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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 26 KB, 346x400, nxDSC_2813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8164433 No.8164433 [Reply] [Original]

Could Nenaderthals and Erectus be highly derived races of man as this chart suggests? And yes, I'm serious.

>> No.8164448


>> No.8164457


>> No.8164463

the skeletons that the theory is based upon could've been some dudes with really bad arthritis

>> No.8164468

>the theory

>> No.8164472

How did their remains end up in 35,ooo + years of strata, by geological reckoning? Please don't argue validity of carbon testing, this is not that.

>> No.8164474
File: 6 KB, 299x168, 1459393752573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8164495
File: 288 KB, 681x898, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't know (Goddidit). They have some really warped logic. Out of these three skeletons, they only accept the one on the left as fully human and the other two as misinterpreted apes.

>> No.8164497


Post >>8164463 was describing a personal conjecture, not a theory.

His topic was correct, even if his conjecture was batshit crazy.

>> No.8164500
File: 222 KB, 728x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize they've found a child right? Had the body of a teenager, but was only about 7-8 years old based on its teeth.

>> No.8165087

put a basketball in the right guy's hands.

>> No.8165119

No. This is just the Christian agenda to justify their racism. Take away the facial features of the Sapiens and the skulls would be nearly identical. The three on the left all pre-dated Sapiens while the three above all formed from the original Sapiens out of Africa.

>> No.8165328
File: 320 KB, 842x834, Cro-Magnon_man_rendered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the Cro-Magnon people were sapiens.

>> No.8165403

That's true. Could be considered an extinct race. The others not so much.

>> No.8165411
File: 60 KB, 502x336, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. I think these two are some good examples of Homo Erectus.

>> No.8165458
File: 121 KB, 980x1154, SUZwL7Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there would be some differences, as shown here, but compared to the other more primituve skulls, you could see a clear difference.

>> No.8165509

Why do images like this always have to be so biased.
>show slightly above average white person
>rest is clearly ugly, even for the average of their race

>> No.8165523

You are right. But the aboriginal nor the capoid are that ugly for their standards. The capoid looks normal.

Guess who makes these kind of images.

>> No.8165539

>making another thread after getting BTFO and having yours deleted


>> No.8165543

Daily reminder that /sci/ is being raided by 8/pol/ (not our /pol/) and are trying to "redpill" us

it's the same, exact anon from last time with the same, exact images being posted

What is your agenda?

>> No.8165547

it was made 14 hours ago, you retards

But yes, nazianon is here, see

>> No.8165558
File: 90 KB, 626x530, 6a00d83451dfb969e20112790b003128a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So because I acknowledge cosmetic differences between the races, I'm a nazi?

>> No.8165559

> same template shitpost
Are you still here trigglypuff ? Do you have any proof of anyone """""raiding""""" ? I mean aside from you and your fellow SJWtards ofcourse.

>> No.8165565

Ignore SJWtard invaders. They are only here to shitpost.

Can you tell me more about the brain sizes among races ?

>> No.8165578

You can do what you want.
I can do what I want too. :^)
Caucasoid race has the biggest head of all of races. That implies his intelligence is superior.

Let's be honest kek, with ourselves, the other races must be purged.

>> No.8165582

These threads always crack me up. KEK

Why would someone want to discuss facts?
Facts are not there to be discussed.

Pseudoscience can be discussed. KEK

>> No.8165609
File: 1.83 MB, 1564x2000, MS-DAR-00140-00004-000-00007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morphologically different, but they do the same job with about the same efficiency.

>> No.8165702

Asians score several IQ points higher than whites.

This applies to every district in Japan, so why does it happen? Is it a nationwide conspiracy?

>> No.8165708

No they are smarter, nobody is denying that. SJWtards are the only group of mouthbreathers that deny facts.
As for the intelligence goes, its : Askhenazi jews > asians > whites > hasidic/other jews > arabs = mexicans > aborgines > sjw

>> No.8165714

>IQ results.

>> No.8165716

forgot the africans, put them right before aborgines

>> No.8165720

And the creationists. You could put them right behind the sjws.

>> No.8165723

I agree.

>> No.8165740

this seems about right

>> No.8166030
File: 35 KB, 468x311, skullsDM2508_468x311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is it just me, or do all skulls look the same?