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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 571 KB, 1794x717, juno_160701[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8184456 No.8184456 [Reply] [Original]

JUNO General

Continued from old thread >>8177626

>share pics and vids
>debate scientific merit and expectations

>> No.8184464

gimme pics :o

>> No.8184466

So can we apply any findings to the other gaseous planets as well?

>> No.8184469

To be perfectly honest, I am mainly looking forward to eerie/beautiful pictures (cassini style).

>> No.8184474

This shit is fake as fuck. Who took the picture of the satellite?

Of course nasa will say devices will take time.


Sage sage sage.

>> No.8184489
File: 16 KB, 600x600, e9d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8184492
File: 226 KB, 1041x993, junoinfographic[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8184493
File: 39 KB, 1041x780, 575573main_Juno20110727-3-43_full[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8184495
File: 49 KB, 1041x927, pia16869[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most eerie yet(?)

>> No.8184497

Why not go to Uranus and Neptun, how long would this take to reach ?

Blue planet > brown boring planet

>> No.8184516
File: 2 KB, 250x352, fac98-jupiter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

image from earth based telescope.

>> No.8184520

A brown planet with a fucking eye, man

>> No.8184527

I watch that fucker and saturn almost every night lately

>> No.8184538
File: 59 KB, 651x641, Neptune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8184540
File: 18 KB, 640x502, neptune south pole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took Voyager 2 some 12 years to reach Neptune, I dunno how fast they could do it today.
In fact how long can a probe even last for? If its built with a long term mission in mind with today's technology?

>> No.8184542

So what are we going to be getting from this probe, and when can we start expecting to see the results?

>> No.8184543


earth based telescope.

>> No.8184545

you don't deserve shit

>> No.8184548

Haven't both of those storms on Neptune now dissipated?

>> No.8184551
File: 4 KB, 250x250, 250px-Uranus2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spooky blue

>> No.8184553

>I dunno how fast they could do it today.
I’m not sure but I would guess that the main propulsion comes from slingshot maneuvers and not from advanced rockets or other engines. Shortening the trip would be highly dependent on the alignment of the planets with limited opportunity for faster trajectories.

Anyone with more knowledge on this?

>> No.8184555

was a reply to >>8184540

>> No.8184562

if you set a camera on delay while you are moving forward, you can take a picture from behind you

>> No.8184568
File: 135 KB, 1200x923, RedSpotEarth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8184570

Looks like the only reason Juno had to go slow was so they could get into jupiter orbit at the end.
Too pussy to plan on using aerobraking at jupiter, I suppose

>> No.8184571


>> No.8184572
File: 25 KB, 684x540, Jupiter_showing_SL9_impact_sites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucked would we be if Shoemaker–Levy 9 hit Earth?

>> No.8184575
File: 64 KB, 632x329, 1467711876350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nasa meme. They're laughing at you.

>> No.8184597


>> No.8184620
File: 9 KB, 208x131, 208px-LEGO_Figurines_Aboard_Juno[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8184630

Does anyone know what scientific instruments Juno will be using to analyze the lower portions of Jupiter? Pictures are nice, but I'd love to know how they are going to look at the makeup of Jupiter below the top cloud layer.

>> No.8184665

when are those faggots going to fire up JunoCam?


i want to see the damage the radiation does to the sensor

>> No.8184672

oy vey

>> No.8184676

Will they be able to run the camera during the deorbit phase and send back images before it burns up?

>> No.8184683

Here's a press kit with in-depth details on the whole mission including the instruments.

>> No.8184688


>> No.8184690

welp it seems junocam will only last 7-8 orbits before it dies :(

>> No.8184691

Yea props to the photographer getting the sattelite in shot, this is definitely real

>> No.8184697

Don't expect any good images until later this year

>> No.8184698

It seems all instruments including the camera were turned off before orbit insertion and wont be turned back on again until the 7th.
Captured this atleast

>> No.8184739

Thanks anon

>> No.8184742

absolute failure, imagery should be number one priority shit like this make me skeptical they even out there

>> No.8184751

you rather the camera gets fried before it's put to use?

>> No.8184752
File: 158 KB, 840x600, 20160604_juno_trajectory[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8184758

>imagery should be number one priority

>shit like this make me skeptical they even out there

>> No.8184759

The orbit is 55 days, so for a liitle time every 55 days they'll be 3000 miles above the surface, that's when they'll take the sexy pictures, otherwise number one priority is mapping Jupiter and getting data

>> No.8184767

weaboo animefag detected

>> No.8184771
File: 1.07 MB, 446x270, damn nigga calm down.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night's youtube live stream of Juno had a instant message feature. Nearly the entire thing was filled with nothing but religion fags, atheist fags, flat earthers, and people calling the images fake and NASA fake.

Even though the shots of Juno had big text that said it was CGI.

Also, no science will be done until August, due to capture orbits.

>> No.8184772
File: 162 KB, 680x219, juno-reaches-jupiter-5164229872058368-hp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8184805

>dat forced diversity

>> No.8184810

They have only 400 watts of solar power out there

This sort of bureaucratic run organizations are pretty slow too, dnno why, maybe too many people trying to justify paychecks

>> No.8184826
File: 2.02 MB, 2556x1024, SPACE IS DIVERSITY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol so much this. There's like 1 Asian guy on staff. The black chick was at Lockheed Martain and the Asian chick was just a reporter.

They even have a massive hipster.

>> No.8184833

what do you expect

>> No.8184835

Any telescope you guys can recommend? I want to start with some stargazing and some Galilean moon peeking, but have no idea whats what on the telescope marked

>> No.8184836 [DELETED] 

These up close pictures of Jupiter spook me desu I'm getting some sweaty hands

>> No.8184840

How much do you want to spend? How mobile does it need to be?

>> No.8184841 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 300x300, sweating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These up pictures of Jupiter spook me out desu I'm getting some sweaty hands

>> No.8184843
File: 1.00 MB, 500x175, grs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait till we get a close up of this, cant wait tbqhf.

>> No.8184849
File: 26 KB, 700x525, sweaty-palms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deleted both posts by accident lmao, I can't wait to see this as well.

>> No.8184852

I wonder if there's anything special under Jupiter's clouds?

We know there's water there, right?

>> No.8184854
File: 2.13 MB, 2556x1580, SPACE IS DIVERSITY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my.

>> No.8184857

>yfw Juno awakes Sauron from his slumber

>> No.8184858

People say it's impossible for anything to live in an environment like Jupiter but I bet there's some sort of life, maybe bacteria. We should stop ruling everything as impossible based on our planet.

>> No.8184861

Actually, just based on our planet we can rule in quite a lot. Like all that iron/sulfur-based life cycles around deep sea hydrothermal vents.

>> No.8184864


I don't think it's impossible but I doubt we'll be able to find any for a very long time if it is there, because technologically-speaking creating a radiation-proof drone-ship that can fly into Jupiter's atmosphere and escape Jupiter's gravity is way beyond our means.

>> No.8184868

Every time we do that shit we get surprised by something: "it's impossible for x to live in y conditions" --- "oh wow look! there x living in y! amazing!"


>> No.8184869

So long as energy can be attained, life has a chance of developing.

>> No.8184872

>People say it's impossible for anything to live in an environment like Jupiter
I've not actually heard anyone make that claim, and it doesn't seem particularly sensible. Jupiter is an incredibly unlikely candidate for life, but there's no particular reason to label it as impossible.

>I bet there's some sort of life, maybe bacteria
That would be an exceptionally poor bet.

>> No.8184875

>I've not actually heard anyone make that claim

Lucky you.

>> No.8184877

>not a single nigger
God I fucking hate google and every cuck that works there

>> No.8184882

Yeah you adore your job at Wall Mart... oh wait, what job?

>> No.8184901
File: 127 KB, 1024x682, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Junocam is a fucking 1 cm big CCD sensor. 1600x1200 pixel with crappy picture quality as seen on wiki.
Even my 300$ Nikon DSLR has a better sensor than this shit

Damn it I just want high quality stereoscopic space fotos.

NASA, next time, please install a stereoscopic 360 camera.
I want to sit in the toilet with a gear vr on my head and pretend to fly on the back of a spacecraft through the asteroid belt of Saturn.

I propose hereby a satellite purely composed of high bandwith antennas inside a 10 meter big sphere of HD cameras.
With extremely near flybys of nice solar system places.

>> No.8184906


this makes me uncomfortable. I wonder what kind of forces are down there

>> No.8184921

>Even though the shots of Juno had big text that said it was CGI.

Extra extra read all about it:
"NASA admits faked photos shocker."

>> No.8184925
File: 43 KB, 500x281, 1450873670582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8184928

Banter aside when are we gonna get them hi-res jupiter pics ?

>> No.8184931

>mapping clouds
fuck off

>> No.8184937

how fucking hard is it to strap a digital camera with a battery that turns on when reached there ffs

>> No.8184938

hi-res pics aren't until November

>> No.8184943

Actually it's surprisingly hard.
Doesn't mean we shouldn't do it, because I'm sick of these 1998 ass pictures, but radiation man, it's a killer.

>> No.8184956

jesus CHRIST >:O

>> No.8184968

Is 1000 dollars give or take a reasonable amount?
Pic is somewhat realistic to what size/mobility i had in mind, but I'm not sure what size/price would be needed for a telescope able to see like >>8184516, for example.

>> No.8184970


Radiation, also apparently the way it works is kinda complex-

>Its camera head looks very similar to Curiosity's MARDI, but JunoCam is much heavier because it has additional shielding to protect it from Jupiter's radiation environment. Its wide (58-degree) field of view is selected to allow it to take in all of Jupiter's globe when Juno is flying close over the Jovian poles at about an hour before and an hour after its closest approach on every science orbit. It's mounted to the side of Juno, which continuously spins at 2 rotations per minute. It can take images in RGB color or through an infrared filter sensitive to the presence of methane, which will highlight Jupiter cloud features. To take images, JunoCam uses the rotation of the spacecraft to sweep its view along, building up image swaths. To get super technical, it's a pushframe camera that uses time-delay integration to build up adequate signal despite the low light levels and rapidly rotating spacecraft.

>Since it's not a science instrument, JunoCam wasn't required to be heavily shielded enough to guarantee its survival throughout the prime science mission. It is shielded, but the Jupiter radiation environment is a nasty one, and JunoCam will suffer radiation damage over time. It was designed to withstand 8 Jupiter orbits, which roughly coincides with the end of 2016. Still, it's more likely to be a slow death (a steady increase in noise) than a sudden failure. We'll probably see degradation of the quality of JunoCam images in 2017, but hopefully the camera will hold up well enough to continue to operate for many more science orbits and voting rounds before Jupiter finally kills the camera. If we're lucky, JunoCam will survive until February 21, 2018, when Juno will plunge into Jupiter, on Perijove 37.

>> No.8184981

Your digital camera wouldn't last 10 minutes in space

>> No.8184991

>how fucking hard is it to strap a digital camera with a battery that turns on when reached there ffs
Easy. And it might even manage to take a whole picture before the high-radiation environment turns it into goo.

>> No.8184993

>If we're lucky, JunoCam will survive until February 21, 2018, when Juno will plunge into Jupiter, on Perijove 37.
It's be amazing if we could take some pictures and send them back as it's approaching Jupiter.

Sadly it probably wont happen.

>> No.8185000

holy shit

>> No.8185001

We're not spending 1 billion dollars to go sight seeing near Jupiter. We wanna get some science done.
Be glad we get pictures at all, there really is no scientific reason to have a camera on board at all.
We've got thousands of pictures from Jupiter already, from previous orbiters, flybys and gravity assists.

Pictures are just for publicity after all.

>> No.8185015



It would be an alien

>> No.8185261


Good goy

>> No.8185284

>liquid metal core
Can't wait until this meme is dispelled once and for all

>> No.8185314
File: 68 KB, 800x800, startravel102d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck forgot the picture

>> No.8185317

>orbital insertion

The patriarchy strikes again!

>> No.8185358

>Juno, sister & wife to Jupiter

That supports the anti-wite policy through degenerate behavior.

>> No.8185382

Why were people sperging in the last thread over NASA's flashy Marvel-tier trailers? Where do you think they get their money from? The public. And are the public gonna hand over their money to a dry ass hour long technical video? No.

/sci/ is incredibly retarded, you constantly complain that science gets no funding yet you sneer at the methods needed to secure it.

>> No.8185388

Space is a dead end for humanity. That boat sailed about 200 years when we started fucking up the environment. Now we don't have enough time left to do jack shit.

Who cares about funding?

>> No.8185393

>dropped out in freshman year
>posts nonsense popsci all day long
>calls /sci/ retarded


>> No.8185412
File: 220 KB, 1440x900, kenshiro-fist-of-the-north-star-1520319359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not insult your God.

>> No.8185513


this shit is too spooky.

>> No.8185521

aren't you the UFOkid from /x/ ? who the fuck are you calling retarded lmao

>> No.8185535

every time i see a comparison like that i imagine myself being on earth in that position and then the earth disappears and im just there falling into an unfathomably wide spot

>> No.8185537

The most important question is.. Will Juno find a monolith?

>> No.8185543

I'm in it for the pictures

>> No.8185549

>inb4 the whole a giant captured asteriod is making the red spot theory is right

>> No.8185559

Nasa is rendering them right now, calm down.

>> No.8185563
File: 111 KB, 1252x1252, 1466476568067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There will never be an ice giant orbiter mission in your lifetime

>> No.8185564

>1.1 billion for 37 loops

We could have fed so many homeless or cure a disease

>> No.8185586


>> No.8185594

Bill Gates has donated tens of billions.

We can spare a billion for science.

>> No.8185605


It's like staring into the eye of God.

>> No.8185646

>tfw the Eye is the eye of a Space God/Eldritch Abomination

Prepare your anus

>> No.8185658

Take pics quick, it is disappearing.

>> No.8185660

Ive read it can rain diamonds on Neptune and Uranus how true is this?

>> No.8185666

>feed people
>better healthcare

It is like you literally want the world as it is portrayed here.


>> No.8185695

But Satan, that is how the world is.

>> No.8185724

>tfw Jupiter IS the Eldritch Abomination in a dormant state

>> No.8185726

You're not fooling me, Satan.

>> No.8185936

dangerously beautiful

>> No.8186125

is this Jupiter's vagina?

>> No.8186149
File: 14 KB, 480x343, 1457600879730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw the beast awakens

>> No.8186385
File: 185 KB, 720x540, 1409324057081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea, for a week maybe
then they throw all their seeds away

>> No.8186397


Jupiter identifies as a male you misandrist shitlord.

>> No.8186425


>> No.8186475


that is new

>> No.8186482

That's Jupiter's butthole where he likes to get pegged by his wife Juno.

>> No.8186818

>tfw the great red spot is actually Jupiter's anus

>> No.8186833

>Doesn't know what he's talking about

>> No.8187080

I want those people to be trolls and nothing more, just to keep some faith in humanity.

>> No.8187082

well I was trolling but you have no idea how good is that bait

>> No.8187094

Dont doubt it. Nothing gets people going like the whole "NASA FAKE!! FLAT EARTH!! CGI!!!!"-shit-train.

>> No.8187097

But they are fake...

>> No.8187103

Ever strayed into NASA's Facebook page? 90% of comments there are along those lines. It attracts crazy people like honey for bees

>> No.8187105

can you prove they are not CGI ? do you believe in transformers too ?

>> No.8187112

nice try. 3,14/10

>> No.8187116
File: 23 KB, 320x295, 320px-The_Earth[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a shot from transformers or an actual NASA pic ? You should be able to tell.

>> No.8187124

Jesus you people are as bad as those feminists who complained about sexists shirts, stop derailing the thread with /pol/ trash

>> No.8187128

looks fake af. so prob real

>> No.8187199

uh... bump

how do i get updates of the progress of the orbit

e.g has the spacecraft turned back towards the sun successfully?

>> No.8187209

There is this app, looks like yes it has turned back to the sun.

>> No.8187343

Please remove your trip when posting if it's not relevant to the thread. Thank you.

>> No.8187587

How about metallic hydrogen?

>> No.8187604

I've never been to Facebook, so no, but it sounds like a horror show.

>> No.8187606

thanks :)

epic night for me, i'll pay more attention to NASA from now on

saged cause old thread

>> No.8187880

Johnny justice warrior can't handle the bants

>> No.8189335


>> No.8189586
File: 139 KB, 870x835, 1467800343900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading through old tread and coming over this. We need a new plague or something.

>> No.8189630

>Jupiter is a giant boltzmann brain

>> No.8190331

Stop making me sad, anon

>> No.8190496
File: 948 KB, 800x450, he fell for the jupiter meme.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8190503

What's funny is that in 400AD people didn't believe in young earth creationism. It's a modern invention by evangelicals.

>> No.8190506

What exactly are you trying to point out? If Earth and Europa have the same amount of water, then... what?

>> No.8190509

>If Earth and Europa have the same amount of water, then... what?
Europa is way more interesting for scientific experiments than Jupiter is

>> No.8190518

Yes, everyone knows that. Nobody disagrees with you. The only problem with Europa is that you need a vessel an order of magnitude more expensive in order to do interesting studies on it.

>> No.8190552

>more people
Are you crazy?

>> No.8190561

You'd die of radiation poisoning before reaching the clouds.

>> No.8190567

I'm glad I don't live in the bible belt

>> No.8190570

Europa orbits Jupiter you faggot. To study Europa you would also be in close proximity of Jupiter. You don't need to pick one. One probe can study both.

There's a lander planned for Europa anyway.

>> No.8190616

Jupiter's hydrogen reserves seem to be massively abundant. Is it possible to skim the atmosphere and collect it for potential fuel (in this case, a theoretical fusion power plant)?

>> No.8190883

There is enough deuterium in our oceans for fusion power to last humanity millions of years.

>> No.8190958

Just look at it. Doing shit like google does in that image is horse shit Marxism. We need Meritocracy.

>> No.8191042


Yeah, but if we hypothetically set up a colony in the Jovian system, maybe.

>> No.8191046

What if facebook evolved into 4chan and all of those people are baiting ?

>> No.8191158

that is what i'm hoping for, the other option is more depressing

>> No.8191390


meme magick

>> No.8191399

But she has a point, how do you know it wasn't Satan who put the fossil there to make you think creationism isn't real?