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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 400 KB, 1601x823, reallymakesyouthink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8215660 No.8215660 [Reply] [Original]

How flat-earthers explain this?

>> No.8215664

How flat earthers explain GauB's theorema egregium?

>> No.8215666

timecube ;)

>> No.8215670

All I know about flat earth is they think the earth flies through space like a clown's pie.

>> No.8215716

Actually the earth is a volumeless cylinder. Perfectly explains ops pic.

>> No.8215843

I can dig down tho

>> No.8215858

What a waste of fuel...

>> No.8215885

Fastest way is not stupid

>> No.8215887

Fastest way is the straight-line distance

>> No.8215893

Floating Alien Megafortress in the middle of the Atlantic that shoots down any airtraffic.

>> No.8215941

dumb brainlet

>> No.8215942

It impossible to travel in a straight-line from one point to another in along the surface of a sphere.

>> No.8215946

Earth is not a sphere

>> No.8215948

Why are there mostly Europe => NA planes, and only a few NA => Europe?

>> No.8215960


>> No.8215961

All the more reason that you can't possibly travel in a straight line over its surface. However, its standard deviation from at any point from being a perfect sphere is literally just a few meters.

>> No.8215963

Its surface is pretty much one.

>> No.8215966

Everyone emmigrates to America

Why go to Europe which has shittier living standards?

>> No.8215969

>a flat rectangle is almost a sphere

>> No.8215972
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>> No.8215974

But if Europe is so shitty, how can they afford to send so many planes which never come back?

>> No.8216000

The earth is a sphere

>> No.8216015

Oh, you're one of those "hollow earth" nutjobs...

>> No.8216033

I just figured it all out

The world is a torus

>> No.8216034

Fish eye lenses.

>> No.8216038

That's silly, how can Earth have a specific astrological sign?

>> No.8216039

Not a flat earther, but one feasible explanation would be that the air flows could make it more economical.

>> No.8216050

Flat earthers believe the world is a circle, with the North Pole in the middle. That would make all the curves north of the equator straighten out a bit, but it doesn't explain anything south of the equator. However, not many flights go south of the equator across a major ocean, most are within the same time zone.

>> No.8216051

Europe does not have shittier living standards. In fact it has better living standards as you can indulge in your passions at least shorter periods of time while having a social economical safety net. If doing that in the US you would have to find someone paying you for it and then you would by definition not be free.

>> No.8216052

In both directions?

>> No.8216055
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>> No.8216056
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Something tells me you're wrong

>> No.8216062

That is why you don't travel on the surface.

You surface dwellers truly believe such efficient travel is impossible, and that is why you still live up there.

>> No.8216076

Not all people in our world are mentally addicted to gather and stash small green pieces of paper all their life just for the sake of it. What you do with them? Eat them? U a paper goat or smth?

>> No.8216083

Almost all of the planes on the pic go westwards.

Also it is the factual correct explanation. Going east is for the same air flow reasons more economical from south, like gulf area Florida aiming a curve for the Mediterranean not too far from Portugal.

>> No.8216146


>> No.8216173

>Perfectly explains ops pic
A geodesic on a cylinder is not the same as on a sphere.

>> No.8216177

You don't need this to btfo flat earthers, the biggest problem with their idea is that simply because they can come up with an alternate explanation for a phenomena that explanation is automatically true, but when you consider all of those things at once those alternate explanations ultimately make far more claims with far less evidence.

>> No.8216249

Their stance for southern flights is that airlines purposefully make many connecting flights. Otherwise people would catch on that it takes much longer to travel in the southern half since all maps are false.

>> No.8216565

It's probably very early in the morning in North America. Most westbound flights take off midday to early afternoon from Europe, eastbound flight take off late at night from North America.

>> No.8217144

Total Healthcare costs in the Netherlands were € 5630.- pppy in 2015.
Which is about 9% GDP. The USA spends 16% GDP.

>> No.8217174

Are you retarded?

>> No.8217191
File: 161 KB, 1164x891, Screen Shot 2016-07-21 at 09.57.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

(pic: world happiness report)

>> No.8217196
File: 177 KB, 538x949, Screen Shot 2016-07-21 at 09.58.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and for completeness

(pic: list of countries by average wage)

>> No.8217197
File: 52 KB, 800x558, white people cant build.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the earth is flat.

"abyssal plains cover more than 50% of the Earth’s surface.[1][2] They are among the flattest, smoothest and least explored regions on Earth."


On tectonic plates:
"The same heat engine that produces earthquakes is the driving force raising the world's great mountain ranges.
If this uplift did not take place, the relentless force of erosion would reduce the Earth's landscape to a single flat plane. "

"Plane surveying assumes the earth is flat. Curvature and spheroidal shape of the earth is neglected. In this type of surveying all triangles formed by joining survey lines are considered as plane triangles. It is employed for small survey works where errors due to the earth's shape are too small to matter."

"Generally the survey works below 260 kilometers radius are treated as plane and beyond that is treated as geodetic."

> 260 kilometers radius are treated as plane supervening
> 260 kilometers radius are treated as PLANE SURVEYING
>260 kilometers = 161 miles
>Plane surveying assumes the earth is flat. Curvature and spheroidal shape of the earth is neglected
>161 miles. no curvature. assumes as flat.
>each 161 mile radius.
>yet official statement of the earths curvature of 100 miles is a 6,666 feet.

can you even science nigger?

all communication uses landlines, satellites and radio towers. no satellites. This makes sense since satellites would require heavy maintenance to handle terabytes of data.

>> No.8217198
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taking screenshots is hard, apparently

>> No.8217210


America is the worlds richest Third World Country.

>> No.8217364

But for a radius of 260km a plane surface is still a good approximation. Supposing a spherical earth, the angular longitude of a patch of terrain that big is approximately 0.04 radians. This angle is relatively small and allows us to consider arcs of the sphere as straight lines.

>> No.8217560

Your post is very contradictive.

What your post against my scientific facts for the flat earth explains is this:

So when people say they see curvature they are wrong

When people see ships go over the horizon because of curvature they are wrong.

When snipers account for the Coriolis effect they are wrong.

And when the engineers say they accounted for curvature for bridges like the Verrazano–Narrows Bridge which is less than 161 miles or 260 km, they are wrong.

>> No.8217566

I laugh that africa is so close, if its stretched out like a FE map, it would look like a straight line. (you can google this easily)

>> No.8217600

>expecting flat-earthers to explain anything
fgt pls

>> No.8217653

I only said that, for calculation purposes, we can consider that as a flat terrain, nothing more.

>> No.8218503

When you're making a map that's gonna be hung up on a classroom wall, you don't need to be super precise. Snipers and engineers do need to be really precise, b/c lives are on the line. 0/10 falsely equate harder

>> No.8218535

Who the hell wants to go to Europe today? If you want to get stabbed, shot, or ran over by a truck then okay I can see why you would want to go, otherwise...

>> No.8218827

Contradictory because nasa uses flat earth for calculations involving aircraft.

Flat earth is not the same as moving earth with rotation and moving atmosphere.

>> No.8219094

Even with all the terrorism you are still far more likely to die visiting america than visiting europe

>> No.8219103
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>> No.8219107

They would just question source. How do you know the planes fly that way, you lying shill?

>> No.8219141
File: 13 KB, 318x345, 1463646896977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this whole post

>> No.8219147

Only if you are black.

>> No.8219149

This would imply that the airline companies have spent billions on access fuel just to keep the yaw at a few degrees off from straight and flying in curved flight paths JUST to keep the people ignorant of something that wouldn't affect the public.

>> No.8219152

I can't get over flat earth people. I've decided all it really comes down to is that a globe challenges the idea that Earth is unique in some way in the universe, and that we just happen to exist here. It's all about religion really, if the earth has been here for a few billion years or whatever, it eventually leads to the conclusion that there is no allah praise be unto him.

>> No.8219159

> those who give up personal liberties for safety will soon have neither

>> No.8219173
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>> No.8219189

It's buildings seen over the horizon due to the curvature of the earth, you turd.

>> No.8219205

Except thqt the entire basis of civilization is trading personal freedom for security

>> No.8219212


>> No.8219262

holy fucking shit

>> No.8219265

That is the tangent of a curve

>> No.8219278

explain what exactly?

>> No.8219286

Flat Earthers are just people out for a fun joke. I say leave em alone, they're having harmless fun

>> No.8219296
File: 222 KB, 488x843, LOGIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all. Some believe in Zionist conspiracies and satanic lodges of Freemasons controlling the world and all scientific progress.

I concur with you though. Debating them is a waste.

>> No.8219582

It's not like they want to. The wind is blowing those planes to the other direction. Wind is very strong you know.

>> No.8219589
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Not just flies at a constant velocity, to simulate gravity that must not exist, but *accelerates*, at one gee. Needless to say, we would be very close to light speed after a few years of this shit.

So gravity doesn't exist, but also light speed is a conspiracy, too.

>> No.8219634
File: 183 KB, 1601x823, Staight path.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the flight path on a such a curve? Wouldn't they save fuel if they flew directly there?

>> No.8219637

Ice caps melted and flooded the city.

>> No.8219642

Why don't we see the rest of the world ? Are there no mountains/buildings after that point ?

>> No.8219643

the earth is curved you dumbshit. its travel path is projected onto a 2d surface so it is distorted

>> No.8219678

The city base is under the sea level.

>> No.8219711

Coriolis effect due to the Earth being curved. You can't just fucking travel in a straight line like that.

>> No.8219737

it has nothing to do with the coriolis effect

>> No.8221003

They're travelling in a straight line, it's just that when you project our spherical earth onto a flat plane then you get curved paths.

>> No.8221131
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Quality bait m8

>> No.8221358

lens is zooming on the horizon. again contradictions upon contradictions. even in science.


" curvature of 1 appears as a circle of an angular radius of 45° corresponding to an altitude of approximately 2640 km above the Earth's surface. "


>> No.8221370
File: 1.91 MB, 291x207, mask.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if describing earth as flat wasn't about its appearance, but was about the nature of everything's existence beyond visibility?

>> No.8221376
File: 98 KB, 432x333, 784cd-antarctica2b-2bflat2bearth2bwith2b2bstations2band2brace-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought 4chan would be smart enough to realize earth is flat..

Hello to all my few fellow flat earthers

>> No.8221382

this explains landlines. 99 percent of all communication is transcontental landlines.


and all "satalite" communication is really high alitude aircraft and blimps that can stay up for months. military aircraft is used for google maps.


>> No.8221576


Could you electorate on which calculations you're talking about? the earth can be a considered plane for things that only require approximation or are being constantly corrected for. Things that require one-time precision usually take into account the earth's curvature. For instance ballistics and abnormally long structures.

>> No.8221582


The reason landlines are used is because satellite communication is generally too unreliable and slow. Landlines are always better, especially when you already have them installed in cites and allng the ocean floors.

The reason Google is using survalence planes now is because it is expensive AS FUCK to lease the images from the companies that actually take the pictures.

>> No.8221592

Earth is an object in Hilbert space.

>> No.8221626
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the amount of curvature during the entire duration of an hour flight which at going 550 mph would have to account to at least 15 miles of curvature. so that would be a steep adjustment.

all flights Ive taken were smooth with little turbulence. plus the horizon is always flat and at eye level.

you cant say gravity holds the plane because its obviously in the air.

you cant say the atmosphere rotates along with the earth because we have winds that are haphazard to the spin all the time.

so it makes perfect sense to not count curvature, rotation and moving atmosphere for practical and simulated applications involving flight because there isnt any.

>> No.8222221
File: 29 KB, 480x360, QnZ2UDNRVjE1Rkkx_o_russell-brand-the-eric-andre-show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't say gravity holds the plane because it's obviously in the air
holy shit how can a human being be this unapologetically stupid.

>> No.8222241

Today in physics we made a pretty accurate prediction of a physical system via a model which did not account for friction, I guess that means friction isn't real.

>> No.8224081

>literally flying through the earth

>> No.8225219

you dumb nigger.

according to NASA. You wear a suit in space to protect you from air being pulled out of your body and high temperatures from fucking you up.

They say its cold and not that hot despite getting a temperature reading of the thermosphere being more than 3000 degrees F.

This is how stupid they think you are kid:
"The highly diluted gas in this layer can reach 2,500 °C (4,530 °F) during the day. Even though the temperature is so high, one would not feel warm in the thermosphere, because it is so near vacuum that there is not enough contact with the few atoms of gas to transfer much heat."

And then here comes the contradiction just a few sentences right above it:
"Thermospheric temperatures increase with altitude due to absorption of highly energetic solar radiation."

>> No.8226057
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your lack of understanding of even the most basic concepts of physics is a cancer to this planet. I truly hope that you, and anyone related to you, and anyone who has come into direct contact with you, dies a horrible death without passing on your worthless genetic code.

>> No.8226075
File: 54 KB, 640x638, HebrewConceptEarth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will post 2 examples of flat earth

you cannot make a rainbow indoors without the use of a mirror. Outside, there is no mirror necessary, because of the reflection of the dome

when you look at a ship in the ocean, the ship will sail away from you and eventually you will not be able to see it because it has gone past the horizon. However, if you get a telescope you will be able to see the ship again. explain.

>> No.8226077
File: 164 KB, 1006x492, flatearth3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a magnetic mountain at the center of flat earth, called mount meru or something like that.

when you use a compass, it always points north, because of the magnetism from the mountain in the north pole

>> No.8226080
File: 639 KB, 1865x752, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are two non-stop flights that operate everyday between London and Charlotte, North Carolina

Can anyone explain this?
Why the fuck would anyone want to take that route

How are there enough people in London, that want to travel to North Carolina, that they operate TWO flights everyday for it, and still be financially viable and operational?

>> No.8226081

is this some sort of a shitposting paraolympic?

>> No.8226082

they don't

>> No.8226084

I think it's more about those cities being port of entries, to other destinations in the states

I mean how else could you explain there being TWO London -> North Carolina flights operating every day >>8226080

>> No.8226088
File: 48 KB, 555x335, 14586920b6be4f752ea37c689a7454b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prove me wrong

even the egyptians knew the earth was flat

nikola tesla knew it was flat

auguste piccard, the REAL piccard and first man in the stratosphere said the earth was flat like a disk

>> No.8226106

>prove me wrong
Well when you begin with
>you cannot make a rainbow indoors without the use of a mirror.
what can I say? Is the hospital staff treating you well? How do you even type in a straitjacket?

>> No.8226515

Why are you dismissing what I said. The rainbow experiment proves the dome above us

>> No.8226525

they have valuts prepared, i explain them nuklei fusion, they dont want take me away

>> No.8226914

>even the egyptians knew the earth was flat

You won't get your (You) for not applying yourself.

>> No.8226946

Even the fucking greeks knew the earth isn't flat.

>> No.8226970

You can see the curvature here at around 4:10, if you use a straight edge to join the points where the horizon meets the edges of the image you will see a bulging in the centre.


>> No.8226973

I hope flat-earthers realize that the "flat Earth theory" stemmed from the Catholic Church not wanting peasants to think too hard.

>> No.8226996
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>> No.8227034

You can't make a rainbow indoors because of the lack of natural light. Step outside on a sunny day with a spray bottle, and you can make a rainbow.

As for the ship thing, that is a complete load of bullshit fabricated by flatties to fool idiots like you, since you all seem incapable of doing independent research on your own. I live on the Gulf coast, and have attempted this many times. The ship always remains hidden.

>> No.8227109

Is there a version of the FE belief that is secular? It seems to believe in FE is to inherently believe in creationism.

>> No.8227862

American Airlines operates a hub at Charlotte (former US Airways hub), so the flights were already in place. It makes sense for airlines to connect major cities to their hubs, so long as the hub-and-spoke model guarantees profitability.
It also helps answer the question as to why there's a Detroit to Tokyo flight. Charlotte has more people than Detroit, after all.

>> No.8227870

No, it's just because of the time the screenshot was taken.

>> No.8227882

not flat-earthern but wouldn't it be easier to say the disk rotates with the "up" always looking at the center of rotation and gravity is just centrifugal force?

>> No.8227895

Well if the earth was flat then where does the EMF that the earth's iron core give off. That protects the earth from solar flares?

>> No.8227897

>prove me wrong
What's done that is something called reality. You might want to check it out sometime
>Why are you dismissing what I said
Because your an idiot

>> No.8227929 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 432x432, fe-mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a Jew would say, nice little goym..you don't know how brainwashed you really are

>> No.8227935
File: 15 KB, 400x252, hot-spot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're a conspiracy theorist, this is the mother all conspiracies and its TRUE

We live inside of a dome

Anyone how has studied the templar knights or the ILLUMINATI will understand this

>> No.8227951

We would never reach the speed of light, anon.

>> No.8227993
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Wow. I thought you folks were too smart for this:
>inb4 I don't have the physics
STOP making this argument about a 2D flat Earth. That's absurd.
INSTEAD make the argument that the surface of the (3D Oblate Spheroid known as the) Earth is flat within its own 4D curved time space.

Gravity is your friend Flat Earthers

>> No.8228018 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 440x295, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. Remind me to never allow any of you to Navigate.

The shortest distance of travel between two points along the surface of a Sphere is called a Great Circle.
Navigation 101.
Live with it Flat Earthers

>inb4 the 3D Earth is flat within its own 4D curved time space
see >>8227993(me)

>> No.8228027
File: 37 KB, 440x295, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. Remind me to never allow any of you to Navigate.

The shortest distance of travel between two points along the surface of a Sphere is along the arc of a Great Circle.
Navigation 101.
Live with it Flat Earthers

>inb4 the 3D Earth is flat within its own 4D curved time space
see >>8227993 #(me)

>> No.8228038

Airplanes need to deviate to dodge Atlanteans sea-to-air-missiles.

>> No.8228061

lol cubecucks make me laugh. Time is a sphere. Wake up sheeple!

>> No.8228282
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I don't think you understand te flat earth model

>> No.8228302

this can't be real

>> No.8228303

Scandinavian countries have way better living standards than the US. The US is honestly a shithole compared to a lot of European countries.

>> No.8228306
File: 77 KB, 307x346, wah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Australia bigger than all of NA
>South America and Africa each bigger than Europe, Asia, and Russia combined

>> No.8228337
File: 151 KB, 900x1210, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do understand the flat Earth Model as it is currently expressed. It is absurd.

Book of Enoch Chap 18
(2) "I surveyed the stone [columns] which supports the corners of the earth.

It's ridiculous and those who believe
in the standard flat Earth model are ignorant.
However, what if the 3D Earth could be shown to be flat within its own 4D curved time space?
This is /sci/ right?
Not /x/ right?

>inb4 as I said, I don't have the math for this yet.

>> No.8228529

>I have no understanding of the mercator effect.
You can't represent a sphere in 2 dimensions and expect to have the same coherent scale at each point, because you need to adjust to suppress curvature.
You're just used to regular maps that show other countries being bigger than they actually are. Russia and Canada are not as big as you believe.

>> No.8228869

So if Earth has been accelerating at 1g for the last 4.5 billion years, given time dilation, how old is the universe?

>> No.8228970

My math gives earth a speed of about 1.39x10^6m/s

>> No.8228978
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>> No.8228985

It shows Earth as being flat so that you can see all the countries at once. You can't do that if you show one part of the earth at a time.

>> No.8229084

I was being sarcastic you dumbass.

>> No.8229091


>> No.8229711

There is not gravity, only density

>> No.8230727

that is a lake you dumbfuck.

>> No.8230731
File: 29 KB, 424x298, 79de7376d103d1565854aff45f8d5e40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you die in fire.

>> No.8230937

There are a number of rational explanations:
1. Atlantis is underneath the ocean, and they are messing with airplane sensors because they want to remain hidden.
2. Earth surface is flat, but the space above it is non linear.
3. Aliens.
4. Humans can't follow a perfectly straight line.
5. Fake picture.
6. Human pilots are getting sensory overexcited because from far above the surface you can see the whole earth at once. Humans have not yet evolved to cope with so much information, that's why they think they see a horizon when there is none. And because of this sensory overexcitation, they can't fly in a straight line.

>> No.8231638

The fact that you thought what you just wrote was an intelligent statement

>> No.8231648

>Even though the temperature is so high, one would not feel warm in the thermosphere, because it is so near vacuum that there is not enough contact with the few atoms of gas to transfer much heat.
Did you miss this part?

>> No.8231720

>Mexico in the top 30

I live in this shithole, and I can confirm that your pic is BS.

>> No.8231727

Astrology is bull

>> No.8231929

>not understanding geodesics

Pls be b8

>> No.8231942

Maybe the earth is a sphere. It's just a theory cause I see lots of map out on spheres to save space? I don't really know but that's just my theory

>> No.8231965

México, a comparación con la mayoría de lis países del mundo no está tan jodido
Te la creíste :^(

>> No.8232706
File: 2.22 MB, 2480x824, wakeupsheeples.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a whole thread and no one bothered to post this

>> No.8233310
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>> No.8233334

In reality it is bc air currents high up at the altitudes the planes fly. That's why you see all going west the optimal route eastwards goes much further south. Like from Florida back to Europe via Portugal.

>> No.8234072

The earth is a tree, every country is a branch.

>> No.8234109

Now draw flight paths in the southern hemisphere.

>> No.8234308

No, they believe the earth is surrounded by infinite frozen tundra and everything we see in the sky is the clockwork machinations of God.

>> No.8234334
File: 418 KB, 854x480, Screenshot_2016-07-28-10-17-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its true faggot

You guys need to read about Freemasons.. Most if not all astronauts are Freemasons...I wonder why

We live inside of a dome, if you put your ego aside and open your mind you will see the truth. The bible is accurate as you wouldnt believe, use real science and do your research and you'll find out why the Jesuits invented this 500 year old lie

>> No.8234686
File: 290 KB, 2048x1536, PicsArt_07-29-08.00.56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just took this photo

Sun is small, localized and much closer than you think. Just look at the sun rays. Prove me wrong science wizards

>> No.8234714

Parallel lines do not appear as such unless observed from a perpendicular perspective

>> No.8234730

>flat earth thread on /sci/
>keeps going and going and going
>I would say, fuck off to /x/
>but they even get deleted on /x/
What the fuck is wrong with mods, this is a science board

>> No.8234733


not an argument

>> No.8234735

Nice lie, mr. shill

>> No.8234748
File: 20 KB, 400x250, the discworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world is clearly a disc you fools.
I'm a wizard, I know this shit.

>> No.8234754
File: 191 KB, 854x480, Screenshot_2016-07-28-15-38-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASA SCIENCE, THE BIG BANG, GRAVITY, THE SOLAR SYSTEM, THE BALL EARTH IS ALL A LIE!!! Many people do not realize that modern science IS a RELIGION, an ancient pagan religion based on the Satanic Jewish Kabbalah that has been repackaged for modern times. The ideas of the Big Bang and evolution come from the Kaballah and are not based on actual science at all, but on pagan mysticism.
What is the Kabbalah and why is it bad?

NASA is a fraud! All their pictures are faked using paintings, fisheye lenses, or CGI. Their AstroNOT's are Freemasons and the ISS is in a swimming pool.
NASA's Fake Ball Earth vs. the True Flat Earth

NASA was founded by Freemasons in the occult and currently teaches and supports the Kabbalah. They are lying to the whole human race because they serve Satan and are trying to hide God and brainwash the world into rejecting it's Creator.
The Occult History of NASA

NASA Welcomes the Kabbalah Center

The Spiritual Roots of NASA's Big Bang Theory

>> No.8234766

good bait, almost made me angry

>> No.8234790
File: 41 KB, 551x580, flat-earth-memes-194-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You obviously know nothing about history or ancient reigion or you would undertand this besides what your honest government taught you in school. You have no idea now brainwashed you are

>> No.8234800

You all do realize that 99% of people who claim to believe the earth is flat are just shitposters, right?

>> No.8234820

You really get the tone right. Put some words like science in quotation marks and throw in some sheeple and dis-info-shilly and you are even better

>> No.8234825

also change your pic, because that quote is proof against flat earth

>> No.8234828
File: 108 KB, 854x480, Screenshot_2016-07-28-10-14-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its funny because I'm posting facts, including photos, yet you guys are so far gone you only mock me while they mock you idiots in plain sight

You will never be even half awake until you understand we live inside of a dome, with water above us. Read about the military bases the US installed in te north pole. Read about mt. Meru at the center of flat earth, where Atlantis used to be. Open your eyes..the ILLUMINATI are descendants of Cain, have survived the flood through Osiris and Thoth, rulers of Egypt. Talmud and Zionist Jews control the media. Templar knights still run the world, using the unites states as military. Even your lover Putin is part of the great deception... The Jesuits are the liars behind the globe earth...why do you think all these planets are names after pagean gods?

Lucifer runs this world, you guys are complete fools talking about outerspace and inhabiting other planets...

Flat earth disproves all of Satan's lies and proves the bible is real. The bible says the stars and planets are in the firmament. NASA is Satan you guys are idiots full of ego who blind yourselves without realizing it.

>> No.8234832

Those arent facts. simply because you say so. Also no photos whatsoever

>> No.8235201


Well, there's your problem. We don't want facts. We want a hypothesis that's testable, generates predictions and is simpler than what we have already. Absolute truth is all well and good, but a bit useless when you want to work out something like when the Sun's coming up.

>> No.8235524


I'm starting to believe that flat earth threads are guilty pleasures of sci.

>> No.8236135
File: 37 KB, 250x240, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What incredibly poor and fundamentally ignorant bait.
Come on over to >>>/x/ Anons

>> No.8237694

I recently binged on flat earth explanations, and they're fucking hilarious. I almost wish it was true, it makes the world seem so much more interesting. Presumably that's why people buy into it so easily.

It's nuts though. They put all their energy into discrediting (with nonsense) or misinterpreting basic science, yet put no effort into actually proving their own theories. The flat earth model makes no sense even on a fundamental level, and they don't even bother to address that.


>> No.8237838

Flat Earthers riddle me this

North/South railroad lines wear unevenly. Scientists say "that's because the Coriolis effect is increasing force on that side as the axis of rotation shrinks or grows respectively."

What does a flat earther say? That all N/S railroads across all the world have this exact same wear pattern?

>> No.8237857

this is one that flat earthers cannot explain

for several months a year the south poll receives continuous sunlight,

but by their model Antarctica is a ring surrounding the "flat earth"

if the sun illuminates the earth in gif related fashion then there is no way for it to illuminate the outer edge continuously at any point

It could do so for the north poll at the center of the map but the south poll would not work

>> No.8237938


I'm called the jet stream

Fuck you

>> No.8237950

that would be a better answer for west-east flights over the pacific, because the jetstream doesn't follow a great circle path.

>> No.8237986

Why don't mods delete these threads?

>> No.8238077

Flat Earthers, explain how you continue in a straight line from one point and eventually return to your starting position.

Because the world ain't a game of Pac man where you appear on the other side if you hit the edge.

>> No.8239579

its fake

>> No.8239722

jokes on you actual footage has been caught of this scenario


>> No.8239789


Found this too which is pretty convincing, specially night and day on the same horizon


>> No.8239799

>what is an airstream?

>> No.8239810

Light was hitting from the other side of Earth.

>> No.8239812

Yea but he says in the video that the moon couldnt have a reflection if the sun is down, it doesnt make sense

>> No.8239819

The Earth isn't infinitely thick

Imagine you are standing on a balcony, with a spot light beneath the balcony. You can't see the spotlight, because the balcony (Earth) is in the way. But the tree across from you (the moon) isn't shielded from the spotlight because the balcony only shields you

>> No.8239846

Earth is a geoid

>> No.8239847

It's not a infinite sphere either, if you cant explain or contribute don't ever respond to me ever again.

>> No.8240902

You know what that's called?
Getting on a boat

>> No.8240926
File: 846 KB, 1920x1200, SED_wall_1920x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow sure looks flat to me...

>> No.8240930

fisheye lens ;)

>> No.8240944
File: 139 KB, 249x438, HSDI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sry man