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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8147739 No.8147739 [Reply] [Original]

I keep hearing a lot about the theory of multiple genders, and I was wondering if there was any proof of it.
Has science found any possibility of a third gender? Can the brain actually shift through male and female?

>> No.8147741

What do you mean by 'gender'?

>> No.8147742

Anything biological or related to how you feel.

>> No.8147745
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Males tend to have more testosterone, while females have more estrogen. It all comes down to what's between your legs.

>> No.8147749

You gender preference is much relevant to science as your prefered ice-cream flavor.

Take this thread back to where it belongs


>> No.8147750


Emotions are not related to biological sex.

>> No.8147752

What if I feel like Tom Cruise ? Then my gender is Tom Cruise ?

>> No.8147754

>related to how you feel.
That's mental and not well understood. It's impacted by chemicals such as testosterone and estrogen, but not controlled by them.

>Males tend to have more testosterone, while females have more estrogen.
This is not always true, without any supplements. Chemical imbalances are not terribly uncommon. I'll ignore your bait.

>You gender preference is much relevant to science as your prefered ice-cream flavor.
That's awfully naive, but as I said it's not well understood either, so I agree there's not much point bringing it here. Also, gender preference to me reads sexuality, which is a different subject.

>> No.8147760

Different doesn't mean relevant. Seriously it's only related to ones preferred sexuality just like all the other tastes and choices we have in life. And it's relevant as much as my personal tastes in ice-creams, which neither belongs to a science board.

>> No.8147764
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>this is not always true
I was saying that as in a majority.
Anomalies don't disprove a rule.

>> No.8147821


OK, you have to take a look at the brain, and what it means to have a gender, or any other form of personality trait.

But first, let's take a look at Drosophila (fruit fly), perhaps the most experimented on organism in the world.

Researchers have been able to effectively change the self-identified gender of the fruit fly, by targeting neurones with frequency-modulated electromagnetic neural stimulation.

After discovering a set of neural networks they thought responsible for mating behaviour, they discovered that a change in neural firing frequency, actually changed the sexual behaviour of the fly.

Essentially they were able to induce male mating dance in a female fruit fly,

This indicates that the neural structures relating to the behaviour of both sexes are present in every brain, regardless of actual sex.

One could quite easily extrapolate that in an animal which experiences an enhanced sense of awareness, such as humans, that self- perception of one’s sex is likely to be determined by neural wiring relating to sexual behaviour.

Therefore, the notion that some individuals are likely to develop self-perceived sexual identity, or gender, that it out of alignment with their actual sex, is not only plausible, but given a large enough sample size, it is likely to be significantly prevalent.

>> No.8147857

Pwned nubs

>> No.8147904
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You generalize from flies to humans?

>> No.8147933


I generalise neural networks corresponding to sexual behaviour, which is one of the oldest and most primitive features of any organism, to another organism, yes.

Sexual specialisation would have occurred as soon as gamete size differentiation had, which happened so far back in our evolutionary history that it is likely that organisms who are sexually specialised, as well as having a brain, would share unremarkable similarities.

I am generalising from one sexually specialised organism that features a brain and CNS, to another.

In this respect, fruit flies and humans are not very different at all.

It’s a fair extrapolation.

>> No.8147943


>> No.8147948


And nothing was refuted that day.

>> No.8147953
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>One could quite easily extrapolate
lol nice fantasy. prove it instead of fantasizing.

>> No.8147966


It's a viable logical argument, that forms a hypothesis.

A hypothesis is an untested scienctific argument, and I shall continue to work on this.

That's how science works.

>> No.8147993

I'm feeling real mayonaise today. I identify as non binary egg yolk and cis oil.

>> No.8147999

Yes, some (very, very few) people are born with additional X or Y chromosomes.

>> No.8148018

>this disagrees with my feelings so it is wrong
Fucking children.

>> No.8148022
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Chaos undivided is clearly the best gender.

>> No.8148025

> feelings
> using animals as an example for humans

You're retarded, we get it.

>> No.8148027

>>using lifeforms with brains as an example for other lifeforms with brains with a common hereditary ancestor
>but muh feels
You're retarded, we get it.

>> No.8148030

>I keep hearing a lot about the theory of multiple genders, and I was wondering if there was any proof of it.
Has science found any possibility of a third gender? Can the brain actually shift through male and female?

>What do you mean by 'gender'?

This looks like a joke answer but I'd like to expand on this because that Anon actually gets to the heart of the matter.

"Gender" is a word in the English language. As such, whether there is anything in science that "confirms gender" is actually "is there anything in science that confirms the feelings I feel about the word gender."

So... I don't know. What do you mean by 'gender'?

But to be slightly more helpful:

>I keep hearing a lot about the theory of multiple genders, and I was wondering if there was any proof of it.
No. Proofs are for math. A more interesting question is: "Is there any evidence for it?" and the answer to that is "yes" because a single dude in Wisconsin saying "I heard my cousin say he was actually a girl" is evidence.

>Has science found any possibility of a third gender?
Any possibility? *ANY* possibility? That is a very low bar. "Yes." Done.

>> No.8148031

>outside of math

Get a load of this pleb cam.png

>> No.8149551

So does this mean it is possible for someone to hop between male and female?
Or is this just personality related?

>> No.8149562

>So does this mean it is possible for someone to hop between male and female?

A human? No.

I know there are some fish that can change sex based on their surroundings

>> No.8150496

If it's fundamental enough to happen in a fruit fly's brain, then yes

>> No.8150529

If we were looking at the purpose of sex or gender for mating only, then no because most if not all "hermaphrodites/intersexuals have one non fertile sexual organ.
However, if we're looking from a point of view beyond simple purposes sexual reproduction, then perhaps.
Interesting study? Do you have a link to it? Was the only measurement for gendered behavior mating a known dance?

>> No.8151057

>or gender, that it out of alignment with their actual sex
I don't think OP is trying to deny transgenders
He's asking if there can be people who mentally switch between male and female

>> No.8151058

>However, if we're looking from a point of view beyond simple purposes sexual reproduction, then perhaps.
But really, isn't that the only purpose of gender?
Behavioral traits and activity aren't link to the persons gender

>> No.8151555

No, however it can be confirmed by non-scientific fields such as psychology and biology.

>> No.8151560

Gender is a social construct. I believe that the first mentions of "non-binary" were to mock the two genders, then retards who wanted to be speshul snowflakes started making their own while being serious about it. At any rate, gender is retarded as a concept, only things that matter are biological sex for medical purposes and sexuality for social purposes.

>> No.8151561

Yes turbofaggot,
Anatomy and Physiology 101

Mens haz benis
wymens vagoo

>> No.8151589
File: 54 KB, 293x475, Adaptation_and_natural_selection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out classic G.C Williams book

I remember I did read about reason of why 2 sex is evolutionary stable in hi book but couldn't remember the details

>> No.8151603


Despite the fact that anisogamy is the rule in multicellullar animals and plants, biologists have devoted rather little attention to an interpretation of why evolution has produced and maintained males and females. Why not, say, five sexes...

I think this paper will solve your curiosity

>> No.8151611

Yeah, they do. Anomalies mean that sex/gender is more complicated than hormone balance, I.e. that by considering this you're not getting the full picture. If you can't explain why a girl might have more testosterone than a guy, you don't understand sex or gender.

>> No.8152649

This 100%
"Gender" is only used to describe the social stereotypes used for males and females. People seem to forget that and assume that a tomgirl is an entirely different gender

>> No.8152678

>Yeah, they do
1. something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.

Anomalies are exceptions, they don't change the rule.

>> No.8152787

>a tomgirl is an entirely different gender
explain this please.

>> No.8152795

'Gender' is a word used to describe words in certain languages. Words have 'genders', animals have 'sexes'.

Do not allow your language to be co-opted by neoliberal identity politics. You're playing into their hands.

>> No.8152821
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>neoliberal identity politics

>> No.8152822

>Words have 'genders', animals have 'sexes'.
Sooo...you get to arbitrarily redefine words to have different definitions than they have for centuries, but when people you disagree with do it there's something wrong with it?


>> No.8152842

proof of multiple genders = mental illness.
gender is a social construct, but there is no debate. xy=boy xx=girl done and final

>> No.8152844

"Gender" is just used as shorthand for "gender identity", even though gender and sex are basically synonyms. And if you deny the concept of gender identity you are just a moron ignoring reality in favour of your feels

>> No.8152875

reminder that 99% of humans fall into female or male thinking.

reminder that less than 1% of humans fall into gender dysmorphia.

reminder that pokemon genders are mentally ill people.

>> No.8153178
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Don't make me pull this card.

>> No.8153218
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I really hope this is b8
if not, please take a course in cell/molecular biology

even without the relationship between neurology and gender, what you posted just isn't correct

>> No.8153243

> xy=boy xx=girl
I agree with you in general, but that definition doesn't always work. What about a hermaphrodite (penis and vagina)? What about someone with Klinefelter Syndrome (xxy) or xyy (which present as a straight up normal male)?

>> No.8153362

Considering you can only be in that 1% for a few minutes before someone calls you out for being too masculine\

People keep each other conditioned by embarrassing each other into feeling obligated. Schools where more people are friends with each other have more gender and orientation diversity.

These kids usually have good parents who didn't let financial trouble ruin their kids image of themselves

>> No.8153424

>the extremes should be taken as the average rule

>> No.8153451

>contradictions to our definitions should be ignored entirely if they are unlikely

>> No.8154074

what if a man cuts off his penis and a women gets it transplanted to her. did they now change their gender?

>> No.8154238

/LGBT/ here.

We don't want that gender stuff either.

>> No.8154255

What does the T stand for then faggot?

>> No.8154273

The thing is if gender is a social structure, why can you be born the wrong gender?

>> No.8154329

>using animals as an example for humans
>using animals

>> No.8154356

Indeed. This is how definitions work.

>> No.8154542

omg is no one really cracking up about that fucking pic? MAYO IS A GENDER FOLKS ya read it here

>> No.8154554

>/LGBT/ here.
Stop reading there, >>>/lgbt/ you degenerate.

>> No.8154566

Everyone in this thread is retarded.

Sex: biological attribute determined by genetics

Gender: social norms and roles society excepts based on sex

There are two sexes. Period. You either have the SRY gene or you don't. However you want to behave is up to you. I'm not into social sciences.

>> No.8154575

The issue that people neglect is that your gender is not defined by you. It's a socially defined trait. Your personal identification is another story. A largely pointless one, unless it's legitimate dysphoria relating to identification of ones sex.

>> No.8154588


God, you're so fucking dense.

>> No.8154934


>> No.8154939
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>social sciences

>> No.8154955
File: 151 KB, 476x246, God has forsaken us.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw attracted to androgyny
>tfw can't stand 3rd wave feminism

The fact that I'd do him/her/whatever their identity is something I find disgusting about myself

>> No.8154968
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It's ok. I'd fuck an alien if given the chance. And I don't mean a humanoid one.

>> No.8154971

Also, pretty sure it's a he, but has the hardware of a female (from birth).

>> No.8154986

That's nice

>> No.8154990

>It's ok. I'd fuck an alien if given the chance. And I don't mean a humanoid one.
You see no potential problems arising? No possibility of dick falling off before a slow death to a new illness due to foreign pathogens?

>> No.8154992
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Well that makes me feel like slightly less of a degenerate.

>> No.8155005
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Worth it.

>> No.8155018

>this is not always true

Hence why he added the caveat that it's a trend, or an average. Your "point". About chemicals not being a deciding factor was reliant upon outliers which just shows your scentific illetiraceee.

Also if chemicals aren't a deciding factor then why do people who are attempting to switch genders use chemicals to make thechange between genders?

Tl;dr. You are a scientific stupid head

>> No.8155021


>> No.8155027

There is also a chance that is so foreign it will have no effect

Read a fucking book for christ's sake

>> No.8155036

>pedophile is worried about genitalia
Pedophiles generally don't care, or stop caring. You're not any less of a degenerate than before.

>> No.8155042
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Don't start that shit.

>> No.8155047

Kekked harder than I should have at that

>> No.8155673

Holy shit, /pol/ getting BTFO in this thread.

>> No.8155676

nice satire dickless ;)

>> No.8156051

>I keep hearing a lot about the theory of multiple genders

But it's "just a theory".

>> No.8157339

this 2beqhfam

>> No.8157400
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>> No.8158727


This is not science.

>> No.8158760
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<- Pic related.

>> No.8158766

Pretty sure it's a social science question.
Meaning it's all arbitrary bullshit to me.
If a guy wants to act like how society sees homosexuals, and call himself a demiboy why the fuck should I care. He should just expect to get odd looks, and odd questions since what he is doing differs widely from the social norm.

>> No.8158780

where tis test

>> No.8158795
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>Anything related to how you feel
Kill yourself.

>> No.8158798


>> No.8158800

>I keep hearing a lot about the theory of multiple genders, and I was wondering if there was any proof of it.
No, there is only the singular gender. We are all the same on the inside.

>> No.8158802

Yo brolo, I never said you should let a child have their parts irreversibly swapped, they can if they are still absolutely sure about it as an adult, or if they've been sure of it for 5+ years at 16-ish. Slippery slope is fun though, so I'll continue with your brainless argument for you:

Next thing you know, you'll hold up a pink dress and blue jeans up to a baby and whichever one they show affinity for is the set of genitals they get for the rest of their life.