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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8111476 No.8111476 [Reply] [Original]

Post god tier physics, math or other sciencetific textbooks

Calculus-Spivac, Undergrad level calc book

>> No.8111481
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>not reading from the original limestock blocks of pythagorus from greece and deriving all of modern math

>> No.8111537


>> No.8111541
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>> No.8111733
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>> No.8111850


Wiki is trash

It's just the books that whatever that anon was using at his community college. The books recommended are not good.

>> No.8111857
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Most things published by Dover.

This is one of many that I studied from.

>> No.8111861

>books that whatever that anon was using at his community college

>community college students reading Rudin
>community college students reading Hartshorne
>community college students reading Arnold
>community college students reading Reed & Simon

Top kek

>> No.8111871
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>> No.8111885

People actually pay for those?
tfw I downloaded those for free

>> No.8111889

Yep, can recommend Dover. They have great math books covering dozens of advanced concepts. Reasonably priced too. Can often find very cheap on AbeBooks also.

>> No.8111900

Stewart Calc

>> No.8111903

Does anyone have the solutions manual for Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics: An Introductory Text (International Geophysics) by Marshall and Plumb?

>> No.8111925

Currently using Hubbard and Hubbard for vector algebra and differential forms.

>> No.8111930 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8111950

Why do you think its bad?

>> No.8111956

Pls no

>> No.8111961

Dover is honestly one of the best publishers of mathematical works out there.
Dover is life.

>> No.8111992

Because they are fucking poser idiots

>> No.8112027

Found the engineer.

>> No.8112054

griffiths quantum mechanics
griffiths electrodynamics
taylors classical mechanics
mcquarrie physical chemistry
harris quantitative chemical analysis

netters anatomy
rohens anatomy
robbins pathology
harrisons principles of internal medicine
lehninger biochemistry

i have advanced degrees in both fields. these are god tier books. some of the medicine ones have been god tier for more than 60 years

>> No.8112062

Or does someone with Elsevier teacher credentials have access and can upload it for us? http://booksite.elsevier.com/9780125586917/

>> No.8112065
File: 116 KB, 1936x664, books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you downloaded everything that you want to know from that wiki

>> No.8112067

Harris my boy. Lehninger is shit tho.

>> No.8112068

My nigga

>> No.8112072

Hoffman & Kunze Linear Algebra
Tao Analysis I / II
Rotman's A First Course in Modern Algebra

>> No.8112086

I found Tao's Analysis I book to be a bit pedantic due to how he explains almost everything very clearly. Compared to Pugh, Rudin, or Spivak - it's a breath of fresh air, however if you're used to filling in gaps then it appears there might be better alternatives.

>> No.8112107

sounds like the opposite of pedantic to me. he does hold your hand too much if you already know analysis

>> No.8112121

Pedantic in the sense of being overly formal. I've worked through Spivak's Calculus & Calculus on Manifolds, although I have not done a course in Analysis.

>> No.8112127

It can feel somewhat pedantic, although not for the reasons he describes.

What can make Tao feel pedantic is
>he spends a huge amount of time in the beginning on foundations
>his proofs are excruciatingly detailed

On topic to the thread, I don't really like Tao's way of doing things. Spending a ton of time doing trivialities in full rigour produces two kinds of student; the one who gets alienated because you're teaching him that math is about braindead checking of obvious things, and the other who takes the formalization to heart and becomes a detail-obsessed autist.

>> No.8112129

Exactly what I was trying to get at, thanks!

>> No.8112159

Sounds like you had trouble understanding the material.

>> No.8112163
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the only answer when it comes to analysis ("calculus")

>> No.8112165

>reading the work of anyone else AT ALL
yeah good luck getting into grad school chump, i derived all of math myself

>> No.8112182
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>engineering philosophy

>> No.8112196

nice roller backpack autist

>> No.8112198

where is this from? I can't seem to find it on the wiki. Has it been since deleted?

>> No.8112201

For Immunology, Parham & Peter - 'The Immune System' is god-tier.

For introductory Biology, Reece & Campbell 'Biology' (10e) is good.

>> No.8112205

>Soviet Union Books
>Extra books
>Exercise Books
>Interesting Books

Appear to be just other stuff he has downloaded. Everything else is on the wikia.

>> No.8112210

ah, so he just downloaded all of the recommended books himself? i figured it was a huge pre-arranged torrent, i've seen a couple of those before. guess i have some downloading to do now

>> No.8112230
File: 27 KB, 312x499, 41LY02FQCgL._SX310_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best introduction to group theory and abstract algebra in general

>> No.8112262


>> No.8112300

that would be pretty sick
(you) should make this torrent, I'd suck ur dick senpai

>> No.8112321
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>> No.8112593

My internet is shit enough that would take days for anyone to download it.

>> No.8112595
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>> No.8112597

Is that one good? Was thinking on getting it

>> No.8112604
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>muh determinants

>> No.8112613

timeless classic

>> No.8112628

A book on Abstract Algebra - Pinter

For the beginner in math that is transitioning to higher level math. Truly assumes you don't have a background and builds you up. Great book for an advanced high school student or someone just beginning. Reads like a novel.

>> No.8112719

Could I study rudin without knowing all of vector calc? I know div curl and grad but not the main 3 theorems (green stokes divergence)

>> No.8112744

I don't think baby rudin even touches vector calc.
I haven't seen it up to Riemann integration

>> No.8112770

Are you that medical physics anon?

>> No.8112781


>> No.8113376

You could pick up Stokes and Greens thrm in a day anon. Shit is obvious once it is spelled out simply. Just think fluids flowing through a vessel

>> No.8113383

f you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

>> No.8113407
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No thanks. I prefer to read actual books instead of glorified wikipedia articles.

>> No.8113438
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>> No.8113561
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>> No.8113591

Both of you are fucking losers

>> No.8113653

Chemistry faggot here.

Silverstein's spectroscopy books are god-tier.

Sykes is a decent primer to mechanisms.

Clayden's Organic Chemistry >>>> all.

Even with an MSc that touched upon both of them (we tried to polymerise an inorganic compound and ended up with a gritty gel) in it, I'm still not sure how the fuck people learn inorganic and physical chemistry. I'm quite positive I learned mine by slow diffusion over time.

>> No.8113676

this legit?

>> No.8113717

just up to mega
subscribing to the dick sucking crew waiting for this

>> No.8113732

I'd send you like $20 on paypal to put it on a flashdrive and mail that bitch to me, then I'll seed it for you

>> No.8114120

I'll upload on mega. Only the folders related to that wiki. Also, the extra folders I created (interesting books and what more) are well above 10gb for mostly, so I'll not upload with them. If there are folders with no files inside(in case of the Universal Material) that's because the ebook version of said book was not found. It'll take some time, though. I'll be uploading folder per folder(zipped, of course), so that it doesn't take forever. Is it okay?

>> No.8114127

>63 posts
>ctrl + f: "Landau" - Phrase not found

Undergrads, undergrads everywhere.

>> No.8114166

does Shankar have good textbooks

>> No.8114176
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Haven't been bested yet. But for some reason it's no longer printed.

>> No.8114257

itt: anons with hundreds of unread pdfs

>> No.8114271

thanks senpai

>> No.8114471

Anything by Morris Kline.

>> No.8114567
File: 8 KB, 300x400, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8114634

>Kittel's Solid Shit Physics


>> No.8114654
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>> No.8114678
File: 26 KB, 384x499, 416OSfY+TQL._SX382_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This set, boys.

>> No.8114689

I'll be waiting!

>> No.8114725

You should make a mega of that, i would be very gratefull

>> No.8114728

Ty senpai

>> No.8114796
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hitler is pleased

>> No.8114820
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>> No.8114914

>grad school
Good job not being a hermit savant, brother. Talentless PhD slaves will be deciphering my brilliant contributions to mathematics scribbled on diapers for centuries to come.

>> No.8115110


If there's any book on wikia that is not on those folders, it's because either I couldn't find an ebook or the book was added after I had downloaded those. Also, the exercise folders are included because I forgot to not add them. Delete them if you wish.

>> No.8115111

Linear Algebra
Elementary Linear Algebra - Anton & Rorres

>> No.8115134
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ty senpai

>> No.8115231


thanks babe

>> No.8115249

may many refugees drown in your name senpai

>> No.8115262
File: 3.71 MB, 3720x2618, ぶーた.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey anon, could you upload the computer science folder too?

pic unrelated

>> No.8115266

we're on a science and math board anon

>> No.8115275

Oh I forgot about it, uploading it gotta wait a while though.

>> No.8115286
File: 106 KB, 638x903, introduction-to-linear-algebra-4th-edition-140726003430phpapp02-1-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best introductory LA book coming through
Anton comes second

>> No.8115294

is the classical mechanics one any good? I was considering picking it up

>> No.8115302
File: 3.54 MB, 3720x2618, wogura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for asking so much of you anon, but could you do philosophy as well?

pic unrelated

>> No.8115312

/sci/ likes it.
Personally I don't.

>> No.8115314

The philosophy one is based on some images posted on /lit/(http://4chanlit.wikia.com/wiki/Recommended_Reading/Non-fiction the images under the philosophy part). However, I stopped at Analytic Part One(part two, postmordenism and feminism/queer theory is what is missing) because the rest was pretty much bullshit for me. However, it's sadly lacking many books since most of them doesn't have a digital format. So it's up to you if you want it.

>> No.8115319

why dont you like it?

>> No.8115320
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Thanks for listing the source. I don't think I'm really interested in it then :/ I might take a class or two in philosophy at college instead

>> No.8115327

I was searching for a good guide into philosophy, and that was the best one so far. Which is sad, since it has many books that I couldn't find an ebook, but it's enough for me since I don't think I'll ever take a class in Philosophy anyway.

>> No.8115331

> muh rigor
It's just wordy without telling me anything.

I like Spivak's and Arnold's books better

>> No.8115369

Link to PDF of Spivak's Calculus


>> No.8115386

Nigga It's Landau. You have to be at a certain level before being able to utilize his texts fully but they are masterpieces. Typically, if you cannot fully take in his texts, you may want to start at a lower level or use another graduate text along side it to fill in spaces. Not all texts use the same derivations however

>> No.8115388


the djvu one sucked dick (calibre took a minute to convert it into a plaintext garbage)

>> No.8115401

the link I gave is PDF. I never convert PDF textbooks, they always come out like shit on the other end.

>> No.8115506

i dont mean you gave me. i searched for it myself b4 and got djvu links which ended up being shit.

thanks for giving the easy-link pdf for people who want it^^

>> No.8115521

Here, anon:

>> No.8115582

Yeah, it's great. Starts from a view of least action. You should definitely not read through it if this is your first time doing classical mechanics.

>> No.8115584

Is Jaynes' probability book good as introductory text?

>> No.8115587

I purchased the book but I'm afraid to open the box. I don't want to loose the book I just bought you see.


>> No.8115591

I like the way you organise things anon

>> No.8115598
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>> No.8115602

i've done mechanics to the level covered in an A-Level textbook. Would Spivak be a better intro to classical mechanics?

>> No.8115614

Try Kleppner or Morin. I'm still checking them out.
The standard text is Taylor or Goldstein

>> No.8115615

That was based on the wikia.

>> No.8115657

Also David Tong's lectures are amazing.

>> No.8115725

Silverstein, meisler and wade are all great authors. Havent checked out Clayden, how does it compare to Wade?

>> No.8115741

They're a decent gift item for someone who studies physics/has a physics degree, that's how I got them. They're free online via caltech if you just want to read them and nobody buys you gifts.

>> No.8115760

Do Kolenkow & Kleppner, then Goldstein, then Landau.

>> No.8115766

I have not personally used Spivak's book but since you said you had some exposure to basic mechanics, I would recommend looking at Kleppner&Kolenkow, David Morin, and John Taylor. These are typical mechanic texts used in undergrad curriculums. Once you've done those, transition to Goldstein,Arnold, and Landau; these are grad texts that shouldnt be taken lightly. Each textbook has its strengths and using all of them will benefit you. I recommend picking one (say Taylor for lower level mech) and using that as your main textbook while checking the other books to see how their approaches and explanations are different.

>> No.8115772
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>> No.8115854


>> No.8115932 [DELETED] 
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I got these three books to study this summer.

>> No.8115946

Take your pedophile cartoons back to >>>/a/.

>> No.8115947
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I bought these at Barnes and nobles to study this summer. Does anybody know good textbooks, websites, or YouTube channels to learn calculus of variations?

>> No.8115959

Based on your level implied by those books, this would be your best bet:

Calculus of variations at the full level is really not something you see until like a PDE theory or Differential Geometry course.

>> No.8116001

Any good medicine textbooks?
Going into neurosurgery

>> No.8116218

I have very strong opinions on this matter, as I have gone back and read many basic/intro level books over again for pleasure when I'm bored/taking a break. My personal favorites have changed greatly throughout the years, but as of now they are:

Calculus: Spivak, Apostol, Courant or Courant-John (this last one is really nice because it really feels like a "calculus" text with how much it shows you regarding computations and applications, but it is still relatively rigorous).
Linear Algebra: Hoffman Kunze, Peter Lax, Lin Alg Section of Algebra books
Topology: Munkres for beginners, Dugundji is good for more advanced but the language feels dated sometimes. Bourbaki has the best treatment of filters/ultrafilters (I haven't read anythign else in Bourbaki's topology). Engelking is a good reference but I wouldn't read it like a text. Willard is also very nice. I actually have yet to find a general topology book I really like past the level of Munrkes. For example, very few treat both nets as well as filters/ultrafilters and shows their equivalence (I recommend Pete clark's notes for this).

Basic Analysis: Baby Rudin, Amann/Escher. Stein Shakarchi's Fourier Analysis (mainly for god-tier exposition. It is, after all, fourier analysis without lebesgue integration so content wide it can only get so sophisticated).

Complex Analysis: Ahlfors (fuck the haters), Stein-Shakarchi, Berenstein-Gay,

Babby Algebra: Artin, Dummit & Foote for stuff not covered in Artin (for what Artin does cover, he actually talks about things in a much more sophisticated and insightful way).

Graduate Algebra: Lang. I used to say on this board that Lang was useless, that if you were ready for lang you could just go for specialized texts in any of the areas (Atiyah Macdonald/matsumura for commutative algebra, etc). I've since changed my mind. It's REALLY nice having a text at this level of sophistication that TOUCHES on a bunch of areas...(cont).

>> No.8116239

(cont)... I've done read all of and done all the (reasonable) exercises in Lang as well as D&F and looked through many other texts (Rotman, Knapp, Cohn, Grillet, Aluffi, etc.) None of them really come close to replacing Lang. So, yes, it is really terse, and often confusingly written, but I have yet to find a replacement for an advanced algebra text that has a bit of everything.

Differential Topology (more topological flavour): Guillemin and Pollack, Kosinski, Hirsch

Differential Topology (smooth manifolds, more geometric flavour): Tu or Spivak for concise introduction to the language, Lee of you really want to get your hands dirty and understand a lot of little details in how things work. I personally prefer Lee.

Algebraic Topology: Hatcher if you are not comfortable with categorical language, May if you are. Bott and Tu. tomm dieck, bredon are also nice.

ugh, i just got too lazy to write down anymore. I'm looking through my books and there are too many I like to continue this. I'd be happy to recommend what I see as "God Tier" books in any undergraduate/basic graduate level subject, as well as algebraic geometry, complex geometry, differential geometry, and PDEs books.

>> No.8116258

Can confirm. djvu version is unusably bad.

>> No.8116379

Watered down and dated "chemistry of the elements" from before inorganic was considered a field unto itself


Shilov's LA is positively god-tier

>Clayden's Organic Chemistry
Ideally you don't rest on those laurels and instead move on to March or Carey/Sundberg. I've found undergrad orgo texts are mostly the same.

That said,
March - Advanced Organic Chemistry
Kolmogorov/Formin - Introductory Real Analysis (actually on linear spaces and integration)
Szabo/Ostlund - Modern Quantum Chemistry (good review of linear algebra theory at the beginning for weaker backgrounds)
Bachrach - Computational Organic Chemistry (the March of computational chemistry. A good entry point into the literature. Something every untenured organic chemist who doesn't want to be homeless in ten years is picking up. Benefits from a book like Szabo that focuses more heavily on the mathematical theory of electronic structure

>> No.8116381
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this guy knows whats up

>> No.8116407

>Daily reminder that 4chan's first boards were /a/-Anime General, /b/-Anime Random and /c/-Anime Cute

Oh wait, I forgot. You are like 12 and just started coming to 4chan last week. Yeah, you wouldn't know shit about fuck right?

4chan boards may now involve a bunch of other subjects but the sticky cum that holds us all together, regardless of board, is anime. This is a website for people who like anime to come and discuss things that are not anime, with other people who like anime.

If you don't like anime you don't belong here. There is always reddit for the 4chan-lite experience.

>> No.8116425

Gently fuck off

>> No.8116426

Oh shit nigga, I just took a class from the guy who wrote the diff eq book, he gave us all a free copy on the first day, I thought it was a really good book.

>> No.8116428
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>> No.8116434

Mechanical Engineering major here. What should I do?

Currently reading an analysis book but I know it won't help me. I'm bored this summer. Any recommendations of what to study?

>> No.8116648

Find an introductory Partial Differential equations textbook.

That class is tough as fucking nails.

>> No.8116776

>diff eq in 24 hours

>> No.8116997

There's also a good book by Pugh. I've found it when I've already read more than half of Rudin so I didn't read it, but it seems much better than Rudin.

Spivak is 500-600 pages long and he doesn't even give a notion of a metric space. There's like 50 exercises "find the limit", 50 exercises "compute the integral" and so on which is kinda useless both for pure and applied math provided that math software exists.

I've read it, good book.

Reading it now, like it. Wouldn't say it's god tier though.

>> No.8117222

Any book by Stroud/Booth. Those men were/are gods.

>> No.8117326

>There's like 50 exercises "find the limit", 50 exercises "compute the integral" and so on which is kinda useless both for pure and applied math provided that math software exists.
If you find yourself unable to compute things like this by hand, then you have a problem you need to rectify. It's good to have exercises which check that you actually know what you're doing.

>> No.8117911

You are the MVP
Thanks for not being a pseudointellectual snob!

>> No.8118264

i agree, determinants should be put off until the student can understand the best definition (by the top exterior power)

>> No.8118271
File: 18 KB, 300x462, halmos.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best intro to set theory

>> No.8118415


Bump for learning.

>> No.8118446

I don't really think Spivak has much of a niche, especially in 2016.

Your groups of people who might be considering Spivak are
>no exposure to calculus, average math ability
>exposure to non proof-based calculus, average math ability
>no exposure to calculus, exceptional math ability

For the first group, Spivak is not only too hard but useless because they probably aren't going to be mathematicians.
The other two groups are more than capable of just going straight to an elementary analysis text, and probably should because learning from a text that uses metrics and basic notions from topology and set theory will be much more helpful for future learning that a book that dances around in epsilons to avoid them.

>> No.8118602

>I don't really think Spivak has much of a niche, especially in 2016.
This. I bought a copy and read it while drunk in a single night out of curiosity after I'd already done analysis.
Loaned my copy out to this 18 year old high school dropout who falls into the first category. It's hard for the mathematically unsophisticated, but it always sort of struck me as "pure math for art students" in the general-interest sense that the math itself is less important than the logic, reasoning, abstraction, analytic thinking and rigor that it fosters.
In a way, it's a sort of mathematical pop-sci done correctly

>> No.8118835
File: 45 KB, 600x196, 2016-05-19 00.16.33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8118861

>set theory

why such an old book?

>> No.8118863

>complaining about the amount of exercises
top kek

>> No.8118960
File: 26 KB, 350x499, munkres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want to learn topology, haven't had analysis yet. Is this a good text for self-study?

>> No.8119065

ty friendo :-)

>> No.8119151

This is the best textbook cover I've ever seen

>> No.8119313
File: 36 KB, 354x499, 51ZdzNgeT4L._SX352_BO1_204_203_200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone? Surely there's got to be a TA here with Elsevier access...

>> No.8119326
File: 17 KB, 356x499, Amann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one senpaitachi

>> No.8119438
File: 32 KB, 257x346, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im doing this atm, thoughts on it?

I give it a 6/10

>> No.8119507

That cover design though, very 1980s lel

>> No.8119522
File: 15 KB, 260x341, 416D1+TMqHL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8119525
File: 9 KB, 180x258, 9781139165297i[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8119526

Is Munkres a good book to self-study from? I want to study from this book before abstract algebra and analysis.

>> No.8119536
File: 39 KB, 241x339, 1464278840549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8119539

PRetty much yes

>> No.8119550 [DELETED] 

Thanks anon. I'm ready to dive in. I picked up Pinterest book on a steady algebra I'll probably take a look at as a secondary text this summer. Main focus will come from munkres.

>> No.8119554

Thanks anon. can't wait to dive in.

>> No.8119687

I've heard Munkres is the way to go also anon. I have it on my reading list. I'm currently knee deep in like 3 texts at the moment though. This is probably why people think I'm boring. But to me this shit is fun.

>> No.8119722 [DELETED] 

Thanks for the feedback. I've been very interested in learning Topology for some time now and it looks like Munkres assumes very little prior knowledge (least for the first half of the book).I plan to supplement with an Abstract Algebra text.

>This is probably why people think I'm boring. But to me this shit is fun.

Exactly brother. I'd rather be doing this shit over anything else.

>> No.8119727

Thanks for the feedback. I've been very interested in learning Topology for some time now and it looks like Munkres assumes very little prior knowledge (least for the first half of the book).I plan to supplement it with an Abstract Algebra text.

>This is probably why people think I'm boring. But to me this shit is fun.

Exactly brother. I'd rather be doing this over anything else.

>> No.8119748
File: 100 KB, 509x774, ss (2016-06-03 at 07.49.34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of my favourite introductory textbooks. If I were to choose a few books for high school students interested in pursuing mathematics, this would definitely be one of them.

Halmos is one of the best mathematicians-writers ever. His "I Want to be a Mathematician - An Automathography" is simply great.

>> No.8119754

If I recall correctly, he doesn't assume any algebra knowledge for the second half either. You should probably supplement with an actual algebra text. In fact, his algebraic topology section isn't held in as high a regard as the first half, so looking elsewhere is reasonable. You aren't married to finishing the whole book.

>> No.8119755

Thanks for the tip. What's the go to book after finishing the first half for the algebraic topology learning?

>> No.8119761

Munkres is a graduate level text and is going to kick your ass a bit.

>> No.8119769

Was looking for a stupid questions thread but this thread is related:

I tried reading a few mathematics books and most of them are just unintelligible for me. Something about the way they present the information and theorems, often with a lot of mathematical notation, they just make no sense to me even if I look at the same page for an hour.

So far I've only been able to get some knowledge from Seymour Lipschutz's 'Linear Algebra' and Charles H. Edwards' 'Differential Equations' (I can't remember exactly the title).

So how should I approach reading a math book? Just read the same page over and over until something clicks on my brain?

Thank you.

>tl;dr: tips on reading math books please?

>> No.8119789

What Soviet Union books do you have?

Also please post titles of all things you have downloaded

>> No.8119798

Thanks for prepping me. Waiting on it to come in the mail this weekend. Any recommendations on how to go through this text? I'll be starting with the first chapter onward, don't plan to skip anything.

>> No.8119799

You're the best! Thank you anon!

>> No.8119801

You're not going to get anything out of it if you just stare at the theorems. Read the books with a notebook and pen on hands, work your way through the examples, really try to understand why each step follows from the last.

>> No.8119804
File: 373 KB, 521x651, biblepepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!!!

>> No.8119817

>being this autistic
i think mummy said that you are over your time limit for computer time today Jimmy, time to go tut-tut

>> No.8119828

>tfw no table of contents hyperlinks in some PDFs
How do I remedy this

>> No.8119829

Does anyone have the solution's manual for Halliday's Physics' textbook 10th edition? Would be much appreciated!

>> No.8119836

> responding to copypasta

>> No.8119860

They seem really good. Thanks.

>> No.8119871

Mathfag here

What's a good intro to algebraic geometry?

I've worked through Dummit & Foote and Lee's Smooth Manifolds

>> No.8119882

Shafarevich so that you can get some grounding in classical AG.

>> No.8119914
File: 133 KB, 600x610, 1464537885068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8119915

I thought Shankar's QM was pretty good

>> No.8119917

Cool pic

>> No.8119928
File: 29 KB, 450x300, bible-body-2-18-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally god-tier and contains all the knowledge you need

>> No.8119939

>What can make Tao feel pedantic is

Tao? Pedantic? Hahaha. Oh man, you have no idea what pedantic means. Enjoy: http://mizar.org/fm/

>> No.8119942
File: 481 KB, 3204x1848, sovietbook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep increasing this list almost every day. I have a hard on for books released during the URSS.(Although I haven't yet downloaded any in Russian so far, but will).

>Also please post titles of all things you have downloaded
I have almost 500gb in ebooks, anon. It would take a long time to list all the things I have downloaded. Pic related bottom is what is inside the hobby folder. The Business folder is based on the wikia, Baker and Cooking is related to my work(baker at morning and working at a hotel's kitchen at night), Diy is just things I want to learn, Go and Chess(which is only the Artur Yusupov collection) is pretty obvious, fiction-non fiction has some books I should read that I just keep downloading because I can't stop downloading books, History is where I have most of my GB and I love history so I don't care how much it takes space on my HDD, Sew, Draw and Violin are my hobbies(which were the only ones in this folder once), Português is related to my own language(it's books for grammar and what more), Politics is some guide from /pol/ or /lit/ can't remember and Languages is for what I'm studying(Japanese, Russian and French) and what I must learn(Chinese because raw manga is usually in chinese first, Polish because people says it is hard, Ancient Greek and Latin because I love both languages). I believe this can give you an idea of the things I have downloaded.

>> No.8119971


what about the qur'an

>> No.8119974

But do they have table of content hyperlinks?

>> No.8119977

I'm sorry, if this comes off mean, but are you autistic? How many of these books have you actually read? I've never seen someone with such an obsession with Soviet texts and I'm Russian

What do you like about them so much and what drives this infatuation?

>> No.8119982

Pleeease make torrents dude. My favourite would be the math one. If you don't know how, I'll gladly post a step by step for you.

>> No.8119983

I could use this to! Does anyone have it? Please post and share if you do

>> No.8120098

Here >>8115110

Sadly, no. Most of those URSS books seems to be from India and it's just a simple scan of them.

>but are you autistic
Well, if going by 4chan definition, yes. But for real, I'm not autistic. Still, I can't stop myself from downloading books, so maybe I'm an autistic.

>How many of these books have you actually read?
For now only those related with physics, chemistry and math(until calculus, as I'm at this level yet) were the ones I read. All of them was downloaded in the last two months, since until them I had only read the physic question books(to help me study physics). I do read one per week[if it's possible, sometimes it take 2 or more], though(together with any other book I'm reading on another subject[philosophy now]).

>What do you like about them so much
The reason is that I find their teaching in math and physic good, they just show what I must know and that's it, not spending a thousand pages to learn a few formulas, 100 pages on why physics is good in this age or any bullshit you find in textbook released recently. For me, that works pretty good. From that, I decide to downloaded all those URSS books and what I read I loved(like the 107 stories about chemistry and I'm a physicist).

>what drives this infatuation?
Before a /sci/-user, I'm a /lit/-user and Russian Literature is my favorite. So I already had something for Russia. I like to search how and what books some country uses for their students and Russia is one of them. Based on how well Russia advanced during the URSS, I was curious about their learning method and that's how I ended up with URSS books. Funny enough, it was on a Indian blog talking about how good those books are that made me download them. Sad I just recently decided to learn Russian so it'll take a long time before I'm able to read Dostoyevsky in Russian. Until them, I'll be downloading them books in Russian too.

>> No.8120103

Ah, if you are talking about the soviet ones, sadly my internet is too shit(living in Brazil) for me to make a torrent. I can upload it on mega for you, just tell me the books you want, as they are way too much for me to upload all at once.

>> No.8120111
File: 206 KB, 1200x960, douay1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>King James Version

1611 called, they want their Bible back. Apparently the Douay-Rheims Bible published the previous year, 1610, kicked its ass.

>> No.8120116

>Munkres is a graduate level text

WTF? What kind of shitty school do you go to?

>> No.8120143
File: 2.74 MB, 300x252, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear lord no

>> No.8120151


>> No.8120162


>> No.8120321

Maybe you should work through an intro to proofs book and get used to abstract math.

>> No.8120453

The Chicago Undergraduate Mathematics Bibliography has some great suggestions, if you're very talented:


>> No.8120470

Amazon, $72 prime and like $30 something used, fuck prob decent if a book from 1985 is still going that strong. Anyone have a pdf?

>> No.8120472

Lehninger isn't shit you phaggot, but it's a bit too wordy.

>> No.8120481

Thanks, means a lot anon.

>> No.8120548
File: 799 KB, 580x926, book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8120615


>> No.8120753
File: 147 KB, 500x350, checkmate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go guys


Can you upload the languages, Go and Chess to mega? It would be greatly appreciated

>> No.8120785

The go is just the same book as the only torrent on go books you can find on the piratebay. I still couldn't find more. The chess one has only 9 books, do you still want it?
As for the language books, they all came from the piratebay, not a single book was added outside of it, they are like 40gb total, I'd say it's better to download it from piratebay, anon. If I were to upload it, you would be waiting for days here.

>> No.8120801

Thank you! Much appreciated!

>> No.8120815

I'd still like the Chess folder.

BTW, I couldn't find the Go torrent on TPB, could you link the torrent to me? Or upload that to mega as well if it isn't a bother to you

(sorry if i'm asking too much)

>> No.8120824

Np, always glad to spread the knowledge. Although just a warning that solution books should be used in moderation.

>> No.8120846

Shafarevich is a good intro. Mirandas book is nice reading because algebraic curves and riemann surfaces are highly important, and you get some experience with sheaves, sheaf cohomology, etc at a gentler pace. If you're talking grothendieck style ag, and hate hartshorne, take a look at görtz or Ravi vakils free textbook. Other classics are harris' book, mumford's books.

>> No.8120857

These suggestions have become standard, but they are also very dated. Keep in mind that no books that have come out in the past 15 years are on that kist. If you're a graduate student, the standard references for the upper level books have changed a bit in those years.

>> No.8120938

I upload both folders, since I couldn't remember the torrent name:

Also, while upload the file I decided to look for go books on piratebay again and found this one that has way more go books than mine:
More Go books to download for me.

>(sorry if i'm asking too much)
There's no need for saying sorry, it doesn't bother me. The only problem here is my internet, so those that I just download from piratebay is better if you download from there too(like my history folder, each folder inside it is from a torrent).

>> No.8120954

On that kist? What is the meaning of this phrase?

>> No.8120960

Sorry was on the phone. I mean "on that list." As in there are no recent books on that list.

>> No.8121216

I love you man, I really do

>> No.8121232
File: 40 KB, 318x500, GrigoriiFichtenholz_1417460801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>god tier
>anything but Fichtenholz
Pick two.

>> No.8121263

The .djvu in MIR would be greatly appreciated

>> No.8121276

All .djvu files?

>> No.8121285

Apart from the terrestrial oceans, yes, they seem to be very interesting without being too many
One day you'll have glas fibers, I hope I will find you again ^^
Cheers mate and thank you so much, for the pack on mega as well!

>> No.8121328

Here you go, anon:

>> No.8121532
File: 602 KB, 1500x1000, 1457934672438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Bless You.

>> No.8121556

This is a work safe board you fuck

Delete this immediately

>> No.8121562

Can you see her nipples ? Can you see her pussy ?
I didnt think so

>> No.8121569
File: 65 KB, 977x785, 5VEnL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone post the updated one?

>> No.8121576

Go be hetero somewhere else fag

>> No.8121724

This is one of the shittiest most painfully retarded images that circle around /sci/.

>> No.8121726

What's your alternative?

>> No.8121736

>suggesting Stewart for anything ever
>suggesting reading a book on vector calculus before linear algebra
>suggesting Strang's piece of shit textbook
>suggesting that somebody waste their time reading another calculus book after they read the entirety of Spivak
>suggesting that Rudin is a "breeze" for anyone at any level of preparedness
>thinking anyone other than graduate students specializing in analysis actually reads Papa Rudin
This is retarded. At least it's not that fucking "math monk" pasta.

>> No.8121756

Then what do you guys advise as a track for learning mathematics then?

>> No.8121765

One of the dumb things is that it tries to map out years of textbooks from day one. People then spend so much time trying to figure out exactly which four textbooks they need to get to after they finish the current one instead of just reading the fucking book. It also sweeps many subjects under the rug (read an algebra book; learn topology) and seems entirely focused on doing nothing but reading Rudin's books for some reason (flavor of the month memes I'm sure). There are so many calculus books here, and I'm not sure why anyone would focus so heavily on calculus only to continue on and read multiple analysis books.

>> No.8121809
File: 297 KB, 1052x1279, Screenshot_2016-06-04-09-09-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup guys. My math course in uni goes regular calculus then vector/multivariable calculus then linear algebra/diff equations.

I'm currently burning through Spivak and its hard but I think I can manage it. I should finish it in maybe a little over a month. Should I grab a book on basic vector/multivariable calc then linear algebra/diff eq? I wanted to learn stuff in advance before I start the course so it will be a breeze. I was planning on grabbing Apostol Vol. 2 then a Linear Algebra book. Here's my current reading list. Any suggestions on the order or book choices?

>> No.8121810

>>suggesting Strang's piece of shit textbook
Is it really bad, anon? What about that Apostol book that has Calculus and Linear Algebra? I was thinking in reading it to learn Calculus.

>> No.8121973
File: 49 KB, 992x389, maths.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8121983

Strang's book is a sloppy piece of garbage. Avoid at all costs.

Apostol, however, is a great textbook. I actually like it better than Spivak, however I don't go in for the laid-back attitude Spivak has. Some people do.

My problem with the recommendation of Apostol in that book is that there's no point in reading another calculus book if you just read one, unless you didn't understand anything. You might learn 4 or 5 new things and the other 500 pages are a waste of time rereading material you know.

>> No.8121992

>Should I grab a book on basic vector/multivariable calc then linear algebra/diff eq?
You can't do any reasonable amount of vector calculus without linear algebra.
Vector calculus is, as the name implies, calculus of vector spaces. Doing it properly leans heavily on vector space properties that you'll learn while studying linear algebra.
I'd recommend at least studying a bit of linear algebra first.

>People then spend so much time trying to figure out exactly which four textbooks they need to get to after they finish the current one instead of just reading the fucking book.
Reading the book and working exercises is hard work and often boring. Reading Amazon reviews and planning out your next 6 years of study and daydreaming about how much of a mathematical scholar you're going to be is easy and fun.
I spent a while in that trap before I realized that I was barely doing any math and didn't even know anything about the books I was planning to read.

>> No.8122020

So burn through Apostol then go for a linear algebra book then Hubbard and Hubbard?

>> No.8122053

what's scis favourite geometry textbook?

>> No.8122065
File: 113 KB, 500x426, Euclid1726-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8122071

Anyone else not able to download the Electrical one? Right when I "finish" at 2.99/2.99GB it then states that internet connection has failed. I've downloaded everything else save for that one. Any ideas? If it helps I've been doing it on my LG G3

>> No.8122176


>> No.8122182

Link for where to buy English copies?

>> No.8122305

I've downloaded it successfully, but I downloaded it on a PC, on Google Chrome.

>> No.8122439

>suggesting that Rudin is a "breeze" for anyone at any level of preparedness

If the level of preparedness is "already knows analysis," then it is a breeze :p. I think ones view of rudin gets skewed once one knows the material because it's actually very basic and bare bones (going as fast as possible through just the most important ideas and theorems, doesn't explore many side topics). Basically all of the theorems and problem techniques used in the book are standard "moves" that are not too hard once one has had experience with them.

>thinking anyone other than graduate students specializing in analysis actually reads Papa Rudin

A lot of nonanalysts read papa rudin or harder books. The material in papa rudin is pretty basic compared to the amount of analysis you need to know to be an analyst. Even if you work in algebraic geometry, their are highly analytic algebraic geometers (e.g. siu, demailly) and it's useful to know what they're talking about even if youre not that kind of algebraic geometer. Also, almost every grad school requires you to pass exams in all of the fundamental subjects, so most top PHD students at least know most of the analysis in folland. I would argue that not even his functional analysis is so specialized that it's only for analysts (mathematical physicists even need more func. Analysis than is in there). If you're talking about the second half of papa rudin, then I agree. The complex analysis is from a highly harmonic analysis perspective.

>> No.8122446

The correct answer is that there's no one best track. You try to get as broad as possible with some narrow interest probing in undergrad, and as the years go on in grad school, you decrease the breadth and increase the depth (how suddenly you decide to do this depends on the mathematician). The reason the track is hard to give is because at no level of maths will you be able to get all the breadth or all the depth, so for most it kind of arises organically, with some planning but not a many year long "track."

>> No.8122453

It's important to make sure you actually enjoy math a lot, not just the idea of being a good mathematician. Thinking about this is important when you catch yourself reading about math/math books, or hanging out on /sci/ rather than working :(

>> No.8122476

How do you make yourself to actually enjoy math a lot? Tips?

>> No.8122484

>you actually enjoy math a lot,
And this is the problem with many people here. Most don't seem to enjoy math, that's why the want a ladder to know what to study just to get good at math.

Read books on math, not textbook, but books. If you like math, you'd read about it and not just learn it.

>> No.8122487

Recommendations for these books?

>> No.8122496

make yourself? you like it or you dont.

>> No.8122500

I don't think you like math. That's fine; don't force yourself. It's not as glamorous as you probably imagine.

>> No.8122502

Can I still get a list of these non-textbook math books? I am interested in them

>> No.8122503


>> No.8122508

This is a bit of a strange question. Why would you want to make yourself enjoy something you don't already like?

If you aren't the kind of person who has fun doing math what's driving you to want to do math in the first place?

>> No.8122522
File: 21 KB, 570x570, 1463412211202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mein bruder

>> No.8122544

I am just somewhat neutral to learning to math standalone. I don't dislike it, but I find that I really like it when I am able to apply it and would like to be able to appreciate it more in its purity

>> No.8122584

looks like a suitcase, to me

>> No.8122612

what about:


>> No.8122904

I can measure my epeen on /sci/

>> No.8123509
File: 724 KB, 1402x1815, hott.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8123730


>> No.8123790
File: 49 KB, 374x475, 9780262042192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ant colony optimization is crazy cool

>> No.8123795

Terrible calculus text desu but great analysis text

>> No.8123799

Shilov is very nice but I don't think it does enough to build geometric intuition to be a good first book, at least for self-study

>> No.8123801

All of PSO is fucking cancer, but why do they need an entire textbook on ant colony shit, isn't it just an inferior version of simulated annealing?

>> No.8123804

They are both global optimization algorithms that incorporate randomness but that's about how much they have in common

>> No.8123928
File: 90 KB, 1000x750, your average weaboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8123931

>responding to copypasta

>> No.8123995

anyone know a good textbook for system entropy deconvolution?

>> No.8124013 [DELETED] 



>> No.8124533

I agree that you can't make yourself enjoy math if you don't like it.But there are those who like math but don't realise it, because it takes hard work and effort. I'm not just talking about putting in a lot of hours-- thats only a part of it. But another part is you have to really concentrate and think hard to understand advanced math. Its the difference between saying you work out hours every day and just jogging lightly the whole time, versus serious athletic training. Most people hate and cant handle the latter, some love it. But even among those who love it, they find it hard and some wanted to quit in the earlier stages. If you are not used to the concentration and type of thinking required, like most people, math can get frustrating fast. Some people can't get over how boring they find really concentrating that hard. Some people get past it and love it. But it is not uncommon to have a bad response to it initially, just because most of us aren't used to having to sitting in deep thought for so long. For example, I had MORE fun reading through langs algebra than baby rudin. Lang has MUCH more gaps to fill in that rudin, but I approached them from a different perspective. Once I was used to working hard, hardertexts were much more fun to read. Analogy: I used to be a competitive athlete in college many looked down on out of shape people as just lazy. But I was also fat in middle school/a lot of hs. It actually took me MORE discipline to get off my ass and start working out 3x/week, than to maintain my strick workout regimen as a varsity athlete. I think many have similar experiences with math. Getting started can often seem hard and boring, but gaining that discipline is an important part of really liking math. This is one reason I dislike when people only like pop math and see that as "beautiful." It's hard to strip math of its difficulty while keeping it's depth. But the depth is great enough that you train to thrive in the difficulty.

>> No.8124542

Gracias che!

>> No.8124610

why the time stamp?

>> No.8124770

What's the best textbook to do with electromagnetism?

>> No.8124818

Ask that question here: >>>/sci/.

>> No.8124854

What level?

Purcell & Morin - Electricity and Magnetism

Griffiths - Introduction to Electrodynamics
Schwarz - Principles of Electrodynamics (Dover Books on Physics)
Shadowitz - The Electromagnetic Field (Dover Books on Physics)



>> No.8125239

Another link to mathematics textbook resources. I haven't seen this one on /sci before.


>> No.8126396
File: 1.25 MB, 937x962, memeoperations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8126413

Doing good work anon.

>> No.8126434

Thank you anon.

>> No.8126436

this is a list of random shit
how useless

>> No.8126438


>> No.8126442

Any advice on what path/books to follow in order to learn analog electronics from scratch?

>> No.8126496

if you know a bit about electricity then straight to the bible of all things analogue:
>microelectronic circuits - sedra/smith

otherwise do a book on circuit analysis first. we used irwin but it was pretty shit.

>> No.8126602
File: 43 KB, 640x625, 1465167143001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you guys study with the books you download ?. up until now ive been reading the book from a desktop's screen and taking notes\rephrasing it on paper to make sure everything is clear to me . but reading a book from a comp screen feels like shit for some reason .im thinking of maybe buying a tablet for this purpose .
i have a kindle and found a program that can reformat a pdf so it can be read from a kindle screen but the second there's any diagrrams\equations its fucked .
anyone else has any experience with this ?

>> No.8126608

Kinda just have it up on a big screen. I know a few friends of mine use a tablet to read the pdfs. Just take a break every once in a while when using a screen, the backlight is hard on the eyes compared to a book

>> No.8126610

underrated post

>> No.8126616

my kindle fire reads pdfs them fine.

>> No.8126625

what's the most cocaine ever snorted?

>> No.8126631
File: 55 KB, 608x336, 1465197197071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isnt it just a normal tablet ? dunno why they called it kindle .anyways to everyone using tablets for textbooks what would you recommend ?.
>min size
>pixel density
>are cheap tablets enough ?(most likly wont use it for much other then reading)

>> No.8126706

I would totally recommend k2pdfopt (search in google) to reformat math books for the kindle.

>> No.8126722

> found a program that can reformat a pdf so it can be read from a kindle
yea that was it . anyways i put a bunch of physics books and this totally fucked up all the diagrams .now i might be able to fix this but then my kindle screen is like 1 inch bigger then my phone so i might as well use it (550PPI IPS screen) or buy something bigger (like a 9\10 inch tablet)

>> No.8126730

The lenovo tab 3 pro is pretty awesome for reading and for the budget conscious. Any other tablet with high pixel density will also do the trick. If u need to read for long periods, try getting an rsi app which makes u take breaks... if u r rich u have a lot of choices, even one of those sony 13 inch epapers.

>> No.8126824

will a 1920x1200 be enough for a 10 inch tablet for reading ?.

>> No.8126849

Came here to post this

>> No.8127300
File: 28 KB, 331x499, 416jPGRkkEL._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus all Landau's collection.

>> No.8127363
File: 107 KB, 600x480, Scientific&ReligiousPepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Share me Mo' knowledge

>> No.8127597

So what would you guys recommend for me to read Spivok or Apostle completly over the summer if I only have general knowledge of Calcukus up to partial fractions?

>> No.8127622

This. Same situation. Or is it better to just plow through all of Stewart's and then do Apostle or Spivak?

>> No.8127653

>Or is it better to just plow through all of Stewart's and then do Apostle or Spivak

That's retarded. Either do a rigorous calculus book or normal calculus book and then move on to analysis.

>> No.8127662

Why is that dumb? I know all the concepts and familiar with it for upcoming school year, then I can work through Apostle or Spivak at quicker pace while reinforcing knowledge...

>> No.8127685

The one variable calculus books I like:
Schaum's outline of calculus by frank ayres, good for first reading. Goes to the point but doesn't shy away from epsilon-delta stuff. For the most part it states precisely what it doesn't prove (intermediate value theorem for example, and existence of riemman integral for continous functions). It should hopefully pique your interesting on how to prove those theorems.

Next Kitchen's Calculus for a second reading.
It's at the level of rigour of Apostol but it's way better, in my opinion. Apostol does a bunch of unmotivated arguments that aren't really illuminating, Kitchen favors sequences, which I think are much more instructive. As a nice plus it has a section on wallis formula and stirling asymptotic formula for the factorial. I've heard that oldie calculus books had much more on that classical advanced material, in which case I think it's a shame that's been replaced by much wordier exposition of basic stuff.

>> No.8127893

There's always a thread like this...

>> No.8127914
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>> No.8127994

I wanna teach myself vector calculus, what do I need to know to get started. Also text books plox

>> No.8128257

Do these books have exercises/solutions?

>> No.8128287

Theres a separate exercise manual that you can find here.


>> No.8128597

And there's always a high schooler excitedly bumping it so he can have hundreds of unread PDFs and think about what a scholar he'll be.

>> No.8128715


>> No.8128763

McQuarrie did a solid intro to physical chemistry (physical chemistry: a molecular approach) that gets you up to speed for reading more detailed books (helped with reading bethe and shankar). Hill's statistical thermodynamics is super convenient for getting insight into a topic. Kittel's thermal physics is neat as well.

>> No.8128764

It's awkwardly straddled between his CMP book and thermal physics and really is a poor man's ashcroft.

>> No.8128900

What prereq to be able to read that?

>> No.8128903
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is there some nice person with Elsevier teacher or TA access that can log into here at the top right corner download the instructor manual and post it? http://textbooks.elsevier.com/web/product_details.aspx?isbn=9780125586917 it's impossible to find the manual and the book does a lousy job of showing examples

>> No.8128907

I'm looking for a book to get started on differential geometry from a real and complex analysis background (1 year course on each) as well as multivariable calculus, ideas?

>> No.8129038

Bumping for interest. Also, finish the book you have now. But then, I don't know who you should read. Prolly Spivok for the exercises.

>> No.8129541

depends on ur needs, i'll go for higher dpi

>> No.8129784

good book for differential geometry?

>> No.8129900

This. Anyone?

>> No.8130266
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