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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8027313 No.8027313 [Reply] [Original]

We gonna be immortal anons:


>> No.8027314

pic. related is the woman who injected herself with the gene therapy and extended her life by 20 years

it's real anons

are you happy that you'll be still alive in 2100 ?

>> No.8027318
File: 129 KB, 800x1024, 2395253235235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the billions that died..

>> No.8027321

Enjoy your cancer

>> No.8027323

Broken cell death mechanisms != telomere preservation

>> No.8027324

We don't know the effect of this yet, as the article said, she is patient zero... Also, this story is months old, why is it getting a lot of coverage on /sci/ now?

Finally, this >>8027321

>> No.8027328

Medicine can have side effects.
Should we not use medicine as well?

>> No.8027332

He means that even if you prolong your life by a few years, cancer will inevitably get you after enough time. Nothing to do with the gene therapy itself.

>> No.8027344

If you prolong your life the chances that science will find a cure for your illness increase

>> No.8027519

The two events have no correlation. Cancer gunna cancer

>> No.8027526

Actually cancer is more prevalent in the elderly because of their weaker immune system. Normally your immune system can detect faulty cells and kill them. Of course, people who are shit out of luck and get cancer at a going age will still exist.

>> No.8027528

with consistent exercise and a near-perfect diet I already know I'm living until 2100, even without gene therapy

>> No.8027532

Oh dear god no. Just no. The immune system is weaker yes BUT the real reason old people get more cancer is because of the increased time in which mutations that cause cancer can accrue. You need something to the tune of 10 mutations to make a cancer cell so after 100 years it's likely most of your cells have at least 6-7.

>> No.8027581


sounds like a slovable problem

>> No.8027588

Getting pretty triggered by that missing apostrophe.

>> No.8027601



>> No.8027607
File: 244 KB, 1846x1212, 1441142742116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I get to live forever but my mum is gone

>> No.8027610

Science is ruined, ego freaks will never die and there will never be progress.

t. Max Planck

>> No.8027615

you sound triggered

>> No.8027618

Why do I feel like this going to end up like Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos?

>> No.8027619

easy, only certain people can live forever. make people take a test over their cognition, morality, creativity, productivity, genetic (dis)orders, in order to make sure the best humans are the only ones who earn their immortality. build oneil cylinders to house the overflow population. with infinite time comes so much potential for the human race, but first we gotta cull the shit out of our genepool. cant risk having immortal gimmedats on forever foodstamps. but just imagine a human race with the ingenuity of the best we have to offer and with all the time in the world to make whatever they plan happen.

fuck your offence. whiny babies like you would never pass the immortal test.

>> No.8027621

Careful now, you might trigger somebody. Luckily the Chinese will do exactly this.

>> No.8027627

So what, in healthy people, cancerous cells exist too, the immune systems takes care of those. You can whine about muh probability but if you have a good immune system cancer doesn't get a chance.

>> No.8027629

All the more reason to study biotech so you can do this to yourself.

>> No.8027633

Its going on to go on sale for 100k or something, its a company, not a /sci/-NEET wet dream.

>> No.8027637

Probably the attractive blonde with great PR and news surrounding her. Literally the same "look" when you're reading about the way the company is framed, but let's hope this one keeps its legitimacy

>> No.8027638
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The only news on this is the fact that they managed to make an advancement on the project. The idea of genetics allowing us to live forever is extremely old and not newsworthy.

I'm not really vibrant about the idea of living as a LITERAL FOREVER ALONE kissless hugless virgin.

>> No.8027645

>successfully reverses BIOLOGICAL aging
>wanting to look like a 2000 year old with the mind of a 40 year old

id honestly rather just die

>> No.8027647

Look at those handhold fag feeling superior.

>> No.8027654

did you want to reverse mental aging too and revert to your childhood state of mind?

>> No.8027657

this has to be clever bait, right?

>> No.8027664

That's not how capitalism works you idiot.

>> No.8027678
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This is a perfect type of research to end up creating a weird zombie virus to end the dreadful existence of the human race on this planet.

>> No.8027681

can we have one fucking thread anywhere on 4chan that isn't about blacks? We find something amazing and the first fucking thing anyone thinks is "OMG MUH MASTER RACE". I'm fucking sick of it.

>> No.8027692

>goes to a neonazi website
>whines about how racist they are

>> No.8027699

Nigger detected.

>> No.8027705

I'm more interested in the comments section.

Matt Faraday is an hero

>> No.8027706

>>goes to a neonazi website

>> No.8027710

Make it against the law for people over, lets say, 70 years old to have children.

>> No.8027714

one can only hope.


>> No.8027715

>omg so edgy!
Fuck off I'm tired of every fucking board having every thread turn into a /pol/ thread. I bet your stupid ass has never been laid but if you have the girl was a solid 1

>> No.8027717
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what about the people under 70?

>> No.8027718

We can already extend telomeres in mice, and have been able to for some time.

You'll note mice aren't immortal yet.

>> No.8027722
File: 12 KB, 350x262, 1420877685_fedora_answer_7_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stay inside, close all blinds and eat your noodles for a week until most of em have starved to death and you'll be fine.

>> No.8027725


But the anon you replied to never mentioned blacks.

Are you just baiting the thread to cause derailment?

>> No.8027726

What about artificial uterus? Would a person making a child from scratch be considered as "having a child" even when technically thanks to the dna, the child has no direct father or mother?

Have they even attempted to make mice immortal?

>> No.8027731

>anyone I don't like is a virgin
Sure thing, laddie.

>> No.8027733
File: 56 KB, 550x504, Bitey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mice multiply so fucking fast mane don't want one of those immortal furry motherfuckers to escape.

>> No.8027734

no problem for you, your mind is already gone

>> No.8027736

>But the anon you replied to never mentioned blacks.
>he talks about how we need to get rid of the dindus and gimmedats
It was clearly about niggers. /sci/ is literally just /pol/ with a calculator

>> No.8027742

Good technology eventually spreads.

>> No.8027747

Every board is just /pol/ with a different quirk. Just the way it is.

>> No.8027752


Great, now the boomers will be around forever.

>> No.8027756

Galaxy colonization bro

>> No.8027757

look, just be a neil dgt or someone like that and you wont have to worry about getting your future visa approved.

or, be like the statistical average black american and be left behind in the dust of a dying world as your immortal cousins usher in a new era of interstellar transhumanism.
your choice

i know. just sucks a little tho. think of all the einsteins were gonna let die of old age because they couldn't afford a pill/injection/dose or whatever.

plz go bak 2 /b/ m8 ur mum iz a solid number 2 cuz shes shit

>> No.8027772

>/sci/ is literally just /pol/ with a calculator
bait, right? or are you memeing?

>> No.8027778
File: 137 KB, 500x661, 1434188376140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>therapy is real but expensive
>rich live forever, poor are normal
>rich turn into elf overlords who's mannerisms, habit, diet, etc barely resemble normal humans but because they are human, they're extremely arrogant about it as well as their inevitably myriad accomplishments
>rich mistreat those not like themselves
>poor kill the rich
>technology destroyed forever, anyone researching it would receive jihad-like response

>> No.8027781


>he talks about how we need to get rid of the dindus and gimmedats

Except he didn't and you were the main one who projected blacks as the ones being implied here.

Seriously stop with the bait bullshit, what anon was saying wasn't some coded racist talk bullshit. Do you believe whites and asians don't have their own "undesirables" that would be phased out from anon's proposition too?

>> No.8027782

Neither; it's a fairly accurate first-order approximation.

To second and third orders you have to include contributions from /r/science and /r9k/.

>> No.8027787

/sci/ is one of the most left-leaning boards dude, one of the few boards that hasn't been overrun with /pol/acks. Spamming racebait (and genderbait to a lesser extent) does not make the people on this board /pol/.

>> No.8027789

Last I checked it would require continuous supply of whatever drug they concoct to make people immortal, surely you wouldn't need to take that shit every week or year but you would still need to regrow your telomeres once in a while.

People will have decades to get money to buy the drug, one application and that whore's cells got 20 more years and we are still giving only the first steps on this field. Besides I'm sure that countries like china, japan, brazil and iran will give a big middle finger to those power drunk patent driven drug companies if they ever attempt to enslave the whole human race.

We do have to worry about other things however, we need to find a new way to produce energy and find a way to bypass the physical space for ftl communication and travel BEFORE we get to the point where physical space becomes an actual scarcity and we start to live in a real world coruscant.

>> No.8027793

I have never understood the "only the rich" argument.

Taking apart all the economics counter-arguments, just suppose that something like this already existed. Wouldn't you fight with everything you have to get access to it? People are braindead, I get it, but there's no way the rich can keep it for themselves without massive riots and civil wars happening.

>> No.8027803

Muslims and Christians reject treatment because, obviously, death is the only salvation.

>> No.8027806

>buy a gorillian years supply
>bury on north or south pole, frozen
>use all that time to master reproducing the stuff

>> No.8027808

Also, the rich wouldn't keep it to themselves for a much simpler reason:

There are more than a hundred times as many people willing and able to pay $10K to live longer than people willing and able to pay $1M to live longer.

The rich like making money. That's why they're rich.

>> No.8027810


>We do have to worry about other things however, we need to find a new way to produce energy

Fusion is currently a meme but even the most pessimistic people in the field believe that we'll get practical reactors not further than 2050-2060

>and find a way to bypass the physical space for ftl communication and travel

it will likely never be possible. But Earth carrying capacity can increase by many orders of magnitude, once we have the right technologies to sustainably support the growth (like asteroid mining)

>> No.8027816

>Wouldn't you fight with everything you have to get access to it?
Evil companies actually exist and they put the equivalent of a year dose needed by people in the house of millions of dollars, they only manage to get away with it because patent laws that the government created to protect them.

The actual limitation is given by those companies, not by the resources needed to produce the drugs or the time it takes.

Nothing is stopping them from doing the same thing with this treatment.

>> No.8027820

Is biotechnology a shit major? Is medical school the only way to go if you want to research life extension?

>> No.8027830

>it will likely never be possible.
I personally don't believe that, ftl while trying to use the laws of the macro universe is impossible, but perhaps in the quantic universe we'll find a better answer since it doesn't follow the same rules.

So far all I said is on an area that's more akin to fiction than theories, but a person's telomeres being actually increased seems to be just as impossible.

>> No.8027833

Genetics and epigenetics are the fields of the future, once we get to actually be able to indefinitely expand life, we'll look into bettering our bodies whether by robotics or genetic manipulation is the real question. Probably a fusion of both.

>> No.8027837

Those things aren't similar. These diseases only affect very few people. What they want doesn't matter. An immortality drug affects everyone. If everyone wants the drug for free, they'll get it for free.

>> No.8027840

>Nothing is stopping them from doing the same thing with this treatment.

The most ancient, burning desire that lied at the bottom of the heart of every human that has ever existed. That's what will stop them.

Have you seen how many billions of dollars are spent yearly on "anti-aging" products, which are currently pure snake oil?


The laws of physics prevent ftl travel from happening. You can invest $ 2000000000000000 on trying to build an ftl spaceship and you won't succeed. Nothing prevents immortality from happening.

>> No.8027842
File: 12 KB, 310x320, Yu_Yevon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have to admit this would be cool but you know they'd just ammend their 'documents' to support whatever they want to do. The old ways work for them because they're inherently conservative and what the conservative wants to conserve above all else is himself. They only focus on preserving their way of life and laws now because they cannot preserve their own, actual life. Once they can that's all they'll actually want to do, if they can have their religions primary promise in the here and now they will take it. In fact I would say this development is what will finally kill off religion.

Meaning the proletariat jihad to destroy this technology and the people who use it will likely primarily be a religious venture, this new religion will teach precisely what you imply: that not returning to one's creator is the ultimate sin.

Considering FTL is impossible and this is why there are no aliens even though there's almost certainly aliens. Nobody ever leaves their home system because by the time they had the technology they'd realize the economics and ecology work out such that one planet is as good as anothing. Mining the asteroid belt or maybe TNOs for platinum group metals is probably as far as we'll ever bother with or any species in the entire universe has bothered with.

I hope you're ready for thousands of years more of struggling with religion, for aliens to never happen, for immortality to be illegal and focus on the fact that fighting off new-age luddism is probably our most important task before whatever new religion pops up decides the only way for humans to live in peace is for there to be 99.9% less of them. Before the new order puts us into Dunbar's number-sized tribes that never accomplish anything but fucking and infighting that distracts them from the few elf overlords secretly breaking the law and running everything from some ivory tower.


>> No.8027843

It's really happening, isn't it?

1. AI more powerful than ever, progress happening literally in front of our eyes.
2. One step away from immortality.

This is what Eliezer Yudkowsky has prepared us for.

>> No.8027858
File: 13 KB, 1000x1500, singularityfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in this thread needs a reality check.

>> No.8027860

You mean like HIV? Haven't you heard of that time a while back when a retarded CEO increased the price of the most used antiretroviral to the point where people where actually worried about dying?

>> No.8027867

>The laws of physics prevent ftl travel from happening.
You mean the CLASSICAL laws of physics, last time I checked those rely on the workings of the quantum field which are wildly different.

>> No.8027868

If you had actually informed yourself you'd have realized that there was a lot of misinformation going on in that case.

In any case, not at all like HIV. Who even has HIV? I've never met someone with HIV. But I have met a lot of people who would vote for the guy that promises to give everyone free immortality.

>> No.8027871

>In fact I would say this development is what will finally kill off religion.

>> No.8027874


Please do explain what's physically impossible, then. I mean, I'm sure you have something in mind and aren't just being a contrarian faggot, right?

>> No.8027876

Wow a MS paint graph, you sure showed us.

>> No.8027877

>regrow your telomeres once in a while
first its an experimental drug, then its an experimental treatment. i doubt people would have to keep taking pills for too long, it would turn into some kind of synthetic organ implant or other before too many centuries.

jesus christ everything about this post gave me cancer

>its impossible to sail around the world
>its impossible to make a heavier-than-air vehicle fly
>its impossible for a human to break the sound barrier
>its impossible to get a man into space
>its impossible to split an atom
>its impossible to stop human telomere breakdown
>its impossible to achieve friendly artificial intelligence
yup, weve finally found it. the first true impossibility. this ones different from all the others because anon's graph says so, silly head.

>> No.8027881
File: 990 KB, 289x217, arrow_of_thyme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're preachy but retarded and detached from reality.

>> No.8027895

he posted it AGAIN!

>> No.8027897

then you checked some sci-fi blog.

also stop using the word quantum.

>> No.8027901

you're a retarded faggot.

now we're 1:1 ad hominem

>> No.8027936

so guys, does this mean that shes going to live 20ish years longer than previously expected, that shes essentially 25 again, or neither?

will we have to wait until shes over 120 to know if this was all just some bullshit or not?

>> No.8027952
File: 893 KB, 450x252, 1436811987751.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My insult wasn't an ad hominem, you penis craving cocklord.

>> No.8027967

>Reversing aging is impossible because I say so

Wew lad

>> No.8027978

Biotechnology is really the practical application and implementation of various fields of life sciences, which is what her company does.

It's not a bad major if you're interested in stuff like the OP.

>> No.8027980

She has the telomeres of a 24 year old.

>> No.8027984

Can you explain to a retard what that means?

>> No.8027990

She got new shock absorbers for her car.

>> No.8028005

The telomeres are like caps at the end of each chromosome that protect them from deterioration.

Aging-related diseases are caused by telomere shortening. Telomere shortening is one way by which cellular aging happens aswell.

>> No.8028016
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No anon, I'm not ready, I taking the next bus to mars. Let the fools have their earth.

>> No.8028031
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>by the time you save up 100k they go bankrupt


>> No.8028039
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>> No.8028053

>stop saying quantum
It's a relatively new area of science that uses different laws, what you are asking me is to talk about medicine without saying genetics.

>> No.8028061

>tfw anti aging technology will be widely and easily available by the time we've already died

>> No.8028066

Is this the greatest tragedy in the history of mankind?

>> No.8028070

no. we could have been born before anime existed.

>> No.8028072

Imagine the billions of minds that lived and died without ever watching YuruYuri.

>> No.8028085

>"hurr let's test people and make tests deciding who gets to live"
Anon, you're literally retarded

>> No.8028086
File: 21 KB, 364x273, Mark Zuckerberg Facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't make millions of friends without making a few enemies.

>> No.8028096

I doubt you understand genetics either. So yeah stop mentioning genetics as well. In fact, just stop posting here, popsci faggot.

>> No.8028101

/sci/ isn't political at all. All you do is make fun of us CS dudes because you suffer from an inferiority complex.

>> No.8028124

>insult the person and not the argument
Nice, very nice.

>> No.8028127

Are you serious? This is literally the only SFW board where people scream NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER

>> No.8028134

>This is literally the only SFW board where people scream NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER
I see you haven't been in many other blue boards then.

>> No.8028136

not even close. entire 4chan is leaning to right including /sci/. You can spot leftist posts where they have nothing to do with science.

>> No.8028147
File: 1021 KB, 702x388, giphy-1-1446998448.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sci/ is one of the most left-leaning boards dude
Whatever helps you sleep at night, laddie.

>> No.8028151

/o/ and /diy/ barely ever mention race and if they do it doesn't run to 300 replies of kangzposting

>> No.8028163

I can spot your posting from all over /biz/ and /sci/ because of the filename on that gif you post all the time.

Don't destroy your anonymity even further, kiddo.

>> No.8028169

I hardly ever go on /biz/, faggot. When you download this gif off of google images this is the filename. How does it feel to be retarded?

>> No.8028177

>This is literally the only SFW board where people scream NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER

you should go to /tv/

>> No.8028182

statistical improbability that two people on 4chinns are downloading the same gif from the same website

>> No.8028202

Do you ever hear yourself, retard? It's less likely that you reply to the same faggot on two separate occasions on two different low-traffic boards.

>> No.8028203

It's noteworthy that this sudden influx of posts came in USA peak posting times and when Yuros are asleep. Make of that what you will.

Anyway, you can find the thread with the political test that /sci/ took in the archives, the overwhelming majority were left-leaning, and that's including /pol/acks who visit here often.

>> No.8028208

/lgbt/, /int/, /v/, /co/, /a/, /tv/ and /fit/ all bring this issue time and again.

Also you're spinning this as a race problem when in truth it's not, the bigsmethat mentality is everywhere nowadays, imagine immortal gibsmethat lazy retards.

>> No.8028219

Depends on what you define as left-wing. If it means immortality, space-travel and robo-waifus, even your most radicalized /pol/ack would support it. On the other hand, I don't think people here are liberals who are keen on banning everything that hurts their feelings.

>> No.8028238

Show me this mythical "evidence" of you that you keep bullshitting about in every thread. You can't claim majority as tiny leftists since leftist posts are easily spotted miles away which everyone can see that got nothing to do with science. Where Right winger posters(not talking about the extremists) don't make their political views apparent.

>> No.8028244

>You can't claim majority as tiny leftists since leftist posts are easily spotted
This calls for an example.

>> No.8028252

The SJW posters that made it their lives purpose to derail every thread they see ? I've you've never saw it, you'll get when you see one.

>> No.8028253

>You can't claim majority as tiny leftists since leftist posts are easily spotted
kek, sad if you actually believe that. Somehow, I doubt it's leftists that go to every board and spam every thread with talk about niggers and races even if it has nothing to do on the subject. If alt-right wingers weren't so vocal and constantly triggered about their views you wouldn't think 4chan is "right-wing" as so many newfags ignorantly spout.

>> No.8028255

Aha, so every leftist post comes from a SJW?

>> No.8028265

well you just described left-wingers and called them right-wingers. The evolution denying, illiterate retards who are completely obscure on the facts of genetics, evolutionary traits and basically what makes us human deny the very basic facts and somehow relate them to racism so in their magical world everyone is identical. You can literally see them in every thread about genetics and race, trying to be as ignorant as possible.

>> No.8028269

The ones that make themselves so easy to spot are.

>> No.8028277

Then would it be correct to change your previous statement as follows:
>You can't claim majority as tiny leftists since leftist posts made by people who make easy spotted posts are easily spotted

>> No.8028289

It's real ironic that /sci/ spent years laughing at women in science. If this turns out to be bunk /sci/ will jibe that she fucked up because she's a woman just like how Branson's spaceflight plans failed because he's a man....oh no it was because his company was incompetent.

>> No.8028290

Yes. And if you count their numbers, they are a really tiny minority. And the right wingers and extremist right wingers are making the majority of the posts.

>> No.8028296

>Woman in science

>> No.8028305

>Elon Musk
>Man in aerospace engineering

>> No.8028311

And since he founded pay pal he must also be a man in finance and a man in computer science.

>> No.8028336

>/o/ and /diy/ barely ever mention race and if they do it doesn't run to 300 replies of "gb2/pol/ retard".

/sci/ just hates retards from containment boards.

>> No.8028381

This is only for white blood cells. You're going to need it for other cells in the body like neurons.

>> No.8028390



>> No.8028399

lel. how do you even immortality when your body is flooded with cancer and your skin looks like keith richards and your hair is fallen that you literally look like yoda. Age by oxidization is only one of the ways you die.

>> No.8028408

This is shit research

>> No.8028411

don't you see? brain immortality is the only real barrier to immortality, after that you can get a prosthetic body or have organ replacement surgery and genetic surgery and micro/nano machine therapy.

>> No.8028420

And how do you achieve that ?

>> No.8028427

You can't. It's literally impossible. Yet all these faggots from /r/futurology will continue to circle jerk about how we're getting immortality and a colony on mars in 2020.

>> No.8028436

The future belongs to those who dare to dream

>> No.8028439

Well the brain decays. It loses it's potency for memorizing. Even if you found a way to renew the DNA until forever you would only remember the last period and nothing more.

The only true immortality would be conserving the memory. Preferably in a digital medium. But then again, your memory is not what makes your cnosciousness. So you would turn into a pack of data files and technically wouldn't be alive or even conscious.

>> No.8028463


>cant risk having immortal gimmedats on forever foodstamps

Are you seriously suggesting that a demographic of people who supposedly all violate drug law are magically going to be detered by laws against immortality drugs?

No - they'll just start cooking up stem cells and TERT alongside their meth. Things like 3D printing will only make drugs and biotech less regulatable. I've seen people plunge into synthetic cannabinoids - I've seen them evaporate solvents with industrial blowdryers, yielding Spice-laced parsley.

They tend to be hyperchondriacs, and talk to each other incessently about what the specific molecules they're smoking are doing to their bodies. Invariably, Spice has either given them cancer or turned them into gods who say, "I know everything!"

They've spoken about immortality in these terms, and I honestly think they're insane and rich enough to do it - Spice is expensive. Have fun fighting them, the body mod freaks, transsexuals, furries, people who want to be robots, and rich Arabs.

>> No.8028487

sounds cyberpunk as fuck

join me and my band of neo templars.

>> No.8028493

Shouldn't have used John Travolta's stem cells.

>> No.8028565


>join me and my band of neo templars

Is that the group I vaguely remember from that /x/ thread?

According to science and legend, the Buddha started six shops - one of them was an Ambrosia shop. I want to open up a shop that sells immortality and godlike physical capacities for $0.00.

I'd look for homeless people and drug addicts, and make them immortal supermen, just to piss off >>8027619 and people like him.

>> No.8028571

that would create a lot of problems and super villians

i'm afraid you can't join my neo templars

>> No.8028582

>this service my company offers definitely works!

>> No.8028626
File: 760 KB, 370x222, 1455725893693.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would actually want to be immortal? I'm guessing everyone in this thread is younger than middle aged. Can the human mind even imagine how long 300, or a thousand years are?

>> No.8028638
File: 2.59 MB, 2400x1999, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fuckers are immortal cancer

>> No.8028640

>that would create a lot of problems and super villians
Problems, sure, but super villains??

>> No.8028642

>Who would actually want to be immortal?
Never mind "forever", just being young for an indefinite period would be any old person's heart's desire.
source: the oldest Anon on 4chan (51)

>> No.8028645

Aren't there better ways to bring about immortality? There was a thread just yesterday about the singularity and the idea of mechanical transhumanism. I wouldn't want to spend an indefinite amount of time in this, relatively weak and imperfect body.

>> No.8028655

>source: the oldest Anon on 4chan (51)

wow, hows the weather up there?

>> No.8028659

sure imagine an immortal crackhead
that would even be his super villian name.

going around sucking dick for crack forever and ever.

total chaos

>> No.8028661

>eat nothing but junk food and energy drinks but am thin and in-shape otherwise
>will be able to pay someone to extend my life indefinitely
health-food fags cucked hard ahahahaha

>> No.8028664

"immortality" implies freedom from death of old age/disease

You could still shoot a crackhead if you needed to

>> No.8028672

666 get

>> No.8028682
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immortal women will suck and take even more cocks than they do now

>> No.8028693
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What is the point of living forever? What is the point of pursuing more pain?

>> No.8028719

Fuck that shit, humans weren't meant to be that way. I'd rather age naturally and die.

I do hope reincarnation is real, though.

>> No.8028728

Hey genius, they said life extension due to aging, not a complete replacement of all your veins, arteries and organs.

When you're 150 you'll be made up of plastic tubes while we'll still be running marathons.

>> No.8028819

What's scary about this is when the black market gets it. Criminals have had no problem getting drugs and surgeries to sell in the past what's going to stop them from doing this? I mean sure we probably won't see crack dealers start up biohacking/genemod businesses but some shady people will find a way.
There's all ready DIY genetic engineering who knows what else they'll be

>> No.8028825

we must embrace the chaos if we hope to evolve as a species

eventually we will all have to be united under a single hivemind so we can all monitor each other all the time.

>> No.8028829

>implying I won't be able to run a marathon better than you with an artificial heart
Biofags cucked again!

>> No.8028840

If today it is possible to buy all the equipment you need to genetically engineer plants and animals in the comfort of your home, what happens when you can do this with humans? Think about the shady "surgeons" that give people implants. There was a porn star caught give ass shots a few years back and she wasn't too smart. Imagine if some organized crime group starts getting in the business. Instead of selling cocaine cartels will start selling youth drugs or gene mods to give you the perfect body

>> No.8028849
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Don't speak of such horrors anon

>> No.8028943

To watch more frank's videos.
We should crowdfund immortality for him, so he will never be free from the pain of being alive.

>> No.8029106
File: 7 KB, 118x151, 1457754724929.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody stop this. She's messing with the SAVE files.
Our reports showed a massive anomaly in the timespace continuum. timelines jumping left and right, starting and stopping... until suddenly, everything ends.

>> No.8029252

You are the definition of a castrated cuck.
Please end your life right now.

>> No.8029263

Sorry man I didn't know.
How could I have known?
The past is unchanging and always the past..

>> No.8029309

>"hurr let's test people and make tests deciding who gets to live"
You are the retard, he never said to kill those who fail the test.

>> No.8029555


>> No.8029605

Ok, so cancer will get me. But odds are I live healthier till then. Even if my lifespan doesn't change, I want my living years to be healthier.

>> No.8029618
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>I want to live forever, but not in a practical sense.
>I'd rather put my hopes in an unverifiable process we have no reason to believe exists.


>> No.8029634


>> No.8029703


It's not even pain, it's the boredom too.

This is the reason why everyone over the age of 40 starts to mentally check out. Shit starts to become repetitive and stale. "God, please just let me die" by the time you're 70. "Midlife crisis" is you trying to reclaim that feeling of "newness" from your youth. It's not a physical tired, it's a mental tired.

This is why old people don't give a fuck about what young people are into, they've been there & done that. Youthful inexperience is boring, vapid, and trite.

>> No.8029717

What happens when her telomeres don't stop growing? They could erupt out of her every cell and consume her in their thirst for continued growth before moving on to other nearby humans. I'm not exactly sure what a telomere is but I know I wouldn't like to be eaten by one and neither should you.

>> No.8029730

They died, so that we could ride eternal.

>> No.8029815


>When you're 150 you'll be made up of plastic tubes while we'll still be running marathons

The people made of plastic tubes will be the better ones.

>> No.8030254

"Midlife crisis" is a myth.
That 50yo with the sports car has wanted one since he was 20.

People in their 30s-40s "mentally checking out" is completely true though.

>> No.8030527

Your post is wishful thinking combined with ignorance of the topic. Anon is right. Older people have an increased rate of cancer because the probability of cancer increases with each breath you take.

>> No.8030535

>it's the boredom too
This was and still is the weakest argument anti-immortality. Our hedonistic pleasure system would most likely make it so that immortal people are equally bored as mortal people.

>> No.8030640

>it's the boredom too
Jesus fucking Christ. There is so much media to consume, so much stuff to learn, so much places to explore. I have media that will last me several lifetimes, getting a chance to view it all would be fantastic.

>> No.8031735

I know shit about Biology. Don't telomeres hold your chromosomes? If so, how are they reconstructing it? Don't they need to know what the code was like to reconstruct it?

>> No.8031755

Is the age of 2000 year old loli vampires finally here?

>> No.8031760
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Dying is for pussies.

>> No.8031762

Eternal life is the mark of the beast. He who loves the world shall not see the kingdom of heaven.

>> No.8031778

Better start a diary and taking more photos. The brain ain't geting any better at handling longterm memory and you might forget who you are on the long run.

>> No.8031781

>extended her life by 20 years
You can't possibly know that until she dies.
She's not already dead, is she?

>> No.8031797
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Dead killy, 'e is.

>> No.8031847

Unrelated anon here.

It seems to me that you've fallen for a relatively common misconception, namely that the immune system is anything but nigh useless against most if not all types of cancer without medical intervention.

The cellular immune system detects and eliminates threats with a very limited amount of methods:

#1: Detection of foreign matter, either in solution or presented on the surface of host cells, most often but not limited to peptide fragments. Cancerous cells do not contain any recognizable foreign peptides, and also won't excrete these to the extracellular fluid, so this method is useless against cancerous cells.

#2: Recognition of surface receptors (implying that cells with non-recognizable receptors will be attacked). This method is also almost useless, as the odds of a cancerous cell (e.g. mutated exons 1, 2 and 3) also having several surface receptor mutations are astronomically small to the point where you're more likely to win the lottery ten times in a row without even playing.

#3: Response to cytokines (signalling molecules) released by infected cells. This does not apply to cancerous cells, as cancerous cells (or any cell) won't recognize parts of themselves as foreign matter, and thus won't emit cytokines.

If you get a single cancerous cell that circumvents the apoptosis- and growth inhibition triggers, you will be fucked without medical intervention. The only question is how fast you will be fucked, and that depends on the rate of cancerous cell mitosis and degree of metastasis.

TL;DR: The immune system is cool, but it sucks ass at fighting cancer.

>> No.8031854

You can. It's called biomarkers

>> No.8031856

Bullshit. Car accidents, AIDS, all sorts of stuff. Her life could end at any time in the future. You can't possibly tell how long someone is going to live until they die.

>> No.8031858

Are you retarded?

>> No.8031860

Yes, but a stopped watch is right twice a day.

>> No.8031861


>> No.8031904

Yeah, because just having more people live longer hasn't already effectively destroyed the pension system.

>> No.8031947

If we able to achieve this then our entire society would have to change and I mean 180 on almost everything, but then again we have Islam and religion in general that won't allow this kind of scientific stride.

>> No.8031955

No religion I know approves this.Don't single out islam

>> No.8031957

I meant Islam would be most radical in this case and Christianity close by

>> No.8031964

>An increasingly irreligious Western world turning down immortality for an unproven afterlife.

Yeah nah, your primary goal should be getting enough money to afford this stuff since it'll cost out the ass and not be covered by insurance.

>> No.8031999


not if it's set to military time.

>> No.8032070

>pic. related is the woman who injected herself with the gene therapy and extended her life by 20 years
>and extended her life by 20 years
I enjoy /sci/ence fiction from time to time too.

>> No.8032075

I wouldnt want to live forever, that would be boring as fuck.

>> No.8032089

>tomorrow doesn't matter
>because there will always be a tomorrow after that
>puts off things that need to be done today because they can always be done tomorrow
>doesn't rake the leaves for 80 years
Those with living to do will end up just making them slaves. After all, they have all the time in the world, what difference does it make to them?

>> No.8032093

Imagine living 2-300 years just to get hit by a car m8

No thanks.

>> No.8032151

I agree but you should pick your battles better.

>> No.8032226

Fuck yeah one eternity of shitposting here I come.

I sure hope you guys weren't planning on using the universe for anything productive.

>> No.8032429
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I'll laugh at boomers and other faggots when they realize that this is in a grasp and they probably won't live enough to achieve it.

Also, can you imagine the realization of people who lived only in today and had no long term vision? Who laughed at people who cared about Earth?

>anon, why our planet is dying?
>anon, why our rain is acid?
>anon, why there is no fish?
>anon, our crops are dying
>anon, anon why temperature average is 50C?

>> No.8032449

Immortality is even more reason to stop giving a shit about the Earth, the sooner it's depleted the sooner we head for the next earth in another solar system. You don't start driving to the gas station until you need to get gas.

>> No.8032456


It's about more than that.
There's now a possibility of George Soros and everyone in the Bilderberg group living forever, escaping the ultimate equalizer. That's not just scary. It's downright fucking terrifying. There's always been that hard cap on tyranny by the masses or by the individual. People die, information is spread to younger, fresher minds, a different world is born. That's not to say that the world we have NOW is particularly good, but imagine if everything that could possibly go wrong right now went wrong, and then the people who caused it were made immortal.
Imagine a boot, stomping on a human face -- forever.

>> No.8032461

The earth will be "the" planet for a long time.Its where we evolved.and it has just the right gravity for us

>> No.8032476

>Implying the ability go to another earth-like planet is within our grasp
>Implying we won't just boil to death before then

>> No.8032478

I really doubt that. If it really becomes mainstream and not some niche thing that is heavily regulated, I can see how climate change will fuck everyone in the ass.

Our space industry isn't that advanced to move huge amount of people to different planets let alone systems.

>> No.8032483

>in prison

>> No.8032491

Sweet sassy molassy! Where do I sign up?!?!

>> No.8032495

>unironically using immortality as an excuse to try to get people to be more environmentally conscious
If you have to give someone immortality to make them care, your priorities are wrong.

>> No.8032544


>> No.8032602


>I'll laugh at boomers and other faggots when they realize that this is in a grasp and they probably won't live enough to achieve it.

You are a terrible person. This could very well be future kids talking about us.

>> No.8032621
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>> No.8032625

If it's not .gov or .edu or .org then it's not worth caring about.
Is the engine you're supposed to use, not http://google.com

Learn the difference please.
Also, 60% of neuroscience isn't science.

>> No.8032629


>> No.8032633

You say that now, but I don't think anyone really wants to die except for the curious. If I was immortal and ready to leave the world I'd just pay to be put in comatose for a few decades.

>> No.8032638
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Wait wait, is sci really agreeing with this?
might this actually work or wtf is going here, can this REALLY work???

>> No.8032640
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>> No.8032641

fugg that didnt even cross my mind tbphwy

>> No.8032643

>Also, 60% of neuroscience isn't science.

>> No.8032647 [DELETED] 

>I don't think anyone really wants to die
You should have to pass some kind of test to post on this board, too many retards itt.

>> No.8032657
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>> No.8032658

>I don't think anyone really wants to die
You should have to pass some kind of test to post on this board, too many retards itt.

>> No.8032671

anyone that cant make the distinction between killing oneself because of extreme emotion and killing oneself because they've lived long enough to be bored of life is the real retard

>> No.8032674

Turns out most of the "science" from "scientific" studies is unrepeatable.



>One earlier study found that around $28 billion worth of research per year in medical fields is non-reproducible.

>> No.8032675

what the fuck

>> No.8032681



>> No.8032690
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I'd say someone who killed themselves definitely wanted to die.



>> No.8032707

Too much makeup

>> No.8032716

>lengthening telomeres
>corresponding 1:1 with age

Were it so easy. There are probably 100 things that fuck up all at once that are responsible for the bulk aging effect, and you'll probably only live 150 years if you treat 99 of them.

>> No.8032735

>medical fields
Doesn't surprise me desu. The fervor that permeates the industry for disease cures has sprung a lot of "scientific" medical studies that are not reproducible. It has also sprung correlation studies about all sorts of factors that """cause""" cancer, a lot of time without considering what other interactions could have brought by the end result. Sad that we get these correlation studies instead of more fundamental cancer biology research.

Don't see what this has to do with neuroscience though, which is what I was quoting.

>> No.8032742

>only 150 years
That would still be an exceptional leap forward over the current max average age of ~70-80. Virtually doubling our lifespans isn't something to scoff at.

>> No.8032745

Isn't she the crazy lady that promotes National Psychiatry and tried to encourage regulation on food in schools, declaring peanut butter mankind's worst enemy and worse than the a-bomb?

>> No.8032772

>find "secret to immortality"
>end up only living 105 y/o because of biological limiter
>find "secret to immortality" again
>end up only living 110 y/o because of biological limiter
>find "secret to immortality" again
>end up only living 115 y/o because of biological limiter
Immortality is literally impossible, anon.

>> No.8033031

People have lived to over 120, shithead.

>> No.8033061

Outliers are particularly unhelpful in addressing mortality and senescence. Particularly. You really shouldn't attach emotional charging to outliers.

>> No.8033079

1. It should say current year, not 2013.
2. The graphs should diverge only after point mentioned.

>> No.8033101

No, you don't get a sliding date for your delusions. If it didn't happen in 2013, and again in 2082, then you stop purporting bullshit god-like increases in what technology is capable of without factoring in what's currently possible. 2013 is a fine date for us to stop pandering to singularity fantasies.

>> No.8033104

>be immortal
>get life sentence
>or some bad actor keeps you locked up in a basement literally forever

being immortal might be the punishment itself

>> No.8033432

5/10 for effort

>> No.8033638

People need to understand that radical life extension and immortality are completely different things.

With the right damage repair regimen, a human being could last at least 400 or 500 years, perhaps a lot longer, before hitting the wall of entropy. It's just that damage repair is complicated because of the complexity of the body and the fact that we don't understand it well.

But ultimately, radical life extension is just an engineering problem, not magic. It's possible to keep a human body humming for centuries just like it is to keep an old-fashioned car running an order of magnitude longer than its normal lifespan just using world class repair expertise.

>> No.8033643

You are describing LEV, lel

>> No.8033655

>end up only living to 1057 y/o because you kill yourself from boredom

I knew I shouldn't have watched all the good TV and read all the good books before the age of 500. Gotta pace yourself

>> No.8033661

She doesn't have any background in science though

>> No.8033701
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>> No.8033721


>> No.8033896


Also the hell is "Longevity escape velocity".

>> No.8033993

According to Aubrey's theory we will advance our medical field to the point where human life expectancy will increase by tangible amounts over a period of a few years.

Imagine that in the year 2025 our life expectancy is 94 years of age, then in 2026 our life expectancy is 95. Once our life expectancy increases faster than this, by more than 1 year per year, then you have reached longevity escape velocity, and theoretically you would no longer be ageing. I believe he mentions this in his TED talk, though I haven't watched it in ages.


>> No.8034052


>> No.8034060

Telemore shortening is one cause of aging.So no she is not out of the woods yet
REPAIR MY DAMAGE 'd mind and soul.

>> No.8034076
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>boomers die just before Humanity become eternal
Well-deserved fate, too.

>> No.8034079
File: 25 KB, 470x313, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about boomers.
Why do you hate them?

>> No.8034083

I'm sure some faggots will whine about jobs or economy or what not, but all this is trivial.
Demography is what makes or breaks a nation, and they opened the borders.

>> No.8034087

Do you think we would have made as much progress as we did without their political choices?
What if the only way to make immorality happen is globalism ?

>> No.8034094

It's not like what if scenarios are worthless in a universe where retrograde time travel is impossible.
Is that one of your "thought experiment" you philosophers love so much ?

It must be great to so easily disregard reality and test your hypothesises in your mind.

>> No.8034097

Look at it this way...

>our Goal is immortality.

Future where boomers embrace cosmopolitanism -immortality might be possible (see OP 's post.

Future where boomers act nationalistic - possibility of immortality is unknown

It doesn't seem to be a bad future we find ourselves in.

>> No.8034108

>Demography is what makes or breaks a nation, and they opened the borders.

There are no studies to support this aburd statement.
Studies indicate honesty and fair standards make a system; double standards and dishonest break it,

>> No.8034114

Yeah, enjoy the civil war, me i'll fuck off to Japan and leave you to your mess.
( i understand the irony/hypocrisy in becoming an immigrant myself )

>> No.8034193

>races are equal
Fuck off, reddit.

>> No.8034221

Odds are you'll get hit by a bus or something. Good luck anon.

>> No.8034222

>Is that one of your "thought experiment" you philosophers love so much ?
Einstein loved thought experiments, was Einstein a worthless philosopher?

>> No.8034252

brb switching major to biochem

>> No.8034254

I'd rather be in pain for eternity than dead so anything you've listed is peanuts compared to dying.

>> No.8034263

Can anyone recommend a text book to download on the relevant subject?

>> No.8034276

Luckily not everyone in the world is this retarded are we are all good.

>> No.8034288

should i be majoring (then on to PhD) in biochem or chem for the foreseeable future?

>> No.8034292

That's what I'm looking into myself. Everyone says it's easy to switch back and forth at least.

>> No.8034302

Cancer has everything to do with gene therapy, you fucking retard.

>> No.8034311

>starving to death
>in one week

Amerifat detected

>> No.8034312

That's because we have to snap their spines in order to get useful data out of them.

t. Professional Mouse Spine-Snapper

>> No.8034321

From my time here I have gathered that it's very half-and-half. This election cycle and a particular orange man have sort of brought out the worst in people, but many /sci/entists are skeptics with regards to eugenics and the related racism. The /pol/iticians we get on here are often statistically illiterate and easy to point out.

>> No.8034322

>biological limiter

Now this is stupidity.

>> No.8034327

Who cares? Their utter incompetence is already well-known.

>> No.8034339

Fuck ur ugly

>> No.8034925

It's biological immortality you fucking degenerate, you can still jump off a bridge and die if you would want to.

>> No.8035654


>> No.8035658

isnt this literally the plot of i am legend

>> No.8035669


You people are daft: cancer is caused by misbehaving cells. If we have drugs that can repair the chromosomes of cells, we can prevent them from misbehaving.

>> No.8035970

No, that was a cure for cancer, if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.8036055

>yfw I was conveniently born just at the right time to become immortal
>yfw when the quantum immortality meme turned out to be right after all

>> No.8036687

I think the movie was curing cancer but like other anon said idk, also I've never read the books

>> No.8038436

Why won't this cancerous fucking thread die?

>> No.8038450

Because /sci/entists' rejection of the supernatural in their search for knowledge leaves them to fear the oblivion of death above all other things.

Some people have gods for comfort. Let /sci/ have this.

>> No.8038454

>Why won't this cancerous fucking thread die?

I see what you did there.

>> No.8038462



>> No.8038608


>> No.8038628
File: 58 KB, 600x431, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> implying this will actually work
> implying there won't he several consequences
> implying anyone could go up to 200 years without brain fucks up, heart fails or cancer
enjoy going mad since we can't renew brains and evolution can't guarantee the safety of your body after your up to 127 year warranty expires.

>> No.8038629

Finally dying is something we should have focused on the whole time!

Immortality is the only thing that actually fucking matters after we are immortal we can tackle the other problems.

>> No.8038630

Overpopulation is no problem, only overconsumption is.

>> No.8038633
File: 542 KB, 1598x1066, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry but our body evolved in a way that's meant to die, we can't change that with bio magic, but maybe we can design eternal self replicating machines if we get smart enough.

>> No.8038635

>we can't change that with bio magic
So gene therapy, tissue engg and replacement, etc is impossible?

>> No.8038637

If people can live forever then there's no need for a retirement system any more and therefore less expensives.
That allows us to have more free days.

Unless of course people use that free time to work even more because somehow money is salvation even if you never ever have the time to enjoy anything.

>> No.8038638

Well then we should have technology improve on what evolution couldn't.

Literally everything else in the world doesn't matter as a human it is your duty to contribute to immortality.

Imagine playing a game just to have your save file deleted? Its pointless. I want to explore space and study my whole life.

>> No.8038639

>our body evolved in a way that's meant to die

That's untrue. Evolution doesn't have an "endgame" in mind, just surviving long enough to reproduce.

Humans didn't evolve to be immortal because the pressures along our evolutionary line didn't require for sturdier and more long-lived individuals, or more accurately, we just didn't happen upon biologically immortal ancestors by chance.

Look at lobsters.

>> No.8038640

>we just didn't happen upon biologically immortal ancestors by chance.
Or he biologically immortal ones didn't get the chance to reproduce
Or their "biologically imortal trait" was recessive.

>> No.8038641
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not impossible, but very unlikely, at least for this millennium.

I mean, we don't even completely understand how a brain actually works, how to cure cancer or even why we sleep and people are hyping over "immortality". Make a fucking rat immortal with no severe health issues, make it stable and come talk to me about immortality.

>> No.8038643

Very possible. Biological immortality isn't unconditional immortality.

>> No.8038644

we don't necessarily need to know it completely to get it working.

>> No.8038645

You always can have as much free days and time to spend money as you want.
You won't need to save money for retiring, so just get part time job.
>boss still want you to work 5 day/8 hours
Then save the additional money, and after 8 years or something take 2 year break and do whatever you want.

>> No.8038647

what you didn't get is: we're already immortal, and your genitals proves it.

We don't die, we multiply, humanity is an immortal entity already, and apparently the key for true immortality is renewal, the death of the old and sick to give space to the new and pure. Individual immortality is wrong wnd won't succeed in my opinion.

>> No.8038650

No, reproduction is not true immortality.

Your argument is invalid.

>> No.8038653

Individual immortality is a treat to the current collective immortality provided by evolution, and as I said before, I think it's better to start all over again, in a new fresh body rather than struggling to keep your shitty old cancerous body working. Knowledge will pass over to the new generations anyways.

>> No.8038656

Can you kill yourself then? I mean fuck we'd be better off as a species without your carbon footprint.

>> No.8038659

All new feats are considered threat. We will have unlimited time to solve it.

To not live forever is a sin.

>> No.8038662
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Wow, this is retarded. Tell us what else you believe in.

>> No.8038666

stop being delusional, you will all die with me, but our existence won't be over, we were all dead before we were born anyways. Maybe we will explore the universe in the far future in a new body.

I know it seems we're individuals, but we're actually part of the universe, just accept your fate, death may be fun.

>> No.8038675

I just don't understand your logic here. This is literally happening in front of you. Immortality is the next step.

>> No.8038681

> it's happening
until people taking those genes literally die after 140 years because their brains fucked up and you can't replace brains without dying.

For me this is just a fail experiment, the symptoms of this immortality pill will surely be severe.

>> No.8038737

I thought brains going bad was a result of being in bodies that go bad.

I'd assume they're brains will last a good deal longer than average because their bodies are remaining youthful for those 140 years.

Though at some point the brain would need to be modified, yes.

>> No.8038738


We don't even understand how narcotics work yet we still use them and they work.
Let's be happy biomagic that surpasses our understanding of nature exists

>> No.8038965

I'd rather upload my consciousness to a computer program and live forever that way, senpai