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8175114 No.8175114 [Reply] [Original]

Which important scientific problem is hardly anybody working on?

>> No.8175120

Why OP is such a faggot

>> No.8175128

Wormholes and zero point vacuum energy.

>> No.8175134

legit penis enlargement. no respectable scientist/doctor will go near the problem, even though there is a shitload of money to be made.

>> No.8175142

elephant in the room is time

>> No.8175167


To what extent do you think that these problems have not been addressed because there is a perception that the problem is either impossible in principle to address (or at least impossible with the tools available today), and to what extent is the failure to address these problems a result of misallocation of smart people to other problems; e.g. are there too many smart people working on A.I. or self-driving cars who should be working on something else?

Or is there another reason? For example, for >>8175134, is this simply not considered a real problem? For people with that problem it probably seems like a very urgent problem that everyone should be working on; for people without that problem it just isn't even thought about, or is dismissed as unimportant, or certainly less important than, say, curing cancer or going into space?

>> No.8175185

People have, but they haven't really worked so far. In any case, I don't think there's ever going to be a practical way to grow an organ like the penis. Its basically just blood and flesh. Not even a muscle, so you cant work it out.

Because both are impractical and not worth any kind of time.

>> No.8175190

Integrated prostate stimulators. Instead of circumcisions we should implant vibrators deep in our assholes at birth.

>> No.8175200

Effective space travel is the most important to perpetuating our genetic likeness, or the genetic likeness of homo deviant species that evolve from us throughout our galaxy, as to extend the existence of our branch of the homo genus for as long as possible. Objectively the most important feat and 'goal' of our existence.

>> No.8175221


The goal of our existence is to continue to exist?

Continuing to exist is a prerequisite for our existence; how can our goal be a prerequisite for itself?

>> No.8175240

Why do we have the ability to reproduce then?

>> No.8175244

Why do we have the ability to create farting noises with our mouths?

Is the goal of existence to produce musical farting noises?

>> No.8175255

It could be? - Point is, reproducing is our most important and arguably strongest biological function.

>> No.8175258

>Point is, reproducing is our most important and arguably strongest biological function.
Which does not make it "the goal of our existence" - simply something very important to our continued existence.

>> No.8175260


Why do we have the ability to commit genocide? Is that the goal of our existence?

>> No.8175268

Because that is a biological function, fucking brainlet.

Other animals have a clear function, like bees to pollinate and flies to aid in the process of putrefaction. We have no clear function, bar reproduce, by process of elimination, that must be our natural 'purpose'?

>> No.8175270

Well arguably all that stuff the bee and the fly does is just so it can reproduce

>> No.8175273


>> No.8175275

>We have no clear function, bar reproduce, by process of elimination, that must be our natural 'purpose'?
Non sequitir. We evolved past needing a clear function, because concepts of evolution are not universal rules imposed by a God, they are rules that seem to work well in many situations. Have you considered that assigning "purpose" to everything in the universe is as silly as declaring a "God" to have designed the universe carefully? Shit happens.

>> No.8175279


> oh shit I said something stupid and got called out on it, better call him a brainlet

>> No.8175287

Just like us then, like us organism, our function is to spread our genetic likeness. Anon, I wasn't saying we have a mystical or spiritual purpose. I was merely saying, to carry out our base function, our 'core purpose', we must extend our existence or the existence of our evolved likeness for as long as possible. The most obvious method of this is effective space travel. So, with all of that in consideration, shouldn't that be one of our main STEM focal points?

>> No.8175293

See above.

>> No.8175294

Freeing humans of the need to sleep.

>> No.8175295

No? I was making an argument based on biological function, you/they made a psychology argument. So, confirmed 1/2 brainlet(s).

>> No.8175475

cybernetics and bio-mechanics.

We only now, sort of, have mind controlled hands and arms. Mainly because the US' war on terror has generated so many maimed veterans.

If they can wire a robotic arm straight into a monkey's brain. Then why are they dicking around with human prosthesis still?

They also need to be making synthetic organs. people die every year waiting for transplants. We have some biology majors trying to grow new fleshy organs. Yet we should be mass producing robotic organs that are shelf stable indefinitely. Need a kidney? well the hospital has 20 in stock. Just plug it in and good to go. This is how it should be.

>> No.8175494

I'm working on my Large Hard-on Collider

>> No.8175503

Why white women love BBC

>> No.8175505

>how to control the environment.
>ways to communicate with other living organisms
>the game

>> No.8175506


>> No.8175533

Quantum gravity. A unified theory would conclude our understanding of the universe and usher in a new era of science where implications, practical applications and engineering of the very fabric of reality will ensue.

And hardly anyone is working on it because it's hard as shit, we've gotten nowhere in nearly a century and there's not even any guarantee that we'll even be able to formulate it.

>> No.8175537

Why Americas favorite past time is watching white women suck the BBC

>> No.8175591


We've detected gravitational waves.

If we discover the graviton, then we have essentailly proven that gravity is a quantum theory.

So we've made headway, it's just that we're technologically limited, as well as financially.

A request for $5 billion in funding to build a LHC in the US was denied because Congress said we 'couldn't afford it'; that's the cost of three months worth of temporary air conditioning operating costs for the war in Iraq.

You see, we're also limited by humans being primitive as fuck.

>> No.8175594

It has been worked on and it is very likely that much won't change but we don't know. Most already established areas of physics contributed to engineering and the development of mankind, however we already have theories that predict a really wide range of fenomena (QFT for example) so it won't make much difference in calculations. The possibility is opening new areas of technology but again it's uncertain

>> No.8175596

I've already done it.

>> No.8175598


>> No.8175599


What about quantum skeletons?

>> No.8175601


That's just a transplant, it's not 'enlargement'. And the downsides (constant need for immunosuppressant drugs, mainly) seem pretty bad.

The ideal solution would probably be to grow a new penis using autologous tissue; maybe using induced pluripotent stem cells, and then grafting that onto the patient.

>> No.8175730

>I wasn't saying we have a mystical or spiritual purpose
>our base function, or 'core purpose'
Something can only have a purpose if there is some 'other' that creates this purpose. Because humans don't have a direct physical creator, your belief in a purpose is inherently mystical.
Using scientific language alone doesn't make your views objective.

>> No.8175744

An extendable toilet bowl where you can elongate it enough so that your penis doesn't brush the inside when you take a shit

>> No.8175749

Just get a long toilet bowl, those already exist. Assuming you're a homeowner...

>> No.8175753

Because figuratively speaking for rhetorical effect is trying to be objective. If you'd read if properly I was calling our primary useful biological function our 'core purpose', because it is the nearest to having one well get.

This is part of the reason I don't like voicing my ideas here, /sci/ isn't very good at understanding the flowers of rhetoric.

>> No.8175763

You 'rhetoric' is just sophistry mate.
I was just trying to point out how the contradiction in your argument is allready apparent in the language you use.

Our 'primary biological function' is just that, a mechanism that has built up a population of humans. This is not close in _any_ sense to a real purpose, you are trying to make it seem that way by poetical means.

I completely agree that we should go to space and explore galaxies. But only because I think it would be really fucking cool and I would like my progeny to see the stars not because of some biological imperative.

>> No.8175814


Lads, I think you ought to put aside this rhetoric. Please don't make any reckless and provocative posts.

>> No.8175901

But without an imperative there is a very real threat of governments prioritising unimportant projects for the immediate pay off, rather than putting humanity first. We need a reason to keep going, a reason with a more evocative nature than "because it's cool."

>> No.8175917

As far as I'm concerned you can try to sway politicians and the public any way you please. The political apparatus runs on convenient illusions that are thought up to further a purpose. Don't delude yourself though, someone who opposes your interest can easily counter your arguments if they are based on biological imperative.

>> No.8175918

So fool the foolish, convince the clever?

>> No.8175930

I guess that summarise it yeah.

>> No.8175944

We do because we, as humans, need meaning. That doesn't mean there is a meaning, unfortunately.

>> No.8177151


Explain, please? Do you mean 'time travel'? Or the nature of time itself, in some way?

>> No.8177168

Flying cars. Think about it, so much time is wasted in traffic jams and time is money.

>> No.8177188

self-driving cars will come before flying cars. we may eventually have self-flying hovercars, though.

>> No.8177364


Why not just build more tunnels?

>> No.8177423

Warp Drives man, fucking Alcuberrie got the right idea, we just need someone with actual funding working on it

>> No.8177565

Thinking about the energy necessary to free heavy machinery from gravity, it sounds wasteful.

>> No.8177568

On it.

>> No.8177689


Will traffic jams be a thing in 20-30 years when we don't have to work anymore because robots are doing everything for us?

>> No.8177690
File: 156 KB, 1600x1200, 1441725333693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no way this chart is legit

are you telling me 98% of all people are literal dicklets? I thought 18cm would be average with me being slightly above average

>> No.8177717

guess what's easier than space travel and more effective for perpetuating our existence. Preserving the fucking Earth

I don't even recycle, but the people who want to go to Mars are retarded

>> No.8178166


Easier? With all of the morons we have here?

>> No.8178179

Usually it's something related to body wastes

>> No.8178248
File: 1.44 MB, 4000x3000, EHang-184-AAV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have not heard of Ehang.

>> No.8178250

thats bullshit

>> No.8178390

>I am sorry I am well behind the times.
OK, let me help you:

>> No.8178621

>Wormholes and zero point vacuum energy.
We can't find any exotic matter and know of no reason it should exist, so a wormhole would never stay open even if we could make one.
Zero point energy is nothing. It's literally nothing.

>> No.8178624

So, string theory?

>> No.8178636

FTL isn't going to happen until we can unify fields.

>> No.8178637

FTL isn't going to happen

>> No.8178649


Most gerontologists only want to describe it, without even considering interventions

>> No.8178651

Well you don't want to look at that graph after brexit

ITER is toast

>> No.8178656

Then don't make it heavy.
Too expensive
Yeah stuff like this, drone cars are the future

>> No.8179238

>ITER is toast
ITER is built in France. Expect massive corruption, grand speeches and not much else. That is the pattern of EU and France, like their search engine "initiative" to supposedly counter Google but which after needless waste of major moohlas ended exactly nowhere.

>> No.8179559


building more tunnels in environments which need them (i.e. cities with a population density above perhaps 10,000 people per square mile) would be more expensive than producing many millions (or billions) of flying cars?

>> No.8179623

As a helicopter maintainer, i have to say, i can see many people dying from these things if they become cheap enough for plebs to own. At least rich people keep their vehicles on the service schedule.

I cant wait for all the prop disintegration deaths

>> No.8179731
File: 79 KB, 500x380, OpenYourFuckingEyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do we have the ability to create farting noises with our mouths?
>Is the goal of existence to produce musical farting noises?
Ha ha fuck not into the argument you and the other anon are having but god damn if I didn't laugh at this.

Would that be induction?

>> No.8179732
File: 189 KB, 450x508, Yoda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the consensus on sleep? Obviously to repair and rebuild ourselves, also probably to reorganize the brain, but anything else I should know about?

Sleep is bomb ass. Glad we need it. I dream fucking hard almost every night and look forward to it. I sleep like 9 hours a day

>> No.8179756

I'd kill myself it there was no sleep

>> No.8179761

Science of aging and life extension

I'm donating $250 a month to SENS right now. If there's somewhere better to give to for this cause please tell me.

>> No.8179786

Seriously though what could objectively be more important than not fucking dying?

>> No.8179792

ZPE is a candidate for dark energy, how is that 'nothing', anon?

>> No.8179808
File: 366 KB, 1405x1405, aubrey_111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> I'm donating $250 a month to SENS right now

cheers m8, keep it up.

Also, this thread may interest you - Aubrey de Grey has endorsed her work, and sits on her scientific advisory board >>8172885

>> No.8179821

Literally the only thing motivating me to continue with my current finance career is the thought of being able to donate ~$10k a month one day.

The field is more restricted by funding than decent researchers willing to do the work, right?

>> No.8179828

teleportation, anti-gravity, and immortality. we already have some people working on immortality.

good luck OP :^)

>> No.8179943
File: 36 KB, 640x480, FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inventing coasters that are actually effective and don't leave your glass soaking causing you to get your pants wet making you look like a chump who can't even properly empty out his dick after taking a piss goddammit.

>> No.8179945

no because flying car accidents would be much much more deadlier.
we will never see them as insurance companies will never insurance the users. Also driving a car is a thing, but driving a fucking flying one would need to say at least harder driving exams

Flying cars need space for landing, so thats also a no no (unless they make them harrier style, which is still a risk for ppl below))

i put my bet on biomaterials, its always a fringe subject between chemistry, biotech and engineering yet there is always only one wacky professor doing research on that per university if at all

this are good options
you are playing with the gates of hell, stephen king. would be a great movie though,
>after humans discover it they suddenly become to change reality on a colective gestaltic alucination by damage on previously unknown inner neural processes afected by sleep deprivation leading to the colapse of civilization by a pandemic of madness and schizophrenia on kafkian levels

this could make some nice papers on behaviour, but (((some people))) wouldnt allow it

why no more metros? literally replace all streets with metro and related public transit systems

being studied, still stuck on math part because light speed is a cunt

nope, lots of people working on shit biota, composition and even ways to detect illness with it
>ok mr, now pls shit on this bucket

>"machines heavier than air will never fly"
>"this steam trinket will never get pass for more than a toy"
>"human nature is due to man's own fragility and it will always be like that"
>t. ignorant cucks

>what is cancer, degenerative disease, telomer and dna decay studies

teleportation is related to quantum tangling and anti-gravity to quantum locking and lots of physicists are on it right now

>> No.8179949
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Sandstone, friend. Sandstone.

>> No.8180329

>what is cancer, degenerative disease, telomer and dna decay studies

Few scientists seem to be working trying to actually cure aging though. The funding body doesn't seem to view it as a disease so I'm hesitant of giving them money.

>> No.8180398

It will probably be like any other change, big or small. Like Tesla and people talking about the latest fatality. Or when horse riders were certain that cars would be the end of us all.

These drones will be computerised and will probably not even start unless all proper maintenance are done (and taxes paid). extensive self test will also help safety.

>I cant wait for all the prop disintegration deaths
A bit cold blooded, yes?

>> No.8180405

>What is the consensus on sleep?
Not sure there is any. An article on BBC World News recently was about people who no longer need to sleep and they seem otherwise perfectly normal.

>> No.8180407

fcku u guvking counci9ius shitosters its ot real ur just ur brain

>> No.8180657

Quantum skeletons

>> No.8181576


Let me help you, friend: e+ pi = i + 1 + 0

Despite being so simple, that equation took Gauss 40 years t prove, and it still isn't completely proven yet.

- T Michio Kaku

>> No.8182131

what do you do? Wall Street job? I'm in investment banking. Shit is just totally exhausting and grueling, but I have always enjoyed seeing a deal I've worked on announced in the Wall Street Journal.

>> No.8183809



I hear they're in a bit of trouble with funding, actually. De Grey has spent almost all of the $13m or whatever he inherited from his mother, and further funding doesn't seem to have materialised...

>> No.8184549


Redpill me on dark energy?

>> No.8184617

looking for something to work on??

>> No.8184722



>> No.8186626


Quantum what?

>> No.8186636

I think we should be working on deciphering animal languages, specifically dolphins and elephants since they have the best chance of being uplifted

>> No.8186820

>vacuum energy
Come on man, there are issues with vacuum catastrophe but it's hardly important

>> No.8186824

Making sure we don't go extinct when the universe ends.

>> No.8186834
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Fish Mouth Syndrome
Someone needs to do further research on this.