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8187485 No.8187485 [Reply] [Original]

Can astronauts masturbate in the space station?

>> No.8187490

Of course they can. People have been in space for over a year at times. You seriously think they haven't had a good ol spacewank at some point or another?

>> No.8187498

How hard would be the cumming recoil ?

>> No.8187512

No worse than taking a piss. Typical ejaculate is ~single digit milliliters.

>> No.8187520

How do they dispose of the semen?
Wouldn't it go everywhere?

>> No.8187558
File: 119 KB, 900x506, ISS_Exp48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about this exact question too:

In a few hours the next expedition crew 48 will launch to the ISS.

One member of that crew is a GRILL called Kate Rubins and she isn't bad looking (pic related).

If I were aboard the space station for months with Kate I would probably fap every night. For this reason, women shouldn't be allowed in space.

>> No.8187572
File: 192 KB, 501x445, 1456472357297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she isn't bad looking

>> No.8187624



The launch is at 01:36am GMT

>> No.8187660

People who you wouldn't normally sleep with become incredibly more desirable when you are in isolation.

>> No.8187683

Apparently semen is good for the skin cause it's got enzymes that do shit I don't remember

All I know is using my own fucking cum on my phimosis infested dick made it heal in about a month after stretching the skin every time before a fap.

Just thought I'd add to the thread with this blog post

>> No.8187691

I agree but I could totally see how I'd want to smash if we'd been stuck in a box for so long

Who knows maybe the astronauts in the olden days when they were all dudes would get homolust for eachother after long enough periods of time

Really makes you think doesn't it

>> No.8187700

That was charming lad, thanks

>> No.8187704
File: 35 KB, 500x281, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that Russian guy in the middle

>> No.8187711

Technically, they can, but, most likely, they don't want to. First, these guys are busy all the time, and being in space is very tiring physically. You literally don't have time for thinking about sex. Second, most of them are in their 40s or older. You may still have good sexual health at that age, but you are not as horny as a 17-year-old.

>> No.8187748

I'm not finding much except an old report that estimated the amount of material and called it a "minor waste stream."

Obviously you could catch it in a towel, but since that means more stuff to dispose, I would assume the best approach would be to put it in the space toilet with the solid waste where it would be periodically tossed and burn up in the atmosphere.

Astronauts only change their clothing every month or so, so they'd probably want to avoid night emissions.

>> No.8187768

Although they have toilet paper so maybe it would be easier to cum into some toilet paper and dispose that instead of trying to go directly into the toilet.

>> No.8187784

Yeah, though they have to wear condoms

>> No.8188209
File: 379 KB, 1111x597, Kek2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you live in a world where scientists unironically research the effects of busting a nut in space
Leibniz was right, this truly is the best of all possible worlds.

>> No.8188980

Pretty sure they're given drugs to keep any sexual urges at bay

>> No.8190519

how was prison?

>> No.8190522
File: 13 KB, 480x360, midget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All I know is using my own fucking cum on my phimosis infested dick made it heal in about a month after stretching the skin every time before a fap.

>> No.8190523

What is the name of one of these drugs?

>> No.8190525

>Pretty sure they're given drugs to keep any sexual urges at bay

>> No.8190534

Someone please correct me but if I recall correctly didn't the ISS have some sort of suction tool for masturbation?

>> No.8190537

It's called a toilet

>> No.8190538

I said for masturbation, meant specifically for sexual urges, but considering I'm not finding any sources I take what I said back.

>> No.8190548

No. They cum into a rag like normal people

>> No.8190578

No, they can't have boners in space.

>> No.8190586

They can, its just more difficult

>> No.8190589
File: 313 KB, 564x553, 1436409526132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone post the picture of black science man answering the question about jizzing in space?

>> No.8190650

Since we're talking bout space n shit, I'd like to ask, how probable is it that one can become an astronaut if they really strive at it? I've read somewhere that geologists, pilots, mechanical and electrical engineers can go up there? I just want to do something great in my life. Flying in fucking space sounds great.

>> No.8190655

Out of 120ish billion people who have ever lived. 536 have been into space. Work hard buddy

>> No.8190666

you literally have to be too smart to waste on being just a Navy Seal.

>> No.8190690

Or an air force pilot.

>> No.8191431

What does this mean?

>> No.8191449

>how probable is it that one can become an astronaut
You either become on, or you dont. So it is 50%

>> No.8191579

This meme will never get old

>> No.8191619

the requirements for being an astronaut are open for everyone to view online. One of the requirements is you MUST be a PhD in a field of STEM. this includes engineering disciplines and maybe a couple of the fringe ones like psych or sociology. im actually not sure about the last two.

In any case, the "minimum" requirement is a bachelors, but an advanced degree is "highly preferable". when you send someone to space, you are allowed to be a little more selective. so dont think about going unless you have rockstar credentials.

additionally, they ask for experience having taught in an acadmeic setting (K-12 acceptable but again, they are looking for rockstars here), they also want 1000 hours of flying a jet aircraft as pilot in command. I think the education part can be overlooked by holding a PhD.

In the end, the hardest part is going to be working anywhere near the space program or NASA to be considered. its like any other job. why take some average joe off the street when you can hire someone you know is reliable in house and groom him to be an astronaut one day? it doesnt say that online, but then again it doesnt say that for any job. Im telling you, for such a selective program like this, thats going to be the case.

>> No.8191633

There is 50/50 chance it will

>> No.8191665

Working towards it myself, here are some things to keep in mind.
>how probable is it that one can become an astronaut if they really strive at it?
No matter how hard you try it is incredibly unlikely. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try, but it does mean that you should be prepared for failure. In the latest class, 16,000 people applied for 8-14 positions. Even as a hyper-qualified candidate, this is not a good probability.
>I've read somewhere that geologists, pilots, mechanical and electrical engineers can go up there
There are two routes, military and civilian. Both start with a bachelors degree in a STEM field. In the military, you need 1000 hours flight time in a jet aircraft. As a civilian, you need 3 years of "relevant" work experience (basically space industry). In reality, you don't stand much of a chance these days without a masters degree, so keep that in mind. If you go military, it's almost essential that you're a test pilot.
Initial selection eliminated the majority of the candidates, but if you make it that far, you need to impress a selection board in an interview, which basically constitutes proving that you're a social person who gets along with people well, which I'm sure you can imagine is important for long stays in confined spaces.
I'm told that knowing a musical instrument is a big bonus as well.
Finally: Distant visual acuity: 20/100 or better uncorrected, correctable to 20/20 each eye.
Blood pressure: 140/90 measured in a sitting position.
>and here's where I get fucked over with current requirements
Height between 62 and 75 inches.
>tfw 76 inches

Anyways good luck, 50/50 chance like >>8191633 said.

>> No.8191671

They catch the droplets with their mouths.

>> No.8191696

Bullshit. 45 here, still jerk it daily, hard physical labor or not.

>> No.8191719

>45 here, still jerk it daily
I hope to not be you.

>> No.8191729

Honestly you have more chance of becoming a millionaire and paying your way into space.

>> No.8191837


That sounds depressingly hard... thanks for your insight!

>> No.8191877

When asked about it Chris Hadfield simply replied that the space station is a big place and one can find privacy if they need too.

>> No.8192468

negligible, are you retarded?
same way they dispose of shit and piss. again, are you retarded?

>> No.8192475

It's too late. Life has no restarts, there are no takebacks.

It's done, Anon.

>> No.8192482

yes, they fap after they piss

>> No.8192487

No, because it doesn't exist. Quit being fooled.

>> No.8192502

This. But I think the more relevant question is, what grip do they use? Standard? Reverse? Some new micro-g invention?

>> No.8192510

Geez, I almost forgot.

>> No.8192617

Oh but you will be.

>> No.8192619

Seriously... has actual sex ever been tried?
Follow up question: would it not be tempting to be the FIRST EVER couple to do it?
Fuck NASA's paycheck, you'd be set for life on talk shows and book-deals and movie-deals , etc

>> No.8192625

toilet waste is vacuumed packed, compressed, and freeze dried. Then all the little human waste pucks are put on a cargo capsule and sent back to earth.

>> No.8192696

>45 here, still jerk it daily,

You really shouldn't. You should let your brain release dopamine naturally and in a controlled manner without the aid of heavy stimuli.

>> No.8192722

yes. sex is BAD!

>> No.8192725

>masturbation is sex

>> No.8192740

And also, it's not the horniness that subsides in your 40s, it's more that the decision making process changes. You have other things in life that demand more of your time, and you are mature enough to put sex on the back burner until they're done. You're probably married as well, so you KNOW you'll get it, so you don't have to do risky things fast before the pussy is gone.

>>You may still have good sexual health at that age...

The only change I've noticed is how fast I can go for round two. Still get just as hard, just as fast, and probably lasts longer. So take your "may still have good sexual health" and shove it up your momma's pussy, like your dad probably is right now! (You are all now imagining your parents fucking...)

>> No.8192834

They don't dispose of piss, they recycle it

Shit is probably sent out, I'm not too sure

>> No.8192836

You can do anything if you set your heart to it
Bee yourself
Anything can be achieved if you want it

>> No.8192995

Pretty sure this is correct.