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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8218989 No.8218989[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>he went into currySTEM instead of truSTEM

>> No.8219017

newfag here, what is currySTEM?

>> No.8219019

CS mostly but anything that streetshitters participate in to any relevant degree

>> No.8219041

truSTEM is only the M part though.

The rest of STE is literally the part cucks study to get direct labor jobs instead of the more general and intellectual jobs the M gets.

>> No.8219042

Computer Science
etc etc

>> No.8220178


Wouldn't that include all of engineering too?

>> No.8220231

I read an article the other day 90% of engineering schools in India aren't actually teaching them well enough.

>> No.8220244
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>> No.8221136


>> No.8221153

post more smug brat

>I go on an imitation of a japanese imageboard and expect no weeb shit

>> No.8221186

what job can you get with a physics degree that isn't in mcdonalds?

>> No.8221188

nope. those pajeets don't meet the legal definition of engineer. what poo-in-loos consider an engineering degree is really an "engineering technology" degree in the states.

>> No.8221193
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are you stupid? all engineering degrees are technology degrees unless you get a PE title. if you don't have a stamp you're basically poo in loo tier yourself.

>> No.8221202

>all engineering degrees are technology degrees unless you get a PE title

not true. go look up who is eligible for a PE in the first place.

>> No.8221208

it is true you shitfuck. anyone can work on an engineering project, even architects without engineering in their titles. it takes five years of experience as an engineer, title and all, to become a PE which is the only thing you could brag about otherwise you're on the same level as certfags.

>> No.8221219

Why is this "mathematicians can't get jobs"? In my graduating class 100% of math majors got job offers. And all studies show mathematicians do fine compared to other majors in getting jobs. Is it because engineers and cs people generally only go for jobs directly related to their major, and so they think mathematicians can't get jobs? I don't really get it. I'm in PhD now, but I also applied to jobs. Got job offers from 4/5 investment banks I applied, 4/4 consulting firms I applied to. I know nothing about finance or business. I went to a good school though, so maybe "math major from famous math school" counts for a shitton.

>> No.8221224

my point was that only people with ABET accredited engineering degrees can get a PE. most of the "engineers" from India don't qualify.

>> No.8221226

> bragging about certs and not projects
My satellite is watching you~~

>> No.8221237

Ya man
Statistics and Big Data are huge now in finances and sports and everywhere. Every second CEO is looking for a data cruncher. Mathematicians can easily do with shitty mathlab. It's like your time, buddy.

>> No.8221306

> Is it because engineers and cs people generally only go for jobs directly related to their major, and so they think mathematicians can't get jobs?
That's exactly what it is. They think you can't get a job that doesn't have the name of your major in the title.

>> No.8221314

going to be graduating with pure math in the fall in applying to grad studies in financial maths or actuarial sciences. Hope what you say holds true for me, anon.

>> No.8221645

Mathematics: immune to misinterpretation, the blueprints of everything, and seems to exist in the universe. It is the purest of all the fields to study. Why wouldn't you want to study it?

>> No.8221665

Rope testing

>> No.8223093

>math ph.d
>300k starting
>any job I want

>> No.8223186

Take your pedophile cartoons back to >>>/a/.

Fucking degenerate.