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8205855 No.8205855[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

From an evolutionary standpoint, why do we find breasts so sexually attractive? They're just basically masses of fat with a little bit of pink skin on it.

>> No.8205856

Favourable attributes for child-rearing.

>> No.8205858

> evo psych

>> No.8205859

We are conditioned to love boobs from birth. Boobs are our source of life and sanctuary. It has a motherly sense of safety and comfort that you get used to. Which is why loving boobs is very natural and gives you joy.
pretty much like incest.

>> No.8205861

That is just circular reasoning though.
>why do we like breasts
>because they are good attributes for child birth
>why do we like good attributes for child birth
>because survival of the species
>why do we like survival of the species
>because we like breasts

>> No.8205862

>last line

>> No.8205863
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>why do we like survival of the species
>because we like breasts
That's because for some reason, you like surviving, because of breasts? My argument is fine, yours is flawed.

>> No.8205864

By ensuring the survival of the species, we ensure more breasts

>> No.8205868

What is the evolutionary benefit to enjoy being fucked by my girlfriend wearing a strap-on and watch her being breed by another man?

>> No.8205872
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Your flaw today is:
>Implying that cuckism is as prevalent as being attracted to breasts.
Fuck off with your deviant behaviour, you broken human.

>> No.8205873


im not even that guy but dude fuck you moron

>> No.8205874

>I am satisfied with teleological descriptions of biological phenomena
Not that guy, but that's like trying to explain how we ended up developing a neocortex by saying "because it gives us evolutionary advantages"
Look who's the retard now.

>> No.8205878

Natural selection. :^D

>> No.8205894
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I'm turned on by small breasted women.

I'd say it's a result of being around many ballerinas growing up, since ballerinas tend to have small or nearly flat chests.

I mean I still like big boobs but I wouldn't say I like big boobs more than a flat chest.

>> No.8205899

Nope. You like it because the boobs provides your survival needs from birth, which is why you like it. Also the warm touch of your mother is the first place you feel safe, secure and loved, which is why you associate motherly lovely boobs with comfort and joy.
Now go give your mommy a hug ;)

>> No.8205901

Genetic dead end not that it really matters. Monkeys, boobs, more monkeys, same old song and dance.

>> No.8205921

how is a flatchested woman a genetic dead end?

>> No.8205932

Weaker brood, not enough breast milk. then again, that's why we domesticated cows. Maybe the monkey is going for full on symbiotic with the cow, not that it really matters.

>> No.8205933

I love Anzu even if she doesn't have big breasts. Explain that, nerds.

>> No.8205969

Sexual selection in any form is circular, by definition. Why do peacocks have large tails that make it harder to survive in the wild? Because large tails indicate sexual desirability. Why do large tails indicate sexual desirability? Because large tails make it easier to attract a mate. Why do large tails make it easier to attract a mate? Because large tails indicate sexual desirability. Ergo, despite large tails being completely ineffective for survival, they thrive in the gene pool and grow larger and larger until they can't physically get bigger without killing the bird.

The basis of sexual selection is that a random trait gets selected via gene drift and nature runs with it. Its inherently illogical, yet it happens. I see no problem with it being applied to breasts

>> No.8205976


>> No.8205978

Some people figure it's because we started standing upright and stopped staring at butts so women developed something butt-like on their chest.

Maybe? I guess? Plausible perhaps.

>> No.8205993

A few basic theories I've heard

>associated with motherhood and comfort
>associated with safety and vulnerability
Honestly, I don't like this one because it rings too Freudian, depending more on feelings than empirical fact. Why would we associate motherhood with sex unless we all wanted to fuck our mothers, when in fact most of us are biologically primed to not want to sex our moms?

>boobs look like butts
>butts are good because humans evolved to do doggy style
>butts are epitome of sexual attraction
This one seems slightly more scientific than above, but still kind of weird. It does explain why boobs have the shape they do, and why we are the only mammals to have permanently engorged breasts. Still weird to me though.

Most plausible one
>sexual selection
>boobs indicate sexual desirability
>this explains why bigger=better
>more milk = more babies
I think its probably a mixture of different theories, but I'd say 70% or more is the last one. Sexual selection is a big part of evolution

>> No.8206011
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I have a better follow up question?

1) Why when asked if someone is an ass guy or a boobs guy, the answer is usually ass? Or why do people say they don't mind breast size?
2) Why does that answer immediately change when someone gets a face full of ol' DD titties?

>> No.8206086

Because big ass small boobs is always better than big boobs and no ass, makes the body looks weird. It might have something to do with proportions.

>> No.8206091

what's the source my man

>> No.8206126

Can someone please explain these ridiculous webm file names I've been seeing lately?

>> No.8206129

I'm more of a leg man.

>> No.8206130

When you think of a nice ass you think of an equally nice thighs, a nice lower back, and most importantly: nice hips
An ass is not only aesthetic, it shows habits, fitness, etc. So much is interconnected.

With tits you just think of tits. I've noticed people who are really into tits like them regardless of the shoulders, stomach, hips, ass, thighs, etc. Tits are just there. People even like disproportionate fake tits.

It's a bit like asking if you prefer intelligence or nice eyes. Someone will probably say intelligence, but nice eyes will still be striking.

>> No.8206131

get outta here with that freud shit

>> No.8206134

humans begin walking > harder to see ass > females with bigger breasts as become more desirable > more females inherit larger breasts

>> No.8206327
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Because instinctually you know that if you tune In Tokyo, they become wet wether they want to or not.

The gateway to the well lubricated vagina, if you will.

>> No.8206501

>evolution selects boobs that do more milk
>to produce more milk boobs will naturally have bigger glands
>have brainpower to make the assumption bigger boobs mean more milk
>evolution does its shit again and women that accumulate fat on their boobs will get selected more than flatchested women even if the quantity of milk is the same


>> No.8206508

>all these faggots using the prison school explanation

seriously guys sort your shit out.

>> No.8206511

They're generated by some upload website to be unique, <adjective><adjective><noun>.

>> No.8206521
File: 81 KB, 400x225, 727_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not preferring a delicious flat chest
Truly a plebeian perspective.

>> No.8206524

Two words. Childbearing hips.

>> No.8206526

wtf is prison school
anyway you havent even provided an alternative explanation so why are you getting mad

>> No.8206536

I don't find vaginas sexually arousing. In fact, I'ts a learned behavior. You didn't even realize it until you knew knew the ins and outs of sexuality.

>> No.8206547

You're not supposed to find them arousing; it all revolves around the cock.

>> No.8206564

it's called puberty champ

>> No.8206568

>They're just basically masses of fat


>> No.8206599
File: 64 KB, 437x600, .macro 76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We used to have sex from behind, as humans started to walk upright we started to engage from the front more often. Breasts were evolved to look like butts. Other animals do NOT keep their breasts sweleed up whhen they are not raising young.

example of a woman< _

>> No.8206604

Nice pseudoscience you got there.

>> No.8206636

It's kind of self-destruction mechanism of non-compatible genes, but you at same time ensure that alpha of your species gets laid. Pure win-win.

>> No.8206639
File: 197 KB, 1500x1000, 77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the accepted theory

>> No.8206643

More, please.

>> No.8206646

that's not ontopic anon!
I guess u cant have the other 20 images in this set :)

>> No.8206669
File: 12 KB, 540x255, 1456181040081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not like man boobs.

>> No.8206673

Virgin detected.

>> No.8206706

Someone watched too much prison school.

>> No.8206907

for the same reason we find vaginas sexually attractive

and for the same reason gays dont and only like dicks

>> No.8206926
File: 61 KB, 514x713, 55756152977c311aae79112a47c846af5e30dfdaec2284d37f5e3f97afd5b503_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boobs are the most visually dominant female feature even though it only being secondary sexual parts

Its what makes the genders visually distinctable at longer distances and helps forming a guess of age and health state thus giving it such a high priority in the mating game.

>> No.8206959

It's an obvious and secondary sexual characteristic that gets bigger when fertile while indicating ability to care for offspring.

Pretty fucking clear guy.

>> No.8206967

Big tits are mostly fat you retardo. There's only little correlation with how much breast tissue there potentially is in them.

>> No.8206975


S. Freud

Now go back to your anime vidya and feel bad everytime your look at some boobs

>> No.8209392

Get the fuck out

>> No.8209426
File: 205 KB, 1000x800, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tribes that valued breasts more than asses reproduced more because ancient traps/gays were flat chested. If the environment were cold enough, only big populations can would thrive throw winters, so cold countries selected tits-men over ass-men.

>mfw I am an ass-men

>> No.8209431

Boobs make milk.
Milk makes viable young.
Baby formula should be illegal.

>> No.8209439

That dichotomy is something your culture trained you for.

>tfw I'm more of a hips, hair, waist, thighs, back, and breast man
>tfw when it's more about shape than size, relative to the physique as a whole

>> No.8209952

So why do women hate it when you look at them?

>> No.8210136


you can read it in a book made by Charles Darwkin.

>> No.8210172

they don't? they hate it if somebody else notices or if you're ugly.

>> No.8210194

round boobs indicate health just the same as round butts or thighs

it's not that complicated you idiots

>> No.8210225
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>> No.8210234
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>From an evolutionary standpoint, why do we find women so sexually attractive? They're just basically masses of fat with a little bit of pink skin on it.

>> No.8210243

evolutionary psychology is a pseudo-science. affirming the consequent, etc.

>> No.8210261

ITT: Squeeze Theorem

>> No.8210272

This. No one said natural selection was logical. the only logic that exists is if it doesn't kill the organism, the genetic material supporting that trait will be carried on. Nature seems to have a bias towards the concept of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."

>> No.8210362
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I thought each board was it's own 3D space separate yet tied together by a common thread i.e yes this IS 4chan but not everybody likes or is willing to understand manga let alone things like Berserk or Yu Yu Hakusho