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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 167 KB, 800x879, keep_calm_i_m_biologist_by_kikomauriz-d758gv6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8190551 No.8190551[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Premed biologist here, i have to do a stupid math course because "muh education."

x^2 - 10x + 25 = 0

How in the world in the name of sweet baby jesus can i solve this and others like it?

For those of you who have taken university level math (no highschool kids please) how can i do it?

I get it's probably easy for those of you spoogelords who have a mental illness and actually find enjoyment in playing with numbers, but please go easy on me, i actually care about relevant visible physical things like life on earth.


>> No.8190555

Just use the quadratic equation and end this thread.

>> No.8190564

And this is ninth grade level math at the least

>> No.8190568

Also if you're premed you'll have to take physics because it's on the MCAT. So don't be a premed if you can't do this level of math.

>> No.8190571

Is there some way to do this for all equations?

Like how did you know to use 5's?

>> No.8190574


Please be trolling. If you're not go look up quadratic equation.

>> No.8190576

If you can't understand middle school level algebra you should change majors

How did you get into college?

6/10 b8

>> No.8190580

>no highschool kids please
>posts high school math

>> No.8190582

you foil it, but backwards essentially

>> No.8190593
File: 36 KB, 268x237, all of my smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you dont remember that one random thing taught 5 years ago that was never used again
>how did you get into collage?

lol fine alright ive reviewed quadratic equations

now before you hypocrite chits say another word, please solve this long division question within the next 10 seconds:

oh wait, it was something you learned 5 years ago that you never used again.

eat it

>> No.8190594

pascals triangle

>> No.8190598

You'll never make it in medicine, you're too much of a confirmed brainlet. I'd rather go to a black female doctor than your moronic self. Get fucked, faggOP.

>> No.8190600

It's most likely a falseflag or a typical troll. Won't stop people from taking the bait though.

>> No.8190602

>you dont know how to play with numbers as well as i do, you'll never be a good biologist


>> No.8190604

You should really learn to appreciate mathematics it is actually quite invaluable when it comes to abstract thinking. Plus it is also good for your discipline. I do not think I would have the work ethic I have without taking calculus II.

t. premed biologist

>> No.8190605
File: 1.99 MB, 370x208, 1445958366270.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, this guy is a brainlet AND a pedophile cartoon posting degenerate! Coincidence? Think not.

btw OP, back to >>>/a/

>> No.8190608

do not respond to this and let this troll thread die

do your part and end the shitposting

>> No.8190610

This, /thread

>> No.8190611

>cant numbers
>too many ccs
>bye bye licence
>get disbarred
>go to prison
>become Tyrone's bitch
^ Your life, faggOP.

>> No.8190617
File: 144 KB, 340x340, INFERIOR LOL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha gtfo you numberphile

my cartoons are vastly superior to your shit discipline

have fun calculating numbers and scribbling on paper solving problems greater minds have already solved whilst i make 170k starting (GP) and save lives DAILY.

pathetic attempt to put down superior minds.

>> No.8190619


>> No.8190620

See this, faggOP.

>> No.8190625

OP here that's not me.

All i wanted was to know how to solve the problem.

I'm sorry for being mad and taking out my frustrations on math people.


>> No.8190652

>implying long division is hard
More like fifteen years ago because I'm not underage, I use it once a year, and I STILL remember it. Find the largest multiple of the denominator that fits into the remainder, subtract that multiple * denominator from remainder to get new remainder, repeat until remainder is smaller than denominator. I also remember how to do polynomial long division which I haven't used at all. I'm a fucking code monkey, we're supposed to be bad at math, what's your excuse premed who will be responsible for human lives?

>> No.8190667

Isn't this just simple factoring?I thought premed students were supposed to be smart.

>> No.8190671

10/10 b8 m8

>> No.8190693

There are multiple methods you could solve this. Technically, four methods. One involves using your calculator to find the roots of the equation. (real roots can be thought of as "x-intercepts").

You can either (in decreasing difficulty):
- Factor
- Complete the square
- Quadratic formula.

Be caution when using the quadratic formula. It's very simple to use, and because of that, also the easiest to make a simple mistake on [if you're plugging n chugging on a calculator which is what you'll most likely do].

If I had to solve this, I'd use complete the square because it's a decent medium between quadratic formula and factoring. It sounds like a lot of work to do but it's really not (and it shouldn't be, 9th graders do this stuff in the first few weeks of school).

1.) ""Move"" c to the other side. This should result in [math]x^2 - 10x = -25[/math]
1.) Divide b in half and square it. Whatever number this gives you, you add to both sides. In this case, we have: [math]\left( - \frac{10}{2} \right)^{2} = -5^2 = 25[/math]. Since we got [math]25[/math], we add [math]25[/math] to both sides of the equation, which should give you: [math]x^2 - 10x + 25 = 0[/math] (Recall that [math]-25[/math] is the additive inverse of [math]25[/math], which is why you now have zero on the right side).
3.) "Factor" this perfect square. No need to do anything complicated here. Notice the number we had before squaring? That's what you're gonna factor the quadratic into. This should result in: [math](x-5)^2 = 0[/math]
4.) Take the square root of both sides to get rid of the exponent. This should result in: [math](x-5) = 0[/math]
5.) Solve like normal:
(x - 5) &= 0 \\
x - 5 &= 0 \\
x &= 5
Now let's "test" our so-called "solution".
x^2 - 10x + 25 &= 0 \\
(5)^2 - 10(5) + 25 &= 0 \\
25 - 50 + 25 &= 0 \\
-25 + 25 &= 0 \\
0 &= 0
[math]0 = 0[/math] is a true statement. Therefore, that's your solution.

>> No.8190706

Using first year high school maths:
First find 627/33 because that is easier to do
627/3 = 209
209/11 = 19
33/627 = 1/(627/33)
= 1/19
Which is about 0.05 something
All done in 10 seconds

>> No.8190709

He was attempting to write long division notation as is seen by the underscores on the previous line. 627/33 is what he wrote given that. But yes, it's fucking easy and he's just repeating the opinions reinforced in his bubble of math-illiterates.

>> No.8190710

>ninth grade

such is the caliber of people who seriously respond to homework threads

>> No.8190713

10/10 bait. Look at all the replies. Nice work

>> No.8190726


Yes, it's ninth grade.

>> No.8190839

Thank you senpai, that was a glorious answer. Really helps :D

>> No.8190873
File: 24 KB, 479x317, 1439506084165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe people actually fell for this obvious b8

>> No.8190899

Biology is fucking GAY

With that being said, how was the quadratic equation derived? I only took math up to diff eqs btw

>> No.8190908

>no high-school kids please
>the biology meme is real

>> No.8190953

33 goes into 660 20 times.
660 - 33 = 627
So 19 times. 1/19

>> No.8190989
File: 159 KB, 1200x675, CmXixY7XgAEkCkC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome, anon-kun

>> No.8191022

x = -1.5

>> No.8191027

The overall med school acceptance rate in the US is like ~5%, and I can almost guarantee you're not in the top 5%.

Have fun either changing majors or enlisting.

>> No.8191030

>med school acceptance in shit hole gun crazed USA is 5%

implying i live in the US or want to go to a med school in the US

UofZ has a stellar medical school and its a great location to boot

>> No.8191032

Shit man, I recognize that kind of math and I dropped math in high school. Which was damn well 17 years ago.

You wanna be a doctor or a scientist, you better fucking grow a pair. Ain't nobody I know wants a doctor who can't do algebra.

>> No.8191069

>UofZ has a stellar medical school and its a great location to boot

Great, so you're up against European pre-meds instead of retarded American ones. Your odds look worse to me.

>> No.8191071

I don't know what you've heard, but not many euros attend University of Zimbabwe on account of them owning Zimbabwean slaves just like 30 years ago.

>> No.8191078

Ah, I thought you meant University of Zurich.

Yeah, you're boned.

>> No.8191081

UZimbabwe is very prestigious dont know what your talking about.

It's recognized and accredited by just about everyone.

Also its about only 1/3 the cost of a "USA ELITE" med school.

Pretty much no downsides lol.

>> No.8191082

arriving at 0=0 doesn't prove shit though.

>> No.8191085

>UZimbabwe is very prestigious dont know what your talking about.

Is that why UZimbabwe's finest is posting on 4chan asking how to solve Algebra I problems?

Remind me not to travel to Zimbabwe. God forbid I get appendicitis and have to get operated on by someone that can't factor a polynomial.

>> No.8191091

Right because your appendix is made of polynomials and the only way to remove it is by factorization.

Give me a break i could care less about math all i need is a good memory and a steady hand.

>> No.8191096

Come on, guys, you seriously felt by the "I'm a dumb biologist" b8? You gotta be kidding me.

>> No.8191097

>Give me a break i could care less about math all i need is a good memory and a steady hand.

You know what, I'm being a douche here. Specialization is important and I doubt that math makes a big difference in surgery. Disregard what I've said.

>> No.8191105

LOL i'm not dumb.

In fact i am the definition of the opposite.

I have a 140 IQ confirmed by MULTIPLE online IQ tests including mensas.

I get good grades typically 80+ and that is without studying at all.

My memory is excellent and i only need to read the book once over to remember it.

Not to toot my own whistle but i'm probably one of the smartest people on this board atm.

Trying to be humble here for your sakes but your all making it pretty difficult lol.

>> No.8191108

Take your pedophile cartoons back to >>>/a/.
Fucking degenerate.

>> No.8191115


Its summer anon. But its interesting to see how many newfags actually come around by this time.

>> No.8191143

>47 replies

>> No.8191177
File: 31 KB, 570x587, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seriously responding