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8207240 No.8207240 [Reply] [Original]

When, if ever, will a computer powerful enough be made to answer the question of how to reverse entropy.


>> No.8207250

The human mind already exists

>> No.8207254

Yet the smartest minds don't know how to reverse entropy. Not sure what you're point is.

>> No.8207265

Some data might be nice to get a meaningful answer.

>> No.8207266

I doubt you really understand what entropy is

>> No.8207287

so what's he missing, smartypants?

"I doubt" you understood his post

>> No.8207292

That it's fairly easy to reverse entropy?

>> No.8207297

ok how?

>> No.8207299

literally how?

>> No.8207300

Have you ever even taken a thermodynamics course?

>> No.8207308

Have you ever even taken high school English?

You're literally not communicating a single thing, except that you take pride in your (at the moment not proven) education

>> No.8207312

> add heat
> intake hot air
> some qm effects
> add life

>> No.8207317

The only thing I'm communicating is the fact that you don't have a good grasp of the concepts you are asking about, so I'm not even going to bother trying to answer because I'm on fucking vacation.

>> No.8207325

So then you must be pretty repressed if as a part of your vacation it seems appealing enough to spend time obnoxiously putting down other people over the Internet just because not everyone is a physics major.

Sadly, in the end the joke is on you, because obviously entropy is not just a thermodynamics concept.

>> No.8207332

I'm assuming you mean depressed. Nah man I'm just watching skate videos and eating food AND putting you down.

>> No.8207333

>Sadly, in the end the joke is on you, because obviously entropy is not just a thermodynamics concept.
Grasping at straws mate.
Your original question is flawed and shows flawed understanding of computers and entropy.

>> No.8207336

no, retard, I mean repressed

not OP, half-satan trips

>> No.8207339

Really? So you don't know what repressed OR entropy means. Maybe you should pick up a book sometime?

>> No.8207347

sure thing amigo

nah man I cant pick up a book I'm watching skate videos to share with my cool friends because we like skate and stuff because I hate my parents and I hate my classmates and I hate you you should die in a fire hahaha lol youre so dumb like literally

here, be better than me, find out what repressed and entropy means so at least one of us knows:

>> No.8207357


I'm 35 years old, friend. You need to relax.

>> No.8207358

You fucking pseudo intellectuals are the worst.

>> No.8207362 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 201x251, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entropy
of a state [math]\Psi[/math] is just a monotonous function of the number of states [math] W(E_\Psi)[/math] with the same energy.

Say you have 5 red aces, pic related, spread over your table. Each card can either show the heart, H, or be flipped and you only see the boring back of the card, X.

The state where all 5 cards show the heart - there is exactly one state with that specification.
W = 1
S = log(W) = 0

The state where 4 cards show the heart and one is flipped - there are 5 states with that specification.
W = 5
S = log(W) = 2.322..

The state where all 3 cards show the heart and one is flipped - ...
S = log(W) = 3.321..

The state where all 2 cards show the heart and one is flipped ... also S = log(W) = 3.321..

The state where 1 card shows the heart? Again S = log(W) = 2.322

The state where no heart is shown? Again S=0

Take 5 cards and throw them on the table, randomly. You'll probably not find that all hearts are turned upwards. By frequentist statistics, it's likely you end up with a high entropy (chaotic) configuration.

Growth of the global entropy function is the same as saying that the state with the highest probability to occur is the one that will eventually occur.


There is nothing mysterious about it. The math is just complicated because we want to pass from the multiplicative law of probabilities for subsystems, to the additive ones in the axioms of how to work with energy. In other words, we need the homomorphism from * to +, which happens to be the logarithm.
In the other direction, we get the exponential laws of the Boltzmann distribution
p = exp(-E/T)

>> No.8207363


then leave lol. You're the one throwing around terms you don't understand...

>> No.8207364
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The entropy
S = log(W(E))
of a state is just a monotonous function of the number of states W with the same energy E.

Say you have 5 red aces, pic related, spread over your table. Each card can either show the heart, H, or be flipped and you only see the boring back of the card, X.

The state where all 5 cards show the heart - there is exactly one state with that specification.


W = 1
S = log(W) = 0

The state where 4 cards show the heart and one is flipped - there are 5 states with that specification.


W = 5
S = log(W) = 2.322..

The state where all 3 cards show the heart and one is flipped - ...


S = log(W) = 3.321..

The state where all 2 cards show the heart and one is flipped ... also S = log(W) = 3.321..

The state where 1 card shows the heart? Again S = log(W) = 2.322

The state where no heart is shown? Again S=0

Take 5 cards and throw them on the table, randomly. You'll probably not find that all hearts are turned upwards. By frequentist statistics, it's likely you end up with a high entropy (chaotic) configuration.

Growth of the global entropy function is the same as saying that the state with the highest probability to occur is the one that will eventually occur.


There is nothing mysterious about it. The math is just complicated because we want to pass from the multiplicative law of probabilities for subsystems, to the additive ones in the axioms of how to work with energy. In other words, we need the homomorphism from * to +, which happens to be the logarithm.
In the other direction, we get the exponential laws of the Boltzmann distribution
p = exp(-E/T)

>> No.8207365

now just find out what "repressed" means and it'll all start coming together

>> No.8207368

Better than anti-intellectuals.
Words have strict definitions in science for a reason

>> No.8207371

(not him)
I'm pretty sure even pseudo intellectuals like myself understand what "pseudo intellectual" means.

>> No.8207372

Sorry, don't really care. Hey look, someone tried to explain entropy to you >>8207364.

>> No.8207375

most people think/pretend they understand words they use, otherwise they wouldn't be using them.

>> No.8207377

Sound like more complex than EXP time, so I'd say not possible in finite time.

>> No.8207380

OP I'm going to explain why I'm not even going to bother explaining why your question is dumb. It's because your statement is so stupid, it's not even wrong. It's just nonsense, so I can't even correct you. If you had any fundamental grasp of what you where talking about you might have given me something to work with but as it stands I just can't be arsed.

>> No.8207383

You would think that, but are you sure you actually know what you mean by thinking your thoughts onto that post? I know

>> No.8207385

what are you on about

>> No.8207388

you cared enough to make 8 (EIGHT) posts, you're not fooling anyone with this charade

I've given you the benefit of the doubt repeatedly and I always will, so you haven't won and you will never win. You will never make me start pre-assuming that people I'm talking to here on /sci/ are unintelligent, even if I've burned myself on your example.

I'm sure you will keep acting like a dumbass in your every new post in any thread and think yourself a genius for it, people not giving up on your cause, but in the end that only serves to ascertain the possibility that you really are quite lacking in intelligence.

there, you figured it out yourself as I was typing out. I'm not OP btw, this is the second time I'm telling you.
here's some more reading material for you not to care about: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect

>> No.8207389

I know you are. but what am I? Anyways you forgot to say the magic word.

>> No.8207391

sasuga pseudo intellectual

>> No.8207392

Take your own advice.

>> No.8207393

Nice, Dunning Kruger is one of my favorite effects!

>> No.8207397

obviously it's another one of the concepts which you have "a good grasp of"

>> No.8207402

I got something you can get a good grasp of right here, buddy

>> No.8207406
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>> No.8207428
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>> No.8207454
File: 53 KB, 600x800, b6929d5a8e107bcef35c6f8f60ec40b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8207461


>> No.8207474

nice thumbnail

>> No.8207490
File: 92 KB, 295x229, 1467209973525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8207497

>invent computer that can think and has absorbed the consciousness of all mankind, independently of matter or energy or space

>>ask it how to stop entropy so you can save mankind

>> No.8207654

really makes you think

nah seriously, thanks anon

>> No.8207682

Anyways, giving this power for a computer is basically ensuring the extinction of all. And we have very little time to figure out how to surpass them before their takeover.

>> No.8207683

It seems the general consensus is 1,000,000+ A.D

>> No.8207684

Pick a smaller system. For example, put a warm beer in the refrigerator. If we consider the beer to be put system, then we just lowered entropy. If you're talking about the entropy of the universe, then it can't be done. Look up Maxwell's demon.

>> No.8207769


The only ones posting in this thread (OP might be the third if the question is being asked as a reference to the following material) that have read The Last Question by Isaac Asimov.

>> No.8207779

see >>8207497

>> No.8207829

Yeah that's where I got the idea for the thread.

>> No.8207841

I bet not one of you has taken chaos theory

>> No.8207853

I haven't, is it interesting?

>> No.8207854

Not the anon you've been arguing with, but entropy is literally a thermodynamic concept.

The idea of order in nature is philosophical and used to describe why things are the way they are.

Entropy is a qualitative measurement about a system of particles and their interactions.

I assume you think that entropy is the amount of disorder in a system, but that is a poor definition since the concept of order/disorder is philosophical and subjective.

>> No.8208286

Reverse entropy??!

As I understand it, entropy affects every atom in the entire universe.... That can't be "reversed."

>> No.8208298

Yes, this. Entropy is basically every particle trying to achieve a state of equilibrium with every other particle. It is a "disorder" because all of the atoms making up matter would rather go flying out of their places and achieve a state where they were evenly distributed throughout space.

>> No.8208307

>how do reverse entropy?

>1) be really lucky

>> No.8209148

I have. What does that have to do with this thread?

>> No.8209149


>> No.8209176

>If you're talking about the entropy of the universe, then it can't be done

>> No.8209210

entropy is a quantity; a measurable number. How the fuck does one reverse a number?

>> No.8209728

Entropy of the universe. Create a new Universe

>> No.8211648

Kys you dont know anything and are obviously insecure if you bring up youre cool friends.