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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8199313 No.8199313[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any of you here practice any religion or some kind of spiritual practice? If yes, how? Does it include meditation?
I've always seen science and spirituality as closely related concepts or even practices (at least historically). I know a lot of you will have a different opinion, which I understand completely.
With that said, I would love to hear If some of you feel like this.

>> No.8199318


Go away.

>> No.8199319

It's not the 17th century anymore anon.

Metaphysics is dead, as is God.

>> No.8199325

I believe in global warming and I hug trees. Does that count ?

>> No.8199341

well tipp'd

>> No.8199358

who said anything about metaphysics friend

>> No.8199360


Ancient occultists have stated long before what modern scientists are beginning to confirm

>> No.8199367

Wow, I didn't expect this rejection, jajaja.
What do you mean?

>> No.8199377

>I've always seen science and spirituality as closely related concepts or even practices
Ramanujan is a prime example of this.
>the goddess Namagiri whispered equations to him and showed him visions of modular forms

>> No.8199525


>> No.8199559

let me guess, quantum physics?

>> No.8199681


>> No.8199692
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sorry I'm at work and have no time or will to make a quality post on the topic. I thought someone else would. summoning all wizards to this thread

>> No.8199718

>I've always seen science and spirituality as closely related concepts
No, that's retarded and you're retarded for thinking that. Science and superstition are diametrically opposed: one is purely evidence based, the other is pure feelings.

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.8199782

When a lot of people talk a lot of shit, some of them might actually be right.

>> No.8199885

>spirituality = superstition
No, that's retarded and you're retarded for thinking that. You don't know what spirituality is.

>> No.8199933

shoo shoo autismo

>> No.8199934

Well one thing is certain, and that is your voodoo magic spooky skeletons sure as fuck aren't grounded in reality.

>> No.8199939

neuroscience has pretty much confirmed the buddhist doctrines of the skandhas, which posits human beings as being conditioned by psycho-physical aggregates.

"form is emptiness, emptiness is form" - total energy of the universe is 0

>> No.8199941

This is paranormal, not scientific >>>/x/

>> No.8199968

I think you're reading into it, anon. I don't know why, but you seem to actually care that some old fuckers be proved correct about their world view. It could literally never matter if you're right.

>neuroscience has pretty much confirmed the buddhist doctrines of the skandhas, which posits human beings as being conditioned by psycho-physical aggregates

I don't know enough about either of these things, but usually statements like this are wrong or very uninformed.

>"form is emptiness, emptiness is form"
Trying to be poetic by equating a historical duality of nature is not the same thing as accurately identifying the vacuum structure of a quantum field theory.
>total energy of the universe [sic] is 0
Two things: 1) there's not enough data to make conjectures like this, no matter how satisfying their implications may be; 2) this has literally nothing to do with form or emptiness.

>> No.8199971

>"form is emptiness, emptiness is form" - total energy of the universe is 0

Wew lad, I hope you stretched before making that leap.

>> No.8199980

I practice Qur'an-alone Islam. When you ignore hadith (mostly Arab cultural tradition) it becomes one of the most reasonable religious beliefs. Zero conflicts with modern science, unlike most other religions. I also meditate when I can, mostly for personal mental health.

People who imply that science and religion cannot get along are ignorant, there doesn't need to be a conflict between the two. In my opinion, they should strengthen each other.

>> No.8200001

>when you ignore part of the religion, it becomes reasonable
As with all religion, the more you ignore, the more reasonable it becomes.

>they should strengthen each other
There is nothing that religion can give to scientific research, except a guarantee of uninvolvement.

>> No.8200005


>imo they should strenghten eachother

What makes you think that?

>> No.8200015

Confirmed for deliberate aggravator.

>> No.8200017

You're trying so hard to sound smart and educated. "Form is emptiness, emptiness is form" isn't trying to "identify the vacuum structure of quantum field theory" lol, it's communicating a truth in something other than scientific language you fucking robot tard.

>> No.8200033

>I don't have the background to tell you you're wrong, but you're wrong

is this real life

>> No.8200034

You really have no clue how much of an impact occultism has had on mathematics. Leibniz founded the identity of indiscernibles, which has lead to the univalence axiom at the core of homotopy type theory. He came up with the idea based on his metaphysics work.

The Hermetic principle of duality is now at the center of many modern advancements in mathematics, and many would argue that it is the most important principle in mathematics.

Hegel's Aufhebung has the same formalization in higher category theory as cohesive structure for toposes, which is what lets us reason about the notion of space. Hegel developed the Aufhebung in his great metaphysics treatise.

We now have synthetic differential geometry, and the homotopy principle yields all sorts of lovely analytic results. The concepts central to homotopy theory are derived from old hermetic ideas ("as above, so below").

I'm an agnostic occultist. A lot of the stuff is not correct and is just silly, but it would be imbecilic to dismiss excellent human intuitions simply because they aren't falsifiable. You don't have to "believe" in spiritual ideas, but you can absolutely use those ideas to progress mathematics and the sciences.

>> No.8200185

that graph is the same color as samus aran's ass, dude.

>> No.8200449
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>> No.8200464

>If yes, how? Does it include meditation?
Lately I've been getting into Aghori Shaivism.
Embodying The Destroyer is tough business.
Shiva, The Smoking Mirror, and Eris are the mainstay of my pantheon.

>> No.8200469

I smoke weed, stretch, and meditate on death.
My earlobes been split, and the blood sent to the smoking mirror.
I'm lusting after Eris and discerning forms in her wake.