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File: 16 KB, 265x270, water-fluoridation-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8234889 No.8234889 [Reply] [Original]

Is fluoride in water good for you?

>> No.8234894

Nope. Just fluoride in toothpaste.

>> No.8234905


>> No.8234991


It is good for you.
or it wouldnt be there.

My father was the son of a missionary in Africa, without fluoride + water. He has horrible teeth.

Comparatively, my mom from the states has great teeth.

>> No.8235000

No, but it is GRAS and a great way to charge municipalities money for dumping your toxic waste on them.

You want good teeth? Stop eating Western shit.

>> No.8235064

Fluoride in water is natural and has never shown to cause any damage in any way, ever. This is literally the same as the fucking head CT scan thread; a bunch of retards thinking something is bad for you with zero evidence.

>> No.8235073

lol Americans...

>> No.8235077

$0.25 has been deposited into your National Fluoride Association account!

>> No.8235092

There's zero evidence that it fluoride in water is good for you either.

>> No.8235108

Besides skeletal flourosis and central nervous system damage, yeah. Flouride isnt bad for you what so ever. Im not saying either of those will happen from drinking regular tap water, but we are aware that drinking flouride isnt exactly good for you. At the risk of fully derailing this thread in to /x/ conspiracy territory (which we all know its headed for anyway) the nazis did experiment with flouride in water as a means of making people more docile. I cant find the link at the moment because the google results are filled with political websites that claim both sides of the story are true but there are quotes from adolf hitler referencing the experiments. Do some digging if you dont belive me. So this all begs the question, why do modern day governments put it in our water? Theres no clear benefit for those consuming the flouridated water. The teeth arguement is a joke, if you brush your teeth regularly the flouride in the water is negligible in comparison to dental health, the major difference being you dont swallow toothpaste.

>> No.8235145

Like I said, this is just like that "do head CT scan cause brain cancer?" thread that has been up for like a week with almost 100 fucking replies. It's just theoretical bullshit with no real statistics backing it to scare the shit out of people. It's fucking water you first world retards. Find something that has any actual evidence behind it that ISN'T from one of your conspiracy wacko websites.

Are you going to argue that cell phones and microwaves give you cancer now too? You know what I mean? It's a non-issue. I wouldn't doubt if this was the same OP.

>> No.8235160

Boiled vegetables and magic teas and weekly colonics and chanting.

>> No.8235196

lol murricans, drinking your industrial waste products

>> No.8235200


>It is good for you or it wouldnt be there

Concentration camps; they're good for you, otherwise they wouldn't be there.

>> No.8235203

If you live in a western nation no, then it is bat for you since too much flouride damages your teeth.

>> No.8235207

Fluoride lowers IQ.


>> No.8235214

Here's a Harvard systematic review and meta analysis funded by the National Institutes of Health:


>children who live in areas with highly fluoridated water have “significantly lower” IQ scores than those who live in low fluoride areas.

>> No.8235222

I live in Portland, OR, which voted against adding fluoride to water.

Dentist said I should use a fluoride mouth rinse. Went to grocery store and saw how expensive it was. Went all NotMyShekels.jpg. Found cheap fluorine on a chemistry supply site.

Tl;dr, I no longer have a face.

>> No.8235226
File: 51 KB, 657x527, 1469127329156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>children who live in areas with highly fluoridated water have “significantly lower” IQ scores

Could be the government making low IQ populations infertile with fluoride. Correlation ≠ causation

>> No.8235227

That makes negative sense. Just take a moment to consider how idiotic your post is.

>> No.8235234
File: 41 KB, 657x527, 1231553466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just take a moment to consider how idiotic your post is.

Are you projecting, or... ?

>"A review of fluoride toxicity showed decreased fertility in most animal species studied."


>> No.8235262
File: 422 KB, 450x625, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8235264


Could be; let me know when you have any evidence supporting that claim.

>> No.8235267


>> No.8235279
File: 13 KB, 300x241, z123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are three possibilities:

1) Incompetence from elected officials. Includes either corruption and/or ignorance believing fluoride build-up does not affect humans negatively

2) Fluoride is used to lower the IQ of a population for whatever reason. (foreign enemies?)

3) Fluoride is used as a method for eugenics to sterilize a certain population. The average sperm count has been decreasing in men since the 30's. This is due to a multitude of factors being aluminum in deodorants, mercury from fish and vaccines, soy in most foods, and fluoride in water/food. Using fluoride to target-sterilize low IQ populations would be a legitimate method as today's current standard of liberalism this would be publicly shot down.

>> No.8235281

More than likely you would not find much evidence of motive for #2 or #3. Just consider them as possibilities with a some probability.

>> No.8235536


The World Health Organization says there is little to any benefit for your teeth.

Others, like Stanford, have shown that fluoride is a neurotoxin.

Very minor benefit if any to your teeth and brain damage OR little to no effect on your teeth and no brain damage. Which would you rather have?

>> No.8235551

Out of Harvard...


"Findings from our meta-analyses of 27 studies published over 22 years suggest an inverse association between high fluoride exposure and children’s intelligence ... The results suggest that fluoride may be a developmental neurotoxicant that affects brain development at exposures much below those that can cause toxicity in adults ..."

>> No.8235554

> high fluoride
dose makes the poison retard.

>> No.8235564
File: 409 KB, 800x1218, 2013-01-15-waterfluoridationfacts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8235607

They were good for everyone until we stopped it for no reason.

>> No.8235615

Until you're on the receiving end. You truly are the scum of the earth.

>> No.8235642

>presented by fluroride action network
wew, not to mention nothing in here is sourced besides the percentage of children having fluorosis which has no health detriments and is mostly caused by over use of toothpaste.

>> No.8235644

Skeletal flourosis and CNS damage are legitimate effects of flouride (in an aquios solution or otherwise) in relatively small doses. If you argue this is conspiracy you are retarded, its medical fact. Google it.

>> No.8235647

It's a conspiracy by the Jews to shrink your penis

>> No.8235649

>what is dosage
Water is poisonous at large enough amounts

>> No.8235653

Can confirm, see >>8235647

Just cutting out some middlemen

>> No.8235662


>> No.8235667
File: 13 KB, 280x317, 1617_1530873640572897_876125421639165248_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fluoride in water is natural and has never shown to cause any damage in any way, ever
False. This statement is only true for [math]small[/math] amounts of fluoride in water.

>This is literally the same as the fucking head CT scan thread; a bunch of retards thinking something is bad for you with zero evidence.
Doctors acknowledge that x-rays increase your risk of cancer. Why do you think they leave the room while the x-ray is being performed? Why do you think they avoid providing x-rays without assessing if they're needed?

It's as if you're trying to be so anti-conspiracy that you're becoming more retarded than conspiracytards.

>> No.8235677

I will just leave this here.


>> No.8235702
File: 435 KB, 646x630, 1368203737892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Majority of the studies used come from China
>Fluoride levels in China are mostly from natural sources of various amounts and many multiple times over the amounts used when purposely put in water supplies

Now here's the key point

>Multiple epidemiological studies of developmental fluoride neurotoxicity were conducted in China because of the high fluoride concentrations that are substantially above 1 mg/L in well water in many rural communities

Meaning that most of the low fluoride areas will be in cities and the high fluoride areas will be more rural area. But there is a possibility that this is simply capturing the differences in IQ from those who live in cities versus those who live in the country side. Those in rural area are less likely to have access to quality health care and higher IQ people could be more likely to congregate in cities for the higher education and better jobs.

Basically a version of the "shark attacks are positively correlated with ice cream sales" example.

As far as I can tell from my reading they did not account for this effect.

>> No.8235708

there's too little of it to do but it does react with teeth to create acid resistance so it's a maybe

>> No.8235714

"a study found that eating 1 kilogram of table salt (sodium chloride) can lead to death"

>> No.8235732

When did how stuff works start doing conspiracy videos?

>> No.8235738

When applied topically its good for your teeth. Not when ingested, thats why there is a warning label not to swallow your toothpaste. Flouride isnt supposed to be swallowed.

>> No.8235753

Its good for your teeth

>> No.8235762

god you're such a fucking dumbass

filter your god damn water then like the most of us

>> No.8235770

Why is he a dumbass?

>> No.8235783

>to remove flouride

Please tell me this is bait. You cant be that stupid.

>> No.8235806

Not at all. Even pro-fluoride activists agree that it does nothing, they just argue that it's harmless so why not put it in water?

Studies show that drinking fluoridated water results in a vanishingly small improvement in outcomes for dental health; that is two fewer extractions before the age of fifty. The only thing that makes a difference to dental health is brushing your teeth such that nothing gets stuck in them.

It's basically a waste of money compared to promoting dental health.

>> No.8235810

This is seriously like the exact thing they would want if it were used for mind control. Anyone asks "Why is there flouride in our water?" And the masses respond in unison "Its good for your teeth. Be sure to drink up".

>> No.8235815

Its not a waste of money, quite the opposite actually. Its a byproduct of aluminum and fertilizer factories, they cant just dump it somewhere in a pile because flouride is quite toxic, but in very small amounts its tolerable. The government wants it in the water because it makes the general public more easily manipulated, and the companies dont have to pay to get rid of it. They sell it to us under the guise of dental health.

>> No.8235820


You are describing a waste of money, or a scam by businesses to sell something they should be paying to clean up.

When will people understand, almost everyone participating in the economy is better for almost everyone; it's just not better for the people who currently participate in the economy.

>> No.8235821

Not that guy. Some filters do remove a majority of fluoride. Though they're uncommon, so they wouldn't be used by "most of us", as he implied.

>> No.8235889

Because companies act in the interest of the economy as a whole and not just their own profits. What fairy tale do you live in?