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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8112333 No.8112333 [Reply] [Original]

This board has successfully convinced me not to take any kind of Ph.D. scheme, or pure mathematics. You are all here circlejerking literally the same things over and over again, like IQ and "what's your opinion on this set of data?". For a while, I was actually interested in pursuing a high-level academic career, but apart from the few high-quality posters who are forced to maintain the board, this place is just a smarter version of /b/ and /pol/ mixed together.

How many times can you respond to the thread "the Earth is flat, prove me wrong xdddd" before it becomes a shitty kids' meme?

This isn't bait. It's legitimately disappointing to see that this is what academia is like at a high level: endless bitching, constant attempts to prove your own self-worth, and an incredible overreliance on areas of maths which have literally no significance to anyone except the twenty or so researchers studying it. I say this as a CS postgraduate who was interested in going into math full-time. Thank God you've all shown me just how little scope and meaning that would actually bring to the world.

The only good posters here are the non-pretentious realists who are objective and have made something of themselves, typically engineers, economists, physicists, and computer scientists. The rest of you are just adults with self-esteem so low that you feel the need to mimic the memetic speech patterns of an underdeveloped infantile user base of the Internet, those on Reddit or 9Gag.

>> No.8112334
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>> No.8112338

>It's legitimately disappointing to see that this is what academia is like at a high level


>> No.8112339


As I said, this isn't bait. >>>8110908 is bait.

>> No.8112654

>making life decisions based off an anonymous 4chan board
Sounds legit

>> No.8112667

Don't forget the endless amount of /pol/ shitters who think this board is /pol/-lite and anyone who disagree is clearly a SJWtard!!!

>> No.8112680

Same, this board has made me glad i quit pure science. I knew it wasn't in my head when i felt all my peers were autists.

>> No.8112687

What if I'm a realist engineering doing his PhD? Do I still fall in the circle jerk catogory?

>> No.8112699

if yore so smart op why is dinosaur bones in the same ground as human

>> No.8112700
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>> No.8112720
File: 68 KB, 600x456, sci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice trips.

>It's legitimately disappointing to see that this is what academia is like at a high level
You mean it's legitimately disappointing to see that this is what being an underage autistic kid is like at highschool level, if you're talking about /sci/.

>typically engineers, economists, physicists, and computer scientists

The only decent posters on /sci/ are a small number of physicsfags, a good amount of engineers, and most of the chem and biofags, all of whom don't need to shitpost all the time to feel better and actually like learning new stuff through discussion with other posters.

Computer scientists very rarely get any decent pure CS threads around here and the rest is all memes and shitposting about CS, so I would barely consider them a part of /sci/, regardless of the legitimacy of their field of study.

Mathfags are such persistent shitposters that, even if there are a few curious ones on /sci/, they get buried under the bad reputation that their underage counterparts have made for themselves, and as such all of them are prejudged as irredeemable shitposters.

>> No.8112725

>soul purpose
Trolling is a art.

>> No.8112844

>It's legitimately disappointing to see that this is what academia is like at a high level
>Implying /sci/ is academia

This board is interests and nothing more, take the attitude with a grain of salt. If you're hurt here, I'd love to see what a peer review would do to you