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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8189459 No.8189459[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why have men contributed more to science and mathematics than women?

I know that scientifically, women are the inferior gender. But are they really that dumb?

Is there an evolutionary reason behind why women are stupid?

>> No.8189464

>we won't teach you any math!
>why don't you know any math?

>> No.8189467


Males are socially dominant.

The Greek aristocratic class were the most socially dominant members of society.

Due to this, women were not given much of a chance at contributing.

However, when women have been given a chance, or even taken th chance one could say, they have proven themselves to be equally as proficient.

Genetic and environmental (cultural) differences seem to be at the root of why women have not been afforded the same degree of opportunity, as well as why they might not wish to enter a realm such as professional critical thought and abstract conceptualisation.

However, whenever they are given the chance and actually have the desire to succeed in science, they tend to do equally well.

>> No.8189471

That's not even a viable argument, even in today's world, women are the ones who prefer remaining stupid and vapid rather than learning something. Men outnumber women in STEM fields.

>> No.8189475


To clarify...

That is to say that genetic and environmental factors underly the sex disparity in the sciences and academia in general.

However, these factors primarily relate to dominance and ambition, as opposed to general intelligence.

Dominance and ambition were more favourable for males throughout human evolutionary history and male dominance has lead to the development of patriarchal societies in many parts of the world, which historically have prevented women from accessing academia.

So, yes it's genetic and environmental, but it's not because men are inherently smarter.

>> No.8189476
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it is natural for men like you to crave the validation of their existence and get depressed if they fail to feel relevant, responsible.
The best way for a man to cater his need for approval is to serve some woman (and some of her children) through emotional&financial support.
Men are pleased to contribute to someone else life, to support their family.

Why women are a good way to feel relevant? Because women love to be provided for and each woman will always find a man ready to please her.
[for most men, the best feeling of feeling real is when the girl moans from your cock in her pussy]

THe problem for men is that they are disposable in the eyes of each woman, since all men wish to serve the few women who talk to them.
Men must thus invent several ways to please women, invention and creativity which strengthen their feeling of being worthy, relevant, in touch with reality.
Men are too impotent to find other way to feel real.
Once that the a woman replaces a man by another provider, the man gets very upset and depressed.
THis leads men to think that they are better than women, stronger, smarter and that they must built a life outside women. Some men manage to indeed built an empire, but they will always loose it for some women.
Women give meaning to men and betas, no matter how successful outside women, will always give up everything for some relationship with some woman who claim to fancy them.

>> No.8189481


Why did you even post that pseudoscientific drivel?

Get out.

>> No.8189482

women aren't "that dumb", they can be more or less capable than man. In general they're dumber because they're not driven to logical as much as guys (maybe different brain chem). There are many more guys studying the cool shit so they make the discoveries. Also imo they have a higher EQ. I don't know if that's very valuable in research though

>> No.8189486

It is not only a viable argument, it is the main argument. Not enough time has passed to change how women are looked upon in today's society. Similar situation with black people.

>> No.8189493

1.Intelligence is distributed less evenly in men than in women, i.e. there are more geniuses but also more retards among men.
2. Men are more likely to take risks
3. Men are more likely to favor interacting with objects over interacting with people than women.

>> No.8189495

LOL we have this set S and for each person in the world we give a number to how mutch he/she has contributed to science and mathematics. let this number be the elements of our set S.
Then i make a partition Sm(set men) and Sf(set female)



>> No.8189504

>Why have men contributed more to science and mathematics than women?

Traditional gender roles meant men went out and learn the world while women stay home learning... nothing.

Here the way to escape this (for a woman) is to just not be anyone's wife and live a personal life but this cannot happen because women biologically crave having a family (just like men, women just happened to get the short end of the stick when it comes to family gender roles) and that is why nowadays the happiness of women is lowering while men's happiness is just where it has always been (since men really just wanted the sex and prostitutes provide that).

So this never happened naturally but after the industrial revolution and specially nowadays the cost of mantaining a household are too high for most of the uneducated people so now gender roles broke down with both parties having to play the role of providers and therefore now women too explore the world and learn from it.

The downside is that they will be miserable compared to their male counterparts but miserable women can still make contributions to science, and I hope they keep doing just that.

It is weird because I have never craved a family, only having a lot of sex and when I was younger I thought that getting married would imply lots of sex because I would have a pair of tits that would always be available. On the other hand, plenty of women younger than myself have told me that they want daughters and they want to be moms and shit, The problem is that being a mom implies not learning from the world and therefore women will always be incomplete, sadly.

>> No.8189514

Less obvious bait OP

>> No.8189521

Right, but in academia women are more successful/get better grades etc. than men

>> No.8189529

But do they contribute to science and mathematics as much as men in today's society? No, not really. Being more successful in academia doesn't mean anything, it's what you contribute that really counts.

>> No.8189530
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women do not need to contribute to anything, since they can go from man to man who always enjoy contribute for women.

>> No.8189534

>but in academia women are more successful/

Yeah, but this means nothing. First because everyone knows women suck a lot of dick.

When employers see the resume of a woman they have to take everything with a grain of salt because everyone knows that at least 10% of those accomplishments were obtained through sucking dick and not any kind of honest work. Usually the shitty jobs will still hire them because they don't care, but no one is going to make you an executive when they know your only skill is sucking dick.

By the way, sucking dick is not only literal dick sucking, just in general acting nice to make men like them and therefore give them an edge in everything.

I mean, you know this. I know this. However, I would diverge from the general opinion and say that at leasst 50% of every woman's achievements is gained through dick sucking but I could be wrong.

>> No.8189537
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>He writes this with a picture of the man who "reasoned" that women must have fewer teeth then men, because they were "failed" men, without simply asking a woman to open her mouth so he could check.

>> No.8189539

That's true. Women posses an overall higher EQ than men, and are more cunning. They know how to deal with people and manipulate them to their advantage.

>> No.8189544

The only post in this thread that makes a lick of sense.

>> No.8189547

That post is literally just saying that men are superior to women without actually saying the phrase 'men are superior to women'.

If you don't agree with the posts saying it literally then you shouldn't agree with the posts saying it implicitly, or you should agree with both.

>> No.8189549
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>I know that scientifically, women are the inferior gender
not really, perpetuation of the species cannot occur without women

i dunno what your definition of "scientifically" or "inferior" is but it's pretty clear that men and women are complimentary

>> No.8189550

>That post is literally just saying that men are superior to women without actually saying the phrase 'men are superior to women'.

This post is a man made of straw.

>> No.8189551

Women success in academia?
Considering 50% of their assignments are done by betacucks I'd say it's total bs.
I'd say that dumb or weak men did not get the chance to pass their genes to modern time.
only 50% of men ever lived have their descendants living today while for women it's 80%

>> No.8189552

His post is
>Men have these 3 favourable characteristics that women simply lack

I mean. If he is right but not the people outright saying 'women are inferior' then fuck then I guess saying

>You know, black people just lack these 3 favourable characteristics that makes us white people so succesful!

is not a racist statement. Good to know, retard.

>> No.8189555

They are descriptive you moron.

You're the one applying value judgements here.

The fact is the bell curve for intelligence in asians, blacks and whites is different, that's not racism, that's just reality, just like it is between the sexes.

Now it might be an uncomfortable truth, but it's still true descriptively anyway.

Deal with it faggot.

>> No.8189556

Do you seriously not understand the logical fallacies you're using or is this just poor bait?

>> No.8189557

He's not saying that. He's stating facts that I've heard from other sources. You're the one imposing judgements.

>> No.8189558

Okay then I suppose

>This group of people have favourable characteristics that this other group of people lack
>Both groups are equally capable

are just fine statements that can easily coexist.

It reminds me of my favorite tautology.

This truth table is always true my people. The proof was written by a feminist right in this thread.

>> No.8189560

Yeah but what do those facts imply?

>> No.8189567

It could potentially be reasons that men are more attracted to math and hard science. But personally I believe it's cultural conditioning that turns women off from those things at a young age more than disposition. What he said is true, but of course it's only statistics.

>> No.8189569

>This group of people have favourable characteristics that this other group of people lack

You are overestimating a group difference.

Individuals are who they are, and just because a group difference exists, does not mean that individuals cannot be brilliant, regardless of race or sex.

You really sound like a seriously butthurt non-scientist.

>> No.8189571

>different IQ distribution is inherently superior
>risk taking is inherently superior
>favoring objects to social interaction is inherently superior

You're the only one making judgments here.

>> No.8189578

>That post is literally just saying that men are superior to women without actually saying the phrase 'men are superior to women'.
this is some bad quality bait

>> No.8189583

Aristotle deliberately argued that women have fewer teeth than men. His purpose was to show that women wouldn't be able to pick this flaw up, and would follow his reasoning blindly simply because he was a famous philosopher. Too bad, they failed the test and showed that they're dumber than men. Only after Aristotle's death people only realised his claims were "wrong". It was a low-key intelligence test.

>> No.8189593

>women do not give a shit about some stupidity stated by some beta
>duuurrr women are stupid and men are smart dddddddduuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrr

>> No.8189596

Irrelevant. What's your point?

>> No.8189603

Wow. I'm actually impressed with the responses here. On almost every other board in 4chan, you'd get the usual "women are born dumb/inferior" drivel. I guess /sci/entists are smarter than I thought.

>> No.8189610

for some weird reason, /sci/posters answered this thread with serious replies

most other times people shitpost these threads to death here (not with women are dumb responses, but usually the opposite point of view)

what you're seeing is an outlier

>> No.8189613

It has nothing to do with any of those things. It has entirely to do with the fact that since antiquity, women were treated like possessions and were not granted the right to participate in science and mathematics. The fact that there are women who managed to contribute despite these horrors is incredible.

>> No.8189622
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Marie Curie

>> No.8189627


>> No.8189629

Don't mind me, just waiting for /r9k/ fags to come to tell us that she didn't make that much of an important contribution to science, or that it was very easy, and yes, I've seen such responses.

>> No.8189647

Marie Curie and some other women made some contributions, true. But it doesn't change the fact that men contributed more.

>> No.8189651

There is a logic here too, man is created to hunt and kill, only communication they are good at is communication in squad, other men hunting with them. Women exist more in society at general, so they are much better in dealing with other normal humans, not with animals or agressive humans.

To survive man must kill (read as invent, achieve something, bee good at some stuff), but women just need to be smart.

>> No.8189653

mostly in useless degrees, yes. then they are featured on CNN with bernie sanders saying everyone should get free college because they are 50 g's in debt for their b.a. in sociology

the skilled women in STEM exist but they are few far and in between. the reality is that USA and canada graduate very few scientists overall and most of the engineers/compsci majors are ahmeds and pajeets, while white men are construction workers and white women go to school for esthetics, or business school if their family was rich

>> No.8189762

Women think with there emotions,most men do not

>> No.8189765


>> No.8189774
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>> No.8189785
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oh dude!!!

>> No.8189788
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I think men generally are more analytical thinkers while women are more social thinkers. Now this isnt absolute there are women scientists and mathematicians but a lot more early education and middle management workers. But everyone, men and women alike, take this as women being inferior when that is simply not true. Women aren't stupid because they tend to like numbers less than men. And they certainly not inferior if they choose to be full time mothers either.

This is why modern feminism is destroying society. It made being a parent unappealing and convinced them that nobody will love or respect you if you take that path. First wave feminism said you don't belong in the kitchen and then third wave feminism said yeah you don't belong in the kitchen you belong in upper management or STEM. it's all horseshit, they are no different than the Asian parent sterotype who wants their child to be doctor now. Both sides don't respect women or their decisions if they don't align with their ideas of success of greatness.

>> No.8189796

Even if women were genetically the same as men, environmental factors still get in the way.

>> No.8189799

>false dichotomy
>straw man
I sense a future position at McDonald's

>> No.8189800
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>> No.8189805
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>> No.8189808
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>> No.8189809

sorry to trigger your keyboard PTSD femtard

>> No.8189818

gr8 meme friend

>> No.8189819


>false dichotomy


There is a biological basis to explain gender differences. Sociologist have convinced most of is that the human experience is all nurture and no mature.


I acknowledged that it was a sterotype


Are you saying I'm making one of the goals third wave feminism up? They lament on how there are no women in engineering meanwhile they didn't give the engineering booth at their colleges activity fair a second look.

>> No.8189825
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>> No.8189828


>forever alone guy

Jesus meme harder friend :^)

>> No.8189830

Feminists are social urgly reject loser crying subhumans. Girls are fun understanding beautiful human beings.

Guess which one you are associated with ;)

>> No.8189831
File: 40 KB, 1366x221, i93t584ieh093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8190098

Got some sweet vintage memes ITT

>> No.8190120

Memes are cancer

>> No.8190133


More like viruses imo

>> No.8190143

did Aristotle also deliberately claim flies had 4 legs and the elements were air, fire, earth and water to prove how stupid flies and atoms were? did you ask aristotle what his point was or did you just take your cues from him and pull shit out of your ass and hope no one would notice?

>> No.8190170


Men are not smarter than women. It is just a social consecuence.

It is more efficent to have both sexes involved in science and technology.

I differ on talking about ambition, because it is due to dominace.

>> No.8190177

>le "biology has to predict and explain literally everything" meme
When will this end, and what is the evolutionary advantage of preferring ZFC over ZF?

>> No.8190289

in the past it was >>8189464

now it's because they live on 'easy mode'

i really wouldn't be where i am if i could get laid and had a cheerful carefree childhood and high school years with partying etc.

it's culture

i am correct, no need to link me to r9k, the overlap is purely coincidental

>> No.8190359

No, he had bad luck guessing those. It wasn't deliberate. But the women part is definitely true. I didn't ask him, but it's very obvious that he deliberately argued that they have fewer teeth .

>> No.8190362

>If you aren't involved with STEM, you're stupid

come on

>> No.8190365

>/sci/ constantly makes threads like these claiming women have different brains to men
>Yet reject the idea that a woman can be born with this "male brain"
make your minds up guys

>> No.8190376

I'll give women on here a chance to prove themselves smarter than the men on here, but I doubt that they'll prove anything other than they're stupid. Can a woman on here give me a proof of Fermat's last theorem?

>> No.8190378

it's true tho

>> No.8190382


>> No.8190384

women have contributed less than men because women contribute less. that's the way things are.

>> No.8190385

Well considering that, at least in most Western nations, women were only allowed to cook and make babies up until this past century it's not a huge surprise that they contributed less to science and math overall than men.

I think the difference between men and women in sciences and academia is marginal and as long as you aren't a feminist nutjob I don't see any reason a woman cannot do well in science and technology related fields.

>> No.8190451

Not being taught math never stopped Ramanujan, and suffering in general never stopped intellectuals; if a woman wanted to be smart in the 16th century, she could've done it. Women are just much more social than men, and thus much less likely to emerge from their self-imposed nonage.

>> No.8190460

How someone could so badly miss the point that most people express in this thread (literally the post above you) is beyond me. Only explanation is that this is decent bait. I'm gonna go with that.

>> No.8190531

Males are the ones who fucking invented and figured out math from the very start

>> No.8190560

Men are taught that achievements makes them successful.

Women are taught that having good looks makes them successful

There you go.

>> No.8190579

Because they've been denied education until the mid 1900s. They're starting to pick up the slack after suffrage. Female Nobel prize winners are cropping up.

>> No.8190581

>implying you did because you're male
You mean several males did and taught it to other males.

>> No.8190584
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>wahh! women aren't subservient caretakers of the home, they want to get out and do stuff
>wahh! why weren't women getting out of the house and doing stuff like us men!

>> No.8190585

>men are never told to be attractive
>wat is gym
>wat is barber
>wat is male modelling
>wat is bodybuilding
>wat are dating shows like 'take me out' and 'love island
>wat is metrosexual
You're the definition of feminist cuck, I bet you even think gender wage gap, cultural appropriation; college rape crisis and toxic masculinity are real. :')

>> No.8190596

lel, this

>> No.8190648

I just wish we had more threads about celebrating individuals instead of shitting on people.
I mean Hypatia of Alexandria was a conic section badass
And I still haven't read enough math to understand Emmy Noether's work

>> No.8190703

It's simple and has to do with the courting dynamic between men and women. Because of the way that the courting dynamic works out biologically, women spend way more time on/in relationships in their lives than men do, so much that it dominates most of their time, making it very unlikely that the average woman will become an expert at anything early in life.

It's like this. There are basically two phases of courting: 1. Dating/sex and 2. the relationship. Girls decide which guys get sex/dates, they hold the key to phase 1. Guys decide which girls get a relationship, they hold the key to phase 2. Guys love to have sex/date but getting it is not easy; for women, getting dates/sex in phase 1 is easy. Girls want relationships the most, but they know they must pass through phase 1 to have a chance at it.

Naturally, since girls decide who gets to phase one, not men, and girls really want to get to phase 2 because it's their nature, girls are pretty much constantly in some phase of the courting process for their entire lives. Guys, on the other hand, because they only have the key to phase 2, spend much less time in some phase of the courting process than women.

The discrepancy between the time that men and women spend in some phase of a relationship in their lives is why men tend to become experts earlier and more frequently than women, and it's all because women have free access to phase 1 and men do not. The courting process takes up a lot of attention and time, and men just end up having a lot more free time to focus on other things than women.

>> No.8190715

Emotional thinking it impairs their ability to reason logically and think abstractly. Ever notice smart women act like aliens compared to normal women?

>> No.8190717

Rando here, I've never felt any pressure by any of those things in my life. Dating shows are cringefests and metrosexuals are embarrassments. I work out for myself, not for my appearance. I trim my own hair to a buzzcut and I don't give a shit about maintaining flowing locks. No woman I've dated has ever complained in the slightest.

But you're a serial shitposter so...

>> No.8190828

>Guys decide which girls get a relationship, they hold the key to phase 2
wow, we have a true beta here

if guys takes the decision of the relationship, then why are there so many cuckolds and why do men whine when they are not noticed by women and when women refuse to go beyond letting them fuck them for a night or two ?

>> No.8190832

>Men are taught that achievements makes them successful.
then why do successful men manage to commit suicide ?
why do successful men manage to give up their success for a random woman who decided acknowledge them ?

>> No.8190833

>then why do successful men manage to commit suicide ?

>> No.8190843

This question is a poison to the otherwise reasoned mind. Men and women most certainly are of a different nature, but you shouldn't frame it as "why are women so stupid". As if the average male you meet doesn't net out as a moron as well, when you look at the bigger picture.

If you want to understand the machinery of the universe, you need to exposure to it. Get to know a decent spectrum of women and then try to resolve what makes it all tick.

>> No.8190859

Being in control of the relationship phase makes you beta? I have no idea what you're talking about.

Think about it this way. Phase 1 is guys trying to impress girls. Phase 2 is girls trying to impress guys.

>> No.8190866

Also, I ought to add on. I've been alone most of my life, and there is obvious utility in having an outsider's perspective. It strips a lot of stuff that's just clutter and gives a clearer picture of what happened, what it did, what it does, and then an ability over time to iteratively refine your inference about why it does it. Whether an object, a group, or humanity in the abstract.

This is a topic I've avoided though. Yes, I can easily watch what a female is doing and predict why and what chain of events its part of, along with where it leads. General motivation, etc. But ultimately I really don't know or directly interact with anyone, and there just isn't the means to construct the bigger picture without it. It's like reverse engineering a system, you can watch what all its parts do and when, see some overall patterns, and even get it to do what you want it to. But that's not the same as understanding its nature, and what it is to do these things.

Something to bear in mind.

>> No.8190960

Can you?

>> No.8191133

speculation is a bad argument

>> No.8191134
File: 365 KB, 718x539, 1449797478579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>According to a story on The Register, the death of Ian Murdock in late 2015 has been ruled a suicide. This news brings some closure to the sad ending of his life. An interesting note from the article that I never knew before: "he was the Ian in Debian; his girlfriend at the time, Debra Lynn, was the Deb." Debian has truly been a cornerstone in the Linux world, and the founder will be missed.

beta cucks till the end.

>> No.8191180

Women tend toward the mean more strongly in frequency distribution of most phenotypes.
So there are fewer occupying the more rarified regions of the IQ bell curve.

Which means the most intelligent folks, the ones that come up with paradigm-changing ideas first, tend to be males.
Not sure why this is. But I think maybe it has to do with the fact both sex chromosomes are essentially the same.

Whereas in men, if a recessive alllele ecists on one sex chromosome, that is probably going to be expressed because there may not be any other doninany allele to mask its expression.

>> No.8191222

Most of this can be explained by one simple fact: in the environment that our ancestors evolved in, fertile women were always of intrinsic value. Evolutionarily speaking, you can never really have too many potentially child-bearing wombs, so it's natural that women would be considered valuable by societies in and of themselves.

Men have no such intrinsic value, you only really need a few dudes to impregnate as many women as you want (genetic diversity considerations being the only real problem). So, men are obviously under more selective pressure to prove they are worthy to breed by being useful to society in some way, and that can be expressed in all sorts of ways.

None of this means that women are stupid or men are better, or that things won't change as society changes, simply that people in the past have adapted to certain roles in order to survive

>> No.8191225

>Caring about the origins of the science and not the science itself
>Thinks that his history novella of a science textbook is all hard science, and that nobody stole their ideas from someone else

>> No.8191282
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>> No.8191367

>female student
>Does busywork for 50 hours every week
>gets high distinction

>male student
>does bare minimum all semester
>crams for exam
>gets distinction

I know that lazy but smart is a meme but I truly believe this is why women do so much better at uni

>> No.8191417

Sometimes I wish that we, women, could be looked at as friends and equals rather than an object to be constantly demeaned and kicked around for another's ego.

Deep down, as a woman (and I hope I'm not automatically assumed to be some slut posting here just for attention), I only want to make friends and accel academically. My choices differ from other women, some want to be housewives, other vapid whores.

But who's to say that the choices of a few define us as a whole? It's too lazy, too easy, to automatically place one group into a single category when there are far too many varriables.

There are many men in my area who have potbellies and drink all day and night, rant about Obama being a terrorist and how the earth is flat. If all men were inherently superior beings then why are they as they are? Maybe they were raised in a poor household, their parents never emphasized education, addiction, abuse, etc.

The same absolutely applies to women, and it would make the world a far better place if we could acknowledge this. You see only what you choose.

>> No.8191517
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How do you explain that more and more men admit to love eating pussy?

If men want sex, why do they define ''rape'' and pass laws which forbid ''rape''?

>> No.8191519

Yes but you forget that the way that men are is beneficial to us.
For instance, OKC is a god send for me. With minimal efforts, I found orbiters very easily and some of them are good in bed (I keep those around the most). I use them for a few months, while still getting providers from the site so that I totally renew the stock at least twice a year.

The best part is that there are all possible men on this site. From the young man who loves to try to impress me thru all the ways that I like to cum, while believing that he has the upper hand, to the sugar daddy who would like to have one last natural orgasm before being on Viagra until he dies, to the 30 yo bored man with some girl who no longer acknowledges him.
Thanks OKC for all the free fun.

>> No.8191525

No different than me being black and having to deal with stereotypes. You can't change people, you can only change yourself. You'll never change the perception of "women" but you can easily make yourself stand out as unique.

>> No.8191540


>> No.8191543

If we didn't find disgusting things sexy, we would be extinct. Every sexytime would come to a crashing halt with "but I pee/poop from there!".

>> No.8191556

Rape is not conducive to social order.

>> No.8191635

I don't see what eating pussy and rape have to do with anything I said. Is men liking to eat pussy a revelation to some people? I don't see anything surprising about that.

Married men are frequently controlled by their wives in the relationship, especially as it matures beyond the first several years (more prevalent in some cultures than others). It's very common for men in positions of power to be known to be controlled by their wives, Bill Clinton comes to mind. Why the control seems to shift back to women as the relationship matures isn't obvious to me, but it may have something to do with raising children, which could be a 3rd phase. The woman is all about pleasing the man until she gets what she wants, children, then the power shifts in to her court as she becomes primary caregiver and accepts nothing less than complete control of her children (which the courts will give her if push comes to shove). It's also a common trope in sit-coms (because it's true).

>> No.8191649
File: 35 KB, 485x308, main-qimg-ba7c85e19585f68031d863702588d951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1.Intelligence is distributed less evenly in men than in women, i.e. there are more geniuses but also more retards among men.
Plus, women aren't obligated to do much of anything.
Men are compelled to make their own way in the world, women have the option of coasting along.

>> No.8191673

Rosalind Franklin discovered the structure of DNA. However, she didn't get the Noble Prize: Watson and Crick did so now nobody remembers her.

Marie Curie won Noble Prizes in her work on radioactivity.

Nettie Stevens discovered that genes, specifically the Y chromosome, is what determines sex (male or female)

>> No.8191684


>> No.8191718

> Y determines sex
> there are men who have XX chromosomes and women with XY

Scientific method:
If we encounter even 1 case that contradicts a theorem it is immediately proven false

You are are a fucking retard, chromosomes are clearly just a highly correlated by product of sex.

>> No.8191739


She didn't discover the structures. She just did the crystallography.

>> No.8191740

You also can't get a Nobel posthumously.

>> No.8191762

Women are smarter than men, that graph proves it.

>> No.8191845

That would be a valid argument if women didn't comprise 50% of the population

>> No.8191866 [DELETED] 

I stimulate my penis to the point of orgasm, sometimes.

>> No.8192145

But why didn't women come up with math?

>> No.8192162

i don't think you understood his argument friend, he never made a claim as to the magnitude of the difference

>> No.8192265

>if you darn women don't know this theorem you are stupid lol
>judges women on something they haven't been educated in
>doesn't care for womens ability to learn and apply new knowledge
You are a damn poison to this world.

>> No.8192284

#1 is PopSci bullshit

>> No.8192314

in the last episode of game of thrones, when sam goes to the tower, the library guy says "no women or children allowed". That's basically it.

>> No.8192350

social order is not conducive to social order