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File: 151 KB, 537x595, globalcooling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8024848 No.8024848[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can we stop global cooling?

>> No.8024861



>> No.8024866


>> No.8024909

Get /pol/ in a room and use them as a source of hot air

>> No.8024922


Speaking of which:

>Snow. Yes, snow! Despite the race taking place at the end of April, we do have a high chance of the white stuff. The day will be wet and cold, so even if they snow doesn’t arrive, it’s going to be one hell of a race. The terrible weather will make it survival of the fittest

>survival of the fittest

This is all good news.
You guys should be more interested in the upcoming little ice age; it'll help to clean up Earth from the unfitted.

>> No.8024948

Global cooling? The fuck?
The global average temperature is sky high.

>> No.8024965


That's just what NASA says. Unfortunately, they've been caught manipulating the charts.

>> No.8024969
File: 7 KB, 640x480, tim_level3_tsi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need for action, already recovering.

>> No.8024978

Oh, sorry, didn't know you were retarded.
Carry on.

>> No.8024983

Your "global cooling" is actually global warming where the large influx of fresh water from the melting ice caps is fucking with the conveyor currents that normally keep some parts of the world warm.

>> No.8024988

>being this blue pilled
you can't make this shit up

what's next, you're gonna cite IPCC?

>> No.8025017
File: 188 KB, 1592x612, global.daily.ice.area.withtrend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>melting ice caps

they are at the same levels of 1980

try harder

>> No.8025026

I'm sure that all European, Japanese and American satellites equipped with radiometers in the thermal have have been rigged to produce data that leads to the wrong conclusion that surface temperatures are rising. I'm not sure how one would systematically alter L1b radiances in such a way without thousands of people working with the data noticing, but hey, seems viable.

Thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.8025043

>posting sea ice
>not looking at the freshwater Greenland ice sheet
Here, have an article that's designed to help idiots like you to understand.

>> No.8025052

no problem anon
all climate "science" is based on cherry picking.

>> No.8025053


Greenland is doing just fine:


>> No.8025055

which you cheerfully demostrated

>> No.8025058

>without noticing

but we are noticing!:


>> No.8025065

>open the article
>As mentioned, satellites measuring the ice sheet mass have observed a loss of around 200 Gt/year over the last decade.
Nigga, you just went full retard. Increased precipitative accumulation in the interior from warmer seas (even more evidence for global warming) is offset by how rapidly it's melting at the edges.

>> No.8025086

Also take your sweet time to go cherrypick yourself some more data that can be spun to agree with you, OP.

>> No.8025103

>satellites measuring

manipulated as they arrive, or even at calibration of the instrument; they use satellites to map cows' farts too, literally, but we are 100 years away from a decent level of accuracy

>200 Gt/year

but ooops, we don't have a chart about that
how convenient!

>> No.8025104

By doing nothing.

>> No.8025111

Your own fucking source disagrees with you, you moron. And to top it all off, now you're saying that the source you found is actually fabricated after all because it disagrees with you. Like what? Trust nobody, not even yourself, apparently.

I knew I was going into a low quality thread, but I'm amazed how weak the climate change denier arguments have gotten.

>> No.8025129


nope, look again
they show a +200 Gt/year of new snow in the main chart, because they can measure it easily, but then they say that muh satellites are measuring a decline overall because a wizard at NASA said so; if you skip the bullshit part everything looks just fine: snow accumulates on top, then melts at the ice shelf borders

>> No.8025146
File: 124 KB, 700x700, Ignore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starts thread about global cooling
>posts image about local cooling

>posts sources disagreeing with his own claims
>if I don't like it, it's faked

I'm not sure whether this guy is trolling or is actually terminally retarded, but either way, just sage, ignore, and move on.
It's kinda odd though. Usually the deniers at least pretend to have some evidence on their side. Not sure what this fag's deal is.

>> No.8025191

>a low quality thread
But didn't you start it?
Would fit your MO.

>> No.8025206
File: 92 KB, 627x518, accumulatedsmb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts sources disagreeing with his own claims

I know that you are an American with a low IQ, but can't you just look at the chart that starts at zero in September and ends at +200 Gt AFTER THE SUMMER melting season? gee, I wonder if they're publishing it that way just so Americans will never get it right

they added "muh satellites" just to save their jobs and funding

>> No.8025208

> don't make fun of my lack of evidence and keep believing it without questioning it
I can't disprove something that doesn't exist. Now go back to your church and pray with pope

>> No.8025274

>2011-2012 ends up at 300Gt difference
>2015-2016 gets a bit higher than predicted mean of 1990-2013 in Nov and Apr
>not even completed
So what's it going to prove? Because red line sure screams warming.

>> No.8025285


>> No.8025289


>> No.8025293

Glaciers are totally not melting guys...


>> No.8025299

/pol/ believes in global warming.
you belong to >>>/pol/ or >>>/x/

>> No.8025303
File: 38 KB, 574x310, HoloceneOptimumTemperature[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The fact that people like you think today is any different from the past is very revealing about how ego centric you are. You like to manufacture issues where there are none.

>> No.8025308

>red line

they cherry picked the worst year for reference
too bad they didn't add a green line for the best year
season 2014-15 ended around +210 Gt

if AMO keeps being low, and La Nina come in June/July as they are predicting, I doubt any major damage will happen in Greenland or Arctic this year; we are also at least 3 years away from the Solar Cycle 24 ending, so...

>> No.8025323

You're delusional if you think everything the Earth and humanity are the same now as in the past.

>> No.8025356

very good argument

>> No.8025362

Give it up guys. You will NEVER convince 99.9% of the deniers that global warning is real. It's a big liberal conspiracy, scientists are pressured into status quo, etc. blah blah blah, here is some cherry picked data

It's best to ignore them and carry on. They are fortunately an insignificant minority.

>> No.8025370

>very good argument

>> No.8025371

burn the jews for warmth

>> No.8025384

> They are fortunately an insignificant minority.

LMAO. Church of AGW is quite small. Did you think you can lie your way out by claiming majority when nobody buys your bullshit ? You are literally the smallest cult out there.

You are and were the laughing stock of the entire world for more than 20 years and every year you get BTFO when your retarded claims don't match facts

>> No.8025429

Just stop. You're embarrassing yourself. Go outside. Leave the basement.

>> No.8025441

Why don't you zoom in on that last peak
And, maybe, superpose a graph of co2 emissions on that

>4 months

>> No.8025452

Claim the Jews started it, that fits the conspiracy theme of the thread

>> No.8025460

omg i just got out and saw the sun ! global warming cumfirmed guise xD

>> No.8025710

Pattern repetition; limited repertoire.
You seem a bit stressed, dude.

>> No.8025770

>only one person can not be an AGW denier per thread

>> No.8025771

>Why don't you zoom in on that last peak
>And, maybe, superpose a graph of co2 emissions on that
because a zoom is irrelevant in climate.
natural processes take thousands of years to do anything on earth.

>> No.8025784

Just find the data and superpose a co2 emissions graph

Your whole viewpoint is based on
>muh earth unaffected by humans
>muh predictable climate
>muh thousands of years for climate change

A rapid change much steeper at the last peak than those in the graph, at industrialisation to now, surely can't exist, so you have nothing to lose :^)

>> No.8025970

I'm not saying it doesn't exist, I'm saying it doesn't matter as much as you like to think.
Your whole viewpoint is based on
>muh humans can do whatever they want
>muh models don't work but I'll just ignore it
>muh 50years mean climate

you're doing meteorology.

>> No.8025999

dubs checkum

>> No.8026125
File: 12 KB, 485x148, cool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8026198

This. Their disbelief isn't rooted in skepticism but rather their belief in paranoid conspiracy theories or political ideologies.

Same thing happens with the moon landing, gmos, and vaccines. Literally every scientific organization goes against their beliefs, so they reference blog posts from some guy with zero credentials.

In the end, it's best to leave them alone.

>> No.8026427

AGW is a political and religious ideology. The theory is preposterous, its simulated End of Days fail everyday. Even if there were warming today, the theory cannot differentiate it from any other interglacial warming over the last few million years of which there are more than a few.

The larger question is what is their end game? A global carbon tax or more? Full on churches? Denier crucifixions? Warmer crusaders? Interdasting times.

>> No.8026457

>sea ice area
>not sea ice volume

>> No.8026515

This is what climate change denies actually believe.

>> No.8026524

Source on that statistic.