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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8143942 No.8143942 [Reply] [Original]

What branch of physics,math or science in general is the closest to philosophy in the sense that both of them are trying to find the meaning of life?

>> No.8143971
File: 231 KB, 593x501, the absurd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But sir, isn't life meaningless ?

>> No.8143979

Nobody knows yet.

>> No.8144419

Cmoooon /sci/

>> No.8144425

algebraic theology

>> No.8144472

Is that some new meme?

>> No.8144481

Science doesn't deal with why but only with how.

/his/ may say you that science is a part of philosophy but they are just butthurt because real stuff > mental masturbation stuff

(of course philosophy is great if you want to deal with human affairs, like politics, ethics etc...but it says NOTHING about the structure of reality)

>> No.8144482

"the meaning of life" isn't a philosophical question
it's a senseless question to ask

>> No.8144519


>> No.8144535

awful question, but mathematical logic might be what you're looking for. Stuff like model theory.

>> No.8144555

The math that is needed to explain consciousness - its geometric and its computational structures.

>> No.8144557

What is wrong with my question?Would be really glad to read your response.

>> No.8145338


>> No.8145342

That's what the Teacher in the book of Ecclesiastes says. It's in the Bible.

>> No.8145348

Less than 1% of philosophers would describe their work as trying to find the meaning of life.

>> No.8145352

>Less than 1% of philosophers would describe their work as trying to find the meaning of life.
That doesn't mean I'm wrong.Can't see whats so fucking wrong with my question.

>> No.8145610

Keep studying little man, you're not able to understand why your question is wrong right now. Keep studying and learning new things.

Oh and never post again, you silly mongoloid.

>> No.8145620

>everything is subjective
>there is no absolute truth
youre the mongoloid here

>> No.8145632

Ahah, you're cute.

>> No.8145645


>> No.8146267


>> No.8146290

Only after the memory of your life dies out. Hitler was a genius after all.

>> No.8146346

Life consists in try to survive and reproduce.

That's the only answer that science can give to you .If you want a more complex reason to live you have to search in humanities.

>> No.8146471

>Life consists in try to survive and reproduce.
But why?

>> No.8146655

>but it says NOTHING about the structure of reality

you fukin wish

>> No.8146669

because otherwise it wouldnt exist to ask the question

>> No.8146750

Science can't solve that question

>> No.8146779
File: 46 KB, 513x478, 451151515115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it says NOTHING about the structure of reality

>> No.8146797

Everything you do in life is meaningless. Learning either of these subjects may benefit you or other people, so you think, but in reality death is the end and all that you did goes to waste. Humanity will end too, as will the universe, life is meaningless, everything is. This is the truth. People only act blindly ignoring this reality because it hurts to think about that. Everyone lives in illusion because their primitive minds don't allow them do think, only to act, like animals.

>> No.8146988

Determinist detected

>> No.8147006

Math is also mental masturbation though

>> No.8147010

Define meaning, define life and define meaning of life.

I will tell you the answer then.

>> No.8147325

>But why?

Why not?

>> No.8147435

Neuroscience. I'm getting my doctorates in it, pretty exciting stuff

>> No.8147443

Quantum Qualia

>> No.8147445

You're right, you're not wrong because you haven't made a statement.

With such a lack of skill in arguing, its obvious you've never taken an actual philosophy class.

>> No.8147489

Our extinction is unavoidable and inevitable. It could be delayed for untold amounts of time but at some point we will reach our end and that's it. It's over. We will not be eternal and nothing we create will be eternal. It will all come to an end.

>> No.8147503

>Our extinction is unavoidable and inevitable.
Not to mention desirable. Most people are unbearably idiotic.

>> No.8147978

Your life probably is.

>> No.8148464

and here we have the staunch believer of scientistic philosophy. the followers are known for their lack of knowledge in the origin of their philosophy and they negate it is a form of philosophy. they are also unable to detect the pure philosophical axioms on which science rests, because they are not too intelligent and are blinded by fetishism. they worship neil degrasse tyson and think he is some sort god, while in reality he is pretty retarded. kys faggot

>> No.8148481
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"science tells us nothing about the structure of reality". Perhaps (your statement is questionable), but in order to talk about "structure of reality", you need to define what "reality" exactly is, and a dozen of other questions that are philosophical in nature. Science takes a narrow definition of reality and embraces materialism, but that really is just a philosophical assumption that is highly problematic if taken to mean "the totallity of all reality". I always cringe when science fetishists start to denounce philosophy, while they themselves are doing a lot of philosophy.

>> No.8148522

this is the new era nigga


>> No.8148529

>meaning of life
i have news for you. you may not like it.

>> No.8149314

Or simply because I dont want to derail the thread even more?

>> No.8149581

>trying to find the meaning of life
You know about philosophy very little, m8.

>> No.8149658

None. No branch of science or math is concerned with that.

>> No.8149668

There's nothing wrong with those Dawkins quotes. Especially the first one, I think whoever made this image really missed the point there, which seems to me to be that "common sense" is often bullshit.

>> No.8149670

There is no meaning of life.
The secret is finding meaning "IN" life.

-muh dick

>> No.8149700

>the meaning of life
replication of DNA
biologists figured this out a half-century ago
try to keep up

>> No.8149709

>scientific relism
non-undergrads figured this out centuries ago

>> No.8149712


>> No.8149716
File: 5 KB, 165x186, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk about a loaded question bursting with fallacies and lies to begin with.

Philosophy is not about finding the meaning of life.
Philos Sophia means "friend of wisdom" and is about the search for truth, not meaning.

There are subfields were are rejected by most philosophers such as teleology, because instead ontology doesn't beg the question, which would be fallacious.

There seems to be a giant number of irrational and poorly educated teen and twenty somethings on here that have all sorts of wild presumptions that stem from their youth, and they just PRESUME things are defined by what they made up in their heads when they were first introduced to concepts.

Stop that.

Can OP please provide proof that Philosophy is solely about the search for meaning?
If not, then I demand OP issue an apology to all of us for shitposting.

Quit tip:
Philosophy is really just about questioning people's of fallacies.
Philosophy simply promotes logic, induction, deduction, coherency, consistency and empiricism.
Nothing else.

>> No.8149737

>There's nothing wrong with those Dawkins quotes. Especially the first one, I think whoever made this image really missed the point there, which seems to me to be that "common sense" is often bullshit.
there is though and it's the other way around, often we know things that science later proves to be true

>> No.8150036

you know that question about what is the meaning of life is as stupid as question what is the meaning of chocolate?

I mean really, what is the meaning of chocolate? what does chocolate mean?

also hitler is a lefty faggot of retarded hansland(pic filename related)

>> No.8152005

>But why?

Because *reasons*

>But why *reasons*

Because *more reasons*

>But why *more reasons*

ad infinitum

>> No.8152584


Everyone saying all that shit about science not being about the meaning of life stop being butthurt. He asked what was similar to it, you don't have to start being defensive and acting like he's trying to shove humanities down your throat.

Acting just like /His/, stupid ego game when in fact none of us(on 4chan) have been influential or have an impressive knowledge of either discipline