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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 91 KB, 1090x613, muscular-full-body-workout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8107512 No.8107512[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, I've studied Neuroscience for a year, and that was long ago, so I only have an rudimentary understanding of this question, but here's what I know:

>When the brain loses function through trauma, other areas - that are usually dedicated to a different function - may adapt to do the function that was lost
>Generally the brain adapts (physically) to the tasks it performs, see Einsteins brain, or the brains of musicians
>We also know from MRI that every single task involves neurons from different areas of the brain - albeit some areas more than others
>Studies have shown that cardio increases the ability to concentrate, while strength training / bodybuilding increases health
>Strength training also increases the innervation in the muscle fibers, as well as the number of muscle fibers (supposedly) - either demand a greater number of brain neurons to be dedicated to muscle fibers and movement pattern
>Many famous scientists and mathematicians did cardio
>No famous scientist or mathematician (that I know of) did strength training / bodybuilding

Of course the last point can have a million other reasons too. In short: Since the brain is not strictly separable into tasks, does strength training / BB demand a higher number of neurons for muscle control, thus reducing the number of neurons available for (mathematical) thinking?

I'm not talking about steroid abuse here - there are plenty of studies on that, just normal strength training.

>> No.8107515

You know that all ancient greeks scientists worked out, right? They believed a strong mind must be along with a strong body.

>> No.8107516

lol OP pic must train his pecs.

>> No.8107520

I think it's the testosterone levels that make you slightly dumber, not to mention that depression correlates with higher intelligence

But I believe some form of physical exercise is still necessary

>> No.8107524

>the testosterone levels that make you slightly dumber

Testosterone increases your ability to concentrate, and is gained from cardio as well. Plenty of studies on that.

>depression correlates with higher intelligence

Possibly, but I'd be very careful in making any kind of conclusions from this statement.

>> No.8107525

Dolf Lundgren

>> No.8107528

What has he accomplished in science?

>> No.8107529

his pecs are huge, hes at 5-6% bf retard dyel lmao

his scapula are unretracted cuz hes flexing lats so he cant activate his pecs with his traps as an antagonist in that pose jesus fuk he even has upper chest

god damn dyels im triggered right now

>> No.8107539

Bodybuilding hasn't really been a thing for very long, most famous scientists are dead, therefore few famous scientists lifted weight
As a counterpoint I hear a lot of engineers work out.

>> No.8107540

Yes, I am aware of that >>8107512

>Of course the last point can have a million other reasons too

But that doesn't diminish the other arguments.

>> No.8107559

that sounds like a load of excuses to me. pecs not big enough. Look at Arnold's younger days.

Maybe u dont have good enough pecs yourself, that's why you were triggered.

>> No.8107579

mice with myostatin deficits have smaller brains

muscles are metabolically expensive and compete with the brain for nutrients

>> No.8107585

>muscles compete with the brain for nutrients

But you can avoid this by just eating more?

>> No.8107618

more than you, and he gets more pussy than you ever will in 1000 life times

>> No.8107632

no, it doesn't.

>> No.8107650

might be more nutrition partitioning than pure substrate availability

regardless bodybuilders tend not to eat very nutrient dense foods

>> No.8107662

>Post your pseudo-logical bullshit on /fit/

No, but seriously speaking there is research claiming quite the opposite OP.


Personally every time I workout my mind works like crazy. My ideas flow better.

>> No.8107669

>depression correlates with higher intelligence
Depression makes you an inefficient piece of shit, it doesn't matter if it makes you smarter. Also it doesn't, depressive people are dumb as a brick.

>> No.8107703

>"studied" neuroscience for a year
>post this

Got me mad OP, you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.8107713

>Then they tested each individual's performance on a recognition memory task along with his or her level of aerobic fitness.
>aerobic fitness

aerobic fitness = cardio

You spend half of your post with insults, but you don't know even that? Also, it's called "pseudo-scientific".

>> No.8107724

>you're a fucking idiot

Every statement I made is backed by at least one study, so there is no evident flaw here that wouldn't merit being pointed out.

What is your degree? You're just another shitposter. This board is full of clueless people who purport expertise.

>> No.8107743

[citation needed]

>> No.8107744

This is false.

>> No.8107750

OP is just mad mad that guys with better bodies pull more pussy than him with his loldegree

>> No.8107762
File: 198 KB, 407x559, Isaac_newton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steroid abuser detected.

>Muh libido

Your lame arguments have no reelevance here, this guy died a virgin, yet he achieved far more than you in your pathetic life.

>> No.8107766

>[citation needed]

Reported for shitposting. Here's a study for the first claim, literally google:


>> No.8107773

didnt Isaac whore around a lot?

>> No.8107774

I don't use steroids. Actually, OP, I know you're all about worshiping virgins (since you are one), but nobody gives a shit about Newton. He was just a tool who served his purpose. I, however, save lives on a daily bases. Wank all you want but during my lifetime I will achieve more than him and you and every single person you know. Such is the life of a surgeon. No need to get mad that I'm better, bigger and more intelligent than you will ever be, I work at it. You just shitpost on a pregnant Spanish cathouse forum.

>> No.8107777

>I'm a a surgeon


>> No.8107780

Got my Masters' in Medicine and specialized in Internal Surgery.
Better than you will ever be, especially considering I'm getting invited to teach in workshops.
What do *you* have to show for yourself? Besides virginity.

>> No.8107783


>I´m a surgeon

>> No.8107787


>daily bases


>> No.8107788


remember to hide & report folks

>> No.8107789

>Asking for sources when claiming something as true, in a scientific board is shitposting

>> No.8107791

>claims to have studied Neuroscience for lmaooneyear
>comes up with a preposterous and consistently disproved "theory"
>is a virgin

Even a paki kid who does nothing but play soccer all day in the sand is more relevant that you.

>> No.8107793

>Asking for sources for evidently true statements that you can easily verify by googling

shitposting indeed

>> No.8107797

Virgins truly are worthless.

>> No.8107801

>create interesting thread
>nobody makes any relevant input
>half of it is one idiot shitposting

bravo /sci/

>> No.8107805

>samefagging this hard

I'm OP, I'm not a virgin. You don't trigger me. Keep trying tho, will only get you banned for longer.

>> No.8107809

only thing that comes to my mind in favor of muscles=smarts are ancient philosophers

>> No.8107810
File: 72 KB, 1582x1671, youreafuckingidiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related. You're a fucking idiot.

Retarded and disproved.

>> No.8107811

>look I cropped out the (You)

shitposting more makes your ban only worse

>> No.8107820

>cropped out
>when it's obvious I just pasted a printscreen and don't use Paint

Grasp at straws all you want. You're still worthless.

>> No.8107829
File: 182 KB, 1562x1196, 1451843705481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


physical well being is done through healthy food and walking. beyond this shows that you either do it because
-you are bored, aka a failure
-you are a homo, aka a failure
-you do it for women, aka a man devoted to please women, aka a failure
-you cling to your health, aka a failure living in fear of death

=>you are a pleb as soon as you lift. I know that it hurts to hear this.

>> No.8107897

Again, you're a fucking idiot.

>so there is no evident flaw here that wouldn't merit being pointed out.
There are many

>assuming you can use the information of how the brain restores functions _after injury_ and apply it to "loss of intelligence" from bodybuilding
This is the most glaring one, and you base all your post around it.
>assuming training your body reduces the number of neurons for mathematical thinking
It doesn't. Once you don't practice something for a long period of time connections are being lost, very slowly. That doesn't mean you turn into a drooling retard, you can regain the information and understanding by practicing again (most important thing to remember here is that the information is never totally lost [in healthy, uninjured brains]. Some connections are, but it's always easier to re-learn something). Assuming you have a student who trains and studies math, nothing is being "lost". And don't apply what I'm typing here to say students that study math automatically suck in physical activity. It's true for anyone who doesn't practice.
>assuming exercising demands more neurons being taken over strictly for physical activity
In fact it does the opposite, it creates new connections so things that were previously hard are now easy and quick, it's true for any type of learning/practice. Do you really think that once you practice something long enough the entire brain would be taken over by it? it doesn't happen.
Do you even know the most fucking basic thing about brain plasticity? Seeing this line ("the brain adapts physically to the tasks it performs") in your post makes me believe you've read a thing or two about the brain, but your point of view is so skewed I highly doubt you understood what you've read.

Here, I gave you more of my time even though you weren't worth it, and if you really studied neuroscience for a year you'd know how stupid you are with those half-assed assumptions.

>> No.8107922


I doubt it. Most people in the fitness community know that your body can only recover so much. That's why you can't just continually workout over a whole day, eat a ton, and then be fine.

One's ability to recover at a younger age is very high, and diminishes at they get older.

>> No.8107924
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 0876 - qE6LXKK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>testosterone levels that make you slightly dumber

>> No.8107938

>how the brain restores functions _after injury_

As far as I understand, recovery via brain rewiring is behavioral compensation rather than hormonally induced plasticity? If so, then it shouldn't make a difference if you're learning to move your fingers again, or learning to lift weights.

Keeping that in mind, can you say with certainty that learning a new task is merely rewiring of already allotted neurons, or do new neurons - that could be used in another task, get alloted too? And if it's just "old neurons", then how do you learn to do a task you have never done before? Like playing hockey or whatever.

I think I have a solid understanding on the basics of neuroscience, since I had As in all subjects. So unless it has changed in the last 3 years - which appears not to be the case, then I doubt I have "a totally skewed idea of brain plasticity". I'm not trying to be argumentative, I'm just looking for the truth.

>> No.8107945

Probably the floor sweeping neurons connect to the skating neurons and attach themselves to the neurons that activate when hockey is happening.

>> No.8107951

Yet it is more complex than both of them combined. Hockey is more than hitting a puck. What about the tactics? How do you know when to pass and when to shoot? Is every possible task completely reducible to some other tasks in terms of neuron total?

Why isn't it conceivable to get the same kind of behavioral neuron rewiring like after an injury?

I don't know, but I don't think you can just hand-wave it away.

>> No.8107953


>> No.8107958

>what is a sample size
Lel no. They just extolled a exercising as a virtue. No record of any of them actually lifting.

>> No.8107971

>tfw gf left me 'cause small lats

>> No.8107972


>> No.8107990

>shouldn't make a difference if you're learning to move your fingers again, or learning to lift weights
It does because after injury some neurons don't function, and the brain tries to find new ways to rewire (in places where there are functioning neurons), unlike when you're learning how to lift weights (and nothing is lost)

>And if it's just "old neurons", then how do you learn to do a task you have never done before?
We do grow new neurons, and tons of new connections but we get the most important achievements as babies and from these basics we build everything else. We learn how to balance and walk, we learn how to communicate with language, how to connect things, recognize faces, etc
Look at children's drawings for example. They start with a bunch messy lines, they then learn about shapes, and then how to connect different shapes to make a "house" and a "sun" or a "person". If they practice long enough they eventually learn how to play with those symbols and make great pieces of art, to express "3D" with colors and shapes, different textures, and so on. It's all new connections from a basic function, it's the same with musicians and their many neural connections (in some areas of the brain)
Why do you think specialists say that after injury that person may never walk/talk/whatever again? if you lose basic functionality you're quite possibly fucked, either a baby or an adult. The brain tries its best to recover/compensate but it's not in "normal state" to begin with
You just can't make the connection between excelling at something to loss of functionality

>I think I have a solid understanding on the basics of neuroscience, since I had As in all subject
Were you studying behavioral psychology or what? I still doubt anyone with basic understanding could come with a post like yours, but I'm done with namecalling

>Why isn't it conceivable to get the same kind of behavioral neuron rewiring like after an injury?
Because the brain isn't damaged

>> No.8108021

>this is why I'm getting a math degree
what year is adding tought in math?