the universe and psi is real.

>> No.8245116

This thread is bullshit, nobody can reasonably explain any mechanism to how this would work or how it fits into any model of physics, also if we can detect this shit with our incredibly shit human senses then it should be easy to detect it with any tech, it would likely also be observable in other animals

>> No.8245120
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Its been proven by sony though.

>> No.8245129


If Sony can predict the future explain ghostbusters, why do they keep making flop after flop?

>> No.8245130

Everyone here thinks you're a fucking idiot, just leave already...

>> No.8245961
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Not an argument, pleb.

Btw, there is still ongoing research in this field.
We aren't talking about astrology or crystal ball bullshit. We are talking about how consciousness effects reality in a minute way.

Take the double slit experiment, and notice how outcomes only change when INFORMATION is realized.

What makes the observer so relevant to the change of these possibilities?

Thats what we are trying to find out.