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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8166308 No.8166308 [Reply] [Original]

what happens when we die?

>> No.8166315

microbes consume your flesh

>> No.8166317


any neurofags have an idea on what happens to the brain?

>> No.8166330
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You die in one timeline, keep living in another, of course:


If you're lucky enough to exist in a timeline where technological immortality is within reach, you're effectively immortal. Which we already are:


>> No.8166332

your wave function collapses

>> No.8166461
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>he actually accepts the MWI
>doesn't realize that when we figure out gravity objective collapse theories will be the only thing that makes sense

>> No.8167111

Your brain stops working and thus "you" disappear. Your body starts to decompose and at some point nothing that could be identified as former part of you remains.

Like a computer that gets shut down and smashed into pieces with a big hammer until nothing remains but dust.

>> No.8167403
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My best guess is that you go into a deep dreamless sleep.
There's no reason for the universe to keep your shitty self existing in some other form.

>> No.8167416

Exactly the same as before you were born.

>> No.8167469

You are forced to watch England play international football for all eternity.

>> No.8167481
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>>he actually accepts the MWI
Even if MWI wasn't a desperate attempt to restore determinism etc. to physics, "quantum immortality" would still be ridiculous.
How is your death linked to a quantum level event?
Unless you build a real-life Schrodinger's cat setup, your death isn't going to hinge on QM.

>> No.8167483

>What happens when things stop happening

>> No.8167486

We get dead

>> No.8167487
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Oh Jesus, I didn't see this at first.
I'm going to assume OP is samefagging to drive up hits to his scam site,
Go get a real job OP, and stop trying to make a quick buck by exploring the insecurities of others.

>> No.8167488

>stop trying to make a quick buck by *exploiting the insecurities of others.

>> No.8168208

fuck, god must be an asshole

>> No.8168227

Microbes also consume that as well.

>> No.8168630

Basically this. "You" are really nothing more than neural pathways, action potentials, neurotransmitters, and hormones. Your personality, what defines you, can be quantified.

To think humans have a soul is nothing but fear and hubris. If we have a soul, do amoebas have souls? How bout snakes or cockroaches? Birds or spiders? You die and it's done. Hasta la vista, baby!

>> No.8168656
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we are reincarnated as gay furry porn

>> No.8169032
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>mfw materialists actually believe this.

>> No.8169037

>believing something exists even though there is literally no justification for that belief besides your feelings

>> No.8169043

Hi friend top 10 Neuroscience graduate. The brain is probably the most vulnerable organ when to comes to apoxia. Neurons can't store glucose, so best believe when your body gives out your brain goes to shit fast.

>> No.8169045

Your mind leave this plane of existence and move up to the next one.

It's like this one but it looks more like an anime.

>> No.8169054

your body decays depending on environment

>> No.8169056

>literally no justification for that belief besides your feelings
Objectively false friendo.

>> No.8169057

I could be extremely painful

>> No.8169060

What evidence do you have to substantiate your belief?

>> No.8169077
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Classical theism, historical evidence for the resurrection. Really though, this thread is >>>/his/ since what we're talking about is a transcendental reality which is by definition not empirically verifiable.

>> No.8169085

All the historical texts and the surrounding research prove is that there were people in the past who had similar beliefs to yours. No physical evidence is supplied by these historical figures besides testimonies and the texts show signs of alteration over time. There is no evidence given for the existence of a "transcendental reality".

If this transcendental reality has any influence on this realm of existence, then that influence must be empirically verifiable. If it has no influence on this realm of existence, then there is no reason to assume it exists.

>historical evidence for the resurrection
Testimonies, of which most were not recorded. Assuming the testimonies are true, there are many natural explanations for the events that don't require a transcendental reality or a deity to expire.

>classical theism
Sophistry based on unproven assumptions, for the reasons given above.

>> No.8169086


>> No.8169103

we stop being alive

>> No.8169118


You will feel more comfortable with people of your (low) intellectual level.

>> No.8169134

As far as we know, what makes us US (by ebolution and science standards) are the brain and the electrical signals that go around our brain

If brain ded, u ded even if heart is still pumping blood

The brain is the MOST vunerable thing at death so good luck trying to preserve it if you want

>> No.8169181

>that pic
Assuming a creator of the universe deity exists, still non of your beliefs follow from that assumption. There is no reason to believe this deity has any consciousness or intentions regarding humanity. There is also no reason to assume that deity is purely "actual", i.e. omnipotent, "only one", eternal or omniscient and able to foresee the evolution of humans as a result of it's actions. This chain of "actual -> potential -> actual" is true for our universe, but it is not necessarily true for that deity and it acted at least initially outside of the universe and it's rules. It could be subject to different rules.

The existence of an afterlife does not follow from that either. Assuming that deity existed, for all we know that deity could have stopped existing after the creation of the universe. The existence of "a god" does not prove the existence of your specific christian god with it's special interest in human affairs.

Putting the deity assumption aside, there are alternative scientific theories regarding the creation of the universe and it's physical laws. The "something can not arise out of nothing" rule might not be true under all circumstances.

>> No.8169187
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a better question:
what happens when we live?

>> No.8169207


>> No.8169216

Neural signal slows down telling the brain that the next signal is either to close.
Brace for full impact or just wait out the storm. The brain would only know to tell the body to stop squirming save energy, no response tell the body to slow its breath but signals that just came are very weak, the brain doesnt recognized it. Panic now youre back to conciousness, jaws ckenching everything is dark and white lights feels head spinning but i feel upside down oh no lose conciousness again last thing to remember the brain stays alive for 10 mins after your last bodiky breath.

>> No.8169223

The next signal didnt respond now you understand why meth is bad your brain has shrunk so the signal travels less, oh man is that a next signal, why does it smell like shit, oh its me...

>> No.8169235


Basically this. Life as it is, is soulless, just biomechanic systems who look for expanding themselves. Bacteria are as alives as a human yet they can die by the zillions and no one care. There is no bacteria heaven and hell for ebola.

What op is asking is what happens with human conscience and as ppl said our brain and its configuration makes the most part that.

When ppl get irreversal brain damage, they are simply gone or be completely changed for the worse, pretty much already dead, their bodies may still function but just like another autopoyetical biomachine.

We aint going anywhere

>> No.8169243

>There is no evidence given for the existence of a "transcendental reality".
Common elements of all religions being inadequately explained by evolutionary neurobiology, NDEs, hard problem of consciousness, innate conscience and desire for perfect love, truth, justice, etc.

>Testimonies, of which most were not recorded. Assuming the testimonies are true, there are many natural explanations for the events that don't require a transcendental reality or a deity to expire.
Of course, we can't just reject theories such as the apostles stealing the body, the crucifixion being a sham, etc.
There are a lot of books about this, from secular and non-secular sources. Read some if you want. Really the best argument that the secular folks have is the a priori statement that people can't rise from the dead.

>Sophistry based on unproven assumptions
Same could be said about any body of knowledge. You need some assumptions to get any worldview going.

No thanks.

I agree with everything you wrote. No single proof of God is the be-all end-all. It's just barely scratching the surface.

>> No.8169269

>inadequately explained by evolutionary neurobiology, NDEs, hard problem of consciousness, innate conscience and desire for perfect love, truth, justice, etc.
You cannot just insert your favorite explanation into gaps of knowledge. Especially if that explanation has massive unproven prior requirements to be possible, like another whole plane of existence and a personal deity.

It is unreasonable to assume a bag of rice fell over in china because of a massive hypothetical universe scale event rather than just a bit of wind, an unobservant pedestrian or even an earth quake. You should start your search for truth with the most likely hypothesis and then work your way down to the less likely ones until you find the accurate one, not the other way around.

Aren't you applying that methodology to all other unexplained problems? Why are you making an exception when it comes to religion?

>Of course, we can't just reject theories such as the apostles stealing the body, the crucifixion being a sham, etc.
Most of those explanations work without that massive overhead of a transcendental reality and a personal deity.

>Same could be said about any body of knowledge. You need some assumptions to get any worldview going.
Science for once creates usable working results.

>> No.8169287

>supernaturalists arguing that the hard problem of consciousness gives credence to their views

Love this meme.

>> No.8169305

I dont think i would ever be anything but even i couldn't ignore myself 4chan is dead. No money to be made on this board. Tsk tsk

>> No.8169315

Most likely, our conscious reverts to its state it was before the germ layers divided into the nervous system.

You were dead for billions of years before you were born, and we all will once, for lack of a better term, experience this nothingness again.

>> No.8171340

Our bodies become grass, and antelopes eat the grass.

>> No.8171424

what if someone shoots you in the head denied afterlife halusination?

>> No.8171628

This is the truth I would imagine, as inconceivable as it seems.

>> No.8171663

I want to die then

>> No.8172246

You meet god and go to hell since most of you are kafirs

>> No.8172546

happens what happened before you born

>> No.8172599

You finally get to enjoy the best mindstate of them all: Complete Braindeath.

No fear
No responsibility
No ambition
No failures
No anxiety
No depression
No regret
No boredom
No negative feelings at all

Death is actually the most desirable state of mind that any human ever want to experience.

>> No.8172632
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Back to Nirvana, Buddha

>> No.8172639


How is death a mindstate if mind dies with the brain?

>> No.8172644

So essentially you believe it because someone who you've never even met and isn't alive told you?

>> No.8172683

This guy gets it. Wonder why nobody replied

>> No.8172687

doesn't matter, Alcor

>> No.8173094


>> No.8173104
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guys, what is the chance eternal hell is real? I have OCD and think about it a lot.

>> No.8173111
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it has been causing me panic attacks lately. it is almost constantly on my mind. already taking an SSRI for depression. Is there a somewhat legit way to analyze this using Bayesian probability? What is the chance that Christianity is true and involves eternal hell for atheists? What is the chance that some random hell just exists, and we have no information about who goes there? what is the chance that any hell or afterlife exists?

I know the evidence for physicalism is somewhat overwhelming, but I still have problems with hell. I have fainted and there was nothing. Eternal oblivion doesn't bother me. The fact that I can't falsify hell scares me.

>> No.8173132

is this real life?

it's unfalsifiable, but you shouldn't be afraid of it because it's fucking stupid and all religions that invented it are self-contradictory

>> No.8173154
File: 87 KB, 500x416, my-husband-is-dead-i-dont-want-to-remarry-i-2425151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i might be having the onset of psychosis or something, because i am getting increasingly ridiculous thoughts. for instance, i have entertained the idea of the evidence for naturalism being a test from God, etc. I used to be a sane agnostic atheist, but now unfalsifiable thoughts and fears are controlling me. What do? It makes me just want to not exist. Also, severe depression makes me want to end my life a lot of the time. I score an 8 out of 10 on the ACE test (measures childhood trauma), I just want out of this existence most of the time. I wish I could make a big contribution to science, but I don't think I'm intelligent enough.

>> No.8173156
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>> No.8173167

>What do?
See a psychiatrist, honestly. It's not a fun path but if there is legitimately something wrong it's going to get worse and they are going to be able to tell you better than anyone here what your options are.

>> No.8174942

>You cannot just insert your favorite explanation into gaps of knowledge.
I have found materialistic explanations to be lacking, like for example how some blind people are able to correctly distinguish the color of objects in the room while having an NDE, or people knowing things that happened in different rooms than where they were while having an NDE. Seems to point to some sort of consciousness detachable from our bodies that can even survive bodily death. Try to give a materialist explanation to that.

>massive unproven prior requirements
>massive overhead
Classical theism stresses divine simplicity. If a personal deity capable of doing all these things were material, then yes, he would have to be immensely more complex than us, and thus immensely more improbable. But this is an argument for materialism from assumed materialism.

>Science for once creates usable working results.
Working material results. Another circular argument from materialism.
>Spirituality does not produce material results, and since material results are the only kind of results, there is no transcendental reality.
You see now how this argument is assuming the premise? Furthermore, if your argument is entirely pragmatic, then explain why the fact that atheists, when compared to religious people, have higher suicide rates and lower reported happiness and satisfaction with life can't be used to argue for religion. I'm not saying that this is a good argument, but if all you want is results, then why isn't it?

>> No.8174952

>Furthermore, if your argument is entirely pragmatic, then explain why the fact that atheists, when compared to religious people, have higher suicide rates and lower reported happiness and satisfaction with life can't be used to argue for religion. I'm not saying that this is a good argument, but if all you want is results, then why isn't it?
Also, inb4 correlation does not imply causation.
Just look at reported happiness of converts, before and after a worldview change, from atheism to theism and from theism to atheism.

>> No.8175011
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>mfw all my colleagues are fedoras
>mfw most of the professors I talked to ,both formally and informally, are fedoras
>mfw they did not read what I wrote

The amount of ignorance among the high browed STEM community is unbelievable.

>> No.8175035

So we can't be reasonably sure of any historical knowledge not directly supported by archaeological evidence? You know virtually nothing that happened more than a generation ago then.

>> No.8175354

Your brain loses perception of time and thus you enter the "afterlife", an infinitely long dream where you can be and do anything

>> No.8175706

I used to have this for like half a year. it just sort of went away. I know this is not actual advice or anything but it might help you.

>> No.8175720

"Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."

>> No.8175734
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It's a lot like before you were born.

>> No.8175747

Concerning personality, if a person gets amnesia he isn't himself anymore?

>> No.8175748

everything you subjectively define as living has to do with consciousness so it's not that far fetched.

>> No.8175752

We get eaten.

>> No.8175938
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Think of it this way. IF this Christian God exists and he is all powerfull and knowing and all mighty, then he will be smart enough to know how stupid it is to let people suffer for eternity. That's the really simple version, but you can use this allmighty God figure to destroy the eternal hell, so don't worry. But as a non believer and a person who also suffers from panic attacks, depression and delirium, i found it very useful to think how harmonious everything in the universe is. This thoughts of pain, suffering and misery are nothing but humanly created bullshit, which the universe gives 0 shit about. Look at the night sky and see how beautiful and peaceful everything is. Learn to relax and enjoy the ride.

>> No.8175974

I don't know I feel like people I know that passed away are still there or something like I don't know ifs it's my imagination but I guess they have a wave and they wake up as a passenger in somebody else's dream or something or they awake a special afterlife of many

>> No.8175977

Maybe you're just a trick you pulled on yourself to excercise and get As

>> No.8175993


>> No.8176091

So Christians are right and there is a Hell?

>> No.8176584

Popper,popper,pull out the cocker.Also,vae victis.

>> No.8176590

Reincarnation within one's race?M e m e s,the DNA of the soul.

>> No.8176625

Id guess you return to being a being you were before you were born.

A based and very free/powerful being.

Life is just a game, a pass time, a way of expressing yourself.

>> No.8176628

>Life is just a game, a pass time, a way of expressing yourself.
LIFE - as we know it.

>> No.8176667

Pfft. Thanks for the laugh.
I seriously think images like that would be less common if people took basic calculus. What you have is just inadequacy of your imagination senpai. (Chain cannot be infinitely long?, it must have a unique origin?, both unsupported)

>> No.8176910

you sleep forever, no dreams, no waking up.

>> No.8176923

>a timeline where technological immortality is within reach
>a timeline
>quantum immortality
the premise if there is a timeline where immortality is possible, you live in it

>> No.8177663
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>> No.8177731

Ever wonder if we'll be born again? Like, as another baby or a lizard or a plant?

>> No.8178043

>what happens when we die?
They probably give your hospital bed to someone else

>> No.8178062
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Earth was made before you, for you. So at death you wake up in yet another place that was made before you, for you. Only this time you meet the creator. Get to know Jesus you guys, it won't hurt.

>> No.8178079
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Everyone in this thread was dead in 1850, where were you in 1850? Fucking dead, you didn't exist.

Basically the same thing will happen after we die, our body will get destroyed.

Your body will feed another forms of life, which will reproduce using the energy provided by you.

When we die, we don't stop existing, we just can't observe what's going on. Considering I was dead in 1850, it means we are born from dead things, so after we die, it's possible that we will become humans again (if we're lucky enough)

Death sucks but it's necessary to renew humanity, which is an immortal entity.

wew, that's my thoughts on death, where am I wrong?

>> No.8178081

You fall asleep and never wake up. But without dreams.

>> No.8178084

>where were you in 1850? Fucking dead, you didn't exist.
That's not really how the word "dead" is used -- it describes someone who has existed and no longer does.

>When we die, we don't stop existing, we just can't observe what's going on. Considering I was dead in 1850, it means we are born from dead things, so after we die, it's possible that we will become humans again (if we're lucky enough)
>Death sucks but it's necessary to renew humanity, which is an immortal entity.
All of this is shitty pseudoscience based on a pedantic misuse of the word "dead" as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.8178095

One of the least scientific threads currently on /sci/.

>> No.8178151

you play magic the gathering with a demon based mono black deck

>> No.8178591

Sounds fun, at least it's not Green/blue control