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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8200781 No.8200781 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think is the most respectable career?

>> No.8200791

The one where you have a stable job.

>> No.8200857

The one where you make lots of money.

>> No.8200880


Loft goblin.

>> No.8200884

Really anything that contributes to society is respectable.

I'm a locksmith. :3

>> No.8200950


>> No.8201040


>> No.8201041

Deepmind AI researcher

>> No.8201046

Corporate Financier.

>> No.8201084

> AI
> Researcher

>> No.8201108

Gendered politics

lotsa maneh

>> No.8201144


>> No.8201145
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Chef, good Sir.
If it is done correctly, it combines science, passion, philosophy, math and quite often the results tastes amazing.

>> No.8201148

Whats not respectable about it? It has tons of meaningful applications in a lot of fields.

>> No.8201157

Jawesome mate. Thank you, now c:)

>> No.8201168

If you want women - tv/movie/talent executive.

>> No.8201171

quant analytics

>> No.8201183
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What about if you want cuddly boy toys? Everyone knows guys loose it for a pencil skirted, ponytailed, glasses wearing, hawt, shorty, nerdaliscious food scientist. Better living through chemicals :D

>> No.8201187

>cuddly boy toys
Prison Guard

>> No.8201190
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maths pHd 300k starting

>> No.8201192

Only if you can solve triple integrals, which only one person on the planet has managed to do at the moment.

>> No.8201207
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Its in bhat...baka...Bhat man, nananananananana it's in bhat man!

>> No.8201304

Semi-related question:

Any of you /sci/entists ever work as a research assistant? Was it a good job? I've been applying for psychology research assistant posts, all of which pay a surprisingly decent salary of £25k-30k (more than the typical graduate position, at least). It just seems to involve data collection and analysis, which is essentially what I've just been doing at university for the last 4 years anyway. I think it seems like quite a cosy way for me to save up money for the next few years while I decide what I want to do with my life.

>> No.8201410

especially if semen is an ingredient then ur literally putting ur passionin the food

>> No.8201473
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I just experienced a trans-dimensional kek

>> No.8201550


>> No.8201558

I imagine it is, but the system is rotten.

>> No.8201861
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Tsk tsk no semen here...only lovely 卵... nasty boy.

>> No.8201871

nothing is more honourable than serving your country

>> No.8201926

Being a Surgeon or Physician ( depending on what specialty though), or research diseases and disorders that affect significant amounts of the population i.e Alzheimer's Disease.

>> No.8201986


>> No.8202322

A farmer

>> No.8202325

Positions like that can be cushy as fuck, or annoying as hell. It all depends on how the person you're working for is running the show.

That said, if you're unsure of what you want to do, give it two years. At the worst, you'll have money and know for a fact that you don't want to do it again, but if you do pull the trigger, give. it. at. least. two. years.

>> No.8202644

>things that can be done on a 4-function calculator

>> No.8202674


Scientist, Doctor(money), engineer

>> No.8202678

professional masturbater

>> No.8202685

beach bum

>> No.8202688

Maybe if you fags cared more for than just ">MUH RESPEKT" and how others viewed you, you'd be more successful in life. virgins.

>> No.8202715


>> No.8202730

Everyone who knows Calc ii can solve triple integral, quadruple and more.

>> No.8202742
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career NEET, work is for suckers.

>> No.8202744
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Transhuman fluffer

>> No.8202793
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Public speaking scientist. They can speak some hard truth in the realm of celebrities who lack real-world insight and news outlets that speak for their political agendas. They're often the wisest people with the biggest voices and can explain what really matters and why to the unlearned masses who vote on who makes the law.

The only thing that ever seems to mar them is hubris.

>> No.8202924

lodes of mone

>> No.8202926

is that you, Parker?

>> No.8203481
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Trigger...kektard.Molecular Gastronomy is a real thing and being a food scientist does not preclude one from being Chef. Go eat your instant Ramen in shame!

>> No.8203668


>> No.8203704
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> respectable
> deepmind

>> No.8203709

I will show you the path boy.
>start working as a bedroom coder
>then work for a con artist that will pay you in pennies
>then leave him only to make your own videogame company
>know people that are into AI "research"
>create company
>sell it to googles competitor

>> No.8203716


>> No.8205195



Money can go a long way, it just depends on how you use it. If I got $60k starting after earning a BSc I would be overjoyed. But job security is always going to be preferable to money

>> No.8206266

what about the physicists/engineers that develop/produce cancer treatments like brachytherapy?

>> No.8206272

>tfw had dream job offer for 66k but it got rescinded
>now make 60k at new job in deep south
>mfw that 60k is equivalent to 95k in LA based on cost of living in the area
feels goodman

>> No.8206279

>make 5 bucks a day in bumfuck India
>mfw that $5 is equivalent to $150k in San Francisco based on cost of living in the area.

>> No.8206287

but i can buy a 6 bedroom, 4000 sq ft house for 230k
and it wont be made of cow shit