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8221926 No.8221926 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't we hacked humans yet when our brain is just a biological computer?

>> No.8221928

What is quantum language?

>> No.8221929
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>> No.8221956


Because we don't fully understand how it works.

>> No.8221968

Because the collapse of the quantum mechanical wave function remains purely random, so we can't choose which qualia to induce in an observer.

>> No.8221973

>purely random

lad pls, what is this pseudo philosophy

>> No.8221979

well there are a few quantum programming languages out there. I really like the visual one from IBM makes it easier to see how the hadamard/pauli gates work so you can actually see what the fuck you are doing

>> No.8221981

I mean real language, dependant on a human observer, and the decoding of multiple simultaneous messages in a single sentence.

>> No.8221991

I know that you're probably baiting, but just in case you aren't, I'll give you a proper answer.
>our brain is just a biological computer
This is a perfect example of a statement that is either trivial and true, or profound but false. The brain is a computer simply by virtue of the fact that it computes things, so in that sense, yes, it is 'just' a biological computer and this is fact by definition. However, if you intend to suggest that this fact also implies that we understand its function to such a degree that we can perfectly manipulate it, then the statement is false. The overlap between computers with a von Neumann architecture and brains is purely semantic, because their structure is radically different. We understand the structure and function of the former, but the structure and in particular the function of the latter are still comparatively quite poorly understood.

>> No.8222286

> Agree on that
> Signal experience
The brain is more of a network than a computer.
It is definitely not an ALU.

>> No.8222298 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8222516
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>You are not currently banned from posting on 4chan.
Announcing reports is against the rules btw ;)

>> No.8222527

>computers must be of von Neumann architecture
Kill yourself.

>> No.8222581

>I know how one form of computer works so I should know how all computers work

We didn't engineer our own brains. We're still working to figure them out.

>> No.8222640

From a vision science perspective, we don't even fully understand how our retina is wired and what half of the cells do there. The deeper we go into the human visual system, the more complex things get. We have a general idea of what each part does, but it will take years before we have a map of what happens at each stage.

>> No.8223436

who says we aren't

we don't digest food or create bile, our bodies do it for us

our entire lives is hacking humans, from living longer to getting more entertainment to voting laws

how can you hack
the hacker?

>> No.8223823

Wow...this thread really made me think