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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8125260 No.8125260[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've noticed that females have generally no interest in video games unless trying to be "nerdy". So have my female colleagues who happen to play video games too. Society generally doesn't accept females playing video games as normal. ( and I'm not talking about candy crush or FarmVille) Could brain chemistry contribute to this societal trend ?

>> No.8125263


>> No.8125265


>> No.8125266

Not just games. Not Many girls play fight as children, but boys do.

>> No.8125269

/v/ here.

games are usually made for competitiveness, since that's what the market of videogames has sold.

females don't care about being competitive, because biologically they're not interested overall in being competitive beyond being interesting for their social peers.

unless games catter to non competitive aspects like socializing, they wont be appealing to females.

Funnily enough, females seem to love rpgs and shit like zelda.

Candy crush and solitaire is big among females and women, beyond that, there's no much interest.

>> No.8125272

because video games are a waste of time

>> No.8125276

No, go back to your containment board, retard.

>> No.8125277
File: 28 KB, 356x354, proton gets smashed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a life where you have never been great at anything, never felt the urge to be great at anything, never felt that magnetic admiration to someone who was great at something, wanted to imitate and ultimately defeat him. Just nothing. Literally all you do in life is exist. Occupy space. pass the time. You're a chick.

You're bored,tweeting about your fucking hair and not even feeling any kind of happiness from it, just soothing your constant need to be bitter and cunty and petty toward other women. Every single thing you've done in the past year was mundane, shallow, and boring. You spent the last six hours reading kinda-interesting Reddit stories about people who made interesting Halloween hats for their kids or some stupid bullshit that you think is interesting and you may say is interesting but you're not really sure if it's really interesting. You're just fucking sitting there, gestating, fermenting, with a moist hole between your legs that guarantees you'll at least never have to get up and move around and work to support yourself.

And then you see men, over in some corner, having fun. You've never seen this before. What are they even doing? Instead of their consciousnesses merely sitting in their thick skull and revolving around itself, they are imbuing their conscious energy and intentionality into external objects, crafts, goals, projects. All the bitterness and cuntiness you feel nonstop seems to be absent, as they congratulate each other for being victorious, and happily learn from someone who defeated them. These creatures are truly content to be alive. They have found purpose in a purposeless universe.

And your gaze turns back on itself, on your self, and you realise you've never had that. You can never have it. You're just a stupid cunt.

So you get up, you walk over there, and you fucking ruin everything. Just ruin the whole fucking thing. The five seconds of attention you get will be worth destroying it. Because you're a woman.

>> No.8125339

Have you told your girlfriend what she truly is?

>> No.8125341

An evil succubus whore? Yes, I told her this morning at breakfast.

>> No.8125345

>he falls for an ancient /v/ pasta
wew lads.

>> No.8125430

>retards not understanding how social conditioning works in regards to gender

stay autistic, sci

>> No.8125439

because video games make you:
+masturbate to filth and cartoons
+stop bathing
+stop brushing
+stop getting hair cuts
+stop shaving
+angry at the opposite sex
+get horrible acne

women actually need attractive qualities and traits to survive, unlike men, which can look like a slugs ass and fap to hentai all day and still make 100k a year.

>> No.8125465
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thanks 4 the laff

>> No.8125511

the funny thing is, I know a woman who browses 4chan is an anti-sjw and plays video games. This place may be cancerous but she enjoys it.

Not all females are the same. But for the most part I just draw the conclusion that it is because social conditioning and female non-competitiveness by nature. It's always good to know what the other gender thinks about you. Thank you /sci/

>> No.8125521

autism is much more prevalent among men than among women

>> No.8125532

How can video games make you do anything? They're realizations of the arguments of their creators in the form of interactive, computer generated images.

Traffic lights hold more sway over your life than video games.

>> No.8125534


Women are most interested in things that allow them to socialize or improve social standing. It's just what motivates women to do things, and it's not anyone's fault. This is why women generally do not pursue careers or hobbies which do not have social components.

>> No.8125685

all these things are false

>> No.8125729


>> No.8125744

they dont like directly competing.

they like competing against themselves and working together with others.

they like the social aspect of games only.

>> No.8125747

It's because you're autistic and don't talk to girls, OP. My girlfriend is a way more hardcore gamer than me. She introduced me to a lot of games I never got to play as a kid like SotC, SH2, RE4, Drakengard, Persona(I was already an SMT fag though), and many many more. Most of the time she plays video games while I do math. You just need to talk to better girls.

>> No.8125774

Women look toward a bright future of getting praised for being good at what they do and getting s job and a house one day

Men huddle up in themselves after being told you p they're too loud voices, smell to bad, and generally scare people to bad to be around them, and should probably be under a bus somewhere tinkering with whatever's down there getting covered in grease like a good man should.

>> No.8125797

She's doing it to attract males.

>> No.8126070

Video games!= systems
Testosterone!= system orienting hormone
I wonder if there s some bio determination here.

>> No.8126085

I've had a few female relatives that liked competitive games, so your statement as a rule is wrong to begin with. I'd attribute the gamer gap mostly on societal conditioning and traditional gender roles as evidenced by history and social evolution, but I'm not denying the possibility of genetics making the tendency more likely. Anyone who (including OP) says "females do this because bla bla" is most likely a /pol/ack or /r9k/ or /v/ armchair philosopher, so their opinions don't have any value to begin with. The answer is, we don't know, yet.

>> No.8126089

No that's not admissible

>> No.8126097

I would also argue girls that do have the inclination are more high T and exhibit that in other ways as well

>> No.8126098

Anecdotes are what OP used to create his theory. If he uses it as evidence and he obviously considers it good enough, therefore other people's anecdotes are good enough to prove him wrong.

>> No.8126099

>women have no genuine interest in x, according to my anecdote
>anecdote is not the singular of evidence, dumbass! God! I'm just trying to be objective and your bulls hit anecdotes come and ruin everything and they're not even true fuck

>> No.8126100

They arent, they just play social games like farmville, not competitive games.

>> No.8126104

My uncle loves video games and plays all the time, my aunt and mum says they like video games but have never really played them. I think it's mostly societal conditioning, it's the only explanation as for why someone can like doing something but refrain from doing it for 40 years. I think we can say the same thing about men and cosmetics, I'm convinced that most men would be open to things liek foundation but don't do it because it's "un manly" Only a /pol/ack would attempt to claim that there's a genetic reason that prevents men from powdering their face.

>> No.8126111


I remember in school the girls were obsessed with The Sims and the boys were into Halo, warcraft etc. In my family example that I gave earlier while my mum and aunt are interested in games they have zero interest in my shooters or war strategy games.

>> No.8126114

Men are actively shunned from using cosmetics, permavirgins fawn over girls playing video games (hence why OMG LE GAMUR GURL streamers with 70% of the screen being their tits make a shitload from beta orbiters, however after a decade of attention whoring it's pretty clear as a whole they have no own interest.

99% of the time I hear a girl on a mic she's blogging about every stupid thought that comes into her head just so guys will give her attention, I kind of feel bad for the other 1% who only use it when they have to because of the precedent of the unwanted attention established

>> No.8126117
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Most autistics are male, that's your answer. Higher levels of autism = more interested in pointless wastes of time like video games

>> No.8126143


why are betas less likey to enjoy sports?

>> No.8126161

inferior problem solving skills/intuition

>> No.8126164

>You're just a stupid cunt.
keked and checked

>> No.8126370

She's been keeping it strong for 3 years then. She plays games for roughly 7 hours a day just to attract me this far in? She does this even though I barely play games? That's impressive.