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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8084645 No.8084645 [Reply] [Original]

If life developed on Europa, what do you suppose it would look like?

>> No.8084699


>> No.8084700

Sorry, my mistake.

>> No.8084703

Probably similar to the stuff we find around underwater volcanic vents, but with small differences in the DNA/RNA/TNA(?) structure and what not.

I don't think chemistry allows for weird stuff like Silicon-based lifeforms very readily, even if they are cool.

>> No.8085028


>> No.8085042

>with small differences in the DNA/RNA/TNA(?) structure
>differences in the DNA
ayyy lmao

>> No.8085074

I mean, they can be different from Earth life, but why would they be Much different, if they evolve in just slightly different envioronment?

>> No.8085527

That is a pretty huge "if". Europa might be rich in dissolved minerals that are toxic to DNA and variants.

Earth went through the oxygen catastrophe while Europa might not. Life, if it exists there, has likely very little energy available since it depends on fresh minerals being dissolved into the sub surface ocean with no possibility of photosynthesis for closing the cycle. That means life there will drown in its own waste in a way that is in principle the same as the oxygen catastrophe on Earth though without actually producing oxygen waste.

>> No.8085543

I disagree it's a big if. I think 100% that there is life under there even if its just bacteria.

There's a cave on earth where we thought there could be no life but they found a strain of bacteria that was feeding off chemicals seeping through the rocks and gaining energy from it. Life always finds a way.

>> No.8085569

>big if.
The big if was "if they evolve in just slightly different envioronment". Io is enormously sulfuric and Europa might be similar.

>> No.8085576

It is a big fucking if
All the life we know about is essentially the same
If we discovered life that didnt use a genetics like DNA it would forever change everything

>> No.8085589
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you could see something similar to tube worms

Tube worms live in that environment here on earth, deep under water near geothermal vents

so either that or maybe some mold or algae,

I bet anything there are at least single cell organisms living on Europa and maybe multi cellular life is harder to come by because it took billions of years to develop on earth

either way finding life there would mean that the universe is definitely full of life

>> No.8085604

>finding life there would mean that the universe is definitely full of life

You were making a passable attempt at knowledge until this statement


>> No.8085616

It would, having at least 2 locations of life in our tiny tiny slice of the universe would mean that the conditions for life are likely to come up billions and billions of times in the galaxy

>> No.8085644

virgin detected

>> No.8085649

There is no logical pathway from 2 instances of life that happen to be in the same star system to billions and billions of times in the galaxy

All we can say is that life is just "likely"

>> No.8085650

/sci/, where guys who's parents bought them a status badge come to feel good about themselves by stopping the socially literate with razor sharp conversation killing pedantry.

>> No.8085655

I hate these alien skeptics constantly feigning ignorance unless there's a saucer staring them in the face. You damn well know that life elsewhere in the solar system will BTFO any claim that life is rare.

>> No.8085695

Well its still a big "if" until they do find it whether you agree or not. Then and only then will the chance be 100%.

>> No.8085793
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>tube worms
We need to think bigger and stranger.

>> No.8086166


>> No.8086203
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Life on Europa is on the Platonic scale.

even tho large on Europa in our view it would be on that scale.

Most life forms would gain sustenance from surface&subsurface acidic plants using the radiation energy to achieve photosynthesis

One of the most dominant predators in the deep, would be the Shrimp horse.

Looking like a mixture of a shrimp and a seahorse.

most life forms would also be elongate in a linear sense. as such most would have long tentacles

>> No.8086208

Such as this lovely little thing?

>> No.8086224


Yes like that

>> No.8086230


Life forms in Europa might also have a much higher regenerative cellular structure, and a wide range of biochemical defense and attack methods

>> No.8086236

This is literally the most interesting potential scientific discovery in the next decades... Please aliens be real on Europa.

>> No.8086257
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its like every fucking moon or plutoid past the belt all have subsurface oceans now

>> No.8086260
File: 20 KB, 576x583, Titan_multi_spectral_overlay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about methane seas?

>> No.8086261
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>Life always finds a way.

>> No.8086266

they think titan also has a liquid water ocean under there as well

>> No.8086269
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Double bonus, I guess.

>> No.8086275

It will probably be wet

>> No.8086317


>straightforward chemistry of common elements and compounds can only lead to life in one location
>in the whole universe

People actually believe this.

>> No.8086320


Those fags will just pretend it was a mistake, just like they pretend that this was:


>> No.8086321

Why haven't we gone to Europa yet?

>> No.8086322

We are.

>> No.8086328


Not a lander though, just a flyby.

>> No.8086330

From what I've heard, congress is funding the mission, but only if they make a lander as well.

>> No.8086333
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>> No.8086337

What happens if we do?

>> No.8086356


The good news is that congress is giving NASA more money to do this, the bad news is that the time frame to do this is pretty far and that congress could change their mind and cancel it.

>> No.8086358

nah man it's like reverse psychology, they WANT us to land there.

>> No.8086359

Hopefully they don't cancel.

>> No.8086360
File: 116 KB, 1583x674, DEUXSOLEILSEGYPTE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before or after the second sun is created?

>> No.8087249


>> No.8087292
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Could this work?

>> No.8087296
File: 79 KB, 682x473, Fishes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or these?

>> No.8087297

Confirmed for newest pokemon

>> No.8087332

Man-eating monsters living under the ice. like in the movie Europa Report

That was a good fucking movie.

>> No.8087622

Sir, your opinion offends me.
It would be a firm pointer for us to double our estimates.

>> No.8087946
File: 140 KB, 940x940, Jupiter_and_its_shrunken_Great_Red_Spot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps even up to octuple if there's life on the more inhospitable planets, like Venus or Jupiter (techincally above, but still).

>> No.8087963

Yeah, good movie. More proof that wherever we go in the universe, something will want to kill us.

>> No.8087986

What about if it were non physical life,could I not color it with my own subjective reality?

>> No.8087988

Energy-based, thought-based, or are we talking spiritual?

>> No.8088012

An energy based thought form.

>> No.8088017

So basically a planet inhabited by tulpas?

>> No.8088026

Well yes,or could rename,CLANGERS.

>> No.8088334

You mean the weird pink things? I think they'd be a little more comfortable on Ceres, a planetoid in the asteroid belt.

>> No.8088348

Looks like a reworked Sharpedo

>> No.8088755


>> No.8088930


>> No.8088952

I'll remote view,and make sure the environment is suitable, for them,thanks for the tip.

>> No.8088969

Probably a lot like OP.

>> No.8089303

I read that europa has incredibly high radiation so based on my very limited biology knowledge I'd assume they would not use DNA or any other type of protein that would get fucked by radiation

>> No.8089312

Any life is under the ice and well shielded

>> No.8089364



>> No.8089619


>> No.8090308


kill yourself

>> No.8090494


>> No.8090583

like u?

>> No.8091940
File: 200 KB, 1248x960, an_alien_intelligence_europa_by_saxophlutist-d1do9fg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sick burn