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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8133324 No.8133324 [Reply] [Original]

It's a bit of a sick joke isn't it? All kinds of unimaginable stuff out there waiting to be explored and we will never be able to reach it. And we're just at the very beginning of knowing we will never be able to explore. It will eat away at humanity, little by little, millennia will pass and humans will get no closer than we are today.

I can't deal with it.

>> No.8133348

>All kinds of unimaginable stuff out there waiting to be explored and we will never be able to reach it.

'unimaginable stuff' is a weird way to describe a vagina, but your conclusion is valid if you applied to yourself.

>> No.8134994
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>> No.8135002
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>> No.8135010
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>> No.8135027


Knock it off. Hurr durr, we'll never be able to go explore the Moon. Propeller planes don't work in space. Oh, what's this? Rocketry, whoah!

We can't leave our solar system - rockets are too slow, need too much fuel and are too heavy. What's this? Nuclear powered electrogravitics. Whoah!

We'll never been able to reach deep into the galaxy. What's this? FTL drives Whoah!

OP, the fatal flaw you're making is that you are thinking from the point of view of current technology.

>> No.8135047

>FTL drives
I thought this was /sci/ not /sci-fi/

>> No.8136018


There's no outer space you DUMB GUY.

>> No.8136364
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>> No.8136376

Maybe it all can be imagined.

>> No.8136418

Because God made exploring the universe a privilege of souls in heaven.