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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8125034 No.8125034 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Things people say about your job/major that makes you want to scream

>Oh anon, you're a surgeon? Give me medical advice!

>> No.8125038

>you must be really good with numbers
>i always hated math
>you must be really smart

>> No.8125044

>So you want to be a teacher?

But one that really enrages me to my core and that I do not think is too common was when I was told

>So you are doing math to be better prepared for an engineering degree in the future?


I know this is an autistic rant but the fucking implication. That I'd be so stupid as to go 4 years to university for preparation for another 4 years of university.

Fucking hell man.

Regarding my job it really pisses me off that on 4chan the moment you mention software development people are so damn quick to dismiss everything you do as trivial code monkeying like if I was some kind of shitty game dev.

It pisses me off even more when you know the people saying it are sophomore engineering/physics/othershit majors that are just butthurt they failed their programming requirement because they could never wrap their head around the concept of a pointer.

>> No.8125047

art, don't laugh I'm gainfully employed.
>Can you paint my dog for free?
>Make me a giant poster, for free.
>Make me Christmas ornaments, for free.
>Paint this stupid shit/trinket I bought, for free.
>Why don't you want to do all of this stupid arts n' crafts shit for me anon?

>> No.8125048

Why dont you just give them some friendly advice you fucking entitled asshole

>> No.8125051

I laughed too hard at this
What level? Elementary, Secondary?

>> No.8125053


Fuck how the fuck did you end up in this board? Or did I misclick and got into /lgbt/ by mistake?

>> No.8125056

Welcome to reality, where many mathematicians work in education, and those that aren't in the teaching field are working with actual numbers, mostly in economics or other corporate projection models.

Congrats everyone, you're probably not going to spend the rest of your lives doing exactly what you trained/wanted to do.

>> No.8125057

Because I don't have fucking time to sit down with some woman at walmart to talk about her 2 cm scab on her foot. It's little things like that

>> No.8125061

>Fuck how the fuck did you end up in this board? Or did I misclick and got into /lgbt/ by mistake?
I use a lot of chemistry.

>> No.8125065

>What level? Elementary, Secondary?

They never specify. It is just a general claim about teaching.

This is the attitude that I hate. When people just jump to conclusions. People who think they are so clever that just by reading your major they can just know everything about you.

>you're probably not going to spend the rest of your lives doing exactly what you trained/wanted to do.

This line implies that you know that I supposedly studied math so that I could become a research mathematician.

Sure, this would be correct for like 1% of us but I honestly could not give two shits. Even before signing up for university I already had my goals in software and my specific goal was something related with computational mathematics.

Majoring in mathematics was killing two birds with one stone.
First I learned all about the most interesting shit you could think of so this was pretty much a rollercoaster ride for me.
Second, I learned all the typical pure and applied math someone working in the field of computational mathematics would need to know.

Sure, Algebra, Analysis and Topology are all amazing subjects but I do not really care about doing research in those fields. I was never that type of guy.

So in conclusion, stop jumping to conclusions.

Please don't tell me you mix colors.

>> No.8125071

>Please don't tell me you mix colors.
lol, not sure what you are getting at but you need paintings to be chemically stable in order for them to last. Pollock and Rothko were assholes, btw. Their work is decades old and falling apart already.

I am experimenting with ceramic based "painting" that could potentially last tens of thousands of years without deteriorating or fading.

Predictably you're a elitist dick.

>> No.8125075

that's ....
pretty cool anon

>> No.8125079

I'm playing a time game, pending that humanity survives into the future. It's easy to write history about things if your work is the only kind that survives.

For example, we can only make vague guesses at Etruscan Architecture. They made everything out of wood and it's all gone and rotten. We know a lot more about Greek and Roman because they used wood in addition to marble and concrete.

>> No.8125081
File: 210 KB, 944x930, Geophysicist's rock collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is this a dinosaur egg?
no ma'am, it's an iron concretion
>you didn't even look at it!
trust me, I don't have to

hell, geoscience in general
>is this a meteorite?
no, it's probably a chunk of slag
>you didn't even look at it!
look m8, it is NEVER actually a meteorite
>here, look at it anyway!
...it's exactly what I said it was

that is indeed pretty cool
are you talking about paint infused with ceramic particles? or is it more complicated...?

>> No.8125082

Food science
>so is that like cooking
>are gmos bad
>isnt diet soda worse than regular soda
>i dont trust the FDA
>i only buy organic
>is fish oil good for you
>should i,be taking vitamins

I am neither a nutritionist, nor chef

>> No.8125088
File: 92 KB, 1000x667, what science news sites actually believe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as an example, here's something that my advisor actually had to deal with a few days ago

people just can't be happy they found a cool rock. they always gotta say it's some kind of crazy fossil when it's obviously not...

>> No.8125094
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Food science
> I'm sorry, we have no jobs available for you
> Try McDonald's

>> No.8125098

>This is the attitude that I hate. When people just jump to conclusions. People who think they are so clever that just by reading your major they can just know everything about you.
Gee man, if you didn't want to get judged you should have gone to the mathematicians' safe space instead of 4chan. No need to be salty.
>First I learned all about the most interesting shit you could think of so this was pretty much a rollercoaster ride for me.
Good for you, you sound like a typical community psychology major.
>Second, I learned all the typical pure and applied math someone working in the field of computational mathematics would need to know.
Cool story bro.
>Sure, Algebra, Analysis and Topology are all amazing subjects but I do not really care about doing research in those fields. I was never that type of guy.
>So in conclusion, stop jumping to conclusions.
You know, I was mostly just saying welcome to the bleak depressing reality in front of you. Even if you dealt with a lot of computational mathematics the only thing that would change anything about my argument is that you may actually enjoy working in finance or education.

He sure is, or he has a disability, which is okay too.

>> No.8125099
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>> No.8125101

>"There's haters out there, other Bigfoot enthusiasts that don't like that I found something first," May said.

>> No.8125104
File: 85 KB, 641x626, 1458441385468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you talking about paint infused with ceramic particles? or is it more complicated...?
I can't call it "painting" technically because paint is "glue plus pigment" while ceramic is fused and chemically changed with heat.

It's becoming more complicated but in a good way. We're reaching a point where colors are becoming more sophisticated giving away to a more diverse palette that wasn't possible before.

In the neolithic era, about 4 pigments were possible but they lasted a very long time in the case of cave paintings. In the "Middle Ages" 5 to 7 pigments were possible. Today we have dozens and dozens of chemicals and processes that lead to hundreds of colors.

It's an indication of scientific progress and humanity's understanding of chemistry and the scientific progress. Paint makers are chemists and good artists are chemists and think like scientists.

Now take all of that and imagine the few remaining artifacts from our era are bronze sculptures, some concrete architecture, and my brilliantly hued still-life that includes a transparent blue dildo.

I will laugh in my unmarked grave.

>> No.8125105
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>computer science
>i've put together a pc config in a webshop, would you look at it whether it's GOOD???

And I always do, b/c of fucking family and shit...

>> No.8125111

>Gee man, if you didn't want to get judged you should have gone to the mathematicians' safe space instead of 4chan. No need to be salty.
This attitude that one is free to act like a blathering retard making unsubstantiated claims about some field and anyone who has a problem with it is a SJW who needs to run along to their safe space is fucking moronic.

>> No.8125114

I have held a moderate respect for art for some time now, despite not really thinking it worth my own time. However, when you intend to show future generations that our cultural elite were surrounded with
>brilliantly hued still-life that includes a transparent blue dildo
that brings me hope that the future of the arts is bright.

>> No.8125120

>Gee man, if you didn't want to get judged you should have gone to the mathematicians' safe space instead of 4chan. No need to be salty.

This is pretty hilarious because of the pure irony. With your statement you are implying that I am not recognizing the nature of 4chan but by saying such a thing you are showing that you do not understand the nature of these threads, that are pretty common anyways.

>Oh look at you, you are so weak complaining about something on a thread specifically made to complain about that something.

I never counted on you being too clever so I can't fault you for it.

>> No.8125124

To be completely honest man, you're the one blathering on about how much that I implied (when I didn't) that mathematicians have to work in education/research. I just was saying that if you don't want to deal with education or working in modeling/projections for the long run, you may not enjoy your career as much as you thought you would. If the prospect of working a job you don't love scares you, then welcome to real life, which is terrifying and involves nothing but bullshit all day.

>> No.8125126

I'm talented and extremely subversive.

Over half of Andy Warhol's work was about images of death like suicides, skulls, electric chairs and other morbid imagery. He would sell the rich and famous pictures of themselves, then turn around and sell them death. I'm meaner than he was.

>> No.8125127

>what kind of job can you get with that?
>I hate physics/I'm so bad at physics
>I hate math/I'm so bad at math
>My psychology degree gives me leverage to discuss how your experiments (i.e. CMS) are weird/wrong and the money should be used elsewhere
>you need to program for physics? I thought you guys just scribbled equations all day

I have respect for my colleagues in STEM and it pains me to see our work be put into question because people are stupid

>> No.8125133

>another 4 years
What are you memeing? After finishing a bachelor's it shouldn't take you more than a year to do another, maybe 2 for something like engineering heavy on sequenced major classes.

>> No.8125134

but anon..that first one's a good question

>> No.8125137


> Geophysics
> "Don't you care that mining and oil exploration is killing the planet.

Yes, we need to improve (I would like to see more green energy myself) and we're getting better but seriously what do they expect us to do?

> "I guess you're right. As of today all mining and oil operations worldwide will cease. All the items of modern life; planes/iPhones/utensils/fridges.... They'll all be made from wool. Well you can't expect us to make them from wood! That'd mean cutting down all the trees!"

>> No.8125138

This career shitposting surrounding pure subjects is annoying, but that isn't what's bothering me here. Shitposting and then telling everyone who doesn't like your shitposting to go to their safe space is dumb. You're not offending everyone by sharing uncomfortable truths; you're just talking out of your ass.

>> No.8125140

So you work a shitty job and to cope with it you come to 4chan to convince everyone else that their job is also shitty?

wew lad

Well, I wouldn't know because fuck am I not stupid enough to graduate university to just go right back in.

I just dislike the claim that math is not by itself enough of an education and that math only serves mainstream engineering.

The claim also implied (but the speaker probably did not notice this) that I was too stupid to get into engineering (if I wanted) right out of high school and that is just baffling.

>> No.8125151

>So you work a shitty job and to cope with it you come to 4chan to convince everyone else that their job is also shitty?
You seem very angry that someone told you that you probably will never have your dream job. Are you still convinced you can be a fairy princess or are you just mad that you don't want to admit how much you hate where your professional life took you?
>I just dislike the claim that math is not by itself enough of an education and that math only serves mainstream engineering.
Anyone who says that negates the fact that pure physicists use math all the time.
Oh shit, physics is just the gateway to engineering.

>> No.8125159
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>Oh, you want to be a math teacher?

>What do you want to do then?
I don't know...

>> No.8125160


>> No.8125165
File: 508 KB, 1020x875, Geologist's weapon of choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy spending your day inside staring at your simulation machines and poring over well logs and core samples, instead of getting some fresh air and collecting samples from outcrops and roadcuts and having some beer afterwards.

>> No.8125177


Mate, I'm grafting my way through uni scrubbing pots in a hot greasy kitchen to avoid this, or factory work as a fulltime career. Anything that lets me sit down now and then and doesn't pay basic minimum wage is bonus.

>> No.8125183

Literally nothing worse than family that expects you to fix ALL of their technology issues. It's as if people never heard of Google.

>> No.8125187

>However, when you intend to show future generations that our cultural elite were surrounded with. . .
Also, FYI, many artists today value craftsmanship and skill. The media only shows you the art school nut that shits out her period blood on a canvas, but artists don't work like that today.

It's a competition to be skillful and make work that's worth a damn.

>> No.8125191

>that sounds hard
>le breaking le bad meme
That's about it really. I think it's because it's somewhat of an "exotic" field that people aren't used to hearing about.

>Now take all of that and imagine the few remaining artifacts from our era are bronze sculptures, some concrete architecture, and my brilliantly hued still-life that includes a transparent blue dildo.
Excellent representative relics of the 21st century.

>> No.8125195

>Excellent representative relics of the 21st century.
it is. I'm trying to stay relevant to the times.

>> No.8125196

>wow, you must be really good at memorization!

>> No.8125198


>poker is for incredibly lazy people

also makes me cry desu

>> No.8125200

Yes, biochemistry is obviously all about memorizing metabolic pathways.

>> No.8125202

>"so what are you up to these days? what are you? a sophomore? a junior?"
>"Oh, ill be starting my PhD in chemistry in the Fall, im really--"
>"WOH, you must be really smart! you know, my son is in high school in chemistry honors and..."

Ever since i got accepted to this PhD program it seems like if someone has any tie to chemistry, they cant wait to try to measure their dick against mine. the other day...
>"oh chemistry? my niece is a pharmacist and she just got a job making $100/hour starting at [X grocery store in my area]!"

not only is that a the 7th or so time now that someone has done this to me, its a down right lie. that's well over $200k+/year. pharmacists in my state make less than half that on average.

anyway, in short it seems like everyone just wants to measure up to me for some reason. i dont even feel that smart, but everyone paints me that way and it feels like they want to knock me down a peg.

>> No.8125208


>never wrap their head around the concept of a pointer.

If you use an actual programming language like Java everything is a pointer by default so you really don't need to know shit about pointers like with other languages. If you think that students are having trouble with pointers you should get with the times and stop using whatever outdated shit you use, no wonder people mock you. I bet you use C, queer.

>> No.8125212

>mechanical engineering
"I didn't know you had to get a bachelors to work in an auto shop..."
"So you like cars?"
"That's driving trains, right?"





I've literally just started telling people that I'm going to college to become a rocket scientist to avoid all this shit about cars and locomotives.

>> No.8125218


The confusion about locomotives isn't far fetched to be honest. Somebody has to take care of locomotives, it makes sense that you do it too.

>> No.8125219

> So you can fix blah blah
> Oh how do you get this tool to work
I've actually gotten good at it.

>> No.8125221

>c++ is outdated
How's freshman year anon?

>> No.8125235

oh man. And when you do help them, anything they happen to fuck up afterwards ends up being your fault somehow.

If I start to mention googling something they get all defensive and think I'm being sarcastic?

>> No.8125236

>work in the chemical industry
>know a few chemical names off hand, which are super common chemical names if anything.

For fuck's sake. I work in regulation and knowing names just comes along with the work. Why the fuck do people think that knowing IUPAC names and flash points of very common chemicals makes me a doctor.

>> No.8125237

Usually only when I'm getting a haircut

>What do you do?
>electrical engineering
>Oh like an electrician?

>> No.8125244
File: 94 KB, 540x398, 1453098206209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work as a lab tech
>literally am a slave in a white coat
>every fucking person always comes up to me asking the dumbest shit:
>so anon you're like a doctor my piss was like orange the other day and...
>anon my poop was like straight black does that mean...
>anon this mole, which I've had for 9 years, itched one time does that mean I have cancer
>lol dude western medicine is so stupid herbs and shit are the way to go

>> No.8125248

oh you're gonna love this one

>meeting girlfriend's friends husband
>talking about what he does
>"oh, im a mechanical engineer"
>science/technology boner starts tingling. cant wait to talk about shit with this guy
>"yeah, I work with another guy installing machinery in different factories. like, setting it up and stuff"

you're fucking kidding me.

>> No.8125253

>Oh, I'm a mathematician
>Yeah, I add up the price of people's orders at Mc Donald's

>> No.8125286
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>"I didn't know you had to get a bachelors to work in an auto shop..."
Best one so far in this thread.

>> No.8125307


>wahhh why wont people recognize my career and how superior it makes me over them ): ): ):

>> No.8125318

>This is the attitude that I hate. When people just jump to conclusions.
>Please don't tell me you mix colors.
Sure you're not jumping to any conclusions, you pompous dunce? Learn to make your statements at least internally consistent, faggot.

>> No.8125325

I worked with a food scientist; his research is in wine additives. Really fascinating stuff that's also useful for large-scale production. His bachelor's is Industrial Engineering. Gallo hired him for a shitload of money.

>> No.8125326

>"anon you are a ME?"
>"do you like to take things apart?"
>people don't know materials science is mechanical engineering

>"anon what does a biomedical engineer do?"
>"so you are going to med school?"
>"why didn't you go to med school or just get a job, instead of going to grad schoool"
>"anon why are you in grad school but not getting your PhD?"
>"anon when will you be done with school?"

It looks like i should be applying for a PhD. I don't know if i can get a job when i get my masters.

>> No.8125329

The biggest misconception is a academic librarian is just a guy who picks up peoples trash or looks at Facebook.

We are a critical member of the research team, do lots of data organization for scientists, we do a lot of training staff, find the tiniest most hard to get datas for people in every field to improve their work, also yes a bunch of customer service level stuff. There is a freshman new to JSTOR every year man.

No my job is not beneath me and yes it takes a masters degree to do.

>> No.8125343

desu I'd need some training to work as an electrician. I can read datasheets all day and draw you up a wiring diagram, but I couldn't actually do the wiring. Not safely anyway.

>> No.8125354

I'm an engineer, I always get
>Hey anon, could you suck my cock?
I mean yes I have a track record and always end up doing it but seriously guys not all engineers are gay!

>> No.8125381

Was he from Cornell, davis or madison

>> No.8125404

I doubt it. I think he was from Oklahoma, but I don't know where he did his undergrad. Grad program at OkState.

>> No.8125429

oh shit breh geochemist here
What univ do you attend?

>> No.8125440
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pic related...it's a bit of a meme school, but it's got a good geosci program due to all the oil emone
did my undergrad at UChicago though. my how the mighty have fallen.

how bout you?

>> No.8125444

if your degree says "engineer" after it, you should be fine.

in a couple years that wont be true for new graduates. even now some of them...

>> No.8125446
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>not caring about memory management
O I am laffin' at your bloat

>> No.8125449


>c is c++

How's being ignorant?

>> No.8125469

>why didn't you study engineering?

Because I want to watch my life slowly fall apart and my dreams run away from me after I finish undergrad.

>> No.8125476

>c++ doesn't use pointers
yes how is

>> No.8125515


>> No.8125519
File: 59 KB, 450x472, 94Ksn6Sh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get with the times and stop using [pointers]
I doubt you understand how computers work, let alone if what you wrote is O(n!) when it should have been O(1).

>c++ doesn't use pointers
>pic related

>> No.8125522

>academic librarian
what in the fuck is an academic librarian. please don't tell me they offer degrees in this. This shit sounds worse than getting a degree in Dance (it exists)

>> No.8125524

not him,

typically they get degrees in liberal arts. i know one that got his masters in music history or something

>> No.8125535

>Do you make meth?
I'm pretty sure this beats everyone else's because I hear it every time I tell someone my job.

>> No.8125536
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too fucking complicated for people to ask about so they just ask what it is about and after I explain they leave me alone...kinda funny cause its not that complicated...

if anything, I get snarky comments from physics and engeneering majors:

>oh you dont get physics so you go for the easy opstion?
>yeah pretty easy to remember a bunch of acids and shit, pfff...
>yeah keep medling with tiny cells while I make rockets, dummy...

>> No.8125544

I get no retarded questions or questions at all because even most STEM people don't have the slightest idea what ChemEs do.

>> No.8125546

You know what. I agree with that asshole. If you went into that field to help people you have no right to bitch when people want help. You money grubbing piece of shit. MAKE TIME!

>> No.8125548

No, you tell them that medical advice is not what you're trained to do, you're trained to cut people up and fix their shit while they're knocked out.

>> No.8125553

My university offers information science degrees and the graduates are actually extremely good at what they do. People here actually use the library resources.

>> No.8125561

Well roughly half the students in a typical undergraduate math class ARE preparing to study engineering or go into education so why is it people's fault when they make the assumption that you're there for the same reason as their cousin etc?

Don't blame normies for the fact that you study a meme degree.

>> No.8125612

People really tell you this or you just spergin out things that never happened?

>> No.8125690


>> No.8125713

I haven't even finshed that some people already sickens me.

>You are laerning physics ?
>Why not chosing engineering

Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.8125717


What lightbulb is the best to use? What fuse should I put in my toaster?

I am not an electrician.

>> No.8125719

You don't intend to pursue graduate education?

You realize you can get scholarships if your GPA is good, right?

>> No.8125721

This made me rethink my EE major.

I was in it for the bulbs.

>> No.8125735

Yeah if I'm honest then training as an electrician has more practical benefit than EE wizardry.

>Can I drill into this wall or will i hit a wire anon?

>> No.8125755
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Math. I can remember some actual conversations.

>Coolstorybro, I took AP Cal and made a 5
>*gag noise*
>I wish all I had to do was sit down and write proofs
>Well, someone has to do it

>> No.8125766
File: 193 KB, 400x400, 1463500075945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Biomedical engineer

>So, you will build cyborgs then?

Or even worse

>I thought engineer is the same thing as an architect, do you plan hospitals?

>> No.8125777

>durr doing the apocalypse/collapse we can hole ourselves up together
>you can get all the electricity and stuff runnin for us

i'm not an electrician you niggers
i have no idea how to do that

>> No.8125781


Well, I do not think that it would be difficult for an EE to educate himself on real circuitry and make connections to theory. It is not like an electrician is building his components himself aswell, so we are all equally fucked no matter what education if the supply chain is gone.

>> No.8125787

>>I wish all I had to do was sit down and write proofs
what's wrong with this?

>> No.8125788

Pretty sure Mr Arty mean't drugs, anon

Also, >>8125318

>> No.8125789

Nanotech here. Currently doing in situ TEM with a focus on catalysis.

>oh wow you are smart
>that is fascinating plz tell me more: eyes immediately glaze over even tho I am adept at explaining my job in pop-sci-eese
>grey goo
>nanobots, when?
>hey i saw this in a movie is this even possible?

and the worst:
>you guys are horrible you are messing with god's creations and you have no right. one of your atoms could get out of the lab and that would kill everybody..

>> No.8125799

Just tell her as a surgeon, your advice is to amputate.

Not a geo-fag but whenever someone finds a rock with a bit of shine to it they always claim it has to be somewhat valuable lol

>>what kind of job can you get with that?
Please do answer this

>> No.8125806

Same. Also comments saying "Hey, Chemistry, I'd never have pictured you to be interested in that" too. I ask them what they would, largely vague answers of "oh some other thing". What am I supposed to look like? Greying and balding?

You actually have a job? There is hope?

>> No.8125807


Why do you want to create a black hole and destroy the world anon?

>> No.8125818

Mechanical Engineering
>so you fix cars huh?

>> No.8125822

>Currently doing in situ TEM with a focus on catalysis.
Do you actually say that when people ask you about what you do?

>> No.8125857

>Oh I know someone who has Parkinson's disease.
>Do they need deep brain stimulation.
>Well no
>Then they need to see a neurologist.

>> No.8125869
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>Health science.
>"anon iv got this lump on my breast, what do you think it is?

Holy fuck are you serious? Go for a fucking mammogram.

>> No.8125873
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>be gynecologist
>"hey anon wanna check my pussy?"

>> No.8125874

Are you gay or something?

>> No.8125876

I am dead searious...I thought people would be smarter in uni...

>> No.8125881

I am posting on /sci/ in a thread about our scientific work and how people react to that, so clearly I am going to say it here. Why the fuck would you then assume that is what I say to random retard #672?

>> No.8125884

>one of your atoms could get out of the lab and that would kill everybody..

top kek

>> No.8125887

and they say engineers are autistic faggots...

>> No.8125920

You build tubes right?

>> No.8125932


>> No.8125933

>I am posting on /sci/ in a thread about our scientific work
It just says "ITT: Things people say about your job/major that makes you want to scream" in the OP.
Sorry, you definitely have autism.

>> No.8125942

Because they don't do shit for themselves, what do you think?

>> No.8125945

>c doesn't use classes

>> No.8125952

More like
>Oh.. lemme go to the bathroom real quick
>I'm gonna get another drink

>> No.8125957

It doesn't. What does that have to do with anything?

>> No.8125962

>Oh anon, you're an engineer? Design me a heat engine!

>> No.8125964

>if anything, I get snarky comments from physics and engeneering majors

That's just friendly banter m8. No need to get salty just because you're an aspie

>> No.8125965

>I'm studying mechanical engineering
>"oh, you want to work in a garage?"

>> No.8125969

>If you use an actual programming language like Java
Spotted the non-programmer.

>if you use a real tool, like a power drill, you won't ever need a hammer for anything

>> No.8125973

>anon points out the obvious conclusion inherent in the OP
>you point out that technically thats not what was written in the OP explicitly
>continue calling anon an autist

oh the irony.jpg

>> No.8125974

Construction fag here. I've seen shit-for-brains people using power tools as a hammer.

It's usually women. Not always, but usually.

>> No.8125979

>You're a geology major?
>Geology isn't a REAL science

hahahaha, yeah, I've heard of that show. No, I don't intend to watch it. Thanks.

>> No.8125992

it's alright my autism

its alright

>> No.8126012


Breast cancer is usually something women at 50+ trouble themselves with. I do not think that feeling around flabby titties is fun.

>> No.8126079

I've seen this as well but it's been a while

>> No.8126086

I don't think this happens but funny if true

>> No.8126091

>what is 47*12
>can you repair my desk/computer/fridge/car/electrical wiring/plumbing
>are you making atomic bombs

>> No.8126105

>oh you study physics? You must really smart then
That's what they always say but I think they're just being polite

>> No.8126107

Not everybody is a manchild who wants to molest old women all day

>> No.8126109

2 options
"oh you do chemistry, so you're going to work at a chemist" (idk about other places but in Aus a chemist is a pharmacy)
Or "yuck I hated chemistry in high school, I could never memorise the periodic table"

>> No.8126113

Jesus Christ the irony

>> No.8126124

Oh yeah and I forgot option 3 which I'd literally every fucking time I mention I work in chemistry
"muh breaking bad, can you make like meth haha you'd make good money that way"

>> No.8126146

>So what are you studying anon?
>Oh... well, where are you working then?
>oh I see.. well.. hope you find something soon, bye anon

>> No.8126475
File: 344 KB, 1000x1481, Bazooper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hahahaha, yeah, I've heard of that show. No, I don't intend to watch it. Thanks.
which show? pic related?

>> No.8126486

>So you want to be a doctor?

>> No.8126598

Of course chemists get jobs. I wanted to stay in academia for the intellectual freedom, but in the past 6 months like 3 of our postdocs went off to sweet industry jobs.

>> No.8126601

you are not neet if you are looking for jobs or are in any government program.

>> No.8126607

>so you're good at calculating stuff?
>are you a genius?
>how do you get a job with that?

>> No.8126755
File: 25 KB, 462x416, 13164423_599799440177752_3675327307673467174_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Math major

>oh so you're going to teach?

Feels good not to be a pure math fag.

>> No.8126855


>Don't you think 10 years is a bit too long to study?
>What do you even need it for?
>What a waste of time

>> No.8126864

shut the fuck up codemonkey

>> No.8127066


To be fair, there is an entire field of machinary, reliability engineering. Quite lucrative, though you can be a glorified mechanic sometimes. But you can't beat a $150k/yr paycheck 10 years out of school.

>> No.8127284

IT Grad
"Can you fix my computer"

Every damn week...

>> No.8127287

I'm so fucking sorry.

I had to take an environmental ethics course to satisfy core requirements in undergrad and I wrote a paper about nanotechnology and the environment. Every paper written on it is a philosopher who has no idea what the fuck they are talking about I.e. The grey goo meme and the rest. God, just shut the fuck up. It killed me a little inside to have to say in my papers for a good grade "on the other hand, they do have a point..."

This is why philosophers are ignored for the most part. They literally have zero idea what they are talking about.

>> No.8127303

how actually hard is it to get a job with a physics degree

>> No.8127308

Literally your chosen career.

>> No.8127309

There was a thread not long ago in which a physics grad was whining about how he wasn't even qualified for call center work, because he never bothered to learn a programming language.

>> No.8127316


>do you watch Breaking Bad hurr can you make meth durr

>> No.8127346

Mining Engineering

>I didn't know that was a thing
>Where is there a mine around here
>they still mine things
>why do you need a degree to use a pickaxe

I am classically trained in the art of taking a rock from the ground, breaking it, separating it from the shit rock stuff, so it can be sold to someone else so you can have roads, steel, and phones. I make sure we manage to do it without killing anyone or dumping millions of gallons of waste into the rivers.

>> No.8127368
File: 1.45 MB, 4558x4542, 1449196277512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My EE uncle gets this alot at family reunions:

>Oh, you did electrical engineering?
>Why did the power go out?
>Which wire is the best wire?
>Can you fix the lightbulbs around my house?
>What is the best way if wiring that will save me power?

>> No.8127418

You're arguing with freshman who have no idea what their own field is. If you're not a newfag at your Uni, stop talking to those who are. If you are freshmen, then don't brag about what your major is.

No physics major who has actually learned physics would denounce something like biotechnology. We talk shit about first year engineers all the time though, because they're really bad at basically everything science or math. Then our classes weed them out and you're left with the lot of people that can actually make it as engineers.

>> No.8127422


>what's that anon
>i hate biology!
>do you like jurassic park?

Fucking every time

>> No.8127430

>Which wire is the best wire?

>> No.8127451

General question here;

finished up my first year at university as an engineering major (haven't even taken any engineering classes yet, just calc III, physics II, some chemistry)

so i don't really have any idea of what application these classes will have to my job field. I have a while to decide my specific field, but can some of you please answer a questions for me?

What types of jobs could i expect to get in industrial, civil, and mechanical engineering? I understand these can be almost anything, but what do graduates usually get put into?

I have looked it up on Google, but i trust you guys more than what i read on those links

thanks in advance!

>> No.8127464

u r a fucking idiot
you can do anything with those degrees
from manual labor to investment banking

>> No.8127470

didn't really answer my question, i asked for what graduates generally go into. Obviously an engineer is more likely to work with something close to his degree than become a garbage man

read up u fucking idiot

>> No.8127504

>jurassic park
Just go on a rant about how you're going to build an army of deinonychus and they will be first on your list.

If you're lucky, they'll never talk to you again.

>> No.8127566


Solid core wire - stranded wire sucks ass

>> No.8127572


>> No.8127592
File: 55 KB, 600x760, devilish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Hey anon quick, tell me what species this plant is
I can tell you if it's a pterophyte, gymnosperm, or angiosperm. And I know a few local trees from my general ecology class, but beyond that plants can suck a dick
>Why haven't I pooped for a few days/some other generic mild indigestion symptom
I'll say you have a helminth to scare you [pic related]
>Are you going to vaccinate your kids
>Wow biology is a lot harder than I thought it is
It can be anyways

>> No.8127602

You go into HVAC because HVAC usually never runs out of jobs, esp. right out of graduating

The ones willing to go into more job searching (so no money right away) can end up in aerospace, that's what my friend did (although he didn't enjoy it). He just does HVAC now

>> No.8127664

I finished Electronics Engineering this year, now working

> . . . o_o
>must be smart (they dont know how stupid I feel many days)
>so what can you do with it?

>(a friend of my dad, expecting me to have studied architecture, like my dad) well... at least it's not electronic MUSIC
what neither of us knew is that I'd end up helping a bunch of electronic musicians to make cool visuals for their parties

>> No.8127689

I live in a rural suburb, theres no jobs
most people get into uni in the city and leave, or their parents buy them a car/fuel so they can find work
others arent so lucky

>> No.8127729
File: 20 KB, 188x200, 1415323162651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anthropology (Former Bio-cuck)
>Assume I want to get into law school
>When informed I don't want to be a lawyer I want to be an anthropolgist assume my goal in life is to work at memebucks
Pre-law fags annoy me but not as much as med fags.
>Assume I'm knowledgeable about every cultural group to ever exist
>What do you think about cultural appropriation?
>Tell me all about random facts about dead civilizations
>So it's basically history?
>How many languages do you speak? Do you know Spanish? Spanish is super useful! Ugh why are you learning French?

When I majored in Biology
>Assumed I wanted to be a doctor
>When told I wanted to be a biologist, not a doctor assumed that I only want to be a biologist because I know I couldn't make it as a doctor
Pre-med fags are cancer.
>Assume I'm autistic and knowledgeable about plants and shit

>> No.8127739

Actuarial Mathematics
>blank stare
>"what's that?"
>"Oh cool.........."

>> No.8127747

>Oh anon, you're a genius billionaire tycoon, give me a dollar!

>> No.8127750

>When told I wanted to be a biologist, not a doctor assumed that I only want to be a biologist because I know I couldn't make it as a doctor

Holy shit, this
>Orgo professor who's also the premed advisor thinks I want to be a doctor
>Tell him I don't really want to be a doctor
>"Well it is a lot of work"
>It's not that I'm scared of the work, I just like research more
>"Yeah, you have to want it"

I'm still salty about that exchange to this day

>> No.8127756


>> No.8127778
File: 14 KB, 445x241, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what a nerd!

>> No.8127801

Bio is the best background for anthro. I'm studying for my PhD in anthro at a US university where we recognize that the field is just a subset of biology. I work on ceramics and use geometric morphometrics and phylogenetics as the basis of dissertation research.

>> No.8127804

oh, I don't know anything about math, only that 2+2=4

also typical undergrad response:
>...not always

>> No.8127807

literally me, I kinda got shoehorned into software development just so I can make some monies.

>> No.8127809

If you know how to program and have done enough statistics, you can definitely go into data science which is a new, rapidly growing field. Physics and maths masters are being picked up by banks, financial firms, big tech, etc because they have the abilities to work with huge amounts of data through modelling and statistics and the like.

But then again, it's a very new field, and it's very hard stuff.

>> No.8127853

You make chemicals, right?

>> No.8127860

No you fucking moron, he ENGINEERS chemicals. Probably drafts them out on paper first and everything.

>> No.8127861

>Electronics Engineering
nice meme degree

>> No.8127877

A garbage man is a sanitation engineer tho.

>> No.8127904

Paramedic (female)

"So you drive the ambulance"
"I didn't know females were aloud to actually save lives and perform that stuff, I thought only males could do it"

"Your taxi is here!"
"You don't actually do anything but drive pts to the hospital and back to the nursing home"

Some of these things are said by nurses! I just want strangle these people. We are the first ones there when you're dying, prolly from something stupid you did. We have to deal with the same dagers that cops and nurses do, and do what nurses have ten other people to help them do in the back of a moving small bouncing box.

>> No.8129252


>"you evil capitalist!"
>"trying to get rich, huh?"

>> No.8129253

wow, I generally thought that hospital staff appreciated EMS more than that

>> No.8130878

You took the subject for any other reason?

>> No.8130917

Take your pedophile cartoons back to >>>/a/.

>> No.8131023


why is it polite to kiss ass?

>> No.8131178

Don't go to consultancy. It pays well, but it destroys your spirit and interest in life.

>> No.8131183

You don't have to quote his whole post.. People can see what he said by mousing over the post number.
I hope you liked your first day on 4chan :^)

>> No.8131188

>Oh, you're a programmer? Look I got this great idea for an app. So get this a lot of people are doing X right, so naturally they need Y. Everybody is going to love it!

Bitch do I look like a bitch? You think I'm a computermind? How much will you be paying me? Oh, so I have to code it for you first and then you'll pay me revenue? How about I code it myself and you can go fuck yourself.
Or how about I just keep doing what I'm doing and you hire me when you have something that actually needs to be made. No one uses ad-hoc apps anyway.

Like I'm a magician or something.

>> No.8131191

Yeah I'll fix your computer. 15 bucks. 20 and I'll upgrade your Windows.

>> No.8132425

> Emergency Medicine Physician

> mfw I don't tell people what I do because it's awkward every single time

You guys ever gotten into that job discussion with somebody who is clearly below you on the social ladder? It's almost more painful for you than it is for them, as you watch them awkwardly justify their life and goals.

I fucking hate it.

>> No.8132444

Undergrad in physics
> Anon, what's the link between quantum physics and consciousness?
> Can you explain string theory to me?
> Do you like know 'Stephen Hawkins'?

>> No.8133643

How's that going for you?
did you feel cucked through your 20s? Was the pay as a resident enough for some semblance of a social life?
serious question

>> No.8133664

Its interesting. Male medicians are annoyed by people asking them advice incessantly. While their female counteroarts feel validated by it, no matter how many times it happens to them.

What did he mean by that, /sci/?

>> No.8133669

why some ramdon woman at walmart would ask your medical advice? you go shopping with you uniform?

>> No.8133677

I'd like to see something to substantiate your claims.

>> No.8133735

Often, yeah. I don't have a lot of free time at all. I have to be ready for a call

>> No.8133747

>Aero engineer

Oh wow so you're a rocket scientist xDD

>> No.8134101

Nice lies.

>> No.8134198

>Oh, you're a chemist man? Do you know how to make drugs?

Literally every day when I was in rehab.

>> No.8134207


>> No.8134210


Ir sucks that I have to share a board with subhumans.

Can't we just pass a law that says that if I see someone high it is legal to just stab their throat?

>> No.8134211

yeh sounds like one of those dueches that goes out in OR scrubs to show off they work in the medical field. See that shit all the time, can you not fucking go home and change before you prance around looking like a fucking idiot

>> No.8134236

clover has this thing where you can quote the whole post, dumb nigger

>> No.8134239

too much bait
good thing 11 years here has made me spot bait

>> No.8134250

Yeah that's p much the only difference.

>> No.8134261

Damn man, that's not really a proportional response.

>> No.8134286

>Oh you're doing computer science?
>Could you fix this mundane shit that's going on with my PC?

>> No.8134294

>talking to some friends about work
>so last week I assembled some factory equipment
>wow anon I thought you had a degree in mech engineering


>> No.8134349

What should I expect if I take engineering, /sci/?

>> No.8134354

Ignore the edgelord bait, children need to feel superior to someone.

>> No.8134364


>Youz a trader?!
>Shit that's like Wolf of Wall Street right??
>Ay what do you think about Shake Shack???

>> No.8134378

I'm a graphic/web designer and marketer no bully pls

Most people ask me what a gd does, and they usually just take for granted that I do art.

The other side of the spectrum is people who think graphic designers do outrageous things like buildings and shit (no joke) and when I told them I just do printed advertisement and webpages they go like "oh...".

>> No.8134382

How often do you get people asking you for free logos and shit?

>> No.8134383

>"What's your major?"
>"Is that fancy for psychology? So youre useless?"
not laymen, just you faggots

mentioning that im minoring in math and bio doesnt even help

>> No.8134403

>Can't we just pass a law that says that if I see someone high it is legal to just stab their throat?
>spike your enemy's drink
>have a knife in your pocket
>wait until they start to trip

>> No.8134419

This. Annoying as fuck and medical assistants and other wage cuck medical field wannabes all do it.

>> No.8134424

Oh Christ, marketingfag here. If you want to get anywhere you need a REALLY strong understanding human behavior but every idiot just looks at companies who absolutely fail at marketing such as EA and go "hurr i can do that xd"

>> No.8134426

>One of largest video game producer and publisher
>Some bad decisions
>games still sell
>"bad marketing"

>> No.8134428

Genetics: so you going to make a rat-pigeon?

>> No.8134442 [DELETED] 

So, ARE you? D

>> No.8134446

So, ARE you?

>> No.8134498

Biomedical or Electronics?

>> No.8134536

Civil Engineering
>Oh...so you're like a construction worker?


>> No.8134539

>they could never wrap their head around the concept of a pointer
rofl that's literally me, but that was one course in sophomore year of undergrad. since then any computational work I do is strictly numerics with matlab, python, and mathematica (if I need it at all)

t. physics phd student who is desperately trying to do theory with just pen and paper

>> No.8134545


>> No.8134546

Applied Math
>Ew you like math? Are you going to be a math teacher?

>> No.8134548

It's a trick question. Pigeons are already basically rats with wings.

>> No.8134556 [DELETED] 

How's biomedical engineering?

I'm debating whether that or electronics

>> No.8134566


How's biomed? I'm debating whether that or electronics

>> No.8134615

All the time. I've done a few free logos for some of my family members because I was weak.

No more. My sister has a little business selling hand-made cushions, cases, etc. and she had a logo I had made when I was just graduating. She wanted me to redesign it because she was going to sell her shit overseas, bla bla.

I charged her, no family discounts.

>> No.8134618

Hahaha. I actually sent a letter to EA to adress some design issues the Origin platform has and I 'offered' to work on them. I did it mostly for the lulz but there was a glimpse of hope.

>> No.8134624

>I know this is an autistic rant but the fucking implication. That I'd be so stupid as to go 4 years to university for preparation for another 4 years of university.

>Bachelor's in Math
>Master's in Engineering

>> No.8134663

>taking four years to get a master's

>> No.8134689
File: 2.15 MB, 495x345, %22electronics%22.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biomed or electronics

>> No.8134702

>no family discounts.
no freebies is one thing but youre just a dick

>> No.8135078

>deep brain stimulation
oh i laff

>> No.8135549

Biomed it is then

>> No.8135695
File: 94 KB, 1280x1120, ancient-aliens-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are like Indiana jones! sooo cool!
>you work with dinosaurs, right?
>did you know the pyramids were built by aliens?
>let me tell you about this Atlantis/Mayan calendar/bullshit lost civilisation discovery I read about in the internet

>> No.8135707

My only stereotype about archaeologists is that you're all drunks who stash alcohol in all of your work spaces.

>> No.8135721

i have mixed feelings. it's harder to find a job but if you are the super proactive, research oriented type and especially combinining it with another field (biochem, neurosci, ME, EE, chemE) and it can be an amazing career...but that's only for really smart people

>> No.8135727

>"Oh, like Sheldon?"

>> No.8135746


>> No.8135753

It's always pic related. Every fucking time.

>> No.8135781

>oh, can you fix everything that's made out of metal in my house and build me stuff for free?

>> No.8135975

Chem Eng

> oh chemistry? My ( insert relative )is studying chemistry.

>> No.8135991

Music Education
>How are you going to get a job with that

Jokes on them, music ed majors in my state are licensed for K-12, and I'm not even started my seniors year but already have schools waiting to give me a contract when I take my PRAXIS

>> No.8136076

Bio organic chemistry here, getting real sick of answering this question. I just wanna look at enzymes, not go to jail.

>> No.8136748

>Physics? You must be smart
I used to think physics was a smart mans subject until I started studying it.

>> No.8137033

What actually is electrical engineering? It seems interesting but i cant even find out what it is for sure

>> No.8137057

It is like an electrician

>> No.8137082

designing circuits and stuff.

>> No.8137098

then what's the difference between electrical engineering and electronic engineering?

>> No.8137121

I worked at a gem and mineral shop during my undergrad and meteorite fags are the worst. They would bring me some slag or even at times asphalt with somthing magnetic and insist it was one. Even if they came to you to ask they always thought it was a meteorite. They were almost as bad as new age hippies I had to deal with.

>> No.8137133

computer animation (art) yes I work

>>1) can you do this 5 min commercial for free?
>>2) can you design my website for free?
>>3) Can you work for "experience" cause I dont want to pay.
>>4) Help me make this game now, and when it sells millions I will cut you a 30% profit check.

>> No.8137153

Sexist pig

>> No.8137184

Wouldn't you get a bunch of people calling you Rain Man or autistic instead

>> No.8137196

One is for brainlets the other is for actual smart people.

>> No.8137209

Electronic engineering is a specific subfield of electrical engineering.

>> No.8137244

Do you want to make electronics, or have the option of working on power grids and stuff?

Look up those degrees on LinkedIn and job search sites and see what people are actually doing.

>> No.8137382


Everything related to electricity as a science, eg
circuits, antennas, semiconductors, wireless communication, power systems... the field is so incredibly versatile yet so unbelievably boring

>> No.8137450
File: 22 KB, 571x553, oddorfalse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

computer science

10 years ago:
> which codec pack should I install?
> can you make me a website?
> do you think it's a virus?
> can you hack?

> why is my WIFI shit?
> i have a raspberry Pi and how can I do ...?
> in Windows 10 how can I ...?
> do you think it's a virus?
> can you hack?

>> No.8137489


Wouldn't a surgeon have gone to medical school, and acquired more than the usual amount of medical knowledge, even if their profession is not prescribing or giving medical advice?


Well, a mathematics major will certainly have more knowledge of the properties of numbers than usual. Them always hating math is not even a statement about your major. Mathematicians and mathematics majors are also quite obviously very intelligent compared to the general population. If you are majoring in math, it is a near certain bet that you are in the 95th percentile of intelligence or above. There is really no need to be upset by these cliches.


Many mathematics majors do go into education and engineering, but this is actually pretty presumptuous.

Actually presumptuous

>> No.8137516

> Oh you're a virologist? Don't touch me! I don't want to get a disease!

>> No.8137533

sounds more like he didn't even study and actually is a painter.

>> No.8137538

EA can shit anything out and people will buy it, actual marketing has nothing to do with it. This is the company that denounced all criticism of their business practices as homophobia

>> No.8137551

Are you on a no-fly list yet?

>> No.8137643

>Do you want to make electronics, or have the option of working on power grids and stuff?
Which degree would allow me to have the option of making electronics but also the option of working with fields+waves? Would that be electrical or electronic?

>> No.8137651

Yo since you are a geophysicist, can you answer me a question? I'm about to get my A.S. from CC and tranfer to UHouston for either geology or geophysics, which one should I do, or both? I already got cal123 done/chem1-2/physics MH &EM? if i go in as both I only need to take 3 more math courses, I really don't know what to major in.

>> No.8137669

mcdonalds manager

>kill yourself

i hate when my dad says this, it's so annoying.

>> No.8137897
File: 293 KB, 661x716, sci advice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a paleofag, not a geophysicist, but...
depends on what you want to do. geology is more hands-on. if you like field science, go for geology. if you prefer modeling of tectonics or reservoir characterization, geophysics may be more up your alley. when in doubt, go geology.
the picture is a joke about how geophysicists don't deal with actual rocks that much, how they focus more on simulations.

>> No.8137917
File: 31 KB, 353x353, 1449168919306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>if we know our DNA, why isn't there a cure for cancer yet???

>> No.8137943

To be fair, that's not a stupid question. The reason that knowing human DNA does not tell us everything we want to know about human biology is a nonobvious one.

>> No.8137956

Ah it's not really stupid I guess. I just hear it too often.

>> No.8138138

Pharmacy tech here, know this way too well

>> No.8138141

I'm okay with that

>> No.8138147

In EU it falls under ICT as a speciaized program. Bumer, I always wanted to be a librarian but his shit is a requirement

>> No.8138149

Java doesn't even have pointers, just all objects are references, which is not the same. Also primitives aren't references.

>> No.8138182

>yay did you find some dinosaurs?

>> No.8138186

Same here, chemotherapy preparation
>hurrr bad big pharma has all the cures but they wont give
>all chemos are unnatural, lets treat cancer with magic crystals
>Ah, my uncle\sis\grandma\dad died of cancer,, those poisons killed him you monster
Life is hard

>> No.8138189

Actually first glance to wiki would show those faggots they are talking about single cure for at least hundred different diseases with not really clear origin. Not stupid, fine, but annoying nonetheless.

>> No.8138207

Fellow biochem here. It's exactly the same for me

>> No.8138208

>Can you help with my maths thesis

No, it's far too easy.

>> No.8139460


>> No.8139472

>Uncle get diagnosed with terminal cancer
>pancreas, lungs, liver, marrow
>doc gives 2 weeks
>he chooses to do chemo for a couple sessions, instead of going on hospice
>died a week or so ago
>some family blames the radiation
>mfw my aunt says, "Chemo is supposed to help but it just made him worse!"
My mom was an RN for 25 years, and she was baffled as to why they were putting him through chemo

>> No.8139763


Why do you hate yourself anon?

>> No.8139876


Top kaka.

>> No.8139900
File: 84 KB, 640x720, 1453130055037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Organic/Pharmaceutical Chemist

> ay lmao you're like that dude from breaking bad are you gonna make meth after you graduate what a show xD let's cook
> So you're going to be chemist? (in ireland chemist is common parlance for a pharmacist)
> so you're going to like work at pfizer or eli lilly (I'm planning on going into total synthesis research or Medicine, it used to be piss me off that people would presume I was going into industry. Now when I describe the degree I just say "you know working in pfizer labs and stuff" to explain what I do because they hire a lot of local people and I can't be bothered going into an autistic shpeal about carbon chain molecules.)
"haha you're definitely just in it to make drugs" (i have a reputation for drug use, but if that was the primary motivation in choosing my career, I would have just become a pharmacist and memorized fucking lists to become a glorified and intoxicated shop clerk. why don't people understand that being a chemist doesn't diminish how dangerously illegal or impractical it would be to manufacture drugs, especially when they're freely available anyway.)

>> No.8139978

W-What is that supposed to mean?

>> No.8140004

Software Engineering
(When I was a first year)

Got a job at a department store cleaning, re-arranging and re-stocking. During my induction.

> Oh you must be smart and good with computers, far to smart tot smart to do cleaning.
> Lets have you work in our Tech section.

Spends the next 4 months Selling dvds, printing photo's and getting yelled at by homeless people.
I just wanted to clean and stock selves :(
P.s I had other employees try to get me to fix their computers/phones/tablets for free.

>> No.8140073

>Oh so are you trying to get into the medical field?
It's this, or every student's favorite, regardless of field or discipline
>what do you wanna do with that?

>> No.8140198

>too long
>have to keep explaining that as a doctor you'll have to study all your life
I feel your pain

>> No.8140203

100 for downgrading it back

>> No.8140204

Not anon but for me are answers yes and what social life?

>> No.8140210

His doctor was too eager. Sometimes they just can't overcome the fact that the patient would be better with some fentanyl at home when there's no realistic chance of remission

>> No.8140212

I'm lucky that in my country pharmacies are still inseparable part of health care system. I couldn't bear the thought of people thinking I'm just some fucking cashier

>> No.8140520

pls respond anyone who does electrical/electronic engineering

>> No.8140536

Take your pedophile cartoons back to >>>/a/.

>> No.8140566

It was even stranger when after only one or two sessions, they just moved him onto hospice care. The whole situation was just a mess. I guess the funny thing about it all was, when I went down to say my goodbyes, he just wanted to be on facebook and smoke weed all day. in a week, I spoke with him for no more than 10 minutes, maybe 4 times.He also wanted to start a Vlog for some reason.

>> No.8140567

meant for

>> No.8141095

>Oh.. lemma go to the bathroom real quick

>Oh, anon you're in engineering physics?
Make up your mind, are you an engineer or a physicist :^)

>> No.8141357
File: 551 KB, 736x460, Nugget is Good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

History and Medieval Studies duel major here
>heh enjoy unemployment unless you like teaching
>but I like teaching
that's really it I'm just miserable pls shoot me

>> No.8141377
File: 74 KB, 1600x900, 1465874593983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you killed , how many.

>> No.8141443

I study history as a hobby, never really meant to do that for a living

>> No.8141531
File: 118 KB, 1024x661, 0147 - XJBYFrz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw invading /sci/ with a subject they don't like
>you're not gonna be like hannibal are you!?
>you didn't know what degree to do so chose this, right?
>hey dude watch this ted-x talk on psychopaths dude
>can you interpret my dream?
>can you read my mind?
>that's not a real science
>you're not gonna get a job with that
the last two may hold some more weight but it gets old

>> No.8141776

Computer Engineering

> So, what even is that exactly?
> You look like a guy who's good with computers! I bet my old shitty laptops are as good as your $1,000 computer!
> That means you're like Geek Squad now, right?
> Computer Engineering...that's programming, right?

How do I explain to people what my major is really about?
I tell them it's a hybrid of electrical engineering and computer science, but they dont really get it.

>> No.8141792


>"Who died and put you in charge?"


>> No.8141967

>You're a chemist anon?
>whats this random organic molecule?
>you didn't guess it was caffeine!
>do you even follow "I Fuckin Love science"?

>> No.8141980


just tell them that you are you at computer when it comes to hardware and software.

>> No.8142601


I'm considering this major but I've heard a few people saying it's sort of a "dead field"

Does it lead to lab tech jobs?

I'd love a comfy lab tech job

>> No.8142663


Do you want to stop at BS, MS, or PhD?

I worked as a lab tech with after finished a BS / MS 5 year program for like a year in a pharmaceutical company before getting a PhD and tenure-track professor, made 45k starting in the Buffalo NY area, which was pretty nice, I basically cleaned glassware, basic analytical stuff and reactions. I was sort of the graduate student for the staff scientists. It wasn't bad, but I wanted more freedom, but if you're comfy with that its a decent living, some of the BS and MS guys have been there for years and make around 70 - 80k. The job is pretty easy, not a lot of stress, and you can get a lot of papers. If you do that for a couple years and then get a MBA, you can make a TON of money.

>> No.8142829

I'm considering BioMed Engineering. I actually want to create bionic limbs for disabled people. Is that the correct route to take?

>> No.8142842


Depends, its pretty interdisciplinary. You can do undergraduate in EE, MechE, or BiomedE.

You'll probably need a masters of PhD.

>> No.8143051

IFLS is a goddamn cancer

>> No.8143454

superconducting if ur not pleb tier

>> No.8143961

As I understand it, the difference between the two is Electrical Engineering deals with the use of electricity as it relates to the movement of energy, so they do stuff like work on power grids etc. Electronic engineering is the use of energy as it relates to the movement of information. Someone else can correct me if i'm wrong