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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8153286 No.8153286 [Reply] [Original]

Checkmate /sci/fags


>> No.8153292

she took all the wrong classes apparently.

I guess she doesn't know you get to pick some of them and it's your own damn fault if you screw that up.

>> No.8153293

1. It is a he

2. No? the school system has more in hand in it. Instead of putting useless technical shit that 99% of don't use in their daily lives, it should be devoted what really matters to people current events and such.

>> No.8153295

you don't have a current events class?

>> No.8153296


>> No.8153297

>1. It is a he
hmmm. If you say so.

I took home economics. It was concerned with the economics of the home. I also took regular economics and auto shop and civics and social studies and a shitload of classes that covered most of the shit "he" is complaining about missing.

perhaps "he" was just stupid? That seems pretty common lately.

>> No.8153305

99% is a very cliche statement about as accurate as a 3-year-old pulling its arms back saying "this much". You provided no sample groups for your percentage either so if its "people" assuming every human on the Earth, its still a little shortsighted because elderly people have no use for any knowledge and new borns obviously wont be dropping equations.

On topic, the education system is bad. The structure of society, is bad. The planet needs a massive overhaul, but the world just isnt ready because everyone wants to keep playing pretend a little longer.

>> No.8153306

In the thread two days ago, someone pointed out that the media misrepresented the intent much as OP is now, and the author is for education reform, not actually dropping out.

Regardless, yes, some of the examples are fucking stupid.

>> No.8153314

No there was in my HS but what I am saying there should be a more diverse and varied selection of it.

Example is that in most places there are three main sciences taught bio, chem, phys. Instead of three sciences there should be one Science as until you go to uni there is no need to split it apart. With the extra room there will be able to split news into three categories 1. Economic news basically an overview of the world economy 2. Social news that is all about stuff like new trends, social injustice and other such things 3. Missed news basically stuff that usually isn't covered in main stream media.

>> No.8153319

>hmmm. If you say so.
>perhaps "he" was just stupid? That seems pretty common lately.
can you stop being so rude?
Again the point is that it is hard to take all the extra classes when the school system is bogging you down all this mandatory shit that is way beyond what an average citizen needs to understand in science and math.

>> No.8153377

>Instead of three sciences there should be one Science as until you go to uni there is no need to split it apart.

spoken like a true brainlet who's never had a real interest in science

>> No.8155741

>Taking the opinions of a degenerate loser

>> No.8155766


>can you stop being so rude?
>implying "Checkmate /sci/fags" wasn't rude

Regardless, I was given the opportunity to take whatever the fuck classes I wanted at my school and classes such as Home Ec,, U.S. Gov., and How to Not Cut Your Fingers on a Power Saw 101 were required. Even if you don't take those classes, a lot of the things mentioned are fucking common sense or something you can learn pretty quickly that doesn't require a fucking class to take.

>> No.8155769

Maybe instead of wanking off to emo music and being a fag you could have studied that stuff on your own time.

"Nobody lies so boldly as the person who gets morally outraged." This is modern ennui and listlessness expressed as outrage at the wrong things.

Also this guy epitomizes bad white rap

>> No.8155850

>Social news that is all about stuff like new trends, social injustice and other such things
So instead of teaching pupils how the world works you want to teach them how to read the newspaper.

>> No.8156144
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>My parents were absent through my childhood and I became a emo retard who think school is shit

The song.

What he didn't learn in school my parents helped me learn as I got older. I asked for advice and I got it. If they didn't have the answer I found the answer through the internet or friends.

Checkmate emo faggot OP.

>> No.8156172
File: 12 KB, 400x400, Autism_Speaks_Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. Instead of three sciences there should be one Science as until you go to uni there is no need to split it apart.

>> No.8156200

But your posts proves his point.

You cannot secure that someone's parents will be good or shitty but even if someone's parents are shitty, the kid will have to go to public school so the system should ensure that public schooling is enough for someone to be self-sufficient after 18.

What I am saying is that you are fucking stupid and because he was singing his argument you could not understand it because someone as stupid as yourself could not get an argument unless the person fucking drew you a labeled diagram.

Absolute autist.

>> No.8156307

High school is meant to prepare you for College and University, or some form of further education, since no one will be job ready right out of highschool. Thats why there are College and University level courses. If you take the applied courses they don't teach any of that "technical math shit".

I'm sure if his school didn't teach him all of the things he said are useless, and instead taught what he wanted he would be complaining that they didn't teach him the quadratic formula, which he will need in any science or business course.

My school taught all of the shit he said aside from balancing a check book or doing taxes, which they probably would teach if I took a business course or accounting or something. You just went to a shit school.

>> No.8156341

>aside from balancing a check book or doing taxes
>You just went to a shit school

You also went to a shit school you moron (by the metric of the guy who made the video)

Fucking hell are you people capable of understanding an argument.

Look, faggots, I do not agree with the guy because I would even prefer if more 'useless math' was added into because I can teach myself how to do taxes, but he has a point.

What is his point?

That if schools DID teach balancing a check book and doing your taxes then that would be a BETTER school system than the one we have now.

Would it actually be better? Well, kids would be learning more so it would actually be better.

Plus, I'm sure that I am in the minority when I say I would have preferred if more math was taught because my math major perspective is biased.

Anyways, the point is you are all retarded. You keep contradicting your points.

>> No.8156362

>You cannot secure that someone's parents will be good or shitty but even if someone's parents are shitty
Then teach yourself the shit you don't know, and don't expect to be spoonfed everything.

>> No.8156379

>Then teach yourself the shit you don't know, and don't expect to be spoonfed everything.

That is not a counterargument to his argument

Refer to:

>What is his point?

>That if schools DID teach balancing a check book and doing your taxes then that would be a BETTER school system than the one we have now.

ITT: Half of /sci/ shamelessly shows their lack of reading comprehension

Hmm... I wonder if having more reading comprehension exercises at school would make you less retarded.

>> No.8156384

You're the fucking retard, you and the fucking autist who made this shitty song think you know better then the entire school system and all of the educators who made it?

Its obvious to anyone with half a brain that if you took an accounting or applied math course they teach you exactly that. If you take the college or university math stream they don't for obvious reasons. THis is like complaining that schools didn't teach you basic skills like doing your dishes or doing your laundry or cpr or other life skills that you should learn from your parents. School is meant for academics, its meant to prepare you for college/uni or some trade, its not there to fill the void of your worthless parents who didn't teach you basic life skills.

>> No.8156387

We already had a thread abut this. It was interesting because I did not believe the US school system was so inhomogenous. And it shows again.

My opinion in a nutshell:
(1) A school system needs to provide a basic level of understanding in a couple of fields (which and for which purpose can be argued about and is not what I will do here). If there is a huge difference in what is taught and how well it is taught, said school system is simply crap.
That doesn't mean I defend Common Core (no idea what could give anyone this idea but with you people one can never know).

(2) If you cannot agree on what your average school teaches you, you don't need to bother discussing what your average school should improve in, apart from non-topical issues like (1).

>> No.8156393

Chemistry and Physics can be tied together very strongly. For teaching why you need Math, you can teach those two (though Math is obviously not only a tool for NatSci nor does NatSci lack seperate categories which can be taught seperately). As you proceed with your academic career beyond high school, you'll realise that it all only gets more connected. You need to know how atoms look like and understand electrostatic force in both, as well as electricity, what comprises matter, conversative forces, conversation of mass / energy, states of matter.
You cannot cut everything but if you can make sure that something is understood in one field, you just need to show how it is relevant to the other field to make it understood there as well. Just an idea, no idea how much chemistry and physics you all even learned.

Math focused on some issues for too long in my opinion or pulled them up again and again because people had issues with quadratic equations, or how to solve equations, or how to simplify them (distributive and commutative law etc) can be applied. This time could be used to teach math further or explain and make previously learned laws / ways to simplify plausible. So I agree and I "only" study BSc Chemistry (read: Physics with less Math) in non-USA.

>> No.8156397



Wouldn't it be arguably better if school did teach CPR and other life skills?

That is an interesting proposition, not saying I agree with it.

Why is school about academics when a big chunk of people do not go to university?

That is a good question.

He is proposing possible change and asking good questions and because you are too shit you can't see it.

I don't agree with him, but I know exactly why I don't as I understand his argument.

Can you explain why YOU don't agree with him? I fucking doubt it because you keep misunderstanding his point, hopefully not on purpose.

>> No.8156400
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If school was the ONLY medium to teach yourself by then this would be a legitimate complaint but this is the fucking information age and entitled brats are crying about 'muh history dates' and 'muh times tables'.

Let's follow this stuff step by step shall we?

>Don't get taught how to pay muh taxes at school!!!!! ;((((
Tough fucking luck. Ask your parents to teach you.

>b-but i have never met my dad and my mum is round the back of the trailer shooting heroin!! ;(
Then teach yourself online

>b..but we don't have internet - my mom cancelled it to help pay for her crack addiction!!
Then go to the local library and pick out a fucking book. Or better yet, go to the fucking adoption centre.

Autistic sperglord, are you a math major?

>> No.8156412

>Tough fucking luck. Ask your parents to teach you.

Counterargument: What if no parents?

>Then teach yourself online
What if no internet? Literally too poor for that shit?

People like that exist.

>Then go to the local library and pick out a fucking book. Or better yet, go to the fucking adoption centre.

Are you expecting the average retarded kid to do this?

>inb4 yes

GOOD JOB THEN. Lets just overthrow the school establishments.

Kids, from now on you have 18 years to go to the library and study all the shit you need before going into real life.

This anon CERTIFIES all of you to not be retarded and therefore capable of managing your own education.

Teachers of the world, you are no longer needed as this anon hereby proclaims kids to be the most self-sufficient, educated and responsible kind of people.


If only everyone was as stupid and out of touch as you.

>> No.8156417

Yeah right, same with math and natural sciences. You have 10 fingers so what would keep you from understanding exponentiation. Logarithms are intuitive, so is babby's high school calculus. Don't expect to be spoonfed everything.
I am saying that your argument is not really meaning anything. You can pick up some things like how to taxes yourself with the help of basic competence in how to use the internet. You are not getting any proper understanding of governance and how to judge a political discourse or the news without someone teaching you.

Some people earn a fair income for being better at accounting than most other people. It's not a basic life skill. I don't think you need parents to understand how to do your laundry.
As for wrong life choices: Explain to a child why they need to know how to fill out tax papers and balance check books. Explain it to a teenager who still doesn't know jack shit about it and never has been told about why he should know more than (not "then") jack shit about how taxation works.
What I am saying is that you are blaming people who still need to be told they need to learn it. I am not in favour of making accounting courses mandatory but just like math, you need to make a point about how you can learn it while you are still too new at life to expect of you to know how to do it, so you can learn it when you need it, in or outside of school doesn't matter.

>> No.8156427

You are overreacting and trying to make an argument from extreme cases about something that is to apply to everyone. Not only do you appeal to the extreme, you also try to say >>8156412 wants to overthrow the way education is handled nowadays.

Also, please, never write caps like that. And none of that strawmen argumentation. It makes you look like this conversation is too stirring for you to argue like a mature person.

All in all, I don't think you are defending your position fairly this way. I am only mentioning all this because I believe you actually have better arguments, and want you to think about them.

>> No.8156428

>inb4 yes
So you're agreeing with me that today's kids are entitled pieces of shit who are too lazy and dumb to have any foresight?
Good, glad that's settled then.
I'll go back to teaching myself tactical mortgage refinancing :^)

>> No.8156435

>from extreme cases

Are kids being irresponsible retards an extreme case?

wew lad, the homeschooled autism is strong here.

>And none of that strawmen argumentation

Maybe it is a strawman but if you argue that kids can teach themselves all about the tax system then why could kids not teach themselves the quadratic equation? It is pretty trivial.

Why not the binomial theorem? Why not analytical geometry? All of those topics are as trivial as taxes.

Why not? Give me an answer and then maybe you will have an argument.

>So you're agreeing with me that today's kids are entitled pieces of shit who are too lazy and dumb to have any foresight?

No, we are agreeing with the guy who made the video on this.

Kids are retarded. They are absolutely fucking retarded. If you try to deny this like homeschool autist over there then you are probably also a homeschooled autist.

>> No.8156438

>You are not getting any proper understanding of governance and how to judge a political discourse or the news without someone teaching you.
On the contrary, I'd argue that's something gained from exposure and experience rather than taughtout of a book or in a classroom. Sure you can say "here's are the dos and don'ts of political discourse" but you need to experience it in order for that sentence to have meaning beyond it's face value.

>> No.8156465

the things he lists should be taught in school, yes. but not instead of other shit, but instead on top of other shit.

in Germany, there's three branches to choose from after elementary school. the lowest one is currently looked down upon as if it were for total retards, even though the stuff in the curriculum is just fine for people intending to become a farmer, or a person who works with their hands. the second one is already slightly frowned upon, although more than enough to be a nurse, or something on that level - or an artist of almost any kind, if you ask mem. the highest one is what everyone strives for, even though you only need it if you absolutely want to go to university (which doesn't hold the same importance as college does for US citizens) or a higher school afterwards, as opposed to doing an apprenticeship.

as of today, a third to half of Germany's youth go through the highest schooling level. so did i, and i was so bored that i took extra subjects, plus competed in several types of sports, plus stayed on top of current events on my own, etc - you get the point. i would have liked to have more of what he mentions in the regular curriculum for all the ignorant fucks i went to school with - and for those who can't cope, well, don't force them to get the highest school qualification. just force them to learn more of the basic stuff mentioned in the video on top, it's not exactly like any of the curricula are overstuffed.

tl;dr: if less people felt the need to "prove their worth" by getting pointlessly sophisticated school qualifications, all school qualification could be improved, partly in the way suggested in the video.

>> No.8156471

Well i don't think he went to school in the first place because he should have gone to multiple classes teaching civics and economics

>> No.8156587

Homeschooling is not even legal where I live, I think it runs under child abuse here.
That said, no parents and no internet and poverty denying other means is an extreme case, simply because most of the younger generation uses the internet regularly and has parents, just like our generation. Maybe I should have quoted that.

>So you're agreeing with me that
You forgot to quote >>8156428

As for where's the difference between taxes and math:
You can memorise the quadratic equation and binomial easily, but you still need to get a context in which they are relevant for you to practice and understand their significance. Grasping why you need something is a large motivator to use it. You have to do your taxes, so there is your motivator. You will probably benefit from proper
Even though math is taught in school, some people go the seemingly easy route and try to memorise stuff like binomial theorems and related stuff by heart. You can always look up those equations just like you can look up how to calculate the pertubation of a quantum system without analytic solutions (which are extremely easy to memorise provided you know what integrals are, but to apply the formulas you need to know what the symbols in it mean, you still have to understand them), or, for the sake of argument, how to do your taxes.
You do not need to understand why your tax form looks the way it looks to fill it out, and you can always read it up, but at some point you will fail at math if you don't try to understand it. This point can turn up when you want to solve something but do not know how to reduce your formula to a quadratic equation, then use the formula you understood or memorised, and then interpret the result properly. Math teaches you a method how to understand and interpret equations, and lays a foundation for much more than you will probably ever bother to learn about, making it neither trivial in importance nor something you can just "read up and (fully) use". (cont.)

>> No.8156598

Fair point, what I had in mind was that through environmental influences (spending much time in front of the tv or on mainstream news pages; talking to someone who does not weight his views and ideas about something telling you what is right or wrong to believe because he does not know better) you could learn a wrong way to deal with those things, and not grow up to be skeptic if there is no one telling you that some extent of reasoning and skepticism is appropriate when, f.e. voting for a candidate or develop a stance towards an issue. Schools strike me as a possible means to order people to teach those things and make them common sense to mostly everyone. But you are right, you need those things too, and cannot understand how to discourse if you never practice / try. (Just like in math, I would opine that practicing also helps you to understand why one should or should not do something). In the end of the day.
I should mention I received public education on how discourse is supposed to look like and how to identify and create proper arguments and it also included discussions of recent news(paper articles). I wasn't incontent with it, so I am clearly biased towards the idea of more or less making the government responsible for political education.

>> No.8156624


> Kids are retarded. They are absolutely fucking retarded.
A case of Nature vs. Nurture t.b.q.h: I believe children are made retarded. They could learn more about math or more about thinking for themselves, or cooking well enough, whatever. I would say, children behave retarded at some point. All of them. But my school required people to go to the library and be taught the very basics of how to borrow a book, how to find them / how to use computers for that at home or at the library. When I was young (talking class 4-6 here). In short:

>Are you expecting the average retarded kid to do this?
Yes, I expect you to have either decent parents or a decent school teaching you that if you don't know stuff, you go to a fucking library because my 5000 people community had a public library and one in my school. It's called media competency. I expect that of a properly raised child because that's how people with a worse performance in school and academic interest grew up.

>> No.8156629

like his points
his musix sucks

gtfo this board

>> No.8156633

>Chemistry and Physics can be tied together very strongly
lolno, not until you get to a master's level.

>> No.8156646

This is dumb. My high school of 350 kids offered accounting (which was mostly personal finance), parenting, home ec, etc.
If my tiny school was able to offer all of these,
I will not believe that he did not have those options, and more.

>> No.8156653

That came out poorly. Let me try again:
> When I was young (talking class 4-6 here)...
it was not 50 % of the pupils I know of, but a solid 2 digit percentage borrowed and read books regularly. Both fiction and non-fiction. Of course we live in times where that might be less common by now, but it's not like books became irrelevant. And even if they did, use the internet, and use it properly, look stuff up but realise that just because you can replicate a series of statements or symbols doesn't mean you can use them, so what school should do for you is to teach you how to use the information you can get from wherever. This goes for driving and doing your taxes and doing math. Whereas, for the record, all of those things require effort to understand, and all of them can seem trivial, but only one of them can be exhaustively read up about in a couple of days. And then are a couple of other reasons why you cannot compare (simple) math formulas to doing taxes, but I think you should get the point by now.

In short: (see >>8156624)

>> No.8156710

I just listed a few points, which are probably not strongly connected but I would claim they are relevant in both. Before a master's level, you still do quantum mechanics in both, right? I am sure you don't do it as extensively in chemistry but obviously the relevance is in it as well.

>> No.8156734

Schools are useless. Self-learning is the way to go, at least until uni. But of course the neurotypicals need socialization and other things so it might not be completely useless to them.

>> No.8156774

You can pay mouth service to it (as in "ah yeah it's linked by quantum mechanics and stuff"), but the actual formalism learning won't bridge between the two until later.

>> No.8156795

If you don't know how to vote, how to buy a house, or why your retarded friend is depressed by the age of 15 then you really shouldn't be going to university.

>> No.8157015

Did anyone else feel their balls shrivel up when watching this? Like when you're standing on top of a cliff and you look down? I couldn't make it past a couple seconds after he started rapping I felt physically ill.

>> No.8157234


My friend didn't have parents and they learned how to balance a check book, manage their money, and balance school and work better than anyone I have ever known. Your argument is literal shit.