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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8199664 No.8199664[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I fell for the physics meme

Fuck me, I should have studied math or chemistry instead

>> No.8199672

>I should have studied math

Fuck yeah you should have as it is an objectively superior subject, but why are you shitting your pants now?

It almost makes no difference in the job market what 'pure science' you majored in.

>> No.8199677
File: 39 KB, 645x503, 9d679cb858d79a28aacb8252c027f69f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw studied Philosophy and now I make 599k/yr


>> No.8199685

>studied physics
>even did a phd
>pay is low (never got a post-doc > USD 60k)
>but I get to travel lots
>I have a job that doesn't make me want to kill myself on a daily basis
>I work with somewhat intelligent and interesting individuals all across the globe
>nominally immune to recessions, since I can just move to whatever country has the best offer right now

Went better than expected, I guess.

>> No.8199686

>It almost makes no difference in the job market what 'pure science' you majored in.

but I feel like a retard compared to math majors and I'm jelous of chem majors because they have cool experiments while our experiments are boring as fuck

>> No.8199691

>Went to university for 8+ years to get paid 60k a year
>Not wanting to kill yourself on a daily basis

Pick one and only one.

>I feel like a retard compared to math majors
That is just natural.

>chem majors because they have cool experiments while our experiments are boring as fuck

Well, what did you expect.

Switch majors, you obviously don't give two shits about physics.

>> No.8199707

>Pick one and only one.
Eh. I enjoy what I'm working and never lived a lavish life. You can think of it this way - I've paid in those years at uni, and can look forward to the next 40 or so doing interesting projects, whereas my deadbeat sister will be a labmonkey for the rest of her life. I think I chose better than she did.

>> No.8199756

I suppose you are right but if I was you then I would look for other ways of making money. Like saving up and buying stock to sell at a profit.

You will enjoy your job but if you get to like 50 and you are still renting a shitty apartment then you'll probably end up jumping from your window to your death.

>> No.8199898

>I am an incthyologist
Kill me now.

>> No.8199906

[math]\color{Red} {>all~this~green~text}[/math]

red is the new meta you faggots

>> No.8199908

>bs physics
>ms applied math
I hope they teach me a couple more ODEs I'm sick of this scrotemdinger stuff

>> No.8199984


>> No.8199994

sounds pretty interesting, what's wrong?

>> No.8199996


wtf why haven't you gone far over ODEs yet?

>> No.8200012

The thing is .. I don't need to rent a shitty apartment. My salary tends to be more than enough to rent a nice place; I'm making enough money for a comfy life, and having more money would just turn me into a lazy fuck.

>> No.8200206

>Study chemistry
You think you want to kill yourself so bad now. Go ahead and switch your major to that.

>> No.8200223
File: 905 KB, 2444x1558, 1445748606041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and having more money would just turn me into a lazy fuck.

I can vouch for this. I am a union turd and I make ~$70,000 a year and I sleep one third of the work day. Having too much money and no standards makes it impossible to not be lazy. Making more than most but still feel like I am only living half a life instead of seeing my true capabilities and going 100% all day.

>> No.8200228

I was just accepted into Georgia Tech's mechanical engineering program.

How fucked am I?

>> No.8200232

Thats a matter of personal opinion.

>> No.8200267
File: 140 KB, 640x720, 1456448493413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is a true observation

>> No.8200297

Isn't physics almost maths now?

For pure math you probably have to go full aspergie/autism , so you would be fucked anyway.

On the other hand, with physics, you've got all the math you need in the real world in any career.

>> No.8200301


>> No.8200304

I quit job half a month ago (software engineer, not very successful, couldn't stand the marketing bullshit, too much more interesting stuff in the world, take your pick)
Now I'm scratching my balls looking for a cause. And I can't find one.
Maybe Elon Musk can wake up out of bed motivated as fuck, but, I mean, most of software guys are jerking of to the system (whatever that means) , not creating robots or AI or whatever.
<end rant>

>> No.8200319

there was a study on money and happiness, and 70k$ is where happiness per dollar hits diminishing returns super fucking hard.

>> No.8200369
File: 72 KB, 376x270, DDvol5.3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has got to be bait
but ill bite:

>> No.8200380

What's your job?

>> No.8200382

The sheer intensity of this image, along with that you actually saved a thumbnail, just gets me.

I love it.

>> No.8200422

what are you, some sort of meme connoisseur?

>> No.8200438

The man knows his memes

>> No.8200478

wtf how

>> No.8200552

Math majors are utterly superior, we know, except for playing around with ring structures is secretly not as hard as it's made to be.

>> No.8200571

Made me kek. I guess there will be no way to find out you are legit.

I think it's fine, though I would still vouche for becoming a theoretical chemist because synthesis sucks unless you cooperate with or work in big companies.

>> No.8200594

sucks dick. But as a philosophy major he knows exactly how and why his clients what it sucked.

>> No.8200651

I have more regret studying chemistry than anything else in my life.

>> No.8200771

i hope you like finance

we are almost as bad as you.

go to grad school for an engineering degree and you'll be fine.

>> No.8200777

alright, no need to get dramatic. I studied chemistry too but its not that bad. If you start as a shit lab tech making 30-40k i hear you actually get salary bumps pretty quickly if you focus on working your way up.

did you not do grad school, anon?