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8236619 No.8236619 [Reply] [Original]

What is the scientific explanation for the fact that many people are very emotionally attached to quite trivial things?

For example: why are so many people genuinely interested in and obsessed with celebrity culture; or sports?

Pic unrelated.

>> No.8236623

>celebrity culture;
We have an instinct to be curious about the people we "know", and we "know" celebs from the media.

>or sports?
Beats me. Probably something tribal.

>> No.8236717

People in general are idiots.

>> No.8236728

I would say sports because of tribal instinct/the same reason for nationalism/patriotism.

For celebrities, I think it's a dreaming thing, i.e. they see celebrities as the embodiment of what they wish they could have achieved.
Think about it like this quote from Up In The Air:
>You know why kids love athletes?
Because they screw lingerie models.
>No, that's why we love athletes. Kids love them because they follow their dreams.

I know it's trite and sounds like some pseudo-inspirational bullshit, but it's true.

>> No.8236735

Those are essentially based on supernormal stimuli via social mechanisms and triggers in the brain. I don't know the proper term for it, so that's the best I can come up with at the moment.

It is specifically tailored to make people want to watch it and keep track of it instead of doing that in real life like they should be doing. It is part of a larger marketing scheme by corporations where the end result is giving them more money or bending towards their will via embedded propaganda.

>> No.8236767

the age-old science of spell binding

>> No.8236801

>celebrity culture
Escapism and paying attention to society's "role models". It's the same way you wanna spend so much time around a person you admire or wish to "be like".

> sports
Following a team/picking a side brings people together for a common cause, which again gives a certain purpose/interest. Sports is also entertainment in the sense that it can be both physically and mentally challenging. It also causes many to achieve impressive things which you would never be able to witness from a human without that sport existing.

>> No.8236996

Why is sports trivial? Because it isn't an overly intellectual pursuit in your eyes?

>> No.8237729


Because it's only a game. By all means, play games; be physically active. But don't take games so seriously that you'll actually be upset about the outcome.

People in my country (UK) take football so seriously that if the team they support loses, they fight over it.

And it's just a game - one they didn't even participate in. They just sat there and watched and then got violently angry when the team they chose to support didn't win.

It's weird.

>> No.8237904
File: 410 KB, 2048x1536, Cnb6CbtXEAItLeI.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ITT high tier intellectuals

>> No.8238028

Bro, psychology is a fetus in terms of science. There isn't even close to an answer yet.

>> No.8238692

Someone take the OP image and shoop it to say "JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP" instead of the current name.

>> No.8238695


Simplest answer:

"People are really fucking stupid." -- George Carlin

>> No.8239734


>celebrity culture

We devote attention to socially prestigious individuals.

We are social animals and live in social hierarchies.


For the players: it appeals to mechanisms corresponding to coalitional hunting and demonstrations of physical prowess, as well as in-group mentality/tribalism.

For the fans: again it appeals to an innate in-group/out-group mentality (hence the rivalry) and demonstrations of physical prowess provide entertainment.

>> No.8239740


>> No.8239786

>For the fans: again it appeals to an innate in-group/out-group mentality (hence the rivalry) and demonstrations of physical prowess provide entertainment.

It's a way to feel accomplishment for doing absolutely nothing. If my team wins, I win, even though I have absolutely no impact on the outcome of the game.
I also get to be part of the team, even though I have no talent or ambition of my own.
I feel a bit like 'holier-than-thou' fuckbag for saying it, but the whole thing is pretty pathetic.

>> No.8239790

We don't know.

When we figure out how the brain works we will let you know.

>> No.8239794

Because they are megalomaniac whoremongers

>> No.8239823

>Pic unrelated.
Fine, but what's happening here? They seem to be dangerously close to that ship. Will they be ok?

>> No.8239828

The same reason you're obsessed with memes and shitposting.

>> No.8240933


Yes, it appeals to your innate in-group/out-group mentality.

If the in-group wins you win, because you're part of the in-group.

>> No.8240936


We do.

See >>8239734

We know why, we just don't know how.