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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 71 KB, 599x333, ancient-mesopotamian-religion-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8162088 No.8162088 [Reply] [Original]

Are luxury technologies making us stupider as a species?


This is to exclude all of the technology that allows for scientific advancement, of course.

I mean, our ancestors never had to deal with whiny pussy men who claim to be women. If a man did that back then they would kill him.

>> No.8162091

>I mean, our ancestors never had to deal with whiny pussy men who claim to be women. If a man did that back then they would kill him.

No, they would just fuck him in his boipussy.

>> No.8162093

Do you really think our ancestors were stupid enough to allow a degenerate to live?

>> No.8162094

hi /pol/

>> No.8162097

Go back like 400 years and your ancestors didn't even conceptualize 0

>> No.8162099

You're alive, so yes.

>> No.8162102
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Some times people suffering with feelings of gender dysphoria could be emperors of a vast empire.

>> No.8162104
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>p-please h-help me rationalize my attraction to dickgirls as being a 'symptom of the times'
lmao nigga just admit you like cocks faggoe. we know you jerk it to traps and feel guilty and degenerate about it

>> No.8162107

Plus if you want a more "tribal" example. The Native Americans used to recognize five different genders. Male, female, two-spirited male, two-spirited female, and transgendered. They believe those who can see through the eyes of both males and females were gifts from the Creator.

>> No.8162110

Where did OP give you the impression that he is a tranny-chaser? If anything, he is expressing deep transphobic feelings.

>> No.8162113

That's some hardcore projection there, homo

>> No.8162120

only reason to give a flying fuck about trannies is if you're insecure

just like the strongest homophobic feelings come from those deepest in the closet

>> No.8162123

So you think they should be allowed into our public restrooms when there are children present? You sick cunt.

>> No.8162124

Sure! Better than having some perverted 'restroom monitor' inside of our schools getting a free look-see at our children's genitals.

>> No.8162132

>oh god won't somebody PLEASE think of the children
you don't belong on 4chan, i think reddit or facebook is more suitable for your brand of histrionic indignation and hysteria

not even trolling, I'm serious, you would fit right in facebook group of normie soccer moms

>> No.8162137
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Transgenderism is because of xenohoromones, OP. Xenohormones are more prevalent now, due to modern industrialisation and consumerism of products that release them (such as plastics and bug spray).

>> No.8162140

fit right in in a*

>> No.8162148

Not sure if serious or mocking conspiracy theorists.

>> No.8162242

>lmao nigga

The hawks swoop in very quickly on this one.
/sci/ence, right. This board is what can called a false consensus general.

How much money was made in this thread so far?
Enough for a bottom shelf convenience store candy?

Whenever threads like this are made people start talking like what you'd expect 15 year olds on /b/ would talk like.

Never any legitimate conversation discussing it because it's either a threat or just attracts people who speak like they've never heard of the scientific method.

>> No.8162251

>the elites have paid sleeper agents to shill my garbage low-quality thread on the science section of an anime imageboard!!!
take your meds bud

/sci/ is largely a place for undergrads and TAs to blow off steam and be abrasive without suffering damage to their professional reputations, so yeah, colloquial language like "lmao nigga" is not unexpected

>> No.8162256

>Whenever threads like this are made people start talking like what you'd expect 15 year olds on /b/ would talk like.
Have you considered that only 15 year olds from /b/ respond to bait threads in the first place?

>> No.8162270

you're turning a potentially good thread into crap when you talk of gender and sexual identity Anon

I would say that as people got smarter they realized " fuck being a slave, I want nice things one way or another if I die then all well...fuck being a slave" and I for one would say that is a sign that most of the world is becoming more intelligent. the strive and desire for nice things is something we all can relate to. but during the crusades and what not were we on the same page? not so sure...

>> No.8162274

>take your meds bud
Very forward thinking of you, considering 50 miillion Americans are at least on one prescription psychotropic.

False inferences and strawmen are at the top of that logic list on /pol/ as admonishments, seems you didn't listen to the mods.

Even the moderators who know /pol/ people are mob mentality, it's a shame that's all your mind can think about when opposition threads are posted.

If that guy's anything but black, he shouldn't be using "lmao nigga" according to liberal standards.

Also, this isn't my thread.

>>>the elites have paid sleeper agents to shill my garbage low-quality thread on the science section of an anime imageboard!!!

A lot of people come here, and it's not "elites", go watch Alex Jones for your the conspiracy / globalist talk. I'm talking about anyone who could stand to lose money for certain opinions being proferred on a site that traffics nearly 28 million unique visitors a month.

The irony here is your post has all the classical /pol/ trimmings and argument methods (if you can even call it that).

>> No.8162276

and lets take a look at men in power such as Caligula.. who "struggled?" ( shrug ) with his gender and identity.

>> No.8162278
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One CME and we're fucked, since all of our technological dependancies will fry and we will drop dead like meatbags.

>> No.8162280

Picking one cherry, not even a handful. Shame on you anon!

>> No.8162290

>muh mods
>you have to listen to the mods on /pol/ even though we're posting on /sci/!
>muh /pol/ sticky taught me about logical fallacies because i was too stupid to join the debate club in high-school
lol you can really tell which faggots stepped right off the boat from reddit

>> No.8162294
File: 48 KB, 626x1070, SCIENCE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything that makes Doxa spread easier dumbs a nation down.

Convention speaker #7: "The coming generation."
Charly Gordon: "Test-tube conception, laboratory birth, TV education, brave new dreams, brave new hates, brave new wars; a beautifully purposeless process of society suicide."
Charly Gordon: "Any more questions?"

>"TV in every room."

Pic very related.

>> No.8162303

You've been here too long, it's time to go outside.
>he's reddit!
I'm just glad you had to throw in faggots, it's not very progressive, not very forward thinking, and is stunted thinking in terms of one's ability to communicate without making it a highly emotional attack on an anonymous person. I pity your lack of basic intelligence.

>> No.8162305

>anyone who calls me out as being a paranoid mentally-ill retard must be a leftist!!!!
hello take your meds faggot

>> No.8162306
File: 43 KB, 332x396, 1465881334636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I pity your lack of basic intelligence.

>> No.8162308

Japan had a lot of gender mixups going on esspecially in the gentry and high class

Romans did as mentioned

Indo china and india throughout history have time and time agian showed how sex and identity had blurred lines ( bestiality homo, hetero)

Middle ages europe...my god where to begin

but almost ALWAYS it's the upper crust of society partaking in this shit

were they smarter? they had more money nicer housing more secure life style so??? who's to say maybe religion and government lorded over any peasant with a thought or two about sucking a dick or wearing a dress but to those who authority didnt apply it seemed the liberties were always taken Im just saying anon's its not that hard...

>> No.8162309

You are the final form of the strawman, so be careful around combustible liquids, especially in dry locations.

>> No.8162314

I didn't see any bracketed numbers next to your claims but it doesn't matter since I was talking about specific people in history like you mentioned with Caligula (who was bisexual as well as considered an insane man who executed people on a complete whim).

>> No.8162315
File: 198 KB, 3000x1688, fedora HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh, i learned this new word 'strawman' from the /pol/ sticky, can't wait to use it in my psots, i know its logic so it must mean i automatically win xD

>> No.8162317

I don't think so. Maybe.
I know I'm smarter for having technology, like the Internet and Wikipedia.

But there's always been this weird dynamic between "soft, civilized" people and "hard, tribal" peoples. History is filled with organized, civilized armies and ferocious, tribal armies.
It's been talked about since, at least, Roman times. The Mongols knew about it as did many of their of their following empires.
Hardcore History has an episode on this.
I think it's Old School Toughness.

Also one last quote from Voltaire that sums this up pretty well:
> History is filled with the sound of silken slippers going downstairs and wooden shoes coming up.

>> No.8162325

> Caligula
> getting information on politicians from their detractors
lemme guess, Trump supporter?

>> No.8162328


Your posting style is perfect satire for many of this site's posters. I'm actually having fun "debating" you, although it feels more like this holding a midget by the head while he runs in place.

So many memes, green text, bad grammar, emotes and colloquialisms, I'm sure we could make a funny infographic if we continue for maximum repost value.

>> No.8162331
File: 21 KB, 600x450, e71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i come to 4chan for serious internet debate

>> No.8162334

Caligula was certifiable by modern standards, though. I suppose if we can't have an opinion on Caligula then we can't really have one most pre-15th century rulers given the lack of extant media.

>> No.8162346
File: 2.79 MB, 300x252, sore wa beeto desu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean

>posts say OP is from /pol/
>OP outright implies confirmation

You could at least try harder: you're from /pol/ and you came here to ask us about our thoughts on degeneracy and sexuality. I did think this was an interesting thread that's why I clicked, I would have loved to discuss how technology is impacting the way we think in a negative fashion, but you made it clear already from other posts in this thread that that isn't the discussion you came for and ultimately the thread would have devolved into shitposting because OP is always a faggot

>> No.8162349
File: 11 KB, 441x408, SmugT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wealth can only be aquired by the fall and rise anon.. not in between.

why fight and get tough in times of peach and luxury...now's not the time and if it is in fact the time then all well it was fun while it lasted.. because the generation thats going to have to put the shit back together after out fuzzy slippers are burned can have fun with that shit Ive worked hard my life and enjoy my lawn my computer and my squishy girlfriend to fuck If the Huns came tomorrow then come and get it Im not going full barbarian to defend these things give me liberty or death for real.

>> No.8162352

Buddy, I'm not OP. Some guy linked this thread on another board because the topic of the thread intimated an anti-progressive tone with the use of the word SJW.

I'm not OP and my post isn't bait. Sorry to disappoint you.

>it was even a tripcode who cross-linked it named "Big Daddy Derek"

>> No.8162357

If you only have sources from people who don't like him, then of course he's gonna seem bad.
That was incredibly popular even during the late Roman Republic.

No he probably didn't declare war on Neptune. He might have had orgies, but I doubt he killed people for sport.

>> No.8162358

The greeks had a lot of boipussy, but I dont think they ever went around crying and trying to make everyone believe they were really women. They just accepted what it was they were, and so did everyone else.

The biggest scourge on todays society is identity politics.

>> No.8162370

Yes, but wasn't this the norm in Roman politics?
Couldn't you just extend similar methods of historical analysis to just about any of the caesars?
I only say this because you have to believe there was some level of mental illness or at least abherrance given the exceptional amount of information.

>> No.8162379

> exceptional amount of information.
From what I'm reading there isn't that much information, whereas Julius Caesar kept a diary for public consumption.
I tend to disbelieve the more ridiculous things heard about Caligula, especially comparing it to the wars he fought and enemies he conquered.

>> No.8162420
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>> No.8162429
File: 1.28 MB, 200x190, nasty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YELLING memes

>> No.8162463

>The Native Americans used to recognize five different genders. Male, female, two-spirited male, two-spirited female, and transgendered. They believe those who can see through the eyes of both males and females were gifts from the Creator.
I'm calling bullshit.
Maybe a handful tribes of those fuckers did that, but there's no way that the whole of 2 continents full of people believed that shit.

>> No.8162481

google is your friend
Third and fourth gender roles traditionally embodied by two-spirit people include performing work and wearing clothing associated with both men and women. Not all tribes/nations have rigid gender roles, but, among those that do, some consider there to be at least four genders: feminine woman, masculine woman, feminine man, masculine man.[3]

The presence of male-bodied two-spirits "was a fundamental institution among most tribal peoples"[5] and, according to Will Roscoe, both male- and female-bodied two-spirits have been documented "in over 130 North American tribes, in every region of the continent."[6]

>> No.8162489
File: 45 KB, 512x397, 1426291383526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>four genders: feminine woman, masculine woman, feminine man, masculine man

That is literally 2 genders: female and male. Now this is just retarded semantics at play, which is to be considered, considering you pulled directly from Wiki instead of even going to the sources they cited

>> No.8162497

> you pulled directly from Wiki instead of even going to the sources they cited
well duh. I wasn't gonna do the work. If you want more to read, there's a whole article and list of citations. It seems to fit pretty well with whatever is going on in OP though