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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 13 KB, 450x355, CT_Quartz-IQ_SPOTLIGHT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8083734 No.8083734 [Reply] [Original]

Cognitive science general thread

ITT we discuss
>comparison of different IQ tests
>studies confirming the validity of IQ
>methods of increasing IQ
>racial IQ differences
>cognitive inferiority of the female gender
>possible cures for brainlets
>the future rise of average IQ after the singularity

>> No.8083744

Cognitive science really has taken a turn for the worse

>> No.8084643

south korea, japan, and germany have the highest nat avg iqs of any countries

and they HAPPEN TO ALSO be the best 3 countries in the world at engineering...

china and se asia lag 5-10 points behind s kor and japan, which is why their engineering is not as good if not shit..

iq means alot, but physics ability is a better judge of g (general intelligence)

>> No.8084654

What are some reliable IQ tests and their cost?

>> No.8084663

that doesn't very fun. how about instead ITT we prove everything OP believes about IQ wrong just to trigger him. c'mon, it'll be fun, you don't even have to believe what you're saying.

>> No.8085061

Stop spreading this false information. Germans are dumb as fuck. The majority here can't even do elementary school math.

t. arab living in germany

>> No.8085066
File: 357 KB, 397x402, ayo witey you be sayin we wuz not kingz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The majority here can't even do elementary school math.
>t. arab

>> No.8085072

>>comparison of different IQ tests
Everything on the internet is bs, some real life tests are valid
>>studies confirming the validity of IQ
These are valid
>>methods of increasing IQ
training pattern recognition. Or morally controverse: neuro enhancers
>>racial IQ differences
>>cognitive inferiority of the female gender
Not on average. The very smartest (high IQ) people are male, but on average females are smarter/higher IQ
>>possible cures for brainlets
See methods of increasing IQ
>>the future rise of average IQ after the singularity
will happen

>> No.8085079
File: 45 KB, 716x717, 1453238092446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Mohammed, please. I work as a physical chemist near Freiburg; the majority of German academics have iq's well over 130. Go to any German public school, fuck it, go to Frankfurt and you'll find where the wealth of German intellectuals hide.

Adversely, average iq within Germany has been declining - mostly in respite since the influx of refugees.

>> No.8085092

Interesting. Where do you work?

>> No.8085099

>hurr durr I live in my academic bubble
Typical german cuck only sees what he wants to see and ignores all problems challenging his world view.

You do know that the few people obtaining a masters degree in STEM are NOT representative of the general population, right? Even within your university you only need to leave your STEM department and go to the social sciences or the business/economics people and you'll see new levels of dumbfuckery. Most law students won't be able to calculate percentages. And then please take into account that the vast majority does never go to university at all. There are people who only finished Realschule or even Hauptschule. Are you seriously suggesting that those have high IQs?

>> No.8085103

>thinking iq is a big part of cognitive science right now
>brainlet measuring contest

>> No.8085104

What is the minimum IQ required to understand the hard problem of consciousness?

>> No.8085164
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>> No.8085219

Well ed witten, legendary princeton string theorist with a 180 iq, says he thinks tge hard problem will stay a mystery. I think he is lying and tgat he figured it out but he is pulling a darwin and waiting until hes dead to release the answer

>> No.8085254


My mom said that 100 is the highest IQ there is. Mine is 74, I am almost 3 quarters as smart as possible.

>> No.8085255


This is either some trans-dimensional bait or the kebab has really lost his Kofte. When you control for foreign parties (refugees, turks, polish), average iq crests at about 105 - 107 among the population actually endemic to Germany. I never claimed that a masters in stem encompassed the iq of the general population, you literally pulled that slime from your anus.

>Most law students won't be able to calculate percentages

Are you fucking high? Every sentence you string is lined with desperate kebabery. Go talk to students at the institute for law and finance in Frankfurt and then compile a report on paper on who can do percantages, I guarantee you wouldn't even need to bring a pen.

>There are people who only finished Realschule or even Hauptschule

This is not indicative of iq, and therefore this statement can be discarded.

>> No.8085259

your mommy lied

>> No.8085261
File: 500 KB, 420x228, 1371106204059.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here have any experience with concussion research or treatment? It's easily my favorite topic.

>> No.8085270
File: 39 KB, 477x640, n08A8NOl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to hold my breath until you apologize.

>> No.8085286

With that you can already apply for astronaut. Good luck. For your mom's number I'll even give you the application form.

>> No.8085296

>studies confirming the validity of IQ
So, Confirmation Bias: The Thread?

>> No.8085300

Whadya say, is WAIS-IV better, and more accurate than the ones mensa and some others use?

>> No.8085313

I took a wechsler test in hs and got a 140. I scored 144 and 149 on a couple online tests. Wechsler (wais) is supposedly better than sb and others

>> No.8085348


Saw cognitive science and thought
>Oh cool some made a thread about my research field! I can discuss my work on...

>IQ of nigs
>IQ of women

Not actually sure why I bother coming here at this point.

>> No.8085358

well why dont ya talk about your work then, mate?

>> No.8085365

See >>8085358

The only way to unshit a thread it to put content that isn't shit into it. What is your field and what is your main interest?

>> No.8085396

Why are brainlets so infatuated with IQ? People who make these threads should be banned.

>> No.8085401

Because they're insecure and ignorant but think they're smart. I get the impression op doesn't really know what cognitive science is.

>> No.8085410

>Using actual scientific fields to justify pseudoscientific /pol/ topics

This place really has taken a turn for the worse. The worst part is, you don't even have the balls to create a thread with your actual opinion or post in another /pol/ thread. Instead you cower behind cognitive science like a closeted faggot. Fuck this thread and fuck you OP.

Report this thread and make another one with actual science in it. Kill these threads to discourage more from popping up and shitting up this place even more. Mods, ban the faggots that make these threads.