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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8106368 No.8106368 [Reply] [Original]

what are some degrees that would lead to really high-paying jobs and also allow me to create something innovative and inventive that could serve humanity for the better?

>> No.8106370

Posting such a shitty meme tier list means you will not succeed into anything you go, so this thread is pointless.

>> No.8106371

the one that you're interested in

>> No.8106373
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>> No.8106409

Surely by definition, if you want to innovate and invent. Some sort of degree allied to engineering of some description would be a top contender?

>> No.8106438

>understanding our world and place in the universe is useless
Enjoy not leaving a legacy.

>> No.8106493


>> No.8106543

>theology shit tier
>being a priest in a small parish isn't ultra /comfy/ plus gives you a excuse for staying a virgin forever

>> No.8106548

>chem is always god or top tier

>> No.8106550

probably the best meme major list I've seen, other than psychometrics being above engineering and chemistry

>> No.8106555

Ok phaggots, help me decide. I want a /comfy/ life.

Go full autist into math/physics, and build myself a strong portfolio for programming so I can actually work

Go full jobs and do CS/EE and still build solid portfolio, and actually have the option to work after getting a BS. Wouldn't get the dank knowledge gains that math/physics would give me though

>> No.8106576

Physics is always god tier, but do you see me posting about it?

>> No.8106577

I do now

>> No.8106581

Yes, right here >>8106576

>> No.8106582

That was indeed the joke I was going for...

No wonder you're doing Chemistry or whatever the fuck.

>> No.8106584

To be honest, I'm just going into ChemE for the ring

>> No.8106600

Probably a degree in something with biology or chemistry. Fuck you don't even to do lab work if you get a degree in comp bio, which is the next big field. Pharma companies are starting to hire more and more comp bio people.

>> No.8106637

>Engineering below CS

>> No.8106645

computer science is engineering

>> No.8106653

I'll second that Physics is always at the top and feelsgoodman.

Always at the op of the IQ chart too, innit? Yep.


>> No.8106662

>>Computer Science degree
>>Very Useful
>>Pure Mathematics degree
This us even more of a meme than OPs pic

>> No.8106669

*This is

>> No.8106713

with automated theorem proving and computers being able to brute force proofs that we would never be able to, you really are being phased out. you were already useless outside your own field, like philosophy is, but now even your own field will be developed by computers.

>> No.8106948

Job and learn at your own pace in your free time.
Or do a heavy maths based CS course (If you get into a top UNI, you can make CS nearly all maths/logic)

>> No.8106977

go get a book on undergrad maths, do the exercises. if you enjoy it, go full autists. If not do CS/EE (autist with job)

Before you jump into a math degree, you BETTER GODDAMN MAKE SURE YOU LIKE PROVING TRIVIAL SHIT.

>> No.8106993
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>Implying that you can brute force most proofs
>Pure mathematics is useless outside of pure mathematics
The finest display of autism I have ever seen.

>> No.8107025

One of the better lists I've seen. If you remove the meme psychometrics from god tier anyway.

>> No.8107038

I'm a biology major, I minored in CS and now currently studying for my master's in English translation theory (english is foreign language because I'm not a native of a country where English is spken by a majority of population)


>> No.8107042
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no it is not
computer "science" is a STUDY of computing

>> No.8107052

You are literally describing Engineering dude. A high paying job thats make you innovative.

>> No.8107060

your fucking feelsgoodman won't get you a job man, well done falling for the physics and charts meme.

>> No.8107281

very nice. I like the use of "but"

>> No.8107367

>tfw in the least popular (and probably easiest) meme major
c-chem 4 l-lyfe

>> No.8107402

Someone should make that chart for unis

I'd put these

God Tier: Oxbridge/Ivies/Stanford/Caltech/MIT/Harvey Mudd

Top Tier:
Berkeley, UCLA, Chicago, Northwestern, Imperial, UCL

Mid Tier:
Cal Poly, UT Austin

Low Tier/Shit Tier:

>> No.8107420

>CS over ECE


>> No.8107613

Wtf is Harvey Mudd

>> No.8107617

Y-you too?

>> No.8107619


Quantitative finance.
Good pay.
You serve humanity by increasing average happiness of the world assuming you are happy with all the money you make

>> No.8107856

>engineering not god tier
> thinks physics major can do an engineers job
>engineering topped by psychometrics
>wtf is psychometrics

>> No.8107862

no its not dumbfuck, its computer SCIENCE...

>> No.8107881

I study computer science instead of having picked physics or something because I skipped school and now I'm at the end of second semester.
How kill myself/10 is this?

>> No.8107941

holy fuck i want to fuck her

>> No.8107942

>le useful
>"imma do what other people deem useful"
>"huh, whence cometh innovation?"


>> No.8107944

Start physics then? Whats the fucking problem?
I studied political science for 3 fucking years, switched to engineering because I realized (or honestly, I always knew during my years) that political science is complete bullshit

>> No.8107947

I have a ton of undone assignments and two weeks to learn some basic Calculus II to pass at least one of my exams. I've become too stupid to keep up with the curriculum due to bad habits and slacking off. That basically.

>> No.8107948

God Tier: Number Theory

Top Tier: everything else Pure Maths

Mid Tier: Chemistry

Low Tier: Woman's Studies, Medicine

Shit tier: Physics, Statistics, Applied Maths, Engineering

>> No.8107950

I thought physics was hardcore.

>> No.8107952


>> No.8107965

These lists are fucking cancerous. Please stop.

>> No.8108016

related, what work does an applied mathematics MSc actually allow you to go into? Could I work with engineering firms if i had an applied maths masters?
>inb4 just take engineering
I want to know my options. Im currently undergrad and thinking about what i want to do for masters

>> No.8108041

Are you telling me that you can brute force shit like abc conjecture?

>> No.8108059

Lol'd, can I share this on Facebook

>> No.8108079


>> No.8108169

Tell me what to major in, I want a /comfy/ life

>Math and Physics
Would be some dank knowledge gains, could still go to grad school for probably whatever I want, but probably couldn't get a job outside of programming with a BS either.

>EE and CS
Would be able to make some big monies straight out of college, could possibly still go to grad school for maths too. Less dank knowledge gains though..

I'm open to suggestions.

>> No.8108178

probably Harvard

>> No.8108468

Math if you're a bonafide genius, as in 1 in 100k
CS if you're talking about a top 10 school
ECE if the school's at least top 50 (or 1st in your country)

Basket weaving or whatever the fuck if none of the above applies, b/c it doesn't really matter after that.

>> No.8108469

not /sci/ faggots

>> No.8108484

r u dum

>> No.8108496

Iam math major and I don't care about computer science, but just in case, I want to take programming-only courses, what to take beside programming 1 and 2?

>> No.8108500

>ECE > CS meme
retard detected. Some of us don't care for designing and redesigning hardware

>> No.8108567
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CS degrees are worthless.

>> No.8108574
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Medicine is not a science. The science behind medicine is biology.


>> No.8108579
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It's perfect !

>> No.8108595

>medicine low tier

>> No.8108634

Next you'll correct someone for using the word genetics to refer to what is "just biology."

>> No.8108638

There are slight differences between medicine and biology.
For example, medicine requires one to cope with a variety of challenging situations that can arise unexpectedly, and has very practical real-world applications everywhere. Biology, on the other hand, is not as fast paced and, for the most part, requires mere observation of phenomena and memorisation of facts and mechanisms, with minimal focus on testing and experimentation.

>> No.8108639

Anyone? I want to know how open my options would be if i did applied maths

>> No.8108644

This. A CS degree means jack shit when some kid can come in with no degree and take your job, simply because he's been doing it for 10 years.

>> No.8108661


>> No.8108687

>CS is worthless
>Pure Math and Physics are not
Fuck off

>> No.8108693

When you use engineering in reference to the academic field, it concerns the physical.
Computer science is conceptual and more related to maths.
>inb4 muh arduino/devices
Computer Engineering
Sure programmers could program how a device would work physically, but they aren't expected to know how it would translate as well as an EE or ME

>> No.8108702

The degree is worthless. Not the field.

>> No.8108709


>> No.8108711

>no one respecting my trips

Anyway, to >>8106977, I will definitely get a book on it. I'm not a prodigy or anything I just enjoy it so far (**calculus**). Autist with job mode sounds more failsafe though, but engineering seems so drabby. One grad student on here posted about how he works at a coffee shop part time while being a math researcher.. Sounded like the ideal /comfy/ life imo.

I just doubt I'd ever feel as adequate without the brand name education. It's shitty but it's true. I don't want to take the risk of always being too busy to be able to study as much as I want. So I'm sort of ok with just taking this chance and if it fails being a carpenter or wielder or whatever.

And to both of you, thanks for the input. I know these questions are menial and pointless since only I can really answer it, but getting feedback is nice (can't really talk to anyone else about it).

>> No.8108730

my university has it in their engineering college while the nearby ones put it in IT. too bad, i'd rather be stuck with a bunch of indians than constantly having to fight off a bunch of faggots away from my dick. And if i don't reject them in the most polite way possible I get labelled a homophobe.

>> No.8108748 [DELETED] 
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I'm coming clean right off the start by admitting this is my first time on this board. I will also admit that I am a pretty dumb average 23 yrs old with no special school feats (barely passed weak maths in hs), limited science knowledge (what are physics) but I do have the utmost admiration for creative minds (sci-fi writers, visual artists, vidyas, etc.).

So what the fuck am I doing here? Well, /sci/, I'm tired of being stupid.
I'm tired of being in the mass of uninformed degenerates who live their daily lives without questioning anything that's in front of them. I want to open my boundaries, to understand the world better, I want to be shocked and amazed. I want to be smart.

I probably sound like a crazy person and this will most likely be the biggest trolled thread on here and I understand that. But I would like to how can one achieve such goal. And by smarter I don't mean I want to be the next world renowned scientist, no, I mean what are some basic stuff to do. Sudoku? Puzzles? Good habits? What are some good daily-read websites? Must-own books?

>> No.8108785

Every degree beside Medicine and Engineering is worthless anon. CS is still much better than the others at least.

>> No.8108798

Architecture counts to? whicht tier?

>> No.8108827

Shit tier. Because its not listed according to OP's chart.

>> No.8108852

i don't know how they split the courses at your uni. programming 1 and 2 usually cover the intro to programming and data structures and some algorithm, there is a more advanced course on algorithms that many people say is the most useful class they take in their college career. So take that course, the upper level algorithm class. My other suggestion is take a machine learning course.

>> No.8108935

pharmacology.. kek

no jobs in that field

>> No.8108982

Iam not sure about the algorithm stuff, but what it seems like programming related from what I got are the following
>Programmes Engineering
>Declarative Programming
>World Wide Web Programming
>Object Oriented Programming
help pls.

>> No.8109050


how do you think people come up with theorems, its educated brute forcing (there is no such things as magical genius intuitions going on). computers will get much more mental power than any human brain, combine that with some AI methods in the future. and your days are over.

>> No.8109060


number theory is actually really applicable for cryptography and such so you better put that on shit tier to fit your list

>> No.8109067

go away moleynux

>> No.8109068


pick Declarative programming since it will probably be about more mathy paradigms like functional programing that fits your math degree, all mathematicans loves functional programming they say

>> No.8109087

That's what it's supposed to be.

>> No.8109192

please, someone must do applied mathematics

>> No.8109225

is this tru senpai

>> No.8109238

Look for Object-Oriented Programming, Data Structures, and Algorithms.

>> No.8109256
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As a chemist, don't do chemistry lol. Engineering is probably your best bet. I believe chemistry's main purpose is furthering our understanding of the world we live in. We help open up the world, similar to physicists.

>> No.8109274

Please learn to use proper plotting packages, such as Matplotlib. Using Excel makes baby Jesus cry.

>> No.8109276

If it does the job it does the job you ignoramus

>> No.8109283
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I like this guy.

>> No.8109287

But it doesn't. And every tutor / professor out there who isn't slapping students for using Excel to plot graphs is helping breeding another generation of scientists who aren't capable of programatically create graphs.

I have to deal with post-docs who can't subset data, transform or group it, produce statistics on bins...

Why limit oneself?

>> No.8109294

>But it doesn't.
Well but apparently it did.

>> No.8109315


whats the point of fucking around in python(/waiting for fucking forever for it to open depending on the state of your comp) when you can excel it in a fraction of the time.

Also the viability of a career in physics definitely differs country to country. A lot of people coming out of my degree have to segue into finance to find work in my country.

>> No.8109326

Fucking around is what you do in Excel. Firing up IPython and typing

stuff = np.genfromtxt('my_shitty_data.dat')
plt.plot(stuff[:,0], stuff[:,1])

isn't that much of an effort now, is it? I'd argue that Office is more resource hungry..

>> No.8109502

Object Oriented programming will save you ton of time working on large project
The rest are useless

>> No.8109554
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>> No.8109557

Economics with the harder Statistics classes will almost always lead you to really high-paying jobs (at least I'm banking on it)

You can develop new models with better predicting power and those would serve humanity for the better.

>> No.8109562

>or whatever the fuck
like, thats like not cool dont be like such a jerk, like honestly

>> No.8109575

Go fuck yourself

>> No.8109600

So Progrmmes Engineering is useless?

>> No.8109615

Yes, if you can't get into Medicine or Engineering then Accounting or CS is your next bet, thats if you dont want to die starving on the streets.

>> No.8109735

I want to study biochemistry, but it seems to me that just going with either biology or chemistry will give me more viable options for employment and further education. Am I right or no? because if so I would just go with chemistry, I want to minor in physics too.

>> No.8109782

What's up with the warning?

Im doing Chem research this summer and will decide if I should transfer for Chem e somewhere but I fail to see how chemistry is not practical and at least decent when it comes to getting gigs. My Chem grad friends are getting jobs. Location specific?

>> No.8109800

>wtf is psychometrics
Basically means "g-guys psychology is useful and exact, look, we even deal with numbers".

>> No.8109835

Psychology is useful.

>> No.8109847

Of course. But saying psychometrics instead of psychology sounds insecure.

>> No.8109940

Can somebody explain to me why this faggot has placed medicine in low tier and nobody is objecting?

>> No.8109947

t. premed

>> No.8109950

because spending 12+ years being treated like a lowly undergrad isn't very appealing. nevermind if you want to specialize and make some real money.

>> No.8109951

woops, for >>8109940

>> No.8109958

t. Someone that never proved anything of worth before

>> No.8109975

stats grad here, work for a bulge bracket firm doing ML..150k starting associate..2 years in

>> No.8109979

Microbio major here

Going for masters and have research/ soon to be published data under my name

am I gonna get JUSTED in the job field?

>> No.8110092

Yea so?
It doesnt matter how you're treated. Thats a very personal and subjective matter. The profession of medicine on the other hand is noble and requires alot of hardwork. It will also provide you with job stability and above average income

>> No.8110180

If you live in Fatsoland, of course.

>> No.8110345

I just got a job after graduating, decent pay, great room for growth, but its nothing compared to some of what my other buddies have. I am from the midwest of US. Chem e is a good choice.

>> No.8110352

god tier myself but fuck senpai dont group archaeology and history with fucking womens studies /they are at least low/mid.
compsci should be at least top and law should be low

>> No.8110375

Mathematics god tier, economics low tier.
>high-paying jobs

>> No.8110991

At top schools ECE covers "harder" CS among many other things you brainlets pythonfags can't even comprehend (Assembly, C++, etc)

>> No.8111042

dunno about others but at our uni assembler and c++ are mandatory. And no python course at all :(

>> No.8111206

probably better than where you went desu

also that guy probably goes to cal poly, including that over Toronto, Waterloo, École Normale Supérieure, École Polytechnique, ETH Zurich, Johns Hopkins, etc.

>> No.8111218

I actually go to UofT (oronto) for ECE

>> No.8111241

So it's more like an art.
Like gender studies or what not.

>> No.8111923

Mech here

>> No.8112052

Literal autism.

>> No.8112351

I'm from UCLA. I just know Cal Poly is decent. List was mostly just schools I'm familiar with.

>> No.8112895

Hey same here friend. These are the easy courses in ECE though

>> No.8112898


If you can't answer this question yourself, how do you expect to accomplish any of that?

Protip, most people who change the world (more like ALL of them), either set out to make money or set out to solve an insignificant problem.