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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8113138 No.8113138 [Reply] [Original]

Whats your favorite "Sums up scientific theories into humerous, easy to understand explanations" youtube channel.

>> No.8113239

>asking /sci/ what their favourite pop sci youtube channel is
But if you want a decent science channel go watch PBS Spacetime

>> No.8113252

>PBS Spacetime
>The people who literally have a video that might aswell be called 'Why women are superior to men. Now can someone please take my virginity?'

More like PBS Cucktime.

>> No.8113260

>being butthurt about the fact that women eat less than men
You're not the kind of thing that media is aimed at. Now go back to your hyena pack.

>> No.8113261
File: 25 KB, 556x379, meson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8113267

Oh, nice one there. Quoting only one of their statements and the only one that even makes any sense.

Yeah, I guess you are right. When ignore everything that is wrong about something, that something seems kinda nice.


>> No.8113273


exubr1a, easily.

>> No.8113279

The only good YouTube channels are by professors and universities, but I'm not telling specifics.

>> No.8113282

I don't care, I hated that video as much as you did.
But they put up a lot of very good content.
Just fucking downvote the video and write a sexist comment like I do and move on.

>> No.8113283

Misandry has nothing to do with cuckoldry.
People misusing the word "cuck" are no different to people using the word "meme" to refer to a picture with text plastered on top of it.

>> No.8113289

I know but you are not understanding. Women who agree with that video are misandrists but men who agree with that video are cucks.

Have you ever seen the face of a man who claims he is a (third wave) feminist. That guy is a fucking cuck. He probably cleans the dick of his wife's hookup with his tongue.

The same happens here. A man that goes
>Oh yeah, that sounds about right. Women are totally superior to men xD

cannot be more desperate and desperate men are always prospective cucks. A man who glorifies the women in his life and thinks less of men is very likely to let his woman fuck someone else for her pleasure, which is what cucks do.

So at the very least, they are future cucks. That still makes them PBS Cucktime.

>> No.8113305

Do not support fucking third wave feminists and their cuck boyfriends please ffs.

There are many channels that I used to watch before like Onision and PBS Idea Channel, Extra Credits, etc. that I dropped THE MOMENT they gave even the smallest hint of being fucking cucks.

For onision he literally said he was a third wave feminist.

PBS Idea Channel made a video about how third wave feminism was great and MRAs are the devil.

The Extra Credit's main writer was filmed talking about how he supported women fucking men to get an advantage with their marketing.


Put your money where your mouth is and do not make those fuckers money. I hope you atleast adblock their videos.

>> No.8113319

>Natasha you're a bitch

Holy fuck, gold.

>> No.8113346

I don't see why /sci/ has such a hate boner for videos like these.

They aren't meant for us. They're meant to be a quick crash course for people who might not have a lot of scientific knowledge to gain a very basic knowledge about them.

Depending on where you go they can be pretty funny to, so there's that.

>> No.8113385

/sci/ pretty much hates the idea of anyone gaining knowledge in any way other than traditional means.

This entire board would kill themselves if there were ever "smart helmets" that let us upload knowledge straight to our brain.

>> No.8113413

>I hope you atleast adblock their videos.
you mean to tell me some people don't?

>They're meant to be a quick crash course for people who might not have a lot of scientific knowledge
you're basically describing /sci/.

>> No.8113421


Very true. In fact they can be pretty inspirational; I watched Nova as a kid and thought that stars and galaxies and electrons were pretty cool, which made me interested in physics.

However, watching Cosmos doesnt make you an expert in special relativity, nor does ifuckinglovescience give you the authority to babble on about string theory.

TL;DR: Popsci can introduce people to science, but actual science is A LOT OF FUCKING WORK.

>> No.8113439

Does /sci/ absolutely loath ifuckinglovescience as much as I expect they do (I don't frequent here in the slightest).

I've always liked it on the basis of "hey, here's a collection of funny, cool and silly sciencey (and occasionally completely unrelated) stuff to read about. Isn't this neat!"

>> No.8113683

ifls is probably the most hated popscience on this board.

>> No.8113800


IFLS is where beta fags got to share articles titled "new quantum computer is faster than speed of light" when the tiny brain between their neckbeards and fedoras cannot understand the fact that dimensions of length/time is a FUCKING RETARDED way of measuring computing ability.

>> No.8113805
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this is you