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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 198 KB, 1067x1600, 1461017775048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8223545 No.8223545[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the best way to deal with loud ass people in the halls at night? Like, they literally have no reason to be outside my room but they are. Fucking making noise and shit, even after I tell them to shut the fuck up. What can I do to make em go away /sci/

>> No.8223548

Pull a nice light-hearted prank on them and 'accidentally' murder them in the process. Show sole pics please.

>> No.8223551

Funny, but seriously am I insane for not wanting to stay up late and do this shit in college? I was thinking about screaming like I was getting rape on my room and pounding on the door begging them to let me out while it's locked lol

>> No.8223564

You'll get used to it. Not really, but a lot of people experience the same problem.

>> No.8223567

i feel your pain bro :(

>> No.8223568

It just makes me wonder how these people will ever be successful academically. I mean ffs, we're paying a shit ton of money to get a degree and they treat it like a joke... That's what I never understood about the perceived college norm: Partying and getting wasted. I'm not saying people shouldn't have fun. Maybe it's just my lifestyle about being more secluded

>> No.8223572

>and they treat it like a joke.

Well, those people are more than likely not in STEM so there you go.

>> No.8223573

Precisely, ive seen people fail classes simply because they went out and partied every day. And these people aren't dumb ,they literally can't be unintelligent in order to get into this school. I came to the conclusion that they are just rich, this the only other logical explanation.

Then again my social game is non-existent , so maybe I'm just an outlier

>> No.8223575

True, but a lot are. then again some of them are freshmen.

>> No.8223579

Who the fuck enjoys watching dry vaginas getting penetrated? Holy fuck that girl probably is so not turned on. That's why I hate production style porn. Everything is fake. None of the girls orgasm, the dicks are unnaturally huge and it's always the same 5-10 guys, and the semen is even fake. Hell most of the time the guy is struggling to get hard during a blow job until they cut the scene and give him some blue pills. Fuck all that bullshit. Amateur is where it's at.

>> No.8223580

Well where the fuck do you go to school? If it's an ivy league then I so want to hear about those fuckers failing. Also, intelligence is all subjective. Sure, they are intelligent to be going to college but I think everyone can be equally as intelligent if they try. For example: I think a blue collared worker could become a famous mathematician if he tries to. Those people are not intelligent as they are not trying. They probably did well in highschool but as soon as they got to college they figured they would do what everyone else does at college: partying.

>> No.8223581

Ok, can't relate since I'm a virgin. Posted it cause it's a photoshop of chloe moretz...

>> No.8223585

are you a freshman? it should pretty much go away after freshman year. for whatever reason peope are just not social at all in upper classmen dorms.

>> No.8223589

I know it's chloe moretz, I'm just saying that pussy in particular is so dry. You don't even need to not be a virgin to be able to tell. Girlsdoporn is honestly the only good production porn company. Yeah the vids are generic and repetitive but the girls are real. The sounds they make, the wetness, the tits, all of it is real.

>> No.8223591

Well part of it is probably because it's a summer program and we're all relatively in the same dorm. It's not the socialness of it, it's where they are doing it. I also just kinda made this thread to understand the appeal of big group outings.

>> No.8223593
File: 192 KB, 500x395, asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sfw board

>> No.8223594

There's a RA to bug for this shit.
Also the dorms should have a study room/lounge away from the rooms for them to do shit

>> No.8223596

I was saying I was a virgin because I can't relate on terms of "amateur being the best"

>> No.8223598


>> No.8223600

Why did you even use this image?

>> No.8223601

I go to the university of Chicago for Mathematics, So ,no, not an Ivy. During the last school year ,which was the freshman year for context, I witnessed a good amount of people lose scholarships because they went out partying continuously.

Furthermore; I fully agree with you, man! Everyone has the ability to achieve academic and career success. It merely depends on persistence and effort. I wish more people had any idea of the places they can go if they just applied themselves. This world would be a much better place.

>> No.8223602

what is sleeping? We have quiet hours and the RAs also fucking do this with them

>> No.8223603

I assume he used it to catch our attention. And on this board is surely seems to do the trick hahah

>> No.8223604

I have literally nothing better to use and was too lazy to download some shit

>> No.8223609

Yeah, like Einstein said: "Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid"

Right now I am really hating all of the kids in engineering (I go to NCSU which is really big in engineering) because they act very pretentious like they are all geniuses even though they are studying something which is more for application..

>> No.8223614

Dear lord , the untested freshman engineers were entirely excrement at my school. They waltzed around the halls telling everyone in a 50-mile radius what their major is and how they are going to "Change the World". Now, if an upperclassman was doing that, then more power to him, but not freshman mechanical engineering majors. No- I'm sorry.

A fair majority of them already switched majors out of engineering ahahhaa

>> No.8223621

I love that science and math.

>> No.8223637
File: 26 KB, 471x355, 1257610471525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'll get used to it. Not really, but a lot of people experience the same problem.
This phrase is so legit it can be used to describe most problems people encounter in their lives.

>> No.8223661


Engineers around here in Oklahoma always have a shit eating grin and a smug attitude. The also jabber incessantly about whatever trivial "project" they're working on in excruciating detail. They strike me as people who honestly believe soldering anything means you are a gifted intellectual.

If I am made aware that someone is a engineer I instantly think of that idiot Indian child and his "inventions", and these expectations are never surpassed. I doubt any of them could cut it in postgraduate mathematics or physics.

>> No.8223663

that's a dry pussy

>> No.8223712

>STEM majors
I've gone to Georgia Tech, and it's very much a party school. It's not just that it's smack in the middle of midtown Atlanta, but also that there's a huge number of events, fraternities, and organizations on campus. I've personally been active at its Musicians' Network, which hosts a concert damn near every week and has a weekly party off campus. A few people do get dropped from the program due to grades, but a lot just switch to comp sci.

I think a good chunk of it is a tortoise and the hare situation. Just being gifted won't get you a degree at Georgia Tech. Hell, I went in with a degree in mathematics thinking it'd be a cake walk. You have to work your ass off, managing your role in a team, spending long hours on open-ended projects, sometimes doing manual labor to courier materials and sub-assemblies, and expressing creativity while managing with the capital & time constraints of the tools you have available on campus. Understandably, a lot of people have to unwind when they can. Truth be told, a lot of the professional organizations like SHPE and ASME party their asses off when they can, and with campus being where it is and the size that it is, no way in hell we're gonna have our parties in a stuffy dorm unless we're crowding in the room to watch anime, play video games, eat mushrooms, or just hang out and chill.

I transferred from Southern Poly to Tech, and a lot of what you're saying rings true for the school I transferred from. Back there, I had time to just enjoy myself and do whatever while I got my work done, but at Tech, it actually feels like a job. The project is just another staple of our resume, and we're surrounded by other engineers anyway. It's also a research institute, so there are actual substantive projects that happen on campus, but they're overseen by our resident educators and professionals, who, generally, have seen way too much shit to let any one project go to their heads.

>> No.8223735

Just make fun of them for thinking things like "The gradient is a vector" and call them brainlets if they try to act all high and mighty.

But, dont you have monitors or people who enforce quiet after a certain time?

>> No.8223738

Isn't this a work safe board?

>> No.8223740


>> No.8223748

>>Who the fuck enjoys watching dry vaginas getting penetrated? Holy fuck that girl probably is so not turned on.

this cuck lives to please women


>> No.8223753

raping women amiright

>> No.8223776
File: 29 KB, 460x288, Hornets_Nest1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> What is the best way to deal with loud ass people in the halls at night?

>> No.8223790

>it has been 3 hours since porn was posted here on /sci/
This is really disturbing

>> No.8223791


virgin detected

also, anyone else considering her topology? the alimentary canal makes her a donut, almost, as the nostils and tear ducts throw a wrench in it.

>> No.8223796

no this is art. please.

>> No.8223798
File: 9 KB, 267x181, CNsj6jjUcAAK7QP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. The Topology of humans is something that I've thought about often but I don't really know enough about human anatomy to classify it.

It's almost a curse to see a beautiful, naked women and the first thought that comes to mind is calculating her homology groups. It's no longer the primal, raw, lust that turns you on but rather considering her as a smooth manifold with associated bundles.

>> No.8223800

This and other bullshit is why I fucking left /sci/. I don't even know why I'm here rn

>> No.8223851

Yep. Whenever the mods finish railing crank off some street whore's pancake tits, OP's getting exiled from 4chan land and left to survive the reddit wastes on his own mettle.

Remember to set your snares on game trails, OP, and note what berries the birds don't eat.

May you return a man.

>> No.8223855

What if mods already saw this thread but they can't delete it coz its just so good to see Chloe get fucked ?

>> No.8223863

>I'm a virgin
Underage b&

Also fucking reoprted. This is a blue board, faggit!

>> No.8223867

Mods don't give a fuck about gorillaposts, what makes you think they care about this?

>> No.8223879


Tell them off, obviously.

Oh wait you can't. Because you are a socially inept science nerd. Or at least that is what you like to believe. In reality you aren't even mediocre knowledgable nor talented at science in addition to being socially inept.