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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8206540 No.8206540 [Reply] [Original]

and if so does that mean that some human behavior is genetic?

>> No.8206542

how does the first question question relates to the second directly?

>> No.8206550

well breeding is mostly about behavior and capabilities rather than just appearance and build

like German Shepard and working dogs compared to pit bulls and such


>> No.8206554

Why would selective breeding only apply to dogs?

>Does that mean that some human behaviour is genetic?

Nope, human behaviour is a social construct.

>> No.8206571

>animal behaviour is genetic
>human behaviour is a social construct
>humans aren't animals

Where were you when blank slatists went full retard?

>> No.8206576

>Down syndrome is a social construct
>schizophrenia is a social construct
>Brunner syndrome is a social construct

>> No.8206630

Dude, you can totally breed humans like dogs. You can pretty much do it with any sexually reproducing animal

>> No.8206644

It's not really feasible with longer living species unless you get people to continue your work

>> No.8206663

You could just use them for slave labour or harvest their organs. It really is something we should do when you think about it.

>> No.8206665

>can you breed humans like dogs?
Yes, without consideration for moral and ethical outrage you could breed humans in the same way you breed dogs.

>and if so does that mean that some human behavior is genetic?
Everything begins genetic, then it is altered through environmental stimulus which may cause behaviour that is different from the original genetic predisposition. Say, you had a docile dog and you abused it. It wouldn't be a docile animal, but rather feral and aggressive.

Essentially, yeah, if you were an immortal being you could artificially select certain humans for their traits and create, say, aggressive humans, smart humans, and a docile humans. This would be done with selectively breeding humans with favourable qualities with one another (smart with smart, aggressive with aggressive). This is essentially how dog breeding is done, and the practice is extended to other animals such as cows, sheep, etc.. Regardless, I digress.

This anon is an idiot, and is completely wrong.

Both these anons are correct.

The process which I stated above is extremely dumbed down, but in essence that's how it would be done. Also, I would argue that all human behaviour is genetic inherently, and then altered through environment (but that's not to say the behaviour didn't pop out of nowhere, it came from their genetic deposition). This is genetic determinism.

>> No.8206811

Of course, that is exactly what was being done with slaves.

>> No.8206835 [DELETED] 

Human taboos dictate human behavior. The taboo is essentially what defines "human".

>> No.8206838

Taboos dictate human behavior. The taboo is essentially what defines "human" and language is entirely social.

>> No.8207174

The question wasn't whether it's feasible.

please go to a different board

>> No.8207176

Apparently, a lot of human social behavior is driven by our immunities. That's right, those white blood cell microbe fuckers control almost everything we do. We're their slaves. We just think we're in control of ourselves. But that is completely wrong.

>> No.8207195
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so whats the difference between race and a dog breed? If races are like dog breed doesn't it mean its possible that some races have different naturally imbued susceptibility to certain behavior?

>> No.8207212

Psyche > Immune System

>> No.8207315

Yes to both the more important question is to what degree do genetics influence behavior and how it interacts with the envirement.

>> No.8207404

Does it really matter?
The number of humans, which are born with no mental defects, is so large that you have humans being born and raised in every conceivable environment.

As environment tends to win out over genetic predisposition, you can have human behaviors that are not "bred", but "raised".

Society churns out these behaviors like clockwork, and would in theory weed out ones that we don't like (although welfare and other social programs play a large part in counteracting this phenomenon)

>> No.8207420

Shhh... We aren't allowed to talk about that.

>> No.8207427
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that's the same with dogs you tard
pit bulls can be raised to be good dogs but they're still pit bulls

>> No.8208236


Do we actually have records of dedicated human husbandry?

>> No.8208242


>> No.8208267

Fucking the prettiest slave girls isn't what we mean by selective breeding.

>> No.8208273

that guy is a manlet.

>> No.8208305

If you started out with 100 white people with no non-European ancestors in the last century or so, and sterilized the lighter-skinned half at each generation, how many generations would it take to get black people?

>> No.8208327

You wouldn't get "Black people", you would get dark-skinned Europeans.

>> No.8208342

Have them consider not just skin tone but also facial features, hair, etc.

>> No.8208347

Of course not

Our behavior is based on your soul and free will given to you by God.

Genetics have no effect on it. We all choose and are responsible for all outcomes. Biology/physics etc don't apply to human souls.

The reason someone can focus more or another has schizophrenia is free will and salvation through God.

Genetic determinism is a trick of the devil.

>> No.8208350

>the soul
>independent of the body
Check your theology Anon.

>> No.8208380
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Well if we're jumping on the crazy train then sure, God Did It answers everything and anything. I guess the doctors and scientists can close up shop.

But back in reality the lifespan problem really is the issue. It's hard to get people dedicated to a single plan for the required few hundred years. Slaves *might* be an exception, but that would only be in general terms of physical build and docility (and look how well the docility thing has worked).

Could do it, yes. Practical to do it? Extremes of difficulty.

>> No.8208420

>docile humans
Ever read up on the Milgram experiments? People seem really obedient to authority these days, don't even question it. At some point there is no way back and we turn into insects, humanity dies.

>> No.8208432

Never heard of it, or looked into it anon.

>> No.8208433

Oh, actually, I'm just looking at it now. I was familiar with the experiment, I just never knew the name of it. I'd argue that the experiment wasn't shown the obedience of the modern man, but rather, the innate human tendency to carry out the commands of the "alpha." You see this in wolf packs, and other social creatures.

>> No.8208453

i bred with ym like a dog lol as in doggy style LOL

>> No.8208463

Oh, I get it. She's touching the tip of the bayonet as though it's the tip of a foreskin or glans. And licking the ice cream cone, which also resembles a phallus.

It's sexual innuendo.

>> No.8208469
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Due to our first and second Chromosome fusing aprox 10 million years ago, our genetic code is actually kind of super unique, as are our brains.

The human brain is considered to be one of the most complex things on the Planet, much more so than any other living organism.

A human beings brain doesn't just play around with input, storage, analysis and output; the matrix of the human brain is so complicated that it's creative aspects and coping aspects are a bit of a puzzler for both biologists and neurologists.

Can you train a person to behave like a dog?
Well, how could you be sure they're not intentionally playing along, or that they're not just stuck in Plato's Cave?

The answer: you can't.

But animals are smart, and humans are very smart.
Just because presets for response to conditioning exist, it doesn't mean behavior itself is entirely or even mostly genetic.

>> No.8208478

Humans can't control everything because diversity is a law.
Only electrons are alike, anything on the atomic level and above is subject to diversity, relativity and distinction.
Even clones are different.
That PC you're using? Not mechanically nor molecularly identical to it's millions of siblings.
Everything would have to function in quantum sync to be the same, and it doesn't... and environmental differences play a role.

>> No.8208482


It is genetic ultimately, and the way your life overall has taught you to behave towards others.

But feelings such as feeling horny makes you do things even if you want it or not, and feeling hungry, pain, so on. So yes, it is genetic, because those feelings are that.

>> No.8208483


>> No.8208489

The problem with pits isn't that they are fucking crazy, it's that they have lock jaws so you can't get them off of shit. It's more of a physical problem than a mental one.

>> No.8208517

cute picture

>> No.8210664

what are you doing on this board

>> No.8210687

Humans are a shitty candidate for selective breeding. Human child rearing is long, laborious, extremely stressful to both parental figures, and even producing one kid can risk the life of the mother much less the repeated trials you would need for a proper genetic base.

Dogs are easy to select for because you can just pick the best ones from the litter every time the bitch gets bred. It doesn't work that way with humans.

And the slave selective breeding thing is myth - and has mostly been pushed by popsci and athletes like Michael Jordan. Southern aristocrats were not enlightened natural philosophers with an eye toward Mendel. They just wanted cotton pickers to make more profit with.

>> No.8210761


You could argue that. But eugenics tends to be a controversial subject even in science.

>> No.8210813
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anti-eugenics is anti-science
its in the same league as people who are against gmo, vaccines, or stem cells

they are the enemies of progress and spreaders of ignorance

>> No.8210820

Eugenics just has a bad reputation because of muh Nazis. It should be the policy of every scientifically inclined government.

>> No.8211193

t. lysenko

>> No.8211264

>selective breeding in CURRENT CENTURY

Come on /sci/, it's more efficient to use genetic engineering, nanotechnology, cybernetics, and pharmacology. You can do it in one generation rather than millennia of luck-fucking.

>> No.8211400

And there's this guy who forgot that dogs have to be trained. If you breed a dog but don't train it, it won't behave like a dog but like a wolf or a coyote.

>> No.8211427

Are GMOs that bad?

>> No.8211447

This is not fully true. While training is important, different breeds have distinctly different instincts.

>> No.8211449

Shush. Let them live the fantasy.

>> No.8211450

it's ok man, I'd rather awareness.

>> No.8211457

Yes, and there is significant evidence that humans have become domesticated.


Lowered bone-density
Lowered tesosterone
Impacted wisdom teeth
Smaller jaws
Smaller skulls
Decreasing brain size
Decreasing genitalia size

Domesticated animals are in fact dumber and less dominant than non-domesticated ones.

Domesticated animals are also more controllable.

Wolves for instance are more intelligent than dogs and can even read human body language better than dogs, but are less trainable.

Humans have become domesticated and will be domesticated further.

>> No.8211462 [DELETED] 

look at neoteny from a scientific perspective.

>> No.8211479

I was raging, it was late, in the world my demons cultivate. I felt the strangest emotion, but it wasn't hate, for once.

>> No.8211485
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>Can you breed humans like dogs?
What, like on all fours?
Yeah, that shit works fine.

>> No.8211509

Think before you post

>> No.8211510

Yes, but dogs can be bred at ~2 years while with humans it takes ~14 years.

7 times the time investment.

>> No.8211514

Psyche == Digestive tract.

Your intestinal flora control your mood.
>way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

>> No.8211525


>> No.8211714
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>cybernetics over organic modification

get out pleb

>> No.8211717

We already do. There's a reason why girls want to fuck Chads, but manlets have a hard time finding someone who wants to fuck them.

>> No.8212212


According to French constitution, races do not exist.

>> No.8212448

I would say to you to at least think while you post.

>> No.8212452


>> No.8212459

Only 5 or 10 generations. Melanin response to selective pressure happens FAST. Similar to dogs, but to a much lesser extent, a lot of our 'unused' genes are waiting in the wings to get turned back on (and off). This lets organisms respond to selective pressures (especially those caused by catastrophes) much more quickly than standard mutation would allow for.

>> No.8212477

...until the age of 26, when the boring fucks like most of /sci/, who were forced into focusing on their career have boatloads of cash and those former whores (who now aren't worth the dick) are climbing all over you. Don't fall for it though.

>> No.8212504
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>> No.8212517

you'll get mal-adapted humans with vitamin d deficiency.

>> No.8212528


kek, what does it read?

>> No.8212541

>well breeding is mostly about behavior and capabilities rather than just appearance and build
>like German Shepard and working dogs compared to pit bulls and such
Woooooow, breedist asshole. Generalize much? You can't just judge a dog based on it's fur color.

>> No.8212560

learn japanese and you'll find out

>> No.8212718
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>while 40 year old chad is still fucking 21 year olds some sad losers slave away to provide infinite disposable income their used up whore gold digger wife who's only with them for their money

>> No.8212726
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Breeding takes too long, genetic engineering is where it's at.

>> No.8213776

He said some.

You know it isn't all a social construct you dipshit. Even if most was we'd still have to have built in acquisition devices and such. And that's ignoring unconscious behaviors like fucking breathing.

>> No.8213781

Shame the french constitution doesn't get to decide.

>> No.8214705


>touching the tip
>licking the cream

>> No.8214730
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>> No.8214779

I've grown up around cults and fundamentalist religions (I myself in one for a while), and have read into a bunch others.

"Breeding" human behavior is easy as shit and it's done all the time. The lifespan thing is not an issue at all.

Behavior is a response to value driven urges outputted by our brain in response to its assessment of past experiences.

You wanna train someone's behavior? You manipulate their values by reinterpreting their past experiences in a light that favors your agenda for them. You convince them they're something their not in order to respond in predictable ways to a false reality you created for them.

You then isolate them from the world into a bubble of like-minded folk by deeply instilling the fear of death/ god. Plenty of ways to do that, most I've seen just go with the whole

If need be, you can churn these people out easily by convincing them withholding from childbearing is against their nature. You also need to make sure they remain in tight family units which each come together at least weekly so your reality can be properly instilled.

Evangelism is tough depending on how cracray your reality is, but most people are confused and desperate enough to latch onto anything socially meaningful.

Sounds fedora af I know, and maybe too simplistic. But I've experienced it first hand and see it everywhere so go fuck yourself.

>> No.8214787
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>> No.8214789

Evangelicals are cancer eating at both science and the true word of God.

>> No.8214850

So this means that some humans are inherently better than other humans correct? Like how German Sheperds are better police dogs than Golden Retrievers and such.

>> No.8214860

isn't there like an age limit here

>> No.8214867
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Just gonna put this here.

>> No.8214895



>> No.8214914

>better than other humans correct?

That's an extremely broad statement.

Better at what?

>> No.8214924


>> No.8215059
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Better at performing certain tasks than others. Sorta like a caste system in some ways.
>mfw future humans are basically man-sized ants.

>> No.8215079

>you will never be a darth vader cock monster riding a human antelope

>> No.8216224
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do you even need to ask?
the answer is yes

>> No.8216256

Psychology is pseudo science, to say that something like "X group tends to be rowdy" and pin it on genetics is retarded, brain, especially the human brain, is extremely complex, the variations in personality are always just complex reactions to peoples lives, when a psychologist "diagnoses" someone with autism, it isnt that there is actually an objective, defined problem with that person, its just a subjective wishy washy explanation for someone with a certain personality, but we treat it like its the same as something like down syndrome, which is something with clear, concrete physical and genetic characteristics, you don't rely on their behavior to tell who has it.

>> No.8216261

Most survive the happening.

>> No.8216266

Dr.Pavel i'm CAT

>> No.8217053

I think you could, if you made humans who had genes that large ears procreate you'd eventually end up with lots of individuals with large ears.

>> No.8217081

if you think people are superior just because they have light hair and eyes I am afraid you're an idiot, and you should be sterilized.

>> No.8217101

Inherently better in some things, Shepards make better police dogs and Retrievers make better service dogs.

>> No.8217114

>Can you breed humans like dogs?
Yeah, but you'd have to make sure you don't end up with overly-interbred subspecies rife with sicknesses, like some dog breeds (or, well, Habsburgs). It might be a good idea to keep a population of freely breeding humans for backup of genetic diversity.

>> No.8218021

you can breed cousins with no threat of problems
you just cant do that over and over again within one family. which isnt too hard to prevent

>> No.8218035

That's like asking if Santa lets his elves respond to letters he received.

>> No.8218272


I've got my kennels and feeding bowls and collars and leashes ready. Let's do this!

For science!

>> No.8218317
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There is considerably less variation between human races than there are dog breeds. Like, if you 'converted' all humans to dogs, yeah, there'd be different breeds, but we'd all still be, like, Retrievers or whatever. Some would be Labradors, some would be Goldens, etc, but they'd be minor, aesthetic variations for the most part.

>> No.8218332

Would addiction and being addicted to things fit in with that? It would be a feeling making you do something whether you wanted to or not?

And genetics, influence how much that affects you or your ability to override it?

>> No.8218333

So, we can't breed humans because Santa's not real, then?

>> No.8218342

That being said, if we want eugenics, we should try to achieve it through things like gene therapy and chromosomal repair, not forced sterilization.

>> No.8218345

No, that was his point. People who are anti-GMO are morons who are just scared of something they don't understand.

>> No.8218364

I mean, you say that, but there are distinct and measurable structural differences between the brain of an autist and that of a neurotypical person. While the higher-functioning ones would probably be all right with or without ever being diagnosed, it's important to recognize them ,if only because it's easier to study them than their shit-flinging, permanently non-speaking counterparts. It's called a 'spectrum' because they all have varying degrees of the same neurological abnormalities.

>> No.8218815

yes and yes
that's why Jews have the highest IQ

>> No.8218846
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you only think its less variation because were not dogs

the difference between a pug and a retriever are pretty comparable to a Pygmy and a Estonian
you can breed humans exactly the same way as dogs to the exact same affect

strange looking dogs are like that because people found genetic anomalies and breed them
pugs were completely normal looking dogs in the 1700s but were significantly changed with human intervention

If you find some prick with a fucked up nose and force him to have 300 kids and then breed those kids and only allow the ones who have that anomaly to breed; you would create a "breed" of human with fucked up noses
and the level of how different they look from other humans is only based on what level of anomaly the original "breed" or dude had
additionally you can breed people with elf ears into the people with fucked up noses and then you have a even stranger looking "breed" in only a few generations

>> No.8218872
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Well, sure, you can do that. That wasn't my point. Everyone already agreed that 'breeding' humans the way dogs are is possible.

My point was the genetic variation thing, and as for your statement on that, pic related.

>> No.8218894

take your breedist ass to another board fuckboi.
Pitbulls are some of the sweetest dogs alive, but they're raised by assholes to be violent because of their ridiculous bite pressure of over 1t/si

>> No.8219310
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cite what dipshit?

my entire statement is regarding what you said about genetic variation you fucking fuckwit
all human genetic variation is comparable to dogs and is no less extreme aesthetically for our species
we dont call gingers a different "breed" of human but if we classified ourselves like dogs they would be.

im pretty much repeating myself here but for your sake recognize this: Scottish folds are considered a "breed" of cat even though their only difference between normal tabbys are their folded ears.
Hypothetically we could just as well consider people with opposable toes as their own "breed" if we went by the same guidelines

>> No.8219900

if we get all three of them and a few girls that look like anzuu, we could eventually breed a genetically perfect twink.

>> No.8220248

>tfw corporations are always happy to oblige insanity