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8163306 No.8163306 [Reply] [Original]

Greetings fellow scientists !

My domain of "expertise" is computer science, therefore i'm a complete beginner regarding chemistry.
But still, i am very interested into knowing a simple fact.

Can one produce, create, assemble [...] a chemical entity (such as a molecule) that will interact with a specific chemical entity, let's say Melanin.

The objective of my question is to know if a chemist with his own lab can create some kind of gaz mainly composed of a molecule we'll call "Molecule A" that carries another molecule let's say "Molecule B" .
The property of this gaz would be that upon it's "Molecule A" interaction with another kind of molecule named "Molecule C", the "Molecule B" would be detached from "Molecule A" and Interact with the entity that contains the "Molecule C".

Let's imagine a pratical use :
Molecule A carries Cyanid Molecules.
When Molecule A interacts with Melanin Molecules, the Cyanid gets released.

And in a more generic way :
I need a gaz that can damage a certain entities only

Picture is unrelated

>> No.8163310

>Greetings fellow scientists !
>My domain of "expertise" is computer science,
>fellow scientists

I'm going to stop you right fucking there.

>> No.8163312 [DELETED] 




>> No.8163314


Then let met re write that part :

"Greetings fellow /sci/ browsers,
I'm a software engineer, but i'm interested in chemistry."

Is that better ?

>> No.8163315

I see where you're going with this OP. While I'm unable to help you, I'd like to wish you the best of luck.

>> No.8163316

Come on man, i'm just trying to be polite

Thanks ;)

>> No.8163319

Yes you could. That's pretty much how proteins work in many situations.

I suggest you read up on different cyanide/nitrile carrier molecules and proteins that interact with melanin to modify the carrier group.

I also would like to point out that you trying to gas the blacks is pointless using this form of weapon, since it would also be deadly to whites as well and you should get the fuck back to /pol/.

>> No.8163320


>> No.8163323

Don't listen to >>8163319, you have no melanin and will be immune to your hypothetical protein so feel free to inhale as much as you want.

>> No.8163326

I believe you are looking for a cryptand, although I don't know enough about them to tell you if they can entrap large molecules beyond that of ions.

Most are used to improve solubility of ions and to prevent the metal from forming in the solute.

>> No.8163329

No thanks

Well, this is the first step of my quest for knowledge.

But i'm well aware that the whites also have melanin, but later on, once i'll get how it works quite better, my hope is to trigger the "interaction" only once a certain "threshold" of melanin is encountered

Thanks for the info

come on, tell me what i am please i dont know what to say now

>> No.8163332

Actually your question is fairly interesting so I'll answer it.

There are several approaches, the first and most common especially when "designing" larger molecules is a type of database using chemical group thoery and other principles called Cheminformatics. I suspect you would be more interested in this approach since it involves a lot of combinatronics and other things you'd be good at as a CS.

The second is the more fundamental approach of molecular dynamics and its subfields. This would utlimately be more pertinent to your second question in a sense which would stochastic optimisation of the equilibrium states (this in itself is another active field of research) followed by either a monte carlo dynamic simulation (spamming populations of models and simulating the time domain dynamics) or a more sophisticated analysis of the geometry of the energy landscapes (see the work of Wales' listed below).

Some introductory texts in the field:

>Andrew Leach-Molecular Modelling-Prentice Hall (2001)
>Daan Frenkel, Berend Smit Understanding Molecular Simulation, Second Edition_ From Algorithms to Applications (Computational Science Series 1).pdf
>Garland, Dill K A , Bromberg S Molecular Driving Forces; Statistical Thermodynamics In Chemistry And Biology_2.pdf

Also I recommend energy landscapces by David Wales, but you'll have to buy a fairly expensive hard copy if your library doesn't have since I don't think the internet has it.

Unless you have specific molecules in mind (in general you might be looking for somthing similar to micro/nano capsule molecules for drug delivery; a very broad field), your question is more complicated than you might think.

>> No.8163338 [DELETED] 

If you want to gas a race it be far easier to have something that can reproduce itself, so either a prion or some virus targeting specific genes.

It will take billions of dollars and countless man hours to develop so something only a government can really do (and is probably doing to fight the Han Chinese for all we know).

>> No.8163342

>come on, tell me what i am please i dont know what to say now
You're not a software engineer if you're a CS. A CS is not a scientists, but reaching for engineer which is an even higher title is even worse than calling yourself a scientist. Just call yourself a computer """scientist""".

>> No.8163343
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Thanks a lot for those readings and recommendations for the CS i am.
I'll spend some time on this "cheminformatics"

Thanks about the financial and time estimation

>> No.8163344

>but reaching for engineer which is an even higher title
The children are so cute, thinking that their field is more important than someone else's!

>> No.8163348

Sorry, ok,
I'm not sure i understand, but i'll just consider i'm a computer scientist then.

I thought a scientist was some one using a specific kind of logic.
And a engineer some one sorting out solutions out of pratical problems through the same kind of logic.

>> No.8163350

I didn't say it's more important, I said it's wrose than calling yourself a scientist.

Which it is since you could face actually face legal consequences.

>> No.8163354

>I said it's wrose than calling yourself a scientist.
Both are stupid but designing software is closer to engineering than science as far as I'm concerned.

>Which it is since you could face actually face legal consequences.
Back this up.

>> No.8163357

>Back this up.

>> No.8163362

OP here, sorry man but i thought you had a wordwide point.

It seems your POV is based on a American scope, and more specificaly, a United States Scope, and even more specificaly, Texas.

If that is your main anchor of your purposes i'll call myself a software engineer

>> No.8163365

Fair enough, but it also emphasizes that software engineering is a valid if you become licensed. There's a difference between "don't call yourself software engineer if you aren't licensed as one" and "don't call yourself software engineer because no one is" which seemed to be implied. See also the exemptions section, it's perfectly valid if it's your job title and you don't suggest outside of your job that you are a licensed engineer.

>> No.8163377

OP here, my job title is "Full stack software engineer" (translated to english)

And i've got a license out of 5 years of study (master degree in english ?).
So i suppose i can call myself a software engineer ?

>> No.8163383

>So i suppose i can call myself a software engineer ?
Yeah, but if you put it on your business card in any Washington accord country you are probably violating some kind of CPA or safety laws.

>> No.8163402
File: 37 KB, 615x409, Gaz from geordie shore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8163406

Why gas black people?

>> No.8163408

ME people also have relatively more melanin than Europeans, why are you assuming he wants to gas black people?

He might be trying to win it all for the Ginger race for all we know. Maybe he thinks everyone except Albinos are a mistake.

>> No.8163411

because of multiple reasons, mainly historical.

but i started from there :

When a heir becomes despicable unpleasant unloyal, dishonorable, meritless.
I blame the parents for breeding a being without teaching it what is right and what is wrong.

Therefore i think that if someone lives today in a certain way, it's because it failed to receive and/or acknowledge the teachings of the ones wiser.

If today's populated with vermin, tomorow will be populated with monstrosities.
So many that monstrosity may become something normal / usual.

I cannot allow humans to run right into their demise wich is chaos.

In my opignion

tl;dr : Humanity is dieing so let's make it quick (eutanasy ?)