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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 191 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-06-18-19-30-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8149729 No.8149729 [Reply] [Original]

Should I worry about this /sci/?

I have a little fusion reactor I built. Powers my house. I intermittently get high random readings like this that disappear within minutes.

False alarms? I've checked the whole thing top to bottom with a real geiger counter and havent been able to find any leaks.

>> No.8149730
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>> No.8149732
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>> No.8149742
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Last one at the moment.

>> No.8149748


>> No.8149766
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>> No.8149778

The fuck thats legal?

Also how did you build

>> No.8149795

You don't have a fusion reactor.

>> No.8149803

Followed some plans for a fusor, lined the inside of the chamber with silicon and lead to reflect gamma/neutrons to make it self sustaining, and ran a radiator through it connected to a steam engine. Puts out 10kW for a tiny amount of deuterium.

Not rocket science, you can get plans with a 5 second search. Figured out the silicon/lead reflector myself.

>> No.8149806

For a start, that's a fission reactor, you moron.
Secondly, what do you fuel it with?

>> No.8149809

>for a tiny amount of deuterium

>> No.8149810

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.8149811

Sorry, I'm fucking blind

>> No.8149814
File: 3.35 MB, 5312x2988, 20160618_205430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its sealed but heres the exterior.

>> No.8149818




>> No.8149820

How do you dispose of the waste ?

>> No.8149821

There is no waste. The engine just vents excess steam.

>> No.8149823

Only been running it for a week though, is the chamber going to need cleaning?

>> No.8149825

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.8149829

What are yall talking about? Literally just google fusor, dozens of videos and instructions how to make one.

I'm just not sure if I should worry about the phone saying theres radioactivity. GammaPix lite. Tried to ask the devs about false positives, they havent answered yet.

>> No.8149830

>no waste
>fission reactor
Yeah it's dead, 4/10.

>> No.8149834

It's deuterium fusion you moron. Bit hard to fission an element with one neutron in the nucleus.

>> No.8149839

Now that you mention it though, must be starting to fill up with helium. Not sure what I'm gonna do about that yet.

>> No.8149841

What's the point of containing the neutrons with the lining if they serve no purpose ?

>> No.8149853

They have energy. Them and the gamma energy was enough to make it self-sustaining.

>> No.8149857

How did you started the reaction ?

>> No.8149864

Turned it on? They start fusing in the magnetic field. Just takes more power to maintain than it puts out when most of it just gets lost in radiation.

>> No.8149895

I-Is that 10 kW hours??!?! In exchange for how much DT?!

>> No.8149896
File: 132 KB, 700x531, w7x_emf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no offense but if you built a (more or less) functioning reactor, wouldn't a proper Geiger Counter be a good idea? Using a smartphone for this kind of measurements seems very ... unusual. I wouldn't risk getting C and but some more plates around it.

Also how do you create the magnetic field? Are using a coil, if yes, how is it wound?

Also how much money does it save you approx?

>> No.8149898

>>8149896 again
>I've checked the whole thing top to bottom with a real geiger counter
overread this sorry... I wouldn't trust the app bro.

>> No.8149905

Connected a 50l bottle to it a week ago, maintaining pressure inside the fusor it's used 2 litres so far.

I have one, just got an app in case something goes wrong when I'm not paying attention to it.

The tank of DT cost me $400, and I'm using my solar meter to feed the excess power back into the grid. It's gonna make me a fair bit at this rate if it holds out. Havent done the numbers on how much yet.

>> No.8149909

>tfw its time to start space mining :D

>> No.8149921

>generate a self-sustaining fusion reaction
>still exist

How big is the chamber, and whats the gas pressure?

You do realize that in the (extremely unlikely) case you're not full of shit, you've just created a fucking atomic bomb? A self-sustaining reaction in a nuclear power plant is called prompt criticality and leads to an exponentially increasing chain reaction that causes a meltdown. They keep them at critical with graphite mediators so the reaction can't run away.

Unless I'm missing something, if you so much as breathe on that gas flow you and half your state are going up in an enormous mushroom cloud.


>> No.8149922

You're in serious trouble, then. No neutron reflector can be more than 50% effective, and you've probably only designed your shielding around 2.5 MeV D-D neutrons anyway. Thing is, T will build up as a waste product of D-D reactions, and D-T reactions produce much higher energy 14 MeV neutrons. So your shielding is being degraded very rapidly into a mess of radioactive isotopes through neutron activation.

>> No.8149924
File: 9 KB, 320x240, images (100).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr Pavel, I...

>> No.8149925

It's only "self-sustaining" because he's capturing enough electrical power to keep the reaction going. Runaway fusion could be prevented easily with a fuse; the fuel density inside the reactor isn't enough for a boom anyway.

>> No.8149927

Yeah, if I turned the power off, the field would collapse and the fusion should stop.

Thanks. Gonna turn it off in that case. Would explain the spikes. Was a fun experiment though.

>> No.8149928
File: 305 KB, 600x620, 1433340221691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah fucking right

We have those i built a fission reactor bait threads every 2 months.

>> No.8149930

Think its worth getting myself checked for radiation poisoning? Geiger's just showing background on me.

Turned it off without incident. Engine's stopped.

>> No.8149933

RIP OP's cells phospholipid bilayer.

>> No.8149936

Next you should try building a meme drive powered by this.

>> No.8149938

The shielding problem is basically one of the biggest problems in making fusion reactors practical. All the accessible low-energy reactions produce ridiculous levels of neutrons - 14 MeV is far more energetic than fission reactors produce (Even 1 MeV is considered a "fast" neutron, and less than half of fission neutrons meet even that), and they carry off 80% of the energy of D-T. So you need some way to absorb them, but no material yet invented can take that - and anything that absorbs it becomes extremely high-level nuclear waste. Fusion researchers are just kind of hoping they'll cross that bridge when they come to it.

Some really optimistic people are aiming for proton-boron, which produces no neutrons and would allow for direct electrical conversion, but it's *ridiculously* difficult compared to the saner reactions.

>> No.8149943

Absolutely. And be *extremely* careful about disposing of the reactor - if it's been soaking up 10 kilowatts of D-T fusion neutrons for a week, it will be severely embrittled and is likely high-level radioactive waste.

>> No.8149948

The whole thing? The lead lining should've .. but that would explain the leaking radiation. Oh shit.

Maybe this geiger counter is just defective. Wonder if I can sue the assholes who made it. I'm no nuclear scientist, just made this for fun.

Yeah im gonna go deal with this, ttyl

>> No.8149952
File: 428 KB, 1242x2208, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>powers my house


>> No.8149953

when you are done giving cancer to the 4 next generations of your neighborhood can you explain the magnetic field you used?

>> No.8149956

Geiger counters don't detect neutrons, dumbass. They only detect ionizing radiation.

>> No.8149957

And how thick of a lead lining would this have been, exactly?

>> No.8149963

5mm lead w silicon

>> No.8149983

Alright, correction: Your giger counter is broken, your house is probably high-level radioactive waste, and you and your neighbors are already dead.

>> No.8149992

ITT: OP destroys North America.

>> No.8150012
File: 39 KB, 500x750, 1460132294237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm no nuclear scientist, just made this for fun.

if this is real you dun goofed - go seek professional help immediately before you keep irradiating the whole neighborhood

somehow related

>> No.8150234
File: 53 KB, 438x566, 1444222574346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>my favorite activity is posting on anime image boards
>lurking with electricity from coal is so 2k14
>not using radioactive plasma fuel instead
>what am I a normie?
>google nuclear fusion How to?
>watch video
>unironicaly comment: Here hold my beer
>build a casual D-D reactor in my mancave
>make le epic homemade energy source thread
>apparently Hydrogen has another radioactive isotope with 2 neutrons
>who would have though?
>it has a half life of like 12 years
>its used in thermonuclear fusion weapons
>my mancave is now hazardous and so is everything in a 1 mile radius

>> No.8150263

Why does military training in other countries always look like such a joke?

>> No.8150272

because it is

>> No.8150310
File: 10 KB, 240x231, 1455577872652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8150331

More like 5 million dead
Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.8150523

there's no way someone this unaware of what they are doing would possibly do this

also, Im not educated on fusion, so I just have a few questions. I thought fusion is this unobtainable thing that everyone and their mom in science is trying to do? how is deuterium making this all possible, and if some dude in his garage is capable of doing this, then shouldnt fusion reactors be all over ?

>> No.8150536

I have a fusor, and this is total bullshit. They are toys.

>> No.8150656
File: 5 KB, 236x199, 1433627198059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this shit is real this is fucking hilarious

>> No.8150661

do you have a set of turbines in your basement or something? kek

>> No.8150885
File: 329 KB, 1080x1920, 2016-06-19 09.55.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, posting from phone in hospital. They're holding me for observation and giving me radiation medication. Someone got sent to clean it up.

Noticed the phone took another measurement around when I was turning it off last night. Don't need anyone to explain this to me.

Feeling fine for now, but I know how it works. It's been a pleasure knowing yall.

>> No.8150888

Holy shit OP

Well that's one weekend project that you'll never forget. Hope you don't actually you know die

>> No.8150896

Fuck :(

Build a fusor, they said.
It'll be fun! they said.

I hope they sedate me once it gets bad. I dont wanna die like this.

>> No.8150897
File: 38 KB, 400x400, 1393246161954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8150902

>~4 Sv/hr

This has to be fake. Maximum permitted dose per year for radiation workers in the US is 50 mSv, they'd get that in seconds standing there.

>> No.8150904

Also taking a 4 Sv dose is usually fatal, if taken particularly quickly, I'm guessing an hour is sufficiently quickly. So if this is real... It's been fun.

>> No.8150905

It could be wrong. The geiger counter never showed a peep, just the phone app. The hospital won't tell me exactly how bad it is though so idk. Feel perfectly fine though.

>> No.8150907

1/10 lmfao
like it was straight from a script.

timestamp in hospital

>> No.8150912

>Geiger counter
If I remember rightly they're only sensitive to alpha radiation, and underestimate beta radiation and are pretty useless for gamma radiation.

>just the phone app
How does this app work?

>> No.8150913

Of course it's fake.

>> No.8150943

timestamp or gtfo

>> No.8150954

>if this is real
Good thing it's not, then. OP is claiming to be running his house off a nuclear fusion reactor, despite literally nobody else in the world ever coming close to building a fusion reactor that outputs more energy than it takes to run.

>> No.8150963

>that outputs more energy than it takes to run.
not OP but he never claimed that, the amount of deuterium he uses could power more than his home if used efficiently, for sure.

hm if this is all true I wish you luck, keep us updated please, for science.

>> No.8150971

>I have a little fusion reactor I built. >Powers my house
This implies it's the reactor powering his house, which would imply it's actually outputting more power than it requires as input. Otherwise he's just running his mains power through a reactor for no reason.

>> No.8151011

Because of the extra neutron, deuterium is easier to fuse than protium.
But >>8150536
is right. Fusors work well enough to demonstrate fusion, but are nowhere near efficient enough to generate net power.

>> No.8151015

>literally nobody else in the world ever coming close to building a fusion reactor that outputs more energy than it takes to run.

Breakthrough: The world's first net-positive nuclear fusion reaction



>> No.8151018


>ignoring the efficiency of the lasers

>> No.8151024

>This is a step short of the lab's stated goal of "ignition", where nuclear fusion generates as much energy as the lasers supply
Read the article before posting and making yourself look like an idiot.

>> No.8151029


how do I build one, OP?

>> No.8151194

>Bit hard to fission an element with one neutron in the nucleus.

Doesn't know about muh tritium.


>> No.8151240

> literally nobody else in the world ever coming close to building a fusion reactor that outputs more energy than it takes to run.
JET has been up to 0.7. Which isn't over-unity, but it's coming close to it.

Yes, fusors are real, but the energy produced isn't even microwatts.

>> No.8151419

>this thread
i want to believe

>> No.8151447

Fuck off you just held your shitty gag memeter near a bananana.

>> No.8151485

OP did you die yet?

>> No.8151499

See you in the news

>> No.8151524

>south Australia
>believing australians

>> No.8151544

But that has 2 neutrons.

>> No.8151645
File: 14 KB, 261x195, 10541858_1526340017594558_1536816258092607853_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So there is no real dealing with these kinds of things in the field if in heavy war. Thus the crude: distant, methodical, rationing of exposure is actually correct after most important containment phase.
mfw ~1:48, dude grabs ahold of potentially contaminated rake...let's continue!

>> No.8151798


Pretty sure this ins't actually OP. Random change in image quality and his gps is suddenly turned on?

>> No.8152086
File: 1.35 MB, 1440x2560, 20160619_120347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi there.
Im not too familiar with fusion reactors, but could you be dealing with a pulsed field that would give you a false low on your gm counter like pic related?

Also, never work on/with radionucliides or a location with a risk of radiation without a properly calibrated dosimeter. Its kinda hard to figure out exposure post-exposure without these sorts of things.

>> No.8152255

Top tier b8

Can't believe people are falling for it

>> No.8152257

You can't believe people are falling for top tier b8?
You fucking idiot it's not top tier if everyone did fall for it.

GG OP, you will be missed.

>> No.8152337


ITT: someone pretends to be the radioactive boyscout 2: electric jouleguloo

>> No.8152536

If you died in your house from the radiation poisoning couldn't it meltdown from not being conditioned?

>> No.8152567
File: 73 KB, 660x846, 1464925579634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek

>> No.8152719

OP here. Sorry I abandoned the thread. After I shut it down I called the radiation emergency dept to come look at it. Spent the rest of the night having my house searched & spent the weekend in jail. Just got out of court and got bail now. My whole block is sealed off with crime scene tape now.

>>8150885 is not me.

>> No.8152774

Yes, it was outputting a ton more power than it took to run. Even with the steam engine being fairly inefficient.

Are you telling me I just invented power-positive cold fusion by putting a silicon shield around a fusor? I thought this was common knowledge by now? Wasnt Lockheed doing something similar with a truck-sized reactor?

>> No.8152783

This is cancer

>> No.8152888

Mention us if you survive to tell the story

>> No.8152894

prove any of this

>> No.8152912

Wait wtf? You built a fusion reactor that exceeds breakeven? Why are you posting on /sci/ and not publishing papers about it? Do you realize how huge this is?

And what is this picture from, some kind of phone app? How does your phone measure radiation (especially considering your geiger counter doesn't show it)?

You think just because it uses a steam engine that makes it fission? Fusion doesn't mean you have to use a MHD or something, it's just how the reaction generates heat. And they specifically said deuterium, which is NOT fissile, unless you subscribe to some quack's version of nuclear physics.

Sure, building a fusor is trivial, but getting net power out of a fusion reaction is something that agencies with millions or even billions of dollars of funding haven't been able to do yet. What's your secret? Fusors are only supposed to be usable for research or as a neutron source, not power generation. If what you're saying is true, you could get incredibly rich off this.

>> No.8152928

>You do realize that in the (extremely unlikely) case you're not full of shit, you've just created a fucking atomic bomb? A self-sustaining reaction in a nuclear power plant is called prompt criticality and leads to an exponentially increasing chain reaction that causes a meltdown. They keep them at critical with graphite mediators so the reaction can't run away.
"Criticality" only applies to fission reactors. And even then, getting a fission reactor to turn into a bomb is nearly impossible. An atom bomb needs the reaction to accelerate very quickly, to hold all that energy without blowing itself apart. Reactors aren't designed to do that, what you'll get is a conventional pressure explosion spreading radioactive junk everywhere, but that's a "dirty bomb", not a nuke. And fusion doesn't work that way, as soon as containment is lost the reaction stops. You might get a pressure explosion or a hydrogen fire, and again the stuff is radioactive, but it's still nothing like a nuclear bomb.

Building a FISSION reactor is almost trivial. Fusion is much, much harder.

>I'm no nuclear scientist
>Creates a working fusion reactor which scientific establishments with millions of dollars of funding haven't been able to do

Fusion's been possible since the late 50s, I believe. But the only way to get net power is with an H-bomb, everything else needs more power to facilitate the reaction than you get out of it. Apparently this guy's found some trick with a neutron reflector to prevent losses.

>> No.8152930

Fusion reactors are physically incapable of meltdown. Meltdown is due to passive radioactive decay in the absence of cooling. But fusion fuel isn't anywhere near as radioactive as fission fuel rods, so you can just shut down the reactor and it will stop like that. Sure, it's still radioactive, but the decay energy isn't enough for the fuel to get hot enough to do any damage. So it should be possible to keep it contained. The reason meltdowns are so dangerous is that the radioactive fuel can actually melt through the containment and escape.

>> No.8152958

Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most. Not a single proof, not even a timestamped photo.

>> No.8152995

>What's your secret?
I used high carbon steel for the containment rings, put it inside a thick brass sphere enclosure, and had a 5mm interior shield cast from lead and silicon, 90-10, around an in & out pipe for a copper CPU radiator inside the chamber, the copper deuterium flow fitting and the power to the rings.

As I understand it the lead can reflect neutrons and the silicon can reflect gamma radiation. Obviously I forgot the whole thing would end up irradiated and transmuted from neutron activation.

>> No.8153002

Really I didnt even expect significant neutron radiation. I mean it's fusing deuterium which has one neutron to make helium which has two. Where do extra neutrons magically appear from?

>> No.8153006

>Powers my house

>> No.8153010

>reflect gamma/neutrons to make it self sustaining
LEL nigga you on some bad bs talkin lmao

>> No.8153011

>you could get incredibly rich off this.
Come on. I just followed plans available on the internet and took a bit of research about silicon being able to reflect gamma rays where lead fails due to high energy/frequency. It was going to make me a bit feeding power back to the grid but there's gotta be reasons its not widespread yet.

>> No.8153025

>Where do extra neutrons magically appear from?
You're telling us you build a fusor but can't into particle physics?

>> No.8153039

holy fuck /sci/ is stupid as shit
even more idiotic than i'd ever seen
fucking kill yourselves every one of you

>> No.8153042

this nigger doesn't even know about proton/neutron branching
fuck off troll cunt
and fuck all you dumb motherfuckers for commenting on this dumb fucking thread

>> No.8153044

I know the basics. Probably a bit more than the basics. I couldn't write walls full of math if thats what you're asking.

>> No.8153053

Sometimes the helium only has one neutron and spits the other one out.

>> No.8153078

>You're telling us you build a fusor but can't into particle physics?

Not him, but fusors are extremely simple to build. The hardest part is finding all the parts for reasonable prices.

>> No.8153086

>fusors are extremely simple to build
not one that generates net power
fucking all you dumb faggots need to die

>> No.8153104

Listen Charles, we've all dismissed the possibility of it actually generating power. It's still not terribly unlikely that some dumbass with the money to spare did something stupid and unsurprisingly among his other misunderstandings made one more. Take with a grain of salt, but it's still amusing to question OP.

>> No.8153111

OP claimed he was powering his house and dumping the excess into the grid, which he claims to have measured. OP is lying

>> No.8153133

OP, time stamp please

>> No.8153141
File: 37 KB, 217x43, nukular.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, he'd need to consistantly do 5+ shots per second because of the rarefaction upon ignition. it's not possible in a fusor

>> No.8153149

>It's still not terribly unlikely that
>among his other misunderstandings made one more.
And? Also, he didn't claim to measure anything but radiation. If he claimed actual numbers on power input/output as opposed to "when I put mains through this box I still get power out the other end!", then there would be reason to focus on this claim. Otherwise, it's not hard to dismiss that part of the story as stupidity. After all, the whole story is hypothetical stupidity.

>> No.8153153
File: 42 KB, 638x568, muslim cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he said it powers his house

>> No.8153156

Since when are biologists allowed on this board?

>> No.8153161

You seem incapable of reading what you respond to. I said that what he said is bullshit, and that's not surprising considering if anything he said is true he's a fucking moron.

>> No.8153202

>1 amps acieved with 1 volts and 1 ohms = 1 watts
>1 amps achieved with 2 volts and 2 ohms = 2 watts

Does the current flow "stronger" in the latter circuit, or is the extra volt just used to negate the resistance? Is wattage a measurement of energy spent or energy flowing in the circuit? I know ohms law but I feel like I've never intuitively understood electricity.

>> No.8153205

Amperage is the "strength" of the flow as far as intuition goes, so the extra volt is used to negate the extra resistance.

>> No.8153212

it's like youre pushing the same block of wood (current) but you need a little more force (voltage) to push it on gravel than you do on ice

>> No.8153223

OP is a terrorist. Execute him.

>> No.8153240

How about windows?

>> No.8154564


Also, NIF is a self admitted joke.

>NIF may never ignite, DOE admits

>> No.8155056
File: 13 KB, 947x94, OPRadiation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks somewhat legit that this may be OP's actual story, saw this in a /pol/ thread

>> No.8155061

Cross-posting is not a sign of validity. We need pictures, a news article, or a scanned police write-up.

>> No.8155068

Of course, but I think it's somewhat significant to see same story posted somewhere else, even though it could be just someone copying him

Plus if OP is an actual Australian it makes perfect sense for him to do something this stupid both because Australians are just dumb kangaroo m8s in general (don't forger the Great Emu War) and because China is screwing with all the Australian Energy prices

>> No.8155069

>radiation-induced casualties
>running a fusor in your basement
holy fuck you people are so fucking gullible

>> No.8155072

>implying that casualty must mean death
>implying severe radiation exposure doesn't cause health problems and injuries or future ones to those nearby


>> No.8155077

No its not. This is not really a believable story at all

>> No.8155113

>severe radiation exposure
>from a fusor
>to people in completely different homes, let alone in the same building
literally read a single book

>> No.8156468

>builds a fusion reactor in his backyard
>powers his house and the grid
>guys I think my phone app says there's too much radiation

This is the best thread of 2016 no contest

>> No.8156469
File: 1.17 MB, 800x1146, radioactive_boyscout[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this one?

>> No.8156478

stop I'm already tired from laughing

>> No.8156519

I don't know if this is the right board for this but aliens have just landed on my property and have given me immortality, but my etiquette phone app doesn't say whether It is wrong to offer them a lunch of cold cuts on the patio, of if the gravity of the event suggests taking them out for sushi.

What should I do /sci?

>> No.8156527

Pretty shitty book. Downplayed/didn't mention the fact that the guy had serious mental illness. Google a recent pic of him btw. Won't find that in the book.

>> No.8156595


>> No.8156596

> has legions all over his face
> banned from all nuclear reactors for absorbing too high a dose
> built a breeder reactor, not a fusor

>> No.8157130
File: 17 KB, 306x423, article-0-195F0FA000000578-958_306x423[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, he's covered in sores from all the radiation, and he got busted again for stealing smoke detectors from his apartment complex

>> No.8157169


>> No.8157291

That's nothing. I built a time machine. Right now it only goes forward in time at a rate of 60 minutes per hour. But with your generous donations who knows what is possible.

>> No.8157433

No shit

I dont think there is anyone in this thread that doesnt know that

>> No.8157487

This definitely would have made Australian news if it werent bullshit.

>> No.8157522

Quality post
Neutrons can be picked up on camera. They create a bright flash of light. I'm certainly not saying OPs story's true, but if there were an app for detecting neutrons, it'd probably use the phone's camera to pick up these flashes of light and give a reading.

>> No.8157730

so OP is a lying faggot then?

>> No.8158488
File: 52 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was there ever any doubt?

>> No.8158552

yes, sadly

>> No.8158652

Best b8 thread ever made.

This incredibly nice bait will be posted again, and again, and again, for years. Such is its quality.

>> No.8159162


Is that you, Taylor Wilson?

>> No.8160136

>I built a nuclear reactor

As if anyone in /sci/ is actually smart enough to be able to build something like this.

>> No.8160144

Building a functional nuclear fusion reactor is actually not that hard. It has been done many times by amateur scientists and teenagers.

However these reactors are not even close to efficient.

>> No.8160146

>implying that any /sci/entist is smarter than the average 10th grader

Nice try frienderino

But I like everyone else here picked in highschool and then lost their scholarship because of their own autism.

>> No.8160202

I built one in highschool.

>> No.8160450

I built one in kindergarden.

>> No.8160491


>> No.8160551
File: 476 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-06-24-08-34-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its android, the app is gammapix lite.

Not OP but here you go.

>> No.8160558

>12 hour time

>> No.8162458

Isn't that what most people use?

>> No.8162466

this is non-african education everyone xD

>> No.8162503

Africa uses 24-hour time?

>> No.8162705

im in africa and use 24h time,

realy didn't know people dont use it everywhere.

>> No.8165194

America uses 12 hour time almost universally, I always assumed it was the norm in the western world.

>> No.8166396 [DELETED] 

This thread gave me cancer.

>> No.8167583

godspeed op you glowious bastard

>> No.8167591

Most of the West and most of the world as a whole uses the 24h clock.

>> No.8167660


>> No.8169582
