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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8079304 No.8079304 [Reply] [Original]

Post your IQ, University and Profession/What you are a student of.

I'll start;

143 IQ

Cambridge Uni

Graduate student; Pure Maths

>> No.8079307


Shithole state

Grad school reject

>> No.8079308


High school, GED
Beat that

>> No.8079309

are you doing part 3 or a phd?

what college?

>> No.8079311
File: 225 KB, 1024x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ of 106 (pls no make fun),

Doing and M.Sc in Organic Chem

Warwick Uni

>> No.8079316


None/Disability for "PTSD/Depression"

Philosophy, Physics

>> No.8079320

I'm doing a part III, doing a MMath. Been offered a position on the PhD course, obviously on condition of success in Part III (I don't know anyone who got an unconditional PhD offer).

>> No.8079324

where did you do undergrad?

>> No.8079341

142 / Student of Columbia

>> No.8079345

Cambridge (hence the MMath).

>> No.8079346
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Anon how do i get better yields? Also, will NMR become,second nature at one point down the road?

Pls halp

>> No.8079348
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131 IQ

Physical chemistry

Goethe University

>> No.8079349

Between 110 and 120
Mechanical "and aerospace" engineering, minor in math

>> No.8079353
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217 in my last online IQ test


Professional shitposter

>> No.8079355

cool, what college?

>> No.8079358



Applied Math/CS or EE, maybe both if I spend an extra semester or overload on classes

Brown Univeristy

>> No.8079359

Could you get into an Ivy grad program with a 3.5? What of a 3.7?

>> No.8079364

85 and a half


>> No.8079408

152 (WISC-III)
Claremont McKenna College
Dropped out after three semesters; stopped going to class after 1.5 semesters and started selling weed and writing thesis papers for cash full-time
Currently bullshitting my way through a data analysis job that they think I'm qualified for, as well as some freelance writing

>> No.8079413


Finished my Physics PHD, Post grad at good uni, research/TA

>> No.8079417


Dunno IQ

St Andrews

PhD student; (Small department so won't say)

>> No.8079418

IQ tests are for losers

>> No.8079426

131 IQ

University of [PLACE]

Software Developer


>> No.8079430

879 IQ

Gender studies


>> No.8079439

Why would I have my IQ tested?

Pure math PhD student. Would prefer not to say where for the sake of anonymity.

>> No.8079455

>all these math grad and phd students
This explains why there is so much brainless shitposting on /sci/.

>> No.8079476

3.14 IQ

/sci/niversity at Your Dad's House

Cum Laudes BhD, Pure Intellectual Diskorse

>> No.8079482



Undergrad: Engineering Physics with a focus on EE

GPA: 1.7

>> No.8079487

What year?

>> No.8079489

160 IQ

Harvard University

Graduate student, Bioengineering and Theoretical Mathematics

4.0 GPA

>> No.8079511

shittona state
computer programming

>> No.8079523


The Architect of THE MATRIX


>> No.8079526

going into junior

>> No.8079527

Woooo. Do you know a black kid named Kenny. I think he's doing ChemE. From Rhode Island. What about a weird girl named Amelia from Rhode Island?

>> No.8079532



PhD student, STEM field

>> No.8079538
File: 156 KB, 500x282, 1426793512655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Male, 28 years old, white

6'7", 280 lbs, 6% bodyfat

Benchpress: 500
Squat: 750
Deadlift: 800

Dick: 9x7

IQ: Between 290-300

University: graduted undergrad at Stanford when I was 15, triple majored in physics, pure mathematics and petroleum engineering, graduated when I was 20 from Princeton University, Phd in pure mathematics and theoretical physics

SAT Score: 2400 first try without studying

Salary: 50 million a year

I have an blonde, big-titted, 5'7" girlfriend who gives mad head and was a virgin before I met her

I have an incredibly strong and defined jawline

I'm better than you

>> No.8079540



Lab Rat; Mathematics

>> No.8079561

Don't know my IQ.

Studying Mathematics at University of Pennsylvania.

>> No.8079567

internet meme database
Phd student on Dank Memeology and Applied Meme Enginnering and Maths

beat this
I bet you guys practice on QI tests everyday just so you can brag about your QI score on the science board of an korean cartoon forum on the internet everyday

>> No.8079568



UK top 20 University (not going to specify which one)


>> No.8079571

Could you post a link to a reasonable IQ test? I would expect it to either show a score >200 or at least approximate the true value.

>> No.8079577

Would appreciate a link as well.

>> No.8079580

No Idea
Brigham Young University
Geology undergraduate

>> No.8079583



Mathematics, Biochemistry, History

>> No.8079588

I actually know amelia, she's in lots of my classes haha, haven't met kenny though

>> No.8079590


This is >>8079532 , I am technically starting in the fall (glad to have gotten a funded assistantship).

How do you like UConn? What should an incoming student know?

I grew up in Connecticut, so I do know the campus and (former) party reputation somewhat, but it seems to have been cleaning up?

>> No.8079595


>> No.8079613



Undergraduate Math+Physics double major 2st year

>> No.8079615

Drama kek

>> No.8079619

Ya blew it

>> No.8079630

>theoretical mathematics

just fucking die

>> No.8079651

What is the best way to figure out your IQ?
Are their any tests online that are remotely close to computing your actual IQ?

>> No.8079656

If by cleaning up you mean that the partying has died down, then yeah you're right. Not a terrible thing for me since I have close friends that have apartments.

I really enjoy the campus, it's very nice walking to class when it isn't freezing or really windy. Depending on what STEM field you're in the department will be either really nice or a bit outdated, for example the physics and math departments are quite old but if you're doing some sort of EE or comp sci the ITE building is very nice.

I know a few of the physics department graduate students and they're all pretty cool people in case you end up meeting them.

I'm not sure what else I can let you know besides pack a few different very large and warm coats

>> No.8079660


internet tests tell me 120-155, so i'll take a guess that it's 100


undergrad in Math/Phys. it's been fun and very hard.

>> No.8079661


How hard is it to get tickets to basketball games, as a student? How much are they?

What about football and hockey games? Aren't those played in Hartford or something?

Why did you go to UConn?

>> No.8079664
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124; administered by a psychologist. One portion of it was unmeasurable by standard means which I believe was pattern recognition.

Failed out of everything past the seventh grade and wasted about $5,000 of my parents money trying to do college.

Check my primes.

>> No.8079667

Tickets aren't hard to come across. I'm unsure if graduate students are allowed but you can enter a lottery to obtain a season pass, otherwise there is a uconn buy and sell facebook page where they are always being sold for <$10

The football and hockey games are played at the XL stadium, which is a bit far off campus. There are buses there and back but only for the games, ie you can't leave until the game is over. Getting a ride would be prime, it's roughly 15 minutes away I believe.

Good campus, reputable degree, and in state tuition :-)

>> No.8079669

Are you me? 108 here

>> No.8079673

147 (SD=15)
Electrical Engineering

>> No.8079676

IQ 126

>> No.8079679

State school
African American studies

>> No.8079683


Grad students have to live off campus (and so have a car), so not worried about that, more worried about parking in general, I've heard horror stories.

My mother works at UConn and she says it's "no problem" if you get in "before 8am"

God damn it, mom

>> No.8079714



Uni is for cucks

>> No.8079728

Not that anon but 1) be really careful at all points of synthesis (i know you scrubs don't clean your glassware properly), 2) yes. You get used to it.

>> No.8079734

> Brigham Young
> Geology

>> No.8079738

>"Cambridge Pure Maths"
>posts IQ


sage and reported

>> No.8079768

>879 IQ
>Gender studies
Try harder, 876 you be world renowned and you can't get a PhD in GS

>> No.8079774



Which universities people choose to go to doesn't matter at all.

You shouldn't make fun of people doing important degrees. Gender studies and other liberal arts contribute much more to society than most others.

>> No.8079789
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>> No.8079806

Never took an official IQ test and don't really care

Did undergrad at UC Santa Cruz

Postdoc, astrophysics

>> No.8079817

University of Groningen (NL)
European Languages and Cultures

given that gender studies produce trigger sensitive feminists and islam apologists, I would say that these are highly overrated programs.

>> No.8079825

Liberal arts like Gender Studies contribute to our understanding of society, which is to say far more important than any technology or engineering study.
Although I wouldn't expect much of /sci/ to understand this, most of you STEM students are just drones for your disciple, incapable of higher order or emotional thinking.

>> No.8079842

Well that may be true, but you can't put me into that bracket, I actually study the links between language, politics and society in my program, which is within the liberal arts field. Obviously gender studies is a useful program, but there isn't as much need for it as there is for STEM students or other liberal arts students.

>> No.8079845

72 nuclear physics

>> No.8079859

146 IQ

No University yet, but in High School at Carnegie Vanguard

No job yet

>> No.8079861

Yes parking is definitely quite difficult, I had to park cars all throughout my fall semester for my brother, if you don't get there early you may have to drive circles until someone leaves. Not fun!

>> No.8079865
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Graduated HS in 2011
Went to U. of Arizona for 1 year
Left, mental illness
Trying to find a job and go back to school in 2017
>mfw my county has 20% unemployment

>> No.8079866

why would you make a post where 90% of these 4chan niggers are going to lie to compensate for how stupid they really are. My iq is 178

>> No.8079872

IQ: 139


Dick: 7in long, 2in thick

Still in high school (killmenow.jpg) top of my class. Hopefully I'll get into Caltech, Stanford, or Berkeley. Not going out of state.

Planning on being an engineering student. I want to make argon lasers built into gloves to be used as weapons and so I can feel like I'm iron man.

>> No.8079873

but do they really?

>> No.8079975

If we didn't have such a deep understanding of gender, then how would you have a computer to post this from? Fuckin' STEM drones.

>> No.8079991

>emotional intelligence

>> No.8080009

IQ is a meme.

Southern California UC

Graduate student, Inorganic/materials chemistry

>> No.8080022

I am a student in mathematics. Recently, UTD added a new specialization for math and statistics grad students, the Data Science specialization, so I am going to pursue that.

>> No.8080030

When did all you faggots get IQ tested?
I've never known anybody who has been tested IRL other than friends of this girl I was dating who were doing Psych masters.

Are you counting online tests?

>> No.8080033

5000 Magicka

College of Winterhold


>> No.8080057

I did whatever the W Children's test is when I was diagnosed with ADHD. Apparently it's not considered a great diagnostic tool but I was 7 at the time so it's not like I knew better.

>> No.8080062

>150 (but thats probably changed since I took it when i was 12)
>High School
>Don't know what i'll study when I graduate

>> No.8080067

The average IQ on this board is apparently 150, don't take anything you read here seriously.

>> No.8080070

rolled dubs 82934 times

4chan university


>> No.8080077
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> idk
> Estacio University (hueland)
> System Information (graduating this year)
I failed calculus 2 once.

Am I a brainlet /sci/! r8 me

>> No.8080083



Political Science

>> No.8080086

125 IQ
Idaho State University
Undergraduate Going into Pharmacy

>> No.8080087

300 IQ starting
Any university I want
Math major

>> No.8080090

ur like me u just dont like doing things desu i have to be emotionally involved in order for something to work out

>> No.8080094

Take a writing course before you graduate, for fuck's sake.

>> No.8080096

IQ 126
RWTH Aachen
undergrad mechEng

>> No.8080099
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>You shouldn't make fun of people doing important degrees. Gender studies and other liberal arts contribute much more to society than most others.

>> No.8080125

148 IQ
Imperial College
Maths Msci with year in europe.

I have been thinking of doing a PhD afterwards. Would getting a first, with good final year project be sufficient to get onto a decent program?
What about to do it at Oxbridge?

Pros/Cons American PhD?

I am mainly interested in stats/computing shit atm. Is it reasonable to expect ~£30k~$45k?

Basically someone red pill me

>> No.8080129

not unless you got a lot of other shit going for you

>> No.8080134

who gives a shit?
University of [Earth]
energy policy with concentration in green tech

>> No.8080136

I'm estimating my IQ.


Georgia Gwinnett College

Undergraduate. Information Technology: Software Development.

I graduate next spring so I'm pretty hype to be out of college. I just have to get through chemistry.

>> No.8080361
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>Gender studies and other liberal arts contribute much more to society than most others.


>> No.8080372

IQ 144 (97th percentile)
Doing finals in 3 weeks
Going to study theoretical physics
at Trinity College Dublin

>> No.8080480
File: 171 KB, 1300x953, guyana-portrait-of-a-smiling-south-american-indian-boy-with-straight-BB3EPF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Male, 19 yo, brown.
172cm, 70kg

Just started doing some physical exercises, again.

Dick: 16cm

IQ: 135

Uni: Failed to enter to physics. Tried a double degree of Computer and Informatics engineering, failed anyway.

0 marks of average this year

No job, still looking for one.


Defined jawline.

I'm better than you.

>> No.8080497 [DELETED] 

>>8071258 Total ironic vortex #whatislo => !qMjQnGPvNU
>>8076801 20/20/20 #8745632 => !JBxIPv/fCU
>>8077722 SpaceX Science Conquistador 482-B3E ##faggot => !!QSvwrQMMkoH
>>8079527 Syrian American Anon #justates => !72BNOWG3U6

>> No.8080519
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>falling for obvious bait

>> No.8080563



High School

Doing shit in all subjects, trying to improve, failing

>> No.8080577

An IQ of 144 with SD 24 is close to the 97 percentile, so basically your IQ is 128 SD 15.

>> No.8080620

Holy shit are you me?
Male, 19yo, brown
171cm, 50kg

dick: 5 inches

Uni: none, failed getting a place anywhere

>> No.8080640

Mfw brown
Mfw dick 16cm
Mfw defined jawline

I've applied for physics
A....are you me from the future?

>> No.8080721

Yes. I'm you from the future.

Nothing will solve your problems but you yourself. ;_;

>> No.8080738


>> No.8080746

152 IQ
HS drop out
multimillionaire member of the Illuminati

>> No.8080759
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Conjuration is the ultimate cuck drone degree. Conjure yourself some cyanide faggot

>> No.8080761

300 IQ

Theoretical UNi


>> No.8080771

Computer science
University of Southern Denmark

>> No.8080797

Graduate; Medicolegal Death Investigation

>> No.8080799


r u srs? destruction is clearly bottom tier.

>> No.8080805

Rutgers Univeristy New Brunswick
Materials Science Engineering

>> No.8080809

139 IQ (Mensa score from a test I took about a year back), yeah, surprised me too. And I don't necessarily agree with it.

A locally known euro Uni you've never heard of and I won't divulge.

Philosophy Master's (IT)

>> No.8080884

High school graduate

Currently apprentice to a plumber

>> No.8080911

Math and electrical engineering undergrad. (On track to finish in year 3, master's in applied math after that)

Looking to get into computational models. After PhD I plan on working in silicon valley. (I live near San Francisco, good private research opportunities)

>> No.8080914

Also Warwick!
Doing MMath in Maths
IQ of no idea, never taken an IQ test before.

>> No.8080918
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The school of hard knocks
Student of life

>> No.8080925
File: 26 KB, 1149x771, COLLEGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bottom Half

>> No.8080927

Forgot to say: University of California Santa Cruz

>> No.8080930

Warwick Davis has a University?
Do they do Chimneys and hide in boxes?

>> No.8080933
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Nah it's more this.

>> No.8080935

Conformity Test
Brainwashing Clinic
in the name of Ego and Confirmation Bias

I too used to be a drone, but I have seen the light.
Confirmation bias is bad!

>> No.8080941

The he has failed us.

My suggestion? Take the school back.
Use chimney brooms and boxes as school symbols.
Clean that college up and place the trash where it belongs.


>> No.8080947

>not picking enchantment
300k septims starting
Any job I want

>> No.8080960

You might as well be a blacksmith or clothing shop owner.
>300K septims
>Someone is dreaming of TGM

>> No.8080973

132/100 at 18. Some sort of a weird 2-part test with scores separated into abstract (132) and practical (100). Sums up to 116. All official because it was from the military.

Didn't go to university.

Independent game designer.

>> No.8081794 [DELETED] 
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Univeristy at Buffalo :((((
>tfw Bipolar and slowly losing my mind before i even get the chance to start Uni

>> No.8081797
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Univeristy at Buffalo :((((
Computer Engineering
>tfw Bipolar and slowly losing my mind and ability to form coherent thoughts before I even get the chance to start Uni

>> No.8081827

12 IQ


Professor in Physics

>> No.8082068 [DELETED] 

Right around 125
embedded software engineer

I am incredibly quick and problem solving, but I'm a little slow at implementation. I'm getting faster.

>> No.8082089
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University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Undergrad of Anthropology with grad school intentions.

>> No.8082095


U Can't Fail

Aerospace Engineering/Math minor

>> No.8082104
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>official military IQ test
>military IQ test
>IQ test

>> No.8082110
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University of Phenix

Computer scientist Phd student

>> No.8082124
File: 49 KB, 362x356, 058_Growlithe_Sharenators_Very_Own_Pokedex-s362x356-83876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

142 IQ
Some no name University in an Asian third world country.
Grad student, Applied math (I mostly do machine learning nowadays).

>> No.8082148
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University of Alexandria

>> No.8082161

>According to a totally legit and free online test, 6 gorrillion


>Finance Junior

>> No.8082163


Aerospace engineering and computer engineering.

>> No.8082166



That's an extremely broad range. what do you think would be the main cause of this fluctuation in iq?

>> No.8082202

online tests being shite?

>> No.8082241

Community College

>> No.8082274

UT Austin, Computational Physics

>> No.8082297

ima go over to B and check out some dick threads. Same thing but more integrity in it

>> No.8082959

Is there a reputable online test for IQ?

>> No.8083021

Computer Science

>> No.8083044
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I got 111 half arsing the test, got bored half way through and just clicked A for the next 20 questions.

>> No.8083090

Any tips for applying for Maths at Cambridge (STEP prep, interview stuff etc?) Ty

>> No.8083369


>> No.8083432

Iq is 136 (detemined when I was 8, am 21 now)
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (the netherlands)
Physics Bachelor student

>> No.8083526

IQ is literally just a comparison of how quickly you answer questions correctly, relative to everyone else. If you answered the questions correctly, faster than everyone else, you have the highest IQ. you can't get an IQ score unless you compare it with other people's scores.

you don't need to get your IQ tested to know whether or not you are faster than everyone else. just look around. did you finish assignments with 100% accuracy before everyone else? probably have a high IQ. Did you never have to study, even in college/grad school? probably have a high IQ.

and yes, having to study a lot to get high scores DOES mean your IQ is lower than people who don't have to study. Obviously, you are taking longer to get the correct answers when you study when compared to someone who doesn't. They spend 5 minutes and left class early, you spent 30 hours with flashcards. they are smarter than you. if you disagree with me you're in denial about how intelligent you truly are and/or you've likely been lied to your whole life by other narcissists who want to justify their shitty life decisions by recruiting more impressionable kids into their cult of memorizing and status seeking.

>> No.8083550

How everybody knows his IQ? /sci/ takes IQ test for breakfast?

>> No.8083553

BS Biology with interest in biochem/pharma

>> No.8083561

The US has some sort of fetish over IQ, it seems, so I understand getting it tested there during studies, entrance exams, job interviews etc is more common than it is anywhere in Europe, for instance. I did mine at an official Mensa test. There's a net test available in some countries locally that is surprisingly accurate.

And as much hate as I'm going to get for this, most of the more well known online tests in general seem to be surprisingly good. Barring any Facebook BS, with a little bit of critical mindset and some cursory background research you can google several somewhat reliable online tests in a matter of minutes.

By trying several such online tests I've found that they are surprisingly good in indicating the general level of my intellect. While my online scores over the years have been anywhere between 128 and 148, my Mensa score was last year was 139, which makes the average pretty damn close.

Other than that, it's what this guy said:

(And well said, btw)
I've always been aware of my intellect by the people around me. I learn things far faster than the average person I know, and can apply and improvise with a relative ease as well. The problem though arises from the fact that people tend to naturally find and associate with similar people. My friends are doctors, researchers, lawyers, linguists, physicians, and philosophists. I work with data architects, business planners, and managers in a cutting edge tech company. So in that company, I feel dumb about as often as I feel smart. This may make it difficult to compare yourself to others, when your peers already represent the upper end of the IQ scale.

Furthermore, there's the whole Dunning Kruger thing. Judging by experience in our peers and my less intelligent friends, the people who aren't smart, are notoriously unaware of that very fact. So... yeah.

>> No.8083766

Student in High School, interest in computer science and biology but nothing in mind yet

>> No.8084336
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Mirin m8 you're a literal god

>> No.8084347

132 IQ
Undergrad, ChemE

Did I fall for the meme.

>> No.8084389

1 IQ.
Pooie bum

>> No.8084444


>> No.8084451

95 first test, 99 second test (MENSA)
Pure Math

I BTFO so many fags who think their high IQ means they don't have to study. If anything it makes me work harder cause I have more to proves.

>> No.8084458


>> No.8084537
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t. argonian and man race cucks

>not being a 3.14 high elf thalmor persecuting and beheading subhuman talos worshippers

Literally kys now.

>> No.8084540
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reeeeee what the fuggg I left out the qt before 3.14 kill me now

>> No.8084586

>dat 100 enchantment and alchemy for maximum armor enchantments
>dat 100% spell cost reduction in both destruction and restoration from armor enchants
>dat necromage perk + vampire for 25% better enchantments, spells, and effects on self
>dat 100% magic absorption (!) from atronach stone + atronach perk + necromage
Bitch pls, enchantment OP

>> No.8084592

>not being orc master race
>no berserker rage
Why even live, senpai?

>> No.8084596

174 IQ

high school

amateur string theorist

>> No.8084600

Magicklet detected.
What's the matter? Is casting just a tad too complex for your puny barbarian brain to handle?
I bet you don't even read the lore lmao.

>> No.8084607

Uh... this is also me anon >>8084586
Battlemage master race. Also, I would absorb literally every single point of magic damage you throw at me, and it would get turned into magicka. You would either get destroyed by my infinite casting, or if you picked up my trick for magic absorption, I would just smash you with my hammer in berserker mode + elemental fury shout I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.8084610
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135, San Diego state university, mech engineering, going for bachelor's

but the 135 was tested when I was 11, pretty sure I'm stupider now

>> No.8084613


University of Ottawa

Undergraduate student; Physics Honors with Specialization in Physics-Mathematics

how hard is it to get US citizenship and level II clearance? I need it for a job i want to obtain.

>> No.8084623

That is rare Pepe without watermark.

>> No.8084630

>140+ IQ
>can't spell "math"

>> No.8084640

Where did you faggots get an IQ test?

>> No.8085111

T/U eindhoven
Applied physics

>> No.8085120

IQ : ive only ever had an educational psychologist report that basically summarised me as precocious

Durham University


>> No.8085128


>> No.8085154
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>T/""""""""U"""""""" eindhoven

>> No.8085172
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>> No.8085196

>141 IQ at last test
>Nursing BSc

I thought there'd be more biology/pharma and less practice. The 13 hour shifts are killing me.

>> No.8085207


>> No.8085211

~120 I take a few IQ tests and they seem to vary.

Chaffey Community College.

General Education - Plan on going into Engineering or Computer Science.

>> No.8085216

IQ = 130
National University Of Colombia
Student of Pure Maths

>> No.8085224

If you take IQ tests to offten you become used to the questions making it easier to take the test skewing your results. Your not actually smarter your just better at taking an IQ test.

>> No.8085228

IQ unestablished (my potential is therefore infinite)
Going to a good university with lots of opportunities
Studying my STEM major of choice, and succeeding at it

>> No.8085241


saved the fuck out of it.

>not watermarking your pepes
>posting your rare pepes so they depreciate in value

>> No.8085907

94 iQ
nish uni
med school

>> No.8086098


147 IQ

University of Texas at Austin

Undergraduate; Physics

>> No.8086112

IQ:182(no, I'm not kidding)
Occupation:none yet
School of study:Psychology

>> No.8086288

UC Berkeley
Statistics + CS

>> No.8086323

140 IQ
CS + Math

>> No.8086339

I just graduated from there with those degrees

>> No.8086363

shit school, right?

at least the campus is nice

>> No.8086409

I got into Tech so I'm doing okay. I'll admit the CS program was easy as shit and most people in it are unmotivated brainlets who think getting a consulting job is a good thing, but it's about what you get out of it. I have some solid contacts and I certainly got a lot out of the math program so I can't complain too much.

>> No.8086410


Junior College student in Singapore

>> No.8086413

tech grad school?

what are you studying?

also, did you do any undergrad research? I was considering doing robotics stuff with Doshi

>> No.8086415

Just graduated from UGA in math as well.

>> No.8086441


call the dawgs, roo roo roo roo roo
how bout them dwags?

>> No.8086451

I'm doing a Phd in CSE, so I hope I don't die. Very likely. Actually, I started the CFD thread because I have literally no experience with engineering. I'm certain I wouldn't have gotten into this program without the math degree.

I did a bit of research with Kang Li, but it didn't go anywhere. Most of my research was with a professor at UArizona, that I met through Brad.

Also I went to LLNL for a summer.

Robotics is pretty hot, you should do it. Would look great on a resume even if you're not thinking of grad school.

Gratz, dawg.

This is certainly more that I thought I would find here.

>> No.8086471



I've never taken a real IQ test and I have no intention of doing so.


Oregon State Bachelors, Georgia Tech Masters


Aerospace engineer in the defense industry

>> No.8086483

6.02214086 × 1023 mol-1 IQ
Cornell University
Undergraduate Chemistry Major

>> No.8086514

My IQ? Schfifty five

>> No.8086544



>> No.8086774
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>> No.8086776

Nice, I plan on majoring in Aerospace and going into the defense industry too.
Good luck Anon!

>> No.8086812

IQ: 100 or so.
Uni: Just a shitty uni somewhere in Germany
In 6 Semester of computer science did not write any exam yet. pls kil me

>> No.8086920

shit tier uni
aero/mech engi

>lol im fucking retarded

>> No.8086929

126 IQ
Cambridge University
Research Fellow in [redacted, don't want to be doxxed]

>> No.8086969 [DELETED] 

>What you are a student of.
Translation: "what you study"
Lrs2language fgt pls

>> No.8086988

140(according to facebook)
Shitty uni
undergrad in women studies

>> No.8086989

2.8 is pretty based. I have >2.0

>> No.8087067

the fuck? Facebook gives you your IQ?

>> No.8087085
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I never took a serious test so I don't know

A university of Rome


Pic related is what I feel sometimes, I can't even mention a derivative or an integral without being seen as someone affected by autism.
At least the subject is interesting.

>> No.8087144

Somewhere 130-140 SD 15 according to free internet tests which want me to buy shit afterwards (very legit, riight?).

Phd quitter applied math well on my way to become a hobo alcoholic.

>> No.8087190

Try and make some friends in other subjects too. It is good to not have all friends in a too small niche. There do exist technical or mathematical students who are not so down-looking towards economics students. At least I've heard stories there are.

>> No.8087266



>not posting college

>> No.8087318

It's quite difficult because my university is quite distant from the others so I don't meet people who study engineer/maths/physics.
The only true friend that I still have from high school is a painter who also lurked in 4chan for four years, but when we meet we usually talk about art or /a/ subjects.
My hope now is that in the future I will meet some people truly interested in maths or physics in my course (the math and statistic teachers are the only people who fits these criteria in this moment: they know Latex and they simplify the equation not because is strictly necessary, but because is more aesthetically appealing [i.e. \frac{7x^2+5b}{7}=x^2+\frac{5}{7}b ]).

>> No.8087832

holy fucking shit this is the first time i have ever seen somebody say they are from UTD!!! I'm a cognitive science major myself

>> No.8087833

wtf there's another UTD person here, I am incredibly surprised

>> No.8087846
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Is that Hank Green's dumb brother?

>> No.8087911

Not low enough to care
Uni of York (*not* York Uni)
Computer Science and Maths

>> No.8087921


116 IQ

State Uni

Bac.Pol Sci;soon master of pol.sci
Law school finishing 2nd year of 4

desu on`t know what am I doing here

>> No.8088040

>not low

>> No.8088048

It may not be the best but it's not terrible for CS, hence it being in the Russel Group (and we have Colin Runciman, which is always a plus)

>> No.8088055

The formation of the Russel group required universities to teach certain subjects, that was all. A lot of them didn't teach medicine so didn't get the Russel group status. I honestly don't think that being Russel group means anything nowadays, I mean, you have terrible universities such as Manchester and Leeds which are also Russel group...

>> No.8088101
File: 52 KB, 960x716, 12495119_986136081462001_167147630031284165_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ 148

UC Berkeley

Undergrad Physics

>> No.8088105


Portland State

Undergrad: EE

>> No.8088107
File: 25 KB, 477x403, 13241363_10201781619818931_7723147727854505551_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But are you a musician?!?

>> No.8088112

GED/ associate of arts
Sleep in car & go to methadone clinic daily and fuck around on phone is about it.

>> No.8088114

Tell me more anon!!!

>> No.8088117
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>> No.8088131

What do you want to know?

>> No.8088132

Hey, you have my IQ!
Undergrad: Mathematical Physics

>> No.8088149

Explain to me why a certified genius can justify bullshitting his way through life? I suppose I understand the how, must be easy. But why? You could do anything, potentially be anyone? People are quite literally beneath you

>> No.8088163

141 IQ


Goethe University

Get rekt pleb

>> No.8088275

Intelligence isn't a scalar. I had a lot going for me, a hell of a lot of ability and opportunities, but as a result of moving a lot for schooling, I didn't have a single friend for about ten years in my life. That stuck with me.
I don't care about being above other people. I like people. I'd like to do something good for the world, but only once I really understand how it works.
For the time being, I'm content doing as little work as possible and spending my days reading and learning. Someday I might find a challenge that motivates me.

>> No.8088355

Gonna start Math in September, intially in Chemistry

>> No.8088914

University of Pheonix
Women's studies

>> No.8088919

I should get an IQ test

At least it would provide an explanation of why I'm so terrible at math.

And reading

And writing

And talking to girls

>> No.8089211

Never taken one

Taking an access course at a shitty local college

Mechanical Engineering

>> No.8091344

125 IQ

Nautical Science student

>> No.8091348

ay lmao

>> No.8091364

>ay lmao
Is depression and PTSD funny to you?

>> No.8091372

I know right. Which college are you? I am a Cambridge math offer-holder, don't want to specify which college though.

>> No.8091382
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Peterhouse since 1284

IQ posting is for faggots

>> No.8091385


IQ: Unmeasurable by contemporary intelligence testing

University: MIT

Grad student doing AI research

>> No.8091387

>pattern recognition

found the autist

>> No.8091437


>> No.8091523

130 iq
University of California Santa Cruz
Computer engineering

>> No.8091528

Hey fellow slug!

>> No.8092360

dunno my IQ, guess it

>> No.8092647

Pure math/any job I want, 300k starting