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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8123750 No.8123750 [Reply] [Original]

On social media:

> E.g. Some science page on Facebook says that there are plans to mine the moon in an article.

> Middle aged admin assistant from Tennessee: "What if the moon falls out the sky? Why don't scientist think of that, huh?"

> Some smug guy (for some reason usually Indian): "Maybe humans should stop destroying this planet before going mining others"
> Someone points out that no life grows on the moon
> Guy #2 "Excuse me, how do you know there is no life on the moon? I have a degree in forestry management, I am an expert on these matters"

> Walmart cashier: "Huh! Silly humans, caring about rocks in outer space. I'm so enlightened through all the inspirational quotes I share form Mind Unleashed"

>> No.8123757


Me just being a judgemental cunt but:

> When I see someone with dreadlocks and a bindi claim they "read about quantum physics".

Maybe one day I'll find one who actually knows about QED and not just "LSD and Terence McKenna maaaann..."

>> No.8123770

Nice blog, something else on your mind?

>> No.8123774


> Be at aunts house
> Talk about how I'm studying geophysics
> "Why don't you restart your course and do medicine so you can find the cure for cancer"
> ..."sigh"...she means well

>> No.8123780

Well, why don't you, you selfish prick?

>> No.8123797


> Implying it's that simple
> Elements and hydrocarbons used in synthesis of drugs and used in medical tracers need to be found in the earth, hence I may well be doing my bit indirectly

>> No.8123807


>single mother has gossipy friends
>they ask me what ill be doing at uniersity
>oh.. and what kind of job will you get with that?

I just side step and say business or manufacturing work

>> No.8123880

>Elements and hydrocarbons used in synthesis of drugs and used in medical tracers need to be found in the earth

Go ahead and tell yourself that

>> No.8124096

Media sensationalism before peer review has even taken place. Fuck "news" the fucking vultures will do anything for clicks.

>> No.8124180

Thank you for posting this

>> No.8124186

There should be some way for FB to block comments from people without 1) degrees 2) degrees not in STEM

>> No.8124193

You should lie and say something else, they might try and marry you to their sons otherwise you flaming faggot.

>> No.8124780


Go ahead and tell me a more efficient way of creating hydrocarbon.

Will the grease in your fedora suffice?

>> No.8124784


I'm new to /sci/ but why do people seem to have a problem with engineers?

>> No.8124953

because despite all the modern marvels of engineering, they still haven't engineered a way to get themselves to stop sucking cocks all the time.

>> No.8124956

how scientifical

>> No.8124981


I mean I get that the clichè engineer is just a mild-mannered, gortex fleece wearer who listens to a lot of safe classic rock, like Boston, but they are surely harmless, aren't they?

>> No.8124986
File: 134 KB, 1600x978, CK M6 suite_patient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

medfags will be blown the fuck out so hard, they will never know what hit them

>> No.8124989

What the fuck. I'm an engineer and you just described my clothing and music preferences perfectly.

>> No.8124994

yet they engineered the whole educated world to accept and even cherish cocksucking

winners are hated and water is wet

>> No.8125005
File: 401 KB, 1440x1080, witch-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At work
>There's a hole in the ground
>Someone starts yelling at me because I planted trees 6 months earlier and I must have caused this new hole on the other side of the grounds from my trees
>Other people make up stories about a dog coming at night and digging the hole
>Another person blame iguanas for digging the hole
>I turn almost purple explaining to these idiots with their stupidity, paranoia and shitty theories that IT'S NOT ME, TREES, DOGS OR FUCKING IGUANAS IN THE NIGHT.
>I explain that a fucking pipe from the sprinkler system broke, and the water eroded the hole in the morning before everyone got there.

Here I am using a little observation and thought, seeing broken PVC pipes and an old shitty busted pump in the ground and I'm able to explain what's going. Meanwhile all my co-workers, most of them college educated, can't figure it out.

It was embarrassing. I felt like Sherlock fucking Holmes among the invalid and retarded.

>> No.8125015

Engineers have jobs. Jobs in their field that pay actual money.

>> No.8125016

>guy I know who dropped out of high school and sells weight loss shakes in Facebook shares article about why it's possible for laypeople to become astronauts.

>> No.8125019

>most of them college educated

>work in office, all smart, coming from great universities, >50% has PhD etc
>toilets are never flushed properly, brown stains everywhere

college not means shit

>> No.8125024

They want to marry off their daughters to you, and are trying to gauge your level of commitment

>t. Engineering student who has had 3 families try to introduce me to their daughters after learning what I was doing

>> No.8125029

Are there a lot of Indians at your workplace?

I was in an internship at a company with a lot of them, after a month or so I realized they never wash their hands after taking a dump.

I've always been kind of reluctant to shake one's hand since then

>> No.8125037

People in my halls shit on the seat. I fail to understand how someone can function away from home if they become confused at the sight of a toilet.

>> No.8125039

nope, it is a yuropean office, 100% white

once I heard a story it is because some guy got butthurt about a cleaning lady he refuses to flush, but don't really believe it

>> No.8125062


Seriously dude? haha

You do get a lot of engineers like that

>> No.8125076

Are we really that predictable?

>> No.8125156

>blocking 93% of the worlds inane babble
Sounds really nice

>> No.8125167

It takes a special kind of personality to want to sit down at a computer for hours on end generating reports on the environmental impact of installing a cantilevered ceiling.

>> No.8127419

Ooh, this is still going!

>> No.8127609

they're gay

>> No.8127638

"What are you studying anon?"
"Oh Geography! I did that in high school... It was really easy!!!!
Ignus, metamorphose and sediment rocks!"

I just let it slide now.

>> No.8127740

More than I can list.

I stopped being rustled by the general public when I shut myself in from it.

>> No.8127751

you guys realize you can already do this, right? just tap the little x in the top left corner, you fucking idiots

>> No.8127788

>So, Anon, what's your major?
>Oh, okay.
They then proceed to walk off to go talk for two hours to the relative who's going to law school. I silently creep back to the kitchen to gobble all of the cocks.

Happens every single family event

>> No.8127791

That's not even the worst kind.

Geotechnical Engineers are the most autistic people of all time. Mention "dirt" instead of "soil" to their face and watch them have a fucking seizure

>> No.8127942

Tell her you are trying to find a cure for earthquakes.

>> No.8127954


>> No.8127955
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>> No.8127958

What are you studying
Oh are you going to work for an oil company?!
>I doubt it
Lot of money in oil, anon

Thanks for the tip second cousin once removed. I'll keep that in mind.

>> No.8127967

hahahah, every time

>> No.8128005

They always either wander off after that or since I live in California they follow up with the classic, "So when is the big one coming?"

What am I a fucking wizard? The guys working at SAFOD don't have a fucking clue, what do I know. It's coming say your prayers move far away from me.

It only gets worse when they tell me they saw San Andreas, don't get me wrong I loves that movie, laughed so hard my ribs hurt, but realizing that is what the public thinks geology and earthquakes are like...fucking horrifying.

We need to measure magnetic anomaly of this previously unmapped fault. Where should we do it...inside the motherfucking Hoover dam!

>> No.8128009

holy shit i can relate to this SO MUCH

>> No.8128025

Tell her there aren't enough grants to hire another researcher.

>> No.8128088

>"you're a quantum physicist? cool, wanna hear my theory?"
>something something retarded bullshit
>"your theory doesnt hold anything if you dont show the math"
>"cant you just do that for me?"

>> No.8128125

>the amount of people who believe that every single individual on the planet is the exact same in beliefs, ideals, opinions, upbringings, essentially the same nature and nurture across all 7+ billion of us
>the amount of people who lack basic understanding of statistics and have never once encountered the term "outlier" in their existence
I'll leave it at that for now.

>> No.8128153

you tell people you're a quantum physicist? Why don't you actually say what you do.

>you're a particle physicist? What does that mean?
>I basically just stare at my screen wondering why my code doesn't work.

>> No.8128186


sorry friend this is a board for the discussion of science and math

>> No.8128372


> She believes in psychics, even as far as "Star Psychic Sally Morgan" who literally reads the latest gossip mags for info on dumb D-list celebs, then reels of info to them like see used her "powers" for it and not Google.
> Yeah she ain't a bright person

>> No.8128380


Christ my spelling her is autistically bad

>> No.8128381

Just cringe

>> No.8128395

Your relatives are stupid, so what?
In all history of mankind engineers have been the basis of progress.
No engineers -> no lawyers or economists necessary.

>> No.8129325


>> No.8129721

>In all history of mankind engineers have been the basis of progress.
>No engineers -> no lawyers or economists necessary.
I know you're proud of finishing your first year of your engineering degree, but this is just incredibly stupid.

>> No.8129730

Attacking a relevant post with irrelevant shit. Goodjob

>> No.8129748
File: 37 KB, 413x435, 1455651070531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, so you study rocks?
>Look at this shell collection!

>> No.8129782

The best part is I actually have a large, and growing, rock collection that no one except for me and other rock people care about.

I think my 3mm stibnite veins in hydrothermally altered diorite from an epithermal "region" is pretty rad.
But people only care that I found gold in it.
One day, this field is going to make me rich senpai. Just got to learn more before I buy it.

>> No.8129790

the word "social media" pisses me off.

people nowadays need euphemisms for "wasting time on facebook, instagram, twitter" and they call it social media.

>> No.8129794

got any sexy feldspar?

>> No.8129845

They are all cock thirsty homos.

>> No.8129847

It's ok anon. Soft science is still science.

Kind of.

>> No.8129921 [DELETED] 


More of something that I found funny than made me mad:

> In a North Western English town called Leigh. Those of you unfamiliar with Leigh may wish to read the picture as it describes the town perfectly.
> Cycling through to pick up some stuff (forget what exactly)
> Weird ginger tramp with a pocket amp attached to his belt is walking up and down the high street giving a speech
> "Eeeeh they talk about evolution these scientists, they talk about evolution and they come up with some new-fangled idea just so they get a prize and they everyone says "Eeeh, aren't they good", and they feel all good about themselves then go home"

> In Leigh, scientific enquiry is based around feeling smug and prizes.

>> No.8129929

made me kek hard

>> No.8129932
File: 10 KB, 356x186, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_13414674_10153615278511629_1479107860_n_png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


More of something that I found funny than made me mad:

> In a North Western English town called Leigh. Those of you unfamiliar with Leigh may wish to read the picture as it describes the town perfectly.
> Cycling through to pick up some stuff (forget what exactly)
> Weird ginger tramp with a pocket amp attached to his belt is walking up and down the high street giving a speech
> "Eeeeh they talk about evolution these scientists, they talk about evolution and they come up with some new-fangled idea just so they get a prize and they everyone says "Eeeh, aren't they good", and they feel all good about themselves then go home"

> In Leigh, scientific enquiry is based around feeling smug and prizes.

>> No.8129952

Not by itself, no. Just as much as you can find with a short walk.

>> No.8129962

> Some smug guy (for some reason usually Indian): "Maybe humans should stop destroying this planet before going mining others"
These ones really give me the shits, although it tends to more often be women in my experience.

>baww maybe we should just keep feeding third worlders instead of permanently solving the problem of Earth having finite resources
This is basically the argument.

>> No.8130067

I know the feeling. People see my collection, "what's this one", oh that one has great kinematic indicators in it! " huh?

>> No.8130186

It's fine of they don't know what that means, the test is always if they care to learn (listen to me explain).

>> No.8130202
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Post rocks?

>> No.8130226
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And this

>> No.8130274

When people think they understand a science subject.

I seriously had to listen to a woman saying that cocaine and morphine were synthetic drugs and therefore more harmful and addictive than other types of drugs.
Her reasoning? She quoted a wikipedia article saying that chemicals are used in the extraction process of the drugs.
Chemicals are used. That was her reasoning.

>> No.8130277

As if doctors are the ones finding cures to diseases....
>Pro tip: it's mostly not

>> No.8130283

This. Many doctors invest massive time and money into becoming pill pushers for pharmaceutical companies and making mad dosh from all parties involved.

A truly noble cause.

Of course, there are exceptions, but the important part is it doesn't automatically make you selfless.

>> No.8130290


>> No.8130299

>Chemicals are used. That was her reasoning.
You seem surprised. Do you not hear this shit every day? The general public is very uneducated.

>> No.8130304

Actually I kind of meant that it's more likely that someone who studied molecular medicine would be the one to find the cure to a disease rather than a doctor.

>> No.8130308

Yes, I do hear this every day. Why do you think I'm so bothered by it? It makes me kind of feel surrounded by idiots, that I just want to punch the forehead in on.

>> No.8130503

Now I'm sad my collection is all boxed up since I'm moving soon.

>> No.8131135
File: 208 KB, 655x716, Screenshot_2016-05-17-09-46-34_20160518001700735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people don't deserve consciousness.

>> No.8131155



>> No.8131291
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literally saw this on a billboard.

>geniuses can be dumb at first, right??

>> No.8131342
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>> No.8131352


>> No.8131353

nailed it

>> No.8131355

whew, as a Biochemist, this rustles my jimmies

>> No.8131359

pretty sad breh im a biologist and i have a much bigger and better rock collection than you

though its not really fair since if i wanted i could get a PhD in geology in like 2 years because i have a natural talent

anyways try harder your embarassing

>> No.8131361

>masters calc at 15
>didn't do well in school

how does this meme keep happening

>> No.8131365
File: 231 KB, 960x686, 2af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dat feel when most of your relatives are scientist or engineers

>> No.8131379

What makes you think they have it?

>> No.8132066


OP here (Geophysics student).

Damn those are some lovely rocks. The Amethyst is really pretty.


What's this?

>> No.8132073


Ah well fuck it, I'm still doing geophysics to make bare wedge

>> No.8132275

This guy is baiting right?
It's so hard to tell these guys.

>> No.8132280

ya well i have sex with your significant other while you are out of the house

>> No.8132288

The second one is brecciated rock from a silicic vein. Quartz precipitation after pressure blew up the surrounding area results in these beautiful crystals in vapour spaces. There's gold in there as well, visible in thin section. But the bulk is in other samples.
I have a few hundred from the region, mostly in the lab. But it's an epithermal system.

I have some much better ones I'd like to post later if I can find them.

>> No.8132337
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it personally rustles my jimmies that people don't know the difference between genetically modified and transgenic organisms, and are terrified of them all.

happens to me a lot.
in fairness, I'm going to uni smack dab in the middle of oil country....

if those shells haven't been buried in the ground for millions of years first, I ain't interested.

>> No.8132352

Wazza represent

>> No.8132561

I go to school in the middle of liberal gay sin world capital, Bay Area, but it's still all people can think to ask.

Biotard trying to bait

>> No.8134162

>Civil engineering student
>"Haha what a fag, you should've went mechanical. That's where all the money is!"

I just wanna smash concrete ;_;

>> No.8134183

engineers have gotten so gay they literally want to fuck concrete now

>> No.8134254


Poor Warrington. Back in the mists of Time you were part of Lancashire too...

>> No.8134856
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>what do you do in discrete math?
>stuff like combinations and graph theory
>Oh graph theory! we did that in high school, y=mx+c!

>> No.8134890

Given the dubiousness of psychology as a science there's a lot of the more utilitarian findings in the field that I find the general public completely ignorant of.

>> No.8134910

Rock slide

>> No.8134917
File: 170 KB, 1600x900, 1600 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prayer works!
>Psychiatry is a science!
>You have to prove I'm wrong!
>Circular logic is logic!
>Thought-terminating cliches are for checkmates!
>Straw man attacks are legitimate!
>So everyone is wrong about this?!
>That's just your opinion!
>Personal attacks disprove people's points!
>Analytical fallacies? I don't know what those are.
>My political party is always right! I'm not biased!

>> No.8134952

>Anon, you study physics don't you?
>Have you read this book, The Secret?
>It's like, we are all waves, if you think positive and positive things will happen to you. It's about quantum mechanics and matrices and stuff
>you should read it!

>> No.8135012
File: 77 KB, 476x593, yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you all american?

>I need to study this calculus shit, what a pain!
>just study the questions, man!
>just study what are they going to ask you, man!
>just forget about past errors, and don't try to have a solid base knowledge, man!
>You are going to have great marks!

>> No.8135016
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, feelsgoodman.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have dreadlocks and a physics degree

>> No.8135020

she is right you retarded rock knocker

>> No.8135022

>le everybody without a degree is stupid meme

>> No.8135028

some people just want to have a conversation despite not knowing much about your expertise

>> No.8135031

This. Just take the thread with a piece of humor.

>> No.8135035
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For me, it's the rampant militant anti-intellectualism in "normie" society. Not that I'm a Neumann, but most normies are stuck on a 4th grader level of knowledge. A good 90% of people haven't the slightest idea of how the world works and what is beyond the city they live in. STEM, geography and history are unfathomable for them, beyond what children's popsci shows tell them. And if you try to explain to them anything, even in the most friendly manner, they get aggressive and start to justify their ignorance with "who needs this" "why should I care" etc. This is especially true for alpha males/females, who would very often get physically aggressive and hold grudges when their uninformed opinions are challenged, since it challenges their "leadership" position. The only thing that saves me is that I'm 6'3 210lb.

The second thing would be people having aggressive uninformed opinions on different matters. It really ticks me off on a deeper level.
>tfw I saw two international relations students yesterday trying to melt metal shavings with citric acid, and got hostile when I told them they were retarded

>> No.8135055

This is what your state wants. Learn to redirect your complains, faggot.

>> No.8135056

something tells me you are just a condescending annoying brick

>> No.8135060

>immediate ad hominem
Typical subhuman argument. That's what I was talking about.

>> No.8135068
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>> No.8135070

that wasnt an ad hominem, you retard
It was the explanation why people behave so strange towards you. It is because they dont like you

>> No.8135071

So, reddit still thinks every insult is an ad hominem?

>> No.8135073

>Typical subhuman argument
condescending annoying brick confirmed

>> No.8135081
File: 660 KB, 3192x2124, 2342342352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reply containing "you are"
>condescending annoying brick
>not an ad hominem
Anyways, I don't voice my disaproval most of the time. Just saying what happens when I do.

>in cluster of 1 minute apart
>not samefagging
pic related

>> No.8135192

The way people are so desperate for a "miracle diet" that all research about food has become clickbait; trying to get some real facts and advice about nutrition has become like finding the right download button on a shitty webpage, all information contradicts each other and you can find a study that confirms pretty much anything about any food

By now the most scientific way of making decisions on your eating habits is paradoxically "do what feels right", because you sure as hell won't find any reliable information around

>> No.8135196

>i'm not asking why people are like that
>i'm just complaining

>> No.8135438

> "miracle diet"
Well, we do have this...

>> No.8135469

Yes, not pursuing an education does mean you are uneducated

>> No.8136448
File: 132 KB, 244x608, Knife-chan.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you study
>they either reply with breaking bad or something about poisoning the planet

>> No.8136482

My mom is one of these people sadly.
>we are all part of the quantum field >everything is energy
>therefore I can feel auras and my thoughts influence reality

She has this alternative doctor that has a machine that measures her vitamin levels by measuring "the electromagnetic energy field" she gives of. When I told her it's bogus she replied that the guy is trustworthy because he had a degree in STEM like me, turns out he has a bachelor's in computer science.

It makes her happy though.

>> No.8136485 [DELETED] 

Take your pedophile cartoons back to >>>/a/.

>> No.8136544

My dad is half on board with the alternative medicine shills

>claim food is less nutritious now than 1000 years ago
>modern food causes cancer, AIDS, death, autism, etc
>medication only treats symptoms and not the disease
>we're all sick. ignore the fact that we're living longer than ever before

He means well. And he listens to me when I tell him what I know about this stuff since I'm a Biotechnology major

At least he's taking his vitamins

>> No.8136563

>"who needs this" "why should I care" etc.
This, trying to explain why I was studying physics after they specifically asked me.
Why would I care how the world works if I know how to tie my shoes? Its is of no use. It doesnt make sense.

>> No.8136567

My dad keeps bitching about the moon landing. He says we could go but we wouldnt come back because we would need to much fuel.
>Dad, there is a fucking mirror in the moon surface.

>> No.8136580

>it's just a theory

This makes me the mad.

>> No.8136586

>This is especially true for alpha males/females, who would very often get physically aggressive and hold grudges when their uninformed opinions are challenged
Really? Does this happen in America?
I've never observed such uncivilized behaviour. You'd have to taunt them or something for a while for them to get physically aggressive, but to just challenge their uninformed view of the world? Unless we're talking about some type of actual retards, I find that hard to believe.

>> No.8136607
File: 1.88 MB, 1656x1284, ApolloEnergyRequirementsMSC1966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's probably been misinformed about the fuel needed to return from the Moon or figured it was the same as from leaving the Earth. It takes a big rocket to go all that distance in the first place so surely it would take a big one to come all the way back, right? That's how cars and boats and planes work, so those people feel it applies to space too since they simply don't know any better.

>> No.8136742

well any lay person with disgusting amounts of money probably could.

>> No.8136744

There's a pretty good norwegian distaster movie called The Wave that might interest you as a geologist

>> No.8136752

>dat KH music
legit made my day

>> No.8136763
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>Some science page on Facebook
Lighten up, Francis.

>> No.8136775

>microwave ovens poison your food because its radiation
>vaccines cause autism
>GMOs are literally satan
>you should only eat raw vegan
>homeopathy can cure cancer
>this diet is gonna be so good and i'm gonna lose all this weight on it while not changing anything else in my lifestyle
so many things
I hate everyone

>> No.8136810
File: 541 KB, 1442x2560, 1411624371693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"oh so you study physics ?"
>proceed to say retarded things about quantum physics


>> No.8137834

Degrees are no longer an objective way to measure someone's education though. There's already so much knowledge you find on books and the internet.

The hard part is being self-taught.

>> No.8137847

Shit son, I got offered this MILFs 17 year old daughter knowing jack shit about me.

>> No.8137854

I'm glad someone else said it first.

>> No.8137879

>haha we Europeans are so smart and all Americans are DUMB LOL XD

fuck off, I'm Swiss but this stupid shit is just cringeworthy. people here say retarded shit all the time too.

>> No.8137881

that shit is annoying, it seems like everyone and their mother has read some article on quantum mechanics and likes to talk about it when they don't even know anything about it

>> No.8137887

The fact that I simply cannot argue with them because none of them understand basic logic.

>but my son learned that in high school!
>but omg just do a google search it will tell you

I sometimes try to discredit their fallacious argument by restating the same argument but for my side.

>And I learned something different in college

But because they are uneducated, they are unable to pick up on what I am doing. I avoid arguing with normies at all costs, not only is their no convincing them (which isn't the issue imo), but they are all so close-minded and don't realize it.

>> No.8137894
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People who do/did a shitload of hallucinogenics and go off on how they've figured everything out.
>dood one consciousness lmao
People who buy into eastern philosophy or reject science can go fuck themselves too.

>> No.8137920

>You'd have to taunt them or something for a while for them to get physically aggressive
I'm pretty sure that's exactly what he's doing, he sounds annoying as fuck

>> No.8138069

We don't. Somebody has to drive the trains.

>> No.8138113
File: 16 KB, 260x382, Fidel disapproves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not b
What a bunch of plebeians.

>> No.8138727

you are an asshat = not ad hominem
you are wrong BECAUSE you are an asshat = ad hominem.

>> No.8138736

>there cant be possibly be more than one person that thinks Im a cunt
reddit pls leave

>> No.8138745


I hate how this word seems to become synonymous with "poison"

>> No.8138754

This 100%.
I love my dad but every time we go to eat he talks about having to get the least amount of chemicals in his food. Whatever that means.

>> No.8138769

>back home from another psych semester
>mind fried with statistics and neurology
>parents have friends over
>wife: "OH! I better not talk too much then."
>husband: "So you think everyone wants to fuck their mom?"

>> No.8138774

>psychology student
>get talked shit at because of something a psychiatrist did
>get talked shit at because 'antidepressants are poison'
>can't go to a party without anybody telling me about their problems

>> No.8139485

>2 days later
>5 minutes apart
I'm sure 2 unrelated strangers waited 2 days and came in the exact same time to shitpost with the exact same void content. At least wait some time before samefagging.

>> No.8139511

>chemistry PhD student

most popular answers

"oh....so what do you do with that?"
"Oh, so what do you do at school then [explanation starts].....uh huh, uh huh, ok anon no one knows what you are talking about"
>"so you're gonna be a doctor?? hey, ive got a problem with my [body part], can you do something about that?"

its really just lonely to be honest. no one can appreciate what you do and no one ever will. part of the reason i come here is just to lurk while people talk about chem. it makes me happier.

>> No.8139542
File: 1 KB, 128x112, 42-HamtaroWorryS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feelings are more important than logic, don'tcha know?

Trying to engage people on a basic critical level is like walking through a sea of Faberge eggs balanced on pins while wearing clown shoes.

>Hey, I read your paper like you wanted, but I noticed that you italicized a random word in almost every single sentence for no apparent reason and repeatedly used several words incorrectly.

I don't understand the "you didn't pay for it, so you can't critique it" mindset, but the person in question in that instance was a freshman English major so I don't know what I expected. The thing that always gets me is them getting mad and then accusing the person they're talking to of being mad as if they're trying to validate their own anger by thinking that the other person is upset.

I also don't understand the cultural worship of mediocrity. There is nothing more in this world I despise than people who makes no effort to improve themselves.

I don't know what you're on about, I get all my medical advice from CompSci majors.

>> No.8139559


>> No.8139561
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>> No.8139562

>be an ER scribe
>doctor I work for says she brought home over $500,000 last year

Why aren't you pre-med, /sci/?

>> No.8139566

Can confirm. I've seen this attitude a lot among brainlets. It's like they are proud of their ignorance.

>> No.8139570

My nigga. You and me both!

>> No.8139571


>> No.8139696

I am. She's a liar.

>> No.8139713
File: 366 KB, 612x3658, 20120909.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

education is a system of imposed ignorance.

>> No.8139726
File: 171 KB, 684x864, 1456585852-20160227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vaccines cause autism

>> No.8139744

>college doesn't make you smart
I don't get this meme. I've only finished two years of my undergrad and I feel 100% smarter already. I have practical skills in my field and I think a lot differently and maturely than I used to

Who are the people saying this stuff and what kind of school do they go to?

>> No.8139757

It's just a theory bro. Don't take it so seriously. It's just a theory

>> No.8139789

Education =/= intelligence

>> No.8139806
File: 19 KB, 236x272, tmp_30557-15f9cfa4112779a0f8f4dbe7b918a0f61888400441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a rainbow Brazilian thunder egg. It isn't mine, mine is way cooler, but it looks kinda like mine. I got it in an auction for 20$.

>> No.8139809


>> No.8139811


knowledge =/= intelligence

see me after class, kiddo


>> No.8139998

Level of education correlates highly with standardized tests which measure faculties associated with intelligence.

We have to stop this meme, or else smart but edgy teenagers will never experience a challenging climate we we'll lose brain resources.

>> No.8140016

>rainbow Brazilian thunder egg
they sell those down at venice beach for like 2 dollars USD

>> No.8140030


i live with a dude with dreadlocks, wears hippie pants, smokes weed, takes acid....doing his PhD in computational genomics

>> No.8140056
File: 32 KB, 500x664, mt stupid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8140079

>Economics student

>"So, is this whole mess going to be fixed soon?"
Recovery is slow, but consider this is not that much of a mess if you consider the whole...
>"Hurry up, I need an income raise and a new car"

>"Oh I always knew (insert Political ideology you hate here) would put us into this mess because (insert fallacy watched on TV last night). Am I not clever by identifying the bad guys?"
Well, reality is more complex than that, you see
>"If you don't say my ideology is right you stop being my friend. If you say I am right I will use your name to present my simplistic point of view as correct to everyone."

>"Tell me in what company I should invest all of my money lmao I'll turst you on this one but don't make me lose ok"

fucking hell

>> No.8140080
File: 296 KB, 359x333, 1464096766583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genetics grad student
>"Anon, aren't you worried that now that humans live in civilization where we can take care of stupid people and people with diseases, that we'll stop evolving?"
>"Can GMO's cause cancer with their modified DNA?"
>"Nature or nurture?'

>> No.8140085

>Be 3 billion year old time traveling junky from outer space
>Enroll in college
>Tell people who I am
>Sent to counselors office
>Tell my story
>It's suggested I'd make a perfect psychologist and psychiatrist because I use circular logic
>Graduate with honors
>Get a job as a clinical psychiatrist with CBT as a side job
>Talk shit about my patients and accuse them of things in my paperwork because everyone is inferior to me and they lie when they say they're aren't inferior stereotypes that NEED me
>Steal frozen hotdogs and throw them at people because Lord Zargon told me to
>Waiting for the spaceship so fuck all of you

>> No.8140087

that's called circular self-serving logic.
>I passed the culture test
>who make it
>People in my culture
>I said my culture was right
>Therefore I'm smart!
History, Science, Social Studies, Writing, etc.
Have all been influenced by culture.
Accept it.
Education isn't the mark of a genius, it's the mark of a trained seal... sometimes you learn some things, but mostly it's just a circle jerk.

>> No.8140092


yeah. It'll be the Ph.D's in molecular genetics and other related fields that cure the diseases. Some may have an M.D, but unless they're in pre-clinical research, they didn't actually "cure" shit.

>> No.8140119

>don't understand something in abcdef, ask a friend
>bro it's this formula
>Yeah, I know, but why does that work? Surely if xyz, then abcd is not applicable

These people are going to be building our roads one day.

>> No.8140184

>Education Major

>You know schools are just liberal indoctrination camps right
>I had some teachers I really liked in high school, and some I really couldn't stand
>You want to teach middle school? Well aren't you a saint?
>Don't fuck any of your students lol

And the kicker,
>Teachers don't make any money you know


>> No.8140205
File: 266 KB, 905x881, 1372334527699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be doctor
>hey anon what do you do
>I'm a doctor
>hey take a look at this rash
>hey my knee hurts
>hey I've been coughing for 3 days

well fuck you too

>> No.8140211
File: 30 KB, 333x333, nicholaas-tesselaar-famous-dutch-scientist-who-migrated-to-america-and-changed-his-name-to-tesla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Tesla is so cool and underated he's like some electric wizard n shit"

>> No.8140232

I admire being curious about everything, but sometimes you just have to be pragmatic

>> No.8140300

Just wait until the helicopter parents

>> No.8140304

>not ax + b

>> No.8140316

>I hate being reminded of my shitty life choices.

Well lucky for you, there's a mechanism of enabling mass denial and false self-worth which is built in to that career; the most obnoxious unions in the world.

>> No.8140328
File: 1.31 MB, 320x240, 1403118740943.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Some scientist on youtube said that god exists because multidimensional strings are the music of space or something"

>> No.8140355
File: 352 KB, 533x526, smugpalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who add their anecdotes to try and disprove an article or study. I mean it's human nature to chip in a story, but they think it disproves the entire thing because their single experience doesn't line up with it.

>> No.8140357

Why the fuck do lawyers get so much attention in family gatherings? NO ONE gives a fuck about chemistry, but everyone always flocks to those cockgobblers for some reason. I think they jusy want to hear about the latest shanequa they had to cop a plea bargain for

>> No.8140359
File: 36 KB, 275x275, wherehasthecocogone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you think this
>Well you hear stories

I swear I'm going to kill somebody who says this one day

>> No.8140372

That pic creeps me the fuck out for some reason.

>> No.8140380

You can scarcely call a looney marching the streets with an amp "the general public", anon.

>> No.8140392
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I fucking love Electric Wizard!

>> No.8140403

I live in a right to work state,and hate teacher's unions to begin with

>> No.8140524


not the person you're responding to, but

fuck off

>> No.8140528

They are employed.

>> No.8140535

Psychology isn't even real bro

>> No.8140539

Good motherfucking taste right here.

Sleep is great as well.

>> No.8140571

>well you can't know anything because we are limited to our senses and they deceive us so nothing is real
>well except God since I feel him extrasensorially (?) with my heart

>> No.8140645

there's definitely some truth to this graph.

>> No.8140647
File: 3 KB, 126x121, 1344208544711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8140671


>> No.8140742

Much you read on the internet is not the "general public". The most valuable thing in this world is to steer peoples thoughts and emotions so probably real big bunch of interest groups troll the fuck out of social media for profit.

>> No.8140813

>matrices and stuff

I love this one.

Anyway my dad wanted me to tell him that angles are vectors (in high school physics term). I am doing a math degree and I felt weird for saying that in a way you can make a vector field out of everything but at the same time it wouldn't be a vector in a way he wanted. I cried all night

>> No.8141021

I hate these people.
I'm very unfortunate that if I don't understand a process in completeness I'll forget it, I can't memorise shit.

I'm studying geology and if you know anything about it, it's made my life hell (there is a -lot- to understand if you aren't just going to memorise).

>> No.8141569

You are an assclown

>> No.8141608

Quickly, think of a color.

Got it?
Now tell me why its red?
Checkmate Agnostics

>> No.8141634

just say a vector is an angle and a magnitude

>> No.8141637

wow didn't realize God posted on 4chan. What's up bro

>> No.8141645

just killed a little boys parents in Magnanville France. All part of my great plan.

Trying to create a batman to fight isis.

A thousand blessings upon you and your family anon.

>> No.8141656

>"Anon, aren't you worried that now that humans live in civilization where we can take care of stupid people and people with diseases, that we'll stop evolving?"
But, arent you worried???

>> No.8141660

>why its red
but it is not red, you charlatan

>> No.8141895


Just because you couldnt, doesnt mean other cant anon.

Dont bring others down because of your failures.

>> No.8142243

>not y=mx+q

>> No.8142400

ignorant posts about math teaching

ignorant posts about "teaching to the test"

anyone who thinks standardized testing in high schools is useful -- protip: it's not.

>> No.8142415

At least your kinda mindset makes me feel okay about failing math class in high school.

>> No.8142433

tell them that you LOVE solid state physics and they will shut up
it's little more strict and you cannot condense basics into one article or 20 minute movie

>> No.8142981
File: 4 KB, 301x54, 13434776_10153733415775698_8395085010091499809_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, um, this just happened. I hope someone gets fired over it.

>> No.8142990

standardized tests show you who's smart
they're not hard and anyone who ever stressed about them/could not do them well is probably dumb

>> No.8143023

>standardized tests show you who's smart
No, they show you who hasn't learned the material.

>they're not hard

>anyone who ever stressed about them/could not do them well is probably dumb

Most of the sane complaints about standardized testing have less to do with standardized testing in general, and more to do with the entire primary education system being centered around prepping for the next standardized test. It encourages shitty memorization-based teaching with no intuition involved.

And every time some student does badly, the system feeds into itself with more hammering on memorization, more 400-problem packets of exactly one concept for elementary school children, and less explanation & visual proofs to build intuition.

>> No.8143100

Lmao you are just from the US.
The general public isn't as pretentious anywhere else.

>> No.8143112

>The general public isn't as pretentious anywhere else.
Is this bait or adorable naivety?

>> No.8143159
File: 91 KB, 795x622, relevant-to-my-interests_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so... what field WOULD one have to go to study cancer and maybe find a cure...

>> No.8143170

Molecular biology, genetics, molecular genetics, epigenetics

That sort of stuff

>> No.8143278

alright buddy.

youre wrong because youre a stupid faggot = ad hominem

youre wrong for reasons AND youre a stupid faggot =/= ad hominem

>> No.8143281

Well, it's still ad hominem, but to refuse to argue other points due to ad hominem is fallacy fallacy.

>> No.8143284

nobodys trying to have an argument with you you mouth-breathing retard. It was an observation.

>> No.8143288

I was supporting you, prick.

>> No.8143293

oh misunderstood that. its 3am. prick.

>> No.8143425

I like c. C like constant.

>> No.8144335

You are lucky they didnt throw stones at you and burn you at the stake for being a witch.

>> No.8144345

There are parts of pyschology that tiptoe into real science.

>source: My wife and her Phd in neuropsycology of addictions with a focus in electrophysiology.

I tease her about psychology not being a science all the time.

>> No.8144355

>biologist with PhD in bioremediation

Oh are you going to become a doctor
>maybe one day grandma
oh your are a gardener
what can you do with that?
>clean up your mother's snail trail using crab grass.

>> No.8144383
File: 1.46 MB, 2048x1536, IMG-20151207-WA0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can't fit into your own culture, you sure as hell ain't gonna fit into a different one

>> No.8144390

>less nutritious
So many people have been recently bringing up the picture showing a banana how it was "originally" and how it is now.

All I see is how a banana went from mostly seeds and little edible meat to mostly edible meat and little seeds.

Aka increasing the yield. Which is a good thing.

>> No.8144400

mass production did reduce the quality of food. there's lots of research done on this topic. food demands are greater then ever and to produce that much fresh food you have to cheat a little. make it meaty and grow fast, but it's not as nutritious.

>> No.8144406

is it gona suck his dick

>> No.8144409

Is it not as nutritious due to increased meatiness?

As in, is it less nutritionally dense? If it's not as nutritionally dense but has so much more meat you still yield more nutrients then isn't that a net positive overall?

That's what I've noticed from a little reading, though. That it's not as nutritionally dense but theres more nutrients due to making things more "meaty".

You seem more well read than me, however. What do you say?

>> No.8144429

>not f(x)=ax+b

>> No.8144435

first off, there's no better and healthier way to get vitamins and minerals then by eating fruit. your dad is wrong to be so concerned about it since soda and chips definitely aren't a better option.

the reason why it's less nutritious today then it was 100 years ago is agriculture concentrates more on pest control, size, climate adaptability, growth rate etc. nutrition isn't their top priority, making monkey is. due to that you have a decline in nutrients of the soil because you keep regrowing the crops on the same soil which is filled with pesticides, herbicides.

>> No.8144575


>toilets are never flushed properly, brown stains everywhere

This is what happens when you hire pajeets

>> No.8144578


Oh kekkest of keks

>> No.8144590

I know that feel. Also, just noting, election season is literal hell as an economics student.

>> No.8144617

>So what are you studying?
>Computer engineering
>Oh, you'll be doing what they do at my job where people call the higher ups to see what's wrong with the machine
>they mean glorified tech support
>Me: Sure.

>> No.8144675

when people talk about genetics and don't know basic stuff

>> No.8144689
File: 798 KB, 864x432, delete your account.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nutrition isn't their top priority, making monkey is.
monkey cloning technician here, can confirm

>> No.8144693

get out and make me some monkey

>> No.8144699

>But because they are uneducated, they are unable to pick up on what I am doing.

That doesn't mean they're uneducated, it means they're genuinely stupid.

>> No.8144719

I'll bite. What do the outliers have to do with that belief?

>> No.8144756

>>husband: "So you think everyone wants to fuck their mom?"

this is what I'm going to start asking anyone who studies a pseudoscience

>> No.8145984

You know that the quickest and most common answer is gonna be "No, everyone wants to fuck YOUR mom", right?

>> No.8146027

my dumbass cousin:

>we couldn't possibly know the size of the universe
>there are other universes besides this one. are you retarded?
>reincarnation is the only thing that could possibly happen to us after we die
>how do you know the earth isn't flat???

usually only comes out after a few drinks, but i guess this is what he is thinking about on a day to day basis

>> No.8146047

>we couldn't possibly know the size of the universe

he probably thinks this for the wrong reasons, but thats not completely wrong

>> No.8146051

yeah i should have specified that i meant observable universe

>> No.8146058


>there are other universes besides this one.

There might be, Jeff.

>> No.8146062


>> No.8146070


Yes, that's how science works, it's a hypothesis and nobody is claiming otherwise, other than megatards.

>> No.8146084

>how do you know the earth isn't flat???
so let me guess, if you give him a reason, he implies that you are just brainwashed

>> No.8146089


he is alternative media incarnate

>> No.8147427


>> No.8149253


>> No.8149735
File: 14 KB, 480x343, 1457835261663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think thats bad,

"What are you working on anon?"
"Oh, I learned that in high school, lol!"

>> No.8149777


Shit like that makes me die a bit inside, whats worseis when youshow them examples of what youure doing theyll reply

>Wow look at mr supercomputer

Fucking assholes,wish i chose a humanity sometimes

>> No.8150222

>turn of the wifi, my head hurts

>> No.8150949


Near 2 weeks and my threads still going!

>> No.8151128

It's a decent thread. Nothing like people sperging out over normie behavior.

>> No.8151493

>you are studying laws?
>-some fucking story about a case-
>weed should be legal right?
>laws are just the orders of the people in power
>too many criminals free is our fault somehow
>Law school is easy, just memorize shit
>your opinion on the right to own guns
Fuck every party or family reunion

>> No.8151511

Wtf, what kind of people do you hangout with? I've never heard anyone say any of this.

>> No.8151528

>In all history of mankind engineers have been the basis of progress.
How you manage to breath

>> No.8152903


>> No.8152906

>>Law school is easy, just memorize shit

They are not wrong there.

>> No.8153230

sorry buddy i do this to my geology friends as well

>> No.8153249

>if it wasn't for economists we wouldn't have high taxes
>raising the minimum wage causes inflation it's basic economics
>the federal reserve destroyed our economy we need to abolish the banks
>the financial crisis was caused by greedy bankers
basically anything politicized by the media

>> No.8153587
File: 161 KB, 500x281, t8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the financial crisis was caused by greedy bankers
If it wasn't banks and rating agencies, i.e. the people who had control over all this, then who was it?
...what the fuck am I even asking this for, I know you're gonna say "the jews" anyway

>> No.8153611

> I know jews have an unproportional amount of establishment in this
> Atleast I'll try to appear smart when someone points it out
You are retarded. I'm so glad that Bernie failed right away so now we can have a chance of breaking the unfair dominance over everything and give the power back to the american people who rightfully deserve it.

>> No.8153615

What about american jews ?

>> No.8153618

You mean the ones that favor the other jews that make up a very tiny percentage that don't give a shit about the others ? Do you seriously expect people to play nicely with their "muh chosen people" racism circlejerk at the expense of the economy and welfare of the american people ?

>> No.8153649
File: 81 KB, 681x654, 1459907409837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My uncle has this friend who tries to justify his beliefs by arguing "well in quantum mechanics 2+2=3!".

I really hate extended family functions.

>> No.8153651

>how do you know the earth isn't flat???
I feel like this retarded idea has blown up ever since that one washed up rapper started spewing bullshit.

>> No.8153653

at least they sorta get the etymology
nevertheless chirality in outer space is pretty neato

>> No.8153655


>> No.8153656

Chinese are also disgusting because they don't sit on the toilet seats. Rather, they stand up on them, squat and then shit.

We have infographics on our toilet doors for specifically this reason.

>> No.8153658

>not squating to keep defecation muscles in top shape
American larva.

>> No.8153666

>I don't have to prove anything
>Empricism? I don't want to be an Emperor.
>Presumes ARE Occam's Razor
>Fallacies? What the fuck are fallacies?

>> No.8153673


Retard alert

>> No.8153711

Fuck man, this hits close to home. I'm studying Engineering. People just look at me at family gatherings with a blank stare. One even thought that engineers were mechanics, and that I was hoping to work as a panel beater or some shit. Meanwhile my sister who never even finished high school, and is doing a writing degree gets a shit tonne of attention for being "so highly educated". She's never gone to a uni; only tafe.

I'm really butthurt about this.

>> No.8153734

Communications Engineering
> oh so you'll be designing adverts
No, that's what designers do.
> omg indoctrination and propaganda
Nah, it's engineering. Technical work.
> hey can you take a look at my iPhone and tell me why it's so slow
Sure, just pay for a nice dinner next time I see you.
> but facebook already exists lol
I do hardware and some low-level software, not web sites.
> so you'll work for the NSA and spy on everyone?
Haha no of course not, that would be silly hehehe...

>> No.8153741

>"Anon, aren't you worried that now that humans live in civilization where we can take care of stupid people and people with diseases, that we'll stop evolving?"
That isn't a stupid question. The stupid thing is ignoring it and keep aiding Africa

>> No.8153742

"c" was used to denote the constant 100 years ago. "c" for constant, get it? "b" seems arbitrary and retarded to us immortals.

>> No.8153788

How's job at NSA, Josh?

>> No.8155110

>you have to prove im wrong
This is said to me on almost a daily basis.

>> No.8155157

>>Law school is easy, just memorize shit
They are right , though.

>> No.8155161

Spotted the /pol/ people. Fuck off dumb shits.

>> No.8155359

>college isn't worth it bro you're getting in debt to do a job you'll hate
>just join an apprenticeship bro i'm making 20/hr pouring cement onto the ground
>you'll never be as successful as me if you stay in college man sure I work 60 hours a week but I have a three story house and two cars at the age of 21

are they right :(

>> No.8155377

pro tip*
She is full of shit.
But very wall may be a possibility if she sucked on the side for money.

>> No.8155386

They are, they'll also have broken backs and knees by the age of 30.
They get paid well because it's, true to the nickname, back breaking work.

>> No.8156243

He learned from /biz/ to screw your mom out of shekels

>> No.8156256

> people who don't keep giving us free money are dumb shits
wait until Trump cuts all funding out of you disgusting unappreciative cancerous savages. Lets see how you go begging then.

>> No.8156280

I also have some fucking guys like this on my facebook.

>> No.8157330

>college isn't worth it bro you're getting in debt to do a job you'll hate

That depends. Are you majoring in something you'll hate doing? If so, stop.

>just join an apprenticeship bro i'm making 20/hr pouring cement onto the ground

Can you see yourself doing work like that every day for the rest of your life until you're too broken to do it anymore? Some people can - if so, go for it.

>you'll never be as successful as me if you stay in college man sure I work 60 hours a week but I have a three story house and two cars at the age of 21

This can happen, yes, but it's not as easy as people make it sound. Some find success like this (financially) in trade work, but it's not that common - especially by age 21. The more important question is would you be happy working a job like that for 60 hours per week? Is it worth the car and house? For me, I can honestly say it's not. I left an 80K job 6 years ago because I couldn't take it anymore. I became a therapist, where my starting pay was half that. But I love my job and I'm happier than I've ever been.

It's ultimately up to you.

>> No.8157601

? isn't it suppose to be k. like k for constant?

>> No.8157638

>your country's spelling

>> No.8157639

Anon, meet Germany. Germany invented the sometimes-used k = konstant. He's the reason for "eigen" too.

>> No.8158032

plants have been shown to fixate less nutrients per kg of material when exposed to higher CO2 levels. However the caloric value remains the same . The CO2 levels have been steadily rising for the last 1000 years so your father isnt wrong.

Tl;dr food is less nutritious now than 1000 years ago.

>> No.8158044

it's fitting how this is a regular web comic.

>> No.8158046

so do i and the teachers' unions are still in control of education.

>> No.8158062

but slavery is only a tiny facet in the complicated reasons that the south and north went to war with each other. The right to govern is the main reason. The only people who boil it down to "its bout slavery" are ignorant people who only think in one dimension.

>> No.8158081

having an associates degree in some field related to biology doesnt make you a biologist, it makes you a worthless retard.

>> No.8158099
File: 87 KB, 588x437, foghorn leghorn says fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mind fried from neurology and statistics....

jesus fucking christ mate, is this bait or are you really proud of doing nothing?

>> No.8158422

>tfw I don't have family gatherings because the only family I have contact with is my mom since I was 9
Feels lonely, but I'm assuming family is pain after hearing everyone's stories.