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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8142873 No.8142873 [Reply] [Original]

why french are best?

>> No.8142877

It's probably in their genes but we can't study it because of politically correct SJW libtards.

>> No.8142881

Why do the French love showing people their gold coins?

>> No.8142883

I don't know, are we? What does "good at mathematics" even mean anyway? Cause academically speaking I really doubt your average French math student is any better than another. Even the West African curriculums are way more complicated than ours.

>> No.8142884

France was the cultural capital of the word right around when lots of modern mathematics was developed. Thus, lots of the math occurred in France, and support for mathematics became part of the culture. This carries over to today.

>> No.8142895

every stemfag studies math rigorously, and are mixed during the first two years.
THEN you decide if you want to do math.
Most people are confused about what mathematics actually means until they go to university. But then it's usually too late. And you get things like /sci/.

The french just show you what math actually is, and then people choose if they want to do that or not. And only the very best get to do it (ENS competitive exam)

>> No.8142915

They aren't ashamed of genuine competition and pride.

>> No.8142944

the work of villani is the same as the one of Perelman?

>> No.8142946

french are not good at maths, it is the people who come from polytechnique and the 3 ENS who are good at maths.

>> No.8142954

grothendieck : fields medal and no polytechnique/ens

>> No.8142966


Serious suggestions:

-France as a way-station between the other power-houses, Britain, Germany, and Switzerland (Euler) and the low countries (Part of Descartes's life). Hypothesis: Individual human beings and ideas necessarily flowed through France on their way hither and thither, before air travel, the internet, etc.

-France is historically white, and white people have the right mix of both intelligence (which brown people lack) and creativity (which asian people lack) which gives rise to meaningful mathematics.

-France hosts the third-largest population of the world Jewry, behind the USA and Israel, and Jews are smart and have capacity for intellectual creativity, alongside the above whites. I briefly inspected the life circumstances of various Fields Medalists in an effort to buttress this claim, and admittedly I only came up with Jewish extraction in the cases of Grothendieck and Laurent Schwartz, men of Jewish extraction who spent significant parts of their lives and careers in France. Of course, Fields medalists comprise an extremely small sample size, and so it is nevertheless telling that I could turn up two examples of "French people of Jewish extraction" out of the few dozen in the sample with minimal effort. However, I should mention that to the OP's point, other Fields Medalists that I looked at were "just French guys", whose extraction I glossed over as it didn't fit the "Jew" meme that I was testing. Their names tended to sound quintisentially White French.

>> No.8142979

he wasn't good enough to study there.
case in point

>> No.8142980

If you want to be an elitist, nowadays it's more ENS than polytechnique really.

>> No.8142997


Please. If you cannot discern appropriate context, then you cannot contribue to the conversation in a meaningful fashion.

Farroq the cab driver and Joe Six Pack do not typically participate in this culture. Of /course/ the average person is not a part of what we are actually discussing. We have only ever been entertaining the elites of this-or-that country, ethnicity, etc, versus the elites of this-or-that other entity. Our universe of discourse is several thousand human beings, however you care to slice it. We are not discussing plebs.

>> No.8143000

because they start the set of natural numbers with 0

the rest just follows logically

>> No.8143027

plenty of foreigners go to the ENS

>> No.8143040

this desu

and they denote intervals with [ and ].

(-1,1) = ]-1,1[
[-1,1) = [-1,1[ etc

>> No.8143094

Wait what? 0 is not a natural number and (-1,1) is more than just a tuple?
I'm about to study abroad, can I get in trouble for using the French notation?

>> No.8143120

0 is often not a natural number (this seems to be up to the author, don't know about geographical boundaries) and we use parens for open bounds which looks like a tuple for ranges open at both ends. I have no clue, might want to ask a professor, I would assume they can figure out what the fuck you're doing especially in uni.

>> No.8143125

Is that Professor Snape?

>> No.8143128

You're probably fine. In Sweden I have seen both notations in use. I'm not fond of the french one though.

>> No.8143147

I guess it makes sense, thanks
Nice, I'm actually going to Lund

>> No.8143177

Only retards get confused by the notation

>> No.8143223
File: 320 KB, 580x386, img-1-small580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The french school of mathematics is the best school of mahematics in the world since forever.

Pic related, it's Alain connes, my favorite.

>> No.8143227

They need to calculate the perfect time to run away

>> No.8143229

Who donates money to the IHES here ?

>> No.8144359

that's German notation as well

>> No.8144363

these people exist
>gets confused by notation
>wants to become a differential geometer

>> No.8144376
File: 16 KB, 300x300, GTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8144381

It seems like Russians and Eastern Europeans on average are stronger than then French, esp. Soviet mathematicians.

Soviet Mathematicians, Jews > Everyone else (on average).

>> No.8144389

Who the fuck does not do this????

>> No.8144423

people who write books.

>> No.8144432


This ]-1,1[ notation hurts my head.

>> No.8144436

>It seems like Russians and Eastern Europeans on average are stronger than then French

>> No.8144450


>> No.8144530

because they're cuties
it's a Fields medal
French are the most SJW

>> No.8144536

You should be. Less ambiguous, more reasonable from a visual perspective.

>> No.8144539

Two hour lectures without breaks. The messiah worked there.

>> No.8144585

was in the same university in the early 90's
he always had those strange ties
and everybody knew he was a bloody genius

>> No.8144802
File: 30 KB, 607x455, Bueller22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He gave a TED talk at the 2016 conference in Vancouver.

>> No.8144822


so Jewish soviet mathematicians are better than other mathematicians?

>> No.8145012
File: 14 KB, 259x194, le known trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a natural number

>> No.8145021
File: 257 KB, 930x1296, 1454826463503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8145026

Because they have the best toast!

>> No.8145031

imo, eastern europeans, at least those who were part of soviet are way much better

Hungarians, Bulgarians, Romanians and not to forget.. Russians. That is my general opinion comparing with French.

/Swedish CE student

>> No.8145218
File: 71 KB, 1200x675, ush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This x10

>> No.8145229
File: 391 KB, 600x611, 1459624402320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being on /sci/
>not understanding basic evolution


>> No.8145367

Anyone who knows anything about math, math education sytem, and french culture can see why it's obvious French would have the most top mathematicians. Their culture has a lot more awareness and respect for mathematicians (compare to close to no awareness or respect in the US). They also have a very cutthroat program you can strive for if you are good at math that everyone knows about. This screws over a lot of mediocre to even decent people, but the people who succeed become really good. this is similar to the soviet system (not quite true anymore in Russia).

>> No.8145391

>t. Román cigány

>> No.8145400
File: 87 KB, 600x900, saler_goingdeep_ba_img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because real men do Physics instead

>> No.8145404

I'm pretty sure everyone in europ uses the that notation

>> No.8145465

>Their culture has a lot more awareness and respect for mathematicians
I'm not sure that's true actually. Most people don't know any mathematician beyond Villani and don't know or care what they do, just as anywhere else.
The prepa and ENS system is most likely the reason: it's free, elitist and very thorough. Besides, the prepa teachers are (usually) extremely dedicated and well-compensated (compared to any other teaching jobs), most of the new ones have phds and all of them have passed a competitive exam for teaching (many with a one-digit rank). This does not mean they are good teachers (though the ones I have had were) but it ensures that they do know their shit and how to put a good lesson plan together, which is all that is necessary since the discipline bullshit does not exist in prepa.

>> No.8145479

>I'm not sure

>> No.8145509


>> No.8145578
File: 336 KB, 924x600, Carte_Neandertaliens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8145597

If real means manipulating a cock across a plane into your mouth then sure.

>> No.8145839

Same thing I said:>>8144381

>> No.8145844

French here, in university it's basically stem.
Only in "prepa" is it really math. and most people who get there just give up after 1 year

>> No.8145850

what is prepa?

>> No.8145855

They're doing something the rest of the world isnt in regards to teaching mathematics,maybe a mind set in the way they approach math as a whole from grade school to Uni.

>> No.8145863

See when you leave highschool ? There's college right ?
Well you can go to prepa, which is some kind of classes for 2 years, that does all the program of mathematics and physics in college, that you'd do in 5 years
Basically training people to be robots

>> No.8145874


>> No.8145936

>Only in "prepa" is it really math. and most people who get there just give up after 1 year

You're full of shit.

>> No.8145942

>coffee makes the French great
>they only brink burnt coffee

>> No.8145949

Learn your Bourbaki, plébéien.

>> No.8145983

and what population have you observed exactly?
Because from what I saw eastern europeans are fucking retards.

>> No.8145985

>Basically training people to be robots
no, training for a competitive exam.
You have to think fast, make no mistakes, and be at least somewhat smart.

>> No.8145995

Poincare, Cauchy, Laplace, Fourier, Pascal, Descartes, Fermat, Lagrange, Galois, and Grothendieck, all French mathematicians.

>> No.8145996

Every other country except maybe England objectively has better coffee.

>> No.8146001

>In 1944, Mandelbrot returned to Paris, studied at the Lycée du Parc in Lyon, and in 1945 to 1947 attended the École Polytechnique, where he studied under Gaston Julia and Paul Lévy.

>> No.8146052

Interesting to note that Jews are overrepresented in mathematics too. Mandelbrot, Grothendieck, von Neumann, Jacobi, Erdos, Perelman, Weil (also french), Landau, and Gelfand are all prominent, well-known Jewish mathematicians, yet Jews are only 0.001% of the global population. Really makes you think.

>> No.8146078

That's the diplomatic way of saying "you're wrong"

>> No.8146119

only after 1945 for some reason.
as if they were leveraging something all of a sudden.

>> No.8146135

if it were in their genes then the french would be the best at mathematics throughout their lives andso they would do better at the IMO.

As it is they usually do a little bit worse than the UK and quite a bit worse than Germany and Russia.

I think the secret is probably in the fact that to study maths at a top university you basically need to do analysis up to measure theory in post-highschool, not-university schools called prepas then sit an exam to get into mathematics at university after 2 years in prepas.

Which means that when they feel that they're truly in university they're only going to be doing somewhat mature mathematics which will be closer to what is actually being researched.

>> No.8146141
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>> No.8146148

actually they started to become prominent late 1800s,which corresponds to when they started being allowed to become professors at universities

>> No.8146215

>actually they started to become prominent late 1800s,which corresponds to when they started being allowed to become professors at universities

that's why nobel prizes allocated to jews have gone from 0.5/year between 1901 and 1939 to 2.4/year between 1945 and 2013?

>> No.8146222

D'ou tu dit sa toi tu croit qu'on est des youtre ou quoi toi

>> No.8146299

>only in "prepa" is it really math
Nah mate, the 2 first years in Bachelor of Math/Parcours Renforcé provide more mathematical knowledge than a MPSI/MP. Difference is, the students in MP tend to do better, as they were selected in the first place and the others weren't.
>and most people who get there just give up after 1 year
No they don't, did you even go to prepa?
>all the program of mathematics and physics in college, that you'd do in 5 years
What the fuck, then again they don't go much further than a 2-year student, only difference is their curriculim is wider and more general.
Please shut up forever.
Prepas aren't as hard as people would like you guys to think, only some competitive exams that most people don't attend are.

>> No.8146323

speak american, ya frog

>> No.8146999

>feed a bad troll

>> No.8148110

>not feeding the troll in a troll thread

>> No.8148310

what is this?

>> No.8148323

did you ever talk to him?

>> No.8149366


>> No.8149400

Looks like a chart of Neanderthal burial sites which have been found.

>> No.8149504

>this triggers the autism